What is the directory structure of EJB applications?

I am new to EJB program. I know that after the development is done, we package the EJB components into .jar file, and package the Web components (HTML/JSP/Servlets/JavaBeans) into .war file, and then together we package .jar file and .war file into a single .ear file. Then we just deploy the .ear file into WebLogic's application directory.
But, before the deployment, I mean during the development, what kind of directory structure is good for us to develop our EJB, HTML, JSP, Servlets, and JavaBean components?
Previously, when I was doing JSP/Servlets applications, my directoy structure is:
------------------------------*.jpeg, *.gif
-------------------------------------Java Servlets located here
-------------------------------------------JavaBeans are located here
Now, I am doing EJB applications, what should be the directory structure?
Thank you very much for your help!

I have been involved in a few enterprise applications but have not been happy with the packaging structures used and am starting a new one now and am looking for other examples.
this is what I've used before.
but if a class was used in the client and server it was put under the server/ package. I feel that more separation is needed.

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        \---Acrobat 9 SDK
            \---Version 1
                |   +---AcrobatAPI
                |   |       AcrobatAPI.swc
                |   |      
                |   +---Navs
                |   |   |   ApplyColorPalette.nav
                |   |   |   CheckPermission.nav
                |   |   |   DragOut.nav
                |   |   |   DragWithin.nav
                |   |   |   GetLocalizedString.nav
                |   |   |   ReadWriteResources.nav
                |   |   |   RichMediaAPITest.nav
                |   |   |   SimpleSort.nav
                |   |   |   Starter.nav
                |   |   |   TileView.nav
                |   |   |   TrivialDragDrop.nav
                |   |   |  
                |   |   +---ApplyColorPalette
                |   |   |       locales.xml
                |   |   |       navigator.xml
                |   |   |       strings.asfx
                |   |   |      
                |   |   +---CheckPermission
                |   |   |       locales.xml
                |   |   |       navigator.xml
                |   |   |       strings.asfx
                |   |   |      
                |   |   +---DragOut
                |   |   |       locales.xml
                |   |   |       navigator.xml
                |   |   |       strings.asfx
                |   |   |      
                |   |   +---DragWithin
                |   |   |       locales.xml
                |   |   |       navigator.xml
                |   |   |       strings.asfx
                |   |   |      
                |   |   +---GetLocalizedString
                |   |   |       locales.xml
                |   |   |       navigator.xml
                |   |   |       strings.asfx
                |   |   |      
                |   |   +---ReadWriteResources
                |   |   |       locales.xml
                |   |   |       navigator.xml
                |   |   |       strings.asfx
                |   |   |      
                |   |   +---RichMediaAPITest
                |   |   |       locales.xml
                |   |   |       navigator.xml
                |   |   |       strings.asfx
                |   |   |      
                |   |   +---SimpleSort
                |   |   |       locales.xml
                |   |   |       navigator.xml
                |   |   |       strings.asfx
                |   |   |      
                |   |   +---Starter
                |   |   |       locales.xml
                |   |   |       navigator.xml
                |   |   |       strings.asfx
                |   |   |      
                |   |   +---TileView
                |   |   |       locales.xml
                |   |   |       navigator.xml
                |   |   |       strings.asfx
                |   |   |      
                |   |   \---TrivialDragDrop
                |   |           locales.xml
                |   |           navigator.xml
                |   |           strings.asfx
                |   |          
                |   \---Samples
                |       |   .actionScriptProperties
                |       |   .flexProperties
                |       |   .project
                |       |  
                |       \---src
                |           |   ApplyColorPalette.mxml
                |           |   CheckPermission.mxml
                |           |   DragOut.mxml
                |           |   DragWithin.mxml
                |           |   GetLocalizedString.mxml
                |           |   ReadWriteResources.mxml
                |           |   RichMediaAPITest.mxml
