What is the alternative of Transfer Support class in java 1.5

I have Drag And Drop Application built in java 1.6.
My application supports Drag-Drop between Swing Components (Tree,Table) and Native file system to Swing Component.
I have requirement to implement Drag And Drop  in java 1.5.
May i know the alternative of Transfer support class?
Implementing Drag And Drop using java 1.6 was easy. Will It require to put additional efforts to implement Drag And Drop in java 1.5. ?

There is no Transfer class in Java 6. There are a number of classes with 'transfer' in the name, but none of them is 'Transfer'. So what class are you referring to?
One thing you might do while you mull that over, is check the since tag for the class. If it does not have one listed, try the since tag for the package. Yes, that requires RTFM.

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    2. You will need a HDD enclosure.  One with a USB connection will do.  A 9 pin Firewire is better.
    3. Install your new drive in the enclosure and connect it to your MBP.
    4. Open DISK UTILITY>ERASE.  From the left hand column drag the new drive into the 'Name' field.  Make sure that the format is 'Mac OS Extended (Journaled)'.  Click on the 'Erase' button.
    5. Click on the 'Restore' button (on top).  Drag the old drive into the 'Source' field and the new drive into the 'Destination'  field.  Click on the 'Restore' button on the bottom right hand corner.
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    6. After the data transfer has completed, you may swap the drives.  Start the MBP and you have finished the installation.  The initial boot may take a bit longer than you are accustomed to, but that is normal.
    7. When you are satisfied that the new hard drive if functioning properly, you can erase the old drive and use it for any needs that you may have.
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    It looks like you got an answer on SO:
    This does look like a bug.
    Matt Small - Microsoft Escalation Engineer - Forum Moderator
    If my reply answers your question, please mark this post as answered.
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    Exit Name Description
    PCSD0001 Applications development R/3 BOMS
    PCSD0002 BOMs: Customer fields in item
    PCSD0003 BOMs: Customer fields in header
    PCSD0004 BOM comparison
    PCSD0005 BOMs: component check for material items
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    PCSD0007 Check changes in STKO
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    PCSD0009 Order/WBS BOM, determine URL page
    PCSD0010 Order/WBS BOM, determine explosion date
    PCSD0011 Knowledge-based order BOM, parallel update
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    sorry but i think the alternatives is to update firefox to latest version, so to work with the latest Firefox OS Simulator 4.0.
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    What's the naming convention for helper class?
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    Normally in JAVA the naming convention for Helper Class is <EventID>Util.java. The Naming convention for helper class must start with EventID.
    here Event ID is  the event Name , Util.java is the helper class for java.
    I believe the same will be followed in ABAP OO too..
    here the helper class is cl_uitl.,
    so <EventID><ABAP hepler class> is the naming convention.
    wait for experts reply..,
    hope this helps u.,
    Thanks & Regards,

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    Hi George,
    Refer this links. May be it would help you!
    Mobile Device Support in SAP MI
    FAQ from MDK
    Hope this helps to some extent.
    Best Regards,

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