What is the accuracy of the iPad GPS?

Looking for an answer in the form +/- <feet> . Many thanks in advance.


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    Best regards.
    gauss_fit_test.zip ‏17 KB

    Your data is NOT a Gaussian and fitting it to a Gaussian is thus completely meaningless. As Lynn said, the lower graph adds a sigificant amount of zeros to the dataset and thus will bias the fit.
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    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    Yeah I had it take me way off course once too. But usually it's been pretty good. But I kept thinking you get what you pay for and if you get one that costs versus free it may be better. I just downloaded GPS Drive MotionX but the interface is a bit complex where as MG is easier but MotionX got a lot of positive reviews so I thought I'd try it. I'm trying to input a trip and finding it hard to input a starting point that is not where you are whereas MQ is easy.
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    To whom it may concern
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    Thank you,
    Go to Solution.

    It is almost impossible to measure the frame rate accurately by measuring the time between consecutive frames.  The latency of sending the images over the ethernet means they won't arrive at the computer with the same exact spacing they were taken at.  Also, measuring the length of one short interval in LabVIEW is also very difficult.  Windows latencies and other issues could make your measurement be off by quite a bit.
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    Ammons Engineering

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    Go to Solution.

    You could also use an encoder wheel and the counter input on the DAQ device. To gain additional accuracy you could then gear the encoder by 10:1 or 100:1
    Measuring very small voltages often results in erroneous values being read from induced currents or nearby interference. If you still want to use the analog input, then you could still gear up your measuring device, which would decrease your potential error ratio
     *EDIT - Spacebar went all strange and posted the unfinished message O_o
    Message Edited by yenknip on 10-14-2008 04:09 PM
    - Cheers, Ed

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    Go to Solution.

    Hey Christian,
    I wonder about the accuracy you have stated for the FPGA Clock. In reference to what time the accuracy can be given as 250 ps? When dealing with the accuracy of my counters, I always assumed that the accuracy is the same as the real time clock (200ppm / 35ppm). If the accuracy is 250ps per cycle, it would be equal to an error of 1 %... or 250 ppb in one second. Both does not occur realistic to me.
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    Thank you, Christian

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    5. Access my Company's VPN and connect to the shared drives and work on documents.
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    7. Connect my External Hard disk and access files from it.
    8. Print from my mac.
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    1. I would like for the ipad to serve as an extension of my Mac. Seamless Connectivity with the mac operating system.
    I'm not sure what you would mean by this. Perhaps if you describe further what you would consider "seamless connectivity", someone here can offer suggestions. You'll want to explain this more fully if you submit feedback to Apple
    2. I mainly would want the Ipad as an interface to my MAC. Type Edit documents (Spreadsheets/Documents/Presentations)
    You can do this now. There are a number of apps, including the iWorks for iPad and Documents to Go, that allow you to edit such documents, and a number of different ways of getting access to the documents.
    3. Watch videos from my MAC. watch DVD's in the MAC.
    You can watch videos from your Mac now. If theyr'e in iTunes, it's easy; you just use Home Sharing from the iPad. It's probable that you've never be able to watch a DVD disk, since that would require licensing (with payment for the license) and creation of a DVD player for the iPad, and the movie studios would have to be willing to allow remote access, something which is unlikely. The trend everywhere is to digital downloads of movies, so putting in the effort in licensing and engineering to try and allow DVDs to be played is unlikely to ever happen.
    4. Would definetly like some kind of connectivity with my friends (Non Mac users)
    Again, you'll need to explain further what "connectivity" you mean.
    5. Access my Company's VPN and connect to the shared drives and work on documents.
    There are several apps that allow direct connection to a network. FileBrowser is one that is often recommended.
    6. GPS independet of the mobile networks.
    The GPS in the WiFi+3G unit is independent of the mobile networks, in that you don't need to have a data account to use the GPS feature. Due to the cost of the chips, it would probably not be cost-effective for Apple to try and add true GPS to the WiFi-only unit.
    7. Connect my External Hard disk and access files from it.
    Cloud and network access are the way things are headed so this is unlikely, but you can suggest it to Apple.
    8. Print from my mac.
    Again, you can do this now in several ways. Printopia is one application that allows you to easily set up to print from your iPad through a printer connected to your Mac, but there other apps and workarounds as well.

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    Welcome to the Support Communities. The differences are spelled out here:
    ...For example, note that the Wi-Fi + Cellular model has assisted GPS for more accurate pinpointing of your geographic location.

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    Install Splashtop2 on the PC and enable it to be controlled or ran from iPad or Reflection to simply allow iPad to serve as PC unwired monitor. With Splashtop and an Apple TV connected, you use the smartboard as usual, yet the PC and iPad can see the same content. The impaired child can even interact with the Smart Board via the iPad as if he were writing directly on the big screen. Erasing functions can be done by touching the Smart Board manual controls. Several variables are in play that cause this lack of functionality:
        Apple won't permit PC software that infringes its proprietary apps.
        Smart Board companies refuse to develop iPad apps because they feel threatened and are being replaced by iPads
        School districts think Apple TV is meant for copyright infringement and could expose them to safe harbor lawsuits
        Network administrators make it impossible to login Apple TVs because they don't want the streaming occurring
        Classrooms are not able to keep up with the technology of using the iPad
        Clicker companies refuse to play with iPad because they see it as a potential threat to their core business clients
        Apple is not working as hard as it could to exploit its capabilities in education, thus losing money in iPad sales
    The bottom line is that we educators and technology developers are hurting our childern with petty conflicts.

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    1. Turn router off for 30 seconds and on again
    2. Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings

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    iPad Mini vs. iPad 2 vs. iPad 4: Which iPad Should You Buy?
    http://www.padgadget.com/2012/10/25/ipad-mini-vs-ipad-2-vs-ipad-4-which-ipad-sho uld-you-buy/
    iOS 6: Which software features does my iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch support?
     Cheers, Tom

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