                |           |   SimpleSort.mxml
                |           |   Starter.mxml
                |           |   TileView.mxml
                |           |   TrivialDragDrop.mxml
                |           |  
                |           +---assets
                |           |       A_Folder_48x48_N.png
                |           |       catalog.txt
                |           |      
                |           +---controller
                |           |       AcroSdkSort.as
                |           |       BreadCrumbsData.as
                |           |       Commands.as
                |           |       Controller.as
                |           |       EventSupport.as
                |           |       SelectionManager.as
                |           |      
                |           +---css
                |           |       main.css
                |           |      
                |           +---parts
                |           |       AcroDragList1.as
                |           |       AcroDragList2.as
                |           |       AcroSdkTileList.as
                |           |       AttachmentThumbnail.as
                |           |       BaseCard.as
                |           |       BreadCrumbs.as
                |           |       Card.mxml
                |           |      
                |           \---utils
                |                   BindingSupport.as
                |                   DataUtils.as
                |                   LogUtil.as
                |       Acrobat9_1_HTMLHelp.zip
                |       Navigator_SDK9_1_HTMLHelp.zip
                |       pdf_reference.pdf
                |       U3DElements.pdf
                |   +---All
                |   |       All.sln
                |   |      
                |   +---C#Samples
                |   |   +---BasicIacCS
                |   |   |   |   BasicIacCS.sln
                |   |   |   |  
                |   |   |   \---BasicIacCS
                |   |   |           App.ico
                |   |   |           AssemblyInfo.cs
                |   |   |           BasicIacCS.cs
                |   |   |           BasicIacCS.csproj
                |   |   |           BasicIacCS.resx
                |   |   |          
                |   |   +---BasicIacOCXCS
                |   |   |   |   BasicIacOCXCS.sln
                |   |   |   |  
                |   |   |   \---BasicIacOCXCS
                |   |   |           App.ico
                |   |   |           AssemblyInfo.cs
                |   |   |           BasicIacOCXCS.cs
                |   |   |           BasicIacOCXCS.csproj
                |   |   |           BasicIacOCXCS.resx
                |   |   |          
                |   |   +---FillFormCS
                |   |   |   |   FillFormCS.sln
                |   |   |   |  
                |   |   |   \---FillFormCS
                |   |   |           App.ico
                |   |   |           AssemblyInfo.cs
                |   |   |           FillFormCS.cs
                |   |   |           FillFormCS.csproj
                |   |   |          
                |   |   \---JSObjectControlCS
                |   |       |   JSObjectControlCS.sln
                |   |       |   JSObjectControlCS.suo
                |   |       |  
                |   |       \---JSObjectControlCS
                |   |           |   Form1.cs
                |   |           |   Form1.Designer.cs
                |   |           |   Form1.resx
                |   |           |   JSObjectControlCS.csproj
                |   |           |   Program.cs
                |   |           |  
                |   |           \---Properties
                |   |                   AssemblyInfo.cs
                |   |                   Resources.Designer.cs
                |   |                   Resources.resx
                |   |                   Settings.Designer.cs
                |   |                   Settings.settings
                |   |                  
                |   +---CSamples
                |   |   +---ActiveViewVC
                |   |   |   |   ActiveView.clw
                |   |   |   |   ActiveView.rc
                |   |   |   |   ActiveViewVC.sln
                |   |   |   |   ActiveViewVC.vcproj
                |   |   |   |   resource.h
                |   |   |   |  
                |   |   |   +---res
                |   |   |   |       ActiveView.ico
                |   |   |   |       ActiveView.rc2
                |   |   |   |       ActiveViewdoc.ico
                |   |   |   |       toolbar.bmp
                |   |   |   |      
                |   |   |   \---sources
                |   |   |           ActiveView.cpp
                |   |   |           ActiveView.h
                |   |   |           ActiveViewDoc.cpp
                |   |   |           ActiveViewDoc.h
