What is the chkdsk utility?

thats what itunes is telling me to do? it says
the file or directory \itunes\ipod is corrupt. please run the chkdsk utility

This is an issue with the iPod, not iTunes.
You'll want to check out the Apple KB article on this issue here:
and Restore your iPod:
using the latest iPod Updater:
For more info:
(a bit outdated, but I'm working to post something new on it).
Kind regards,

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    Hello ashee,
    You might want to follow the instructions here:
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    Nothing that is not already incorporated in OS X 10.10.2.
    There will always be threats to your information security associated with using any Internet - connected communications tool:
    You can mitigate those threats by following commonsense practices
    Delegating that responsibility to software is an ineffective defense
    Assuming that any product will protect you from those threats is a hazardous attitude that is likely to result in neglecting point #1 above.
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    A much better question is "how should I protect my Mac":
    Never install any product that claims to "clean up", "speed up",  "optimize", "boost" or "accelerate" your Mac; to "wash" it, "tune" it, or to make it "shiny". Those claims are absurd.Such products are very aggressively marketed. They are all scams.
    Never install pirated or "cracked" software, software obtained from dubious websites, or other questionable sources.
    Illegally obtained software is almost certain to contain malware.
    "Questionable sources" include but are not limited to spontaneously appearing web pages or popups, download hosting sites such as C net dot com, Softonic dot com, Soft pedia dot com, Download dot com, Mac Update dot com, or any other site whose revenue is primarily derived from junk product advertisements.
    If you need to install software that isn't available from the Mac App Store, obtain it only from legitimate sources authorized by the software's developer.
    Don’t supply your password in response to a popup window requesting it, unless you know what it is and the reason your credentials are required.
    Don’t open email attachments from email addresses that you do not recognize, or click links contained in an email:
    Most of these are scams that direct you to fraudulent sites that attempt to convince you to disclose personal information.
    Such "phishing" attempts are the 21st century equivalent of a social exploit that has existed since the dawn of civilization. Don’t fall for it.
    Apple will never ask you to reveal personal information in an email. If you receive an unexpected email from Apple saying your account will be closed unless you take immediate action, just ignore it. If your iCloud, iTunes, or App Store account becomes disabled for valid reasons, you will know when you try to buy something or log in to this support site, and are unable to.
    Don’t install browser extensions unless you understand their purpose:Go to the Safari menu > Preferences > Extensions. If you see any extensions that you do not recognize or understand, simply click the Uninstall button and they will be gone.
    Don’t install Java unless you are certain that you need it:
    Java, a non-Apple product, is a potential vector for malware. If you are required to use Java, be mindful of that possibility.
    Java can be disabled in System Preferences.
    Despite its name JavaScript is unrelated to Java. No malware can infect your Mac through JavaScript. It’s OK to leave it enabled.
    The same precaution applies to Adobe Flash Player. Newly discovered Flash vulnerabilities appear almost weekly.
    Beware spontaneous popups: Safari menu > Preferences > Security > check "Block popup windows".
    Popup windows are useful and required for some websites, but unsolicited popups are commonly used to deceive people into installing unwanted software they would never intentionally install.
    Popups themselves cannot infect your Mac, but many contain resource-hungry code that will slow down Internet browsing.
    If you ever receive a popup window indicating that your Mac is infected with some ick or that you won some prize, it is 100% fraudulent. Ignore it.
    The same goes for a spontaneously appearing dialog insisting that you upgrade your video player right this instant. Such popups are frequently associated with sites that promise to deliver "free" movies or other copyrighted content that is not normally "free".
    The more insistent it is that you upgrade or install something, the more likely it is to be a scam. Close the window or tab and forget it.
    Ignore hyperventilating popular media outlets that thrive by promoting fear and discord with entertainment products arrogantly presented as "news". Learn what real threats actually exist and how to arm yourself against them:
    The most serious threat to your data security is phishing. Most of these attempts are pathetic and are easily recognized, but that hasn't stopped prominent public figures from recently succumbing to this age-old scam.
    OS X viruses do not exist, but intentionally malicious or poorly written code, created by either nefarious or inept individuals, is nothing new.
    Never install something without first knowing what it is, what it does, how it works, and how to get rid of it when you don’t want it any more.
    If you elect to use "anti-virus" software, familiarize yourself with its limitations and potential to cause adverse effects, and apply the principle immediately preceding this one.
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    Do install updates from Apple as they become available. No one knows more about Macs and how to protect them than the company that builds them.
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    the file or directory/ipod_control/itunes/temp file is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the chk dsk utility.
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    Hi there,
    The RAW file format refers to the hard drive inside the iPod. It looks like something is getting confused, such that it thinks your iPod is unformatted, or formatted with a RAW file format instead of the usual FAT/Mac OS format...
    Exactly what did you type whilst trying out the chkdsk...?
    Kind regards,
    PS. In reponse to your other post about music - it is considered illegal to distribute music by the manner you are describing - it's still piracy, because to conform to licencing laws, your friend is entitled to have a copy of the music for himself, and only himself, since he purchased it. Him passing it on contravenes the licencing laws. Not to say that people don't do it... but it is illegal if I am correct in thinking...

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    Doesn't the "/c" argument skip directory corruption tests? Have you tried just using "chkdsk /r" ?
    The /I or /C switch reduces the amount of time required to run Chkdsk by skipping certain checks of the volume.
    Also for reference:

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    Please help!

    Is that your new avatar Mimico!? Looks very abstract and surreal...!
    Unfortunately, Gopha, I haven't been able to settle on a permanent avatar for the Discussions so for the time being I thought I'd try doing what I could to promote the release of a new record by one of your fellow English persons .

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  • Chkdsk Utility - iTunes

    When I connect my IPOD Mini to my computer, I get the following error message:
    iTunes:iTunes.exe-Corrupt file
    The file or directory \IPod_Control\iTunes\iTunesPrefs is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk Utility.
    I cannot find the place to run this Chkdsk Utility. I did Check for Updates and software is updated. Ran a diagnostics and everything is fine. Can someone help me out here? Thanks.

    You might also want to check this out.
    Da Gopha's corrupt file info.

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    thanks a lot!

    Backing up to iCloud is an alternative way for apple customers to be able to save data apart from contact, calendars, notes, etc. Now it might be pointless to you and to me, but some customers do not have computer to back up to or have their CD's that they import those songs from, so they need to save it.
    To me backing up to icloud is only for 8GB iphones, any other devices will take up more than the free 5GB icloud has or you buy more storage, so it does not make sense to me or some people.


    i have been using itunes for almost a year about a week ago i would do my usual thing and go to add my songs (drag from library and drop on Ipod logo) and it would add them but then when i eject my ipod the songs arent there. When I plug the ipod back in it says (The Ipod Control temp file is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk Utility) SO i when to Start, run, entered Chkdsk and it still didnt work. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP THIS IS IRRITATING!!!!
    Windows   Windows XP  
    Windows   Windows XP  

    i have been using itunes for almost a year about a
    week ago i would do my usual thing and go to add my
    songs (drag from library and drop on Ipod logo) and
    it would add them but then when i eject my ipod the
    songs arent there. When I plug the ipod back in it
    says (The Ipod Control temp file is corrupt and
    unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk Utility) SO i when
    to Start, run, entered Chkdsk and it still didnt
    Windows   Windows XP  
    Windows XP  

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