                |   |   |           ActiveViewVw.cpp
                |   |   |           ActiveViewVw.h
                |   |   |           MainFrm.cpp
                |   |   |           MainFrm.h
                |   |   |           stdafx.cpp
                |   |   |           stdafx.h
                |   |   |          
                |   |   +---BasicIacVC
                |   |   |       acrobat.cpp
                |   |   |       acrobat.h
                |   |   |       BasicIacVC.cpp
                |   |   |       BasicIacVC.h
                |   |   |       BasicIacVC.sln
                |   |   |       BasicIacVC.vcproj
                |   |   |       Resource.h
                |   |   |       StdAfx.cpp
                |   |   |       StdAfx.h
                |   |   |      
                |   |   +---DdeopenVC
                |   |   |   |   DdeOpenVC.sln
                |   |   |   |   DdeOpenVC.vcproj
                |   |   |   |  
                |   |   |   \---sources
                |   |   |           DdeOpen.cpp
                |   |   |          
                |   |   +---DistillerCtrlVC
                |   |   |   |   DistillerCtrl.clw
                |   |   |   |   DistillerCtrl.rc
                |   |   |   |   DistillerCtrlVC.sln
                |   |   |   |   DistillerCtrlVC.vcproj
                |   |   |   |   resource.h
                |   |   |   |  
                |   |   |   +---Res
                |   |   |   |       DistillerCtrl.ico
                |   |   |   |       DistillerCtrl.rc2
                |   |   |   |      
                |   |   |   \---Sources
                |   |   |           DistillerCtrl.cpp
                |   |   |           DistillerCtrl.h
                |   |   |           DistillerCtrlDlg.cpp
                |   |   |           DistillerCtrlDlg.h
                |   |   |           PdfEventSink.cpp
                |   |   |           PdfEventSink.h
                |   |   |           StdAfx.cpp
                |   |   |           StdAfx.h
                |   |   |          
                |   |   +---DistillerCtrlWMVC
                |   |   |   |   DistillerCtrl.clw
                |   |   |   |   DistillerCtrl.rc
                |   |   |   |   DistillerCtrlWMVC.sln
                |   |   |   |   DistillerCtrlWMVC.vcproj
                |   |   |   |   resource.h
                |   |   |   |  
                |   |   |   +---Res
                |   |   |   |       DistillerCtrl.ico
                |   |   |   |       DistillerCtrl.rc2
                |   |   |   |      
                |   |   |   \---Sources
                |   |   |           DistillerCtrl.cpp
                |   |   |           DistillerCtrl.h
                |   |   |           DistillerCtrlDlg.cpp
                |   |   |           DistillerCtrlDlg.h
                |   |   |           StdAfx.cpp
                |   |   |           StdAfx.h
                |   |   |          
                |   |   +---ReadCADFileVC
                |   |   |   |   ReadCADFile.vcproj
                |   |   |   |   ReadCADFileVC.sln
                |   |   |   |  
                |   |   |   \---sources
                |   |   |           ReadCADFileVC.cpp
                |   |   |           ReadCADFileVC.h
                |   |   |           stdafx.cpp
                |   |   |           stdafx.h
                |   |   |          
                |   |   +---ReadPdfPrcVC
                |   |   |   |   ReadPdfPrcVC.sln
                |   |   |   |  
                |   |   |   +---ReadPdfPrc
                |   |   |   |   |   ReadPdfPrc.sln
                |   |   |   |   |   ReadPdfPrc.vcproj
                |   |   |   |   |  
                |   |   |   |   \---sources
                |   |   |   |           ReadPdfPrc.cpp
                |   |   |   |           ReadPdfPrc.h
                |   |   |   |           stdafx.cpp
                |   |   |   |           stdafx.h
                |   |   |   |          
                |   |   |   +---ReadPdfPrcHelper
                |   |   |   |   +---sources
                |   |   |   |   |       ReadPdfPrcHelper.cpp
                |   |   |   |   |       ReadPRC.cpp
                |   |   |   |   |      
                |   |   |   |   \---win32
                |   |   |   |           ReadPdfPrcHelper.sln
                |   |   |   |           ReadPdfPrcHelper.vcproj
                |   |   |   |          
                |   |   |   \---SampleFile
                |   |   |           mower_carb.pdf
                |   |   |          
                |   |   +---RemoteControlAcrobatVC
                |   |   |   |   RemoteControlAcrobat.clw
                |   |   |   |   RemoteControlAcrobat.rc
                |   |   |   |   RemoteControlAcrobat.rgs
                |   |   |   |   RemoteControlAcrobatVC.sln
                |   |   |   |   RemoteControlAcrobatVC.vcproj
                |   |   |   |   RemoteControlAcrobat_i.c
                |   |   |   |   RemoteControlAcrobat_i.h
                |   |   |   |   Resource.h
                |   |   |   |  
                |   |   |   +---res
                |   |   |   |       RemoteControlAcrobat.ico
                |   |   |   |       RemoteControlAcrobat.rc2
                |   |   |   |       RemoteControlAcrobatDoc.ico
                |   |   |   |       Toolbar.bmp
                |   |   |   |      
                |   |   |   \---sources
                |   |   |           acrobat.cpp
                |   |   |           acrobat.h
                |   |   |           FindTextDlg.cpp
                |   |   |           FindTextDlg.h
                |   |   |           MainFrm.cpp
                |   |   |           MainFrm.h
                |   |   |           PageNumDlg.cpp
                |   |   |           PageNumDlg.h
                |   |   |           RemoteControlAcrobat.cpp
                |   |   |           RemoteControlAcrobat.h
                |   |   |           RemoteControlAcrobatDoc.cpp
                |   |   |           RemoteControlAcrobatDoc.h
                |   |   |           RemoteControlAcrobatView.cpp
                |   |   |           RemoteControlAcrobatView.h
                |   |   |           StdAfx.cpp
                |   |   |           StdAfx.h
                |   |   |          
                |   |   +---StaticViewVC
                |   |   |   |   resource.h
                |   |   |   |   StaticView.clw
                |   |   |   |   StaticView.rc
                |   |   |   |   StaticViewVC.sln
                |   |   |   |   StaticViewVC.vcproj
                |   |   |   |  
                |   |   |   +---res
                |   |   |   |       StaticView.ico
                |   |   |   |       StaticView.rc2
                |   |   |   |       StaticViewDoc.ico
                |   |   |   |       Toolbar.bmp
                |   |   |   |      
                |   |   |   \---sources
                |   |   |           EditBox.cpp
                |   |   |           EditBox.h
                |   |   |           MainFrm.cpp
                |   |   |           MainFrm.h
                |   |   |           StaticView.cpp
                |   |   |           StaticView.h
                |   |   |           StaticViewDoc.cpp
                |   |   |           StaticViewDoc.h
                |   |   |           StaticViewVw.cpp
                |   |   |           StaticViewVw.h
                |   |   |           stdafx.cpp
                |   |   |           stdafx.h
                |   |   |           ZoomSet.cpp
                |   |   |           ZoomSet.h
                |   |   |           ZoomSeto.cpp
                |   |   |           ZoomSeto.h
                |   |   |          
                |   |   \---WritePdfPrcVC
                |   |       |   WritePdfPrcVC.sln
                |   |       |   WritePdfPrcVC.vcproj
                |   |       |  
                |   |       \---sources
                |   |               stdafx.cpp
                |   |               stdafx.h
                |   |               WritePdfPrcVC.cpp
                |   |               WritePdfPrcVC.h
                |   |              
                |   +---Headers
                |   |   |   acrobat.tlb
                |   |   |   acrodistx.tlb
                |   |   |  
                |   |   +---Visual Basic
                |   |   |       iac.bas
                |   |   |      
                |   |   \---Visual C
                |   |           acrobat.cpp
                |   |           acrobat.h
                |   |           acrodistx.cpp
                |   |           acrodistx.h
                |   |           distctrl.h
                |   |           iac.h
                |   |           srchdde.h
                |   |          
                |   +---HTMLSamples
                |   |   \---AcroPDFInHTML
                |   |           Frameset1.htm
                |   |           HTMLPage1.htm
                |   |           HTMLPage2.htm
                |   |           objecttag_demo.htm
                |   |          
                |   +---TestFiles
                |   |       data.txt
                |   |       FormSample.pdf
                |   |       FormsAutomation.pdf
                |   |       readme.ps
                |   |       SampleForm.pdf
                |   |       SamplePDF01.pdf
                |   |       simple.pdf
                |   |       Stamp.pdf
                |   |       TestForm.pdf
                |   |       TwoColumnTaggedDoc.pdf
                |   |      
                |   \---VBSamples
                |       +---AcrobatActiveXVB
                |       |   |   AcrobatActiveXVB.sln
                |       |   |  
                |       |   \---AcrobatActiveXVB
                |       |           AcrobatActiveXVB.vbproj
                |       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
                |       |           Form1.resx
                |       |           Form1.vb
                |       |           Form2.resx
                |       |           Form2.vb
                |       |           Form3.resx
                |       |           Form3.vb
                |       |           Form4.resx
                |       |           Form4.vb
                |       |           UserControl1.resx
                |       |           UserControl1.vb
                |       |          
                |       +---ActiveViewVB
                |       |   |   ActiveViewVB.sln
                |       |   |  
                |       |   \---ActiveView
                |       |           ActiveView.vb
                |       |           ActiveViewVB.vbproj
                |       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
                |       |           DocInfo.resX
                |       |           DocInfo.vb
                |       |           FileOpen.vb
                |       |           frmMDI.resX
                |       |           frmMDI.vb
                |       |           Iac.vb
                |       |           PDFView.resX
                |       |           PDFView.vb
                |       |           print.resX
                |       |           print.vb
                |       |          
                |       +---AdobePDFSilentVB
                |       |   |   AdobePDFSilent.sln
                |       |   |  
                |       |   \---AdobePDFSilent
                |       |           AdobePDFSilent.vb
                |       |           AdobePDFSilent.vbproj
                |       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
                |       |           frmMain.resx
                |       |           frmMain.vb
                |       |           Globals.vb
                |       |          
                |       +---BasicIacJsoVB
                |       |   |   BasicIacJsoVB.sln
                |       |   |  
                |       |   \---BasicIacVBJso
                |       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
                |       |           BasicIacJsoVB.vbproj
                |       |           BasicIacVBJso.vb
                |       |          
                |       +---BasicIacVB
                |       |   |   BasicIacVB.sln
                |       |   |  
                |       |   \---BasicIacVB
                |       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
                |       |           BasicIacVB.resX
                |       |           BasicIacVB.vb
                |       |           BasicIacVB.vbproj
                |       |          
                |       +---DistillerCtrlVB
                |       |   |   DistillerCtrlVB.sln
                |       |   |  
                |       |   \---DistillerCtrlVB
                |       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
                |       |           DistillerCtrlVB.vbproj
                |       |           FileSystemUtils.vb
                |       |           MainFrm.resX
                |       |           MainFrm.vb
                |       |           RegistryUtils.vb
                |       |          
                |       +---ExecuteScriptIacVB
                |       |   |   ExecuteScriptIacVB.sln
                |       |   |  
                |       |   \---ExecuteScriptIacVB
                |       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
                |       |           ExecuteJSForm.resX
                |       |           ExecuteJSForm.vb
                |       |           ExecuteScriptIacVB.vbproj
                |       |          
                |       +---FormsAutomationVB
                |       |   |   FormsAutomation.sln
                |       |   |  
                |       |   \---FormsAutomation
                |       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
                |       |           FormsAutomation.resx
                |       |           FormsAutomation.vb
                |       |           FormsAutomation.vbproj
                |       |          
                |       +---JSObjectAccessVB
                |       |   |   JSObjectAccessVB.sln
                |       |   |  
                |       |   \---JSObjectAccessVB
                |       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
                |       |           JSObjectAccessVB.vb
                |       |           JSObjectAccessVB.vbproj
                |       |          
                |       +---JSOFindWordVB
                |       |   |   JSOFindWordVB.sln
                |       |   |  
                |       |   \---JSOFindWordVB
                |       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
                |       |           FindWord.resx
                |       |           FindWord.vb
                |       |           JSOFindWordVB.vbproj
                |       |          
                |       +---SearchPdfVB
                |       |   |   DdeProxy.dll
                |       |   |   SearchPdfVB.sln
                |       |   |  
                |       |   +---DdeProxy
                |       |   |   |   DdeProxy.sln
                |       |   |   |   DdeProxy.vcproj
                |       |   |   |  
                |       |   |   \---sources
                |       |   |           DdeProxy.cpp
                |       |   |           DdeProxy.h
                |       |   |           DdeSrch.cpp
                |       |   |          
                |       |   \---SearchPdfVB
                |       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
                |       |           FileSystemUtils.vb
                |       |           IndexFrm.resX
                |       |           IndexFrm.vb
                |       |           MainFrm.resX
                |       |           MainFrm.vb
                |       |           QueryFrm.resX
                |       |           QueryFrm.vb
                |       |           SearchPdfUtils.vb
                |       |           SearchPdfVB.vbproj
                |       |          
                |       +---StaticViewVB
                |       |   |   StaticViewVB.sln
                |       |   |  
                |       |   \---StaticViewVB
                |       |           AssemblyInfo.vb
                |       |           DocInfo.resX
                |       |           DocInfo.vb
                |       |           DRAWBAS.vb
                |       |           FileOpen.vb
                |       |           Iac.vb
                |       |           PDFView.resX
                |       |           PDFView.vb
                |       |           StaticView.resX
                |       |           StaticView.vb
                |       |           StaticViewVB.vbproj
                |       |          
                |       \---WatermarkJsoVB
                |           |   WatermarkJsoVB.sln
                |           |  
                |           \---WatermarkJsoVB
                |                   AssemblyInfo.vb
                |                   WatermarkJsoVB.vb
                |                   WatermarkJsoVB.vbproj
                |       Acrobat SDK JavaScript Samples Portfolio.pdf
                |   \---TinyXML
                |           tinystr.cpp
                |           tinystr.h
                |           tinyxml.cpp
                |           tinyxml.h
                |           tinyxmlerror.cpp
                |           tinyxmlparser.cpp
                |   \---SaveAsXML
                |       |   MappingTable.dtd
                |       |   SDKBookmarkExtraction.xml
                |       |   SDKDocInfoExtraction.xml
                |       |   SDKImageExtraction.xml
                |       |   SDKTextExtraction.xml
                |       |  
                |       \---Advanced
                |               HTML-3-20-Access.xml
                |               HTML-3-20-CSS-1-00.xml
                |               HTML-3-20-CSS-2-00.xml
                |               MappingTable.dtd
                |               OEB-1-00-doc-paged.xml
                |               OEB-1-00-doc.xml
                |               XHTML-1-00-CSS-1-00.xml
                |               XHTML-1-00-CSS-2-00.xml
                |               XML-1-00-Full-Info.xml
                |               XML-1-00-with-all-attrs.xml
                    |   +---3D
                    |   |       A3DSDK.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKBase.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKDraw.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKErrorCodes.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKGeometry.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKGeometryCrv.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKGeometrySrf.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKGlobalData.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKGraphics.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKMarkup.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKMath.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKMisc.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKRepItems.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKRootEntities.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKStructure.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKTessellation.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKTexture.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKTools.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKTopology.h
                    |   |       A3DSDKTypes.h
                    |   |      
                    |   +---API
                    |   |       acroassert.h
                    |   |       AcroColorCalls.h
                    |   |       AcroColorExpT.h
                    |   |       AcroColorHFT.h
                    |   |       AcroColorProcs.h
                    |   |       AcroColorVers.h
                    |   |       AcroErr.h
                    |   |       AFTTS_Sel.h
                    |   |       AF_ExpT.h
                    |   |       AF_Sel.h
                    |   |       ASCalls.h
                    |   |       ASExpT.h
                    |   |       ASExtraCalls.h
                    |   |       ASExtraExpT.h
                    |   |       ASExtraProcs.h
                    |   |       ASExtraVers.h
                    |   |       ASFileE.h
                    |   |       ASFileEASF.h
                    |   |       ASGenE.h
                    |   |       ASGenEASF.h
                    |   |       ASKey.h
                    |   |       ASProcs.h
                    |   |       ASRaiseAware.h
                    |   |       AVCalls.h
                    |   |       AVCompat.cpp
                    |   |       AVCompat.h
                    |   |       AVExpT.h
                    |   |       AVExpTObsolete1.h
                    |   |       AVExpTObsolete2.h
                    |   |       AVPrefsD.h
                    |   |       AVProcs.h
                    |   |       AVVers.h
                    |   |       cathft.h
                    |   |       catprocs.h
                    |   |       CAVAlert.h
                    |   |       ConsExpT.h
                    |   |       ConsHFT.h
                    |   |       ConsHFTProcs.h
                    |   |       ConsObTp.h
                    |   |       CorCalls.h
                    |   |       CoreExpT.h
                    |   |       CorProcs.h
                    |   |       CosCalls.h
                    |   |       CosExpT.h
                    |   |       CosGenE.h
                    |   |       CosGenEASF.h
                    |   |       CosProcs.h
                    |   |       CosSynE.h
                    |   |       CosSynEASF.h
                    |   |       DigSigHFT.h
                    |   |       DigSigHFTProcs.h
                    |   |       DirectoryHFT.h
                    |   |       EncConvE.h
                    |   |       Environ.h
                    |   |       EReturnValidator.h
                    |   |       FontSvrE.h
                    |   |       FontSvrEASF.h
                    |   |       FormsHFT.h
                    |   |       FormsHFTProcs.h
                    |   |       HFTLibrary.h
                    |   |       Library.h
                    |   |       MacCalls.h
                    |   |       MacPlatform.h
                    |   |       MacProcs.h
                    |   |       NSelExpT.h
                    |   |       PageE.h
                    |   |       PageEASF.h
                    |   |       PagePDECntCalls.h
                    |   |       PDBasicExpT.h
                    |   |       PDBatesCalls.h
                    |   |       PDBatesExpT.h
                    |   |       PDBatesProcs.h
                    |   |       PDCalls.h
                    |   |       PDClassDefs.h
                    |   |       PDClasses.h
                    |   |       PDDocE.h
                    |   |       PDDocEASF.h
                    |   |       PDExpT.h
                    |   |       PDFErrorCodes.h
                    |   |       PDFXE.h
                    |   |       PDFXEASF.h
                    |   |       PDMetadataCalls.h
                    |   |       PDMetadataError.h
                    |   |       PDMetadataErrorASF.h
                    |   |       PDMetadataExpT.h
                    |   |       PDMetadataHFTVers.h
                    |   |       PDMetadataProcs.h
                    |   |       PDModE.h
                    |   |       PDModEASF.h
                    |   |       PDPageE.h
                    |   |       PDPageEASF.h
                    |   |       PDProcs.h
                    |   |       PDSError.h
                    |   |       PDSErrorASF.h
                    |   |       PDSExpT.h
                    |   |       PDSReadCalls.h
                    |   |       PDSReadHFTVers.h
                    |   |       PDSReadProcs.h
                    |   |       PDSWriteCalls.h
                    |   |       PDSWriteHFTVers.h
                    |   |       PDSWriteProcs.h
                    |   |       PDSysFont.h
                    |   |       PDSysFontExpT.h
                    |   |       PDSysFT.h
                    |   |       PEError.h
                    |   |       PEErrorASF.h
                    |   |       PEExpT.h
                    |   |       PERCalls.h
                    |   |       PERProcs.h
                    |   |       PETypes.h
                    |   |       PEVers.h
                    |   |       PEWCalls.h
                    |   |       PEWProcs.h
                    |   |       PgCntProcs.h
                    |   |       PICommon.h
                    |   |       PICrypt.h
                    |   |       PIExcept.h
                    |   |       PIHeaders.c
                    |   |       PIHeaders.pch
                    |   |       PIMain.c
                    |   |       PIMain.h
                    |   |       PIPokes.h
                    |   |       PIPrefix.h
                    |   |       PIRequir.h
                    |   |       PIVersn.h
                    |   |       Plugin.h
                    |   |       PSFCalls.h
                    |   |       PSFProcs.h
                    |   |       PubSecHFT.h
                    |   |       PubSecHFTProcs.h
                    |   |       RasterE.h
                    |   |       RasterEASF.h
                    |   |       SafeResources.cpp
                    |   |       SafeResources.h
                    |   |       SmartPDPage.h
                    |   |       SpellerHFT.h
                    |   |       SpellerHFTProcs.h
                    |   |       Speller_Sel.h
                    |   |       SrchClls.h
                    |   |       SrchHFT.h
                    |   |       SrchPrcs.h
                    |   |       SrchType.h
                    |   |       StAcroResourceContext.h
                    |   |       ToolkitInitE.h
                    |   |       ToolkitInitEASF.h
                    |   |       TtsHFT.h
                    |   |       TtsHFTProcs.h
                    |   |       UnixCalls.h
                    |   |       UnixPlatform.h
                    |   |       UnixProcs.h
                    |   |       WinCalls.h
                    |   |       WinExpT.h
                    |   |       WinPltfm.h
                    |   |       winprocs.h
                    |   |       WLHFT.h
                    |   |       WLHFTProcs.h
                    |   |       XtnMgrE.h
                    |   |       XtnMgrEASF.h
                    |   |      
                    |   \---SDK
                    |           ASDataStream.h
                    |           ASDebug.h
                    |           ASFunctionLogger.h
                    |           ASHelp.h
                    |           ASLib.h
                    |           ASNameSpace.h
                    |           ASTypes.h
                    |           ASZStringSuite.h
                    |           AVCmdDefs.h
                    |           DebugWindowHFT.h
                    |           IASfixed.hpp
                    |           IASPoint.hpp
                    |           IASRect.hpp
                    |           IASTypes.hpp
                    |           MacPIHeaders.h
                    |           PIHeaders++.pch
                    |           PIHeaders.h
                    |           SimpleUnicode.h
                    |           StAcroResourceContext.h
                    |           UnicodeAPI.h
                    |           UnixPIHeaders.h
                    |           WinPIHeaders.h
                    |           wxInit.cpp
                    |           wxInit.h
                    |   |   AcroDspOptions.rsp
                    |   |  
                    |   +---All
                    |   |       All.sln
                    |   |      
                    |   +---BasicPlugin
                    |   |   +---sources
                    |   |   |       BasicPlugin.cpp
                    |   |   |       BasicPluginInit.cpp
                    |   |   |      
                    |   |   \---win32
                    |   |           BasicPlugin.sln
                    |   |           BasicPlugin.vcproj
                    |   |          
                    |   +---BatesNumbering
                    |   |   +---sources
                    |   |   |       BatesNumbering.cpp
                    |   |   |       BatesNumberingInit.cpp
                    |   |   |      
                    |   |   \---win32
                    |   |           BatesNumbering.sln
                    |   |           BatesNumbering.vcproj
                    |   |          
                    |   +---CAPISamples
                    |   |   +---Common
                    |   |   |   \---sources
                    |   |   |           sampleCommon.cpp
                    |   |   |           sampleCommon.h
                    |   |   |           sampleHandles.h
                    |   |   |           sampleTypes.h
                    |   |   |          
                    |   |   +---MsSignedSampleCsp
                    |   |   |       SampleCsp.dll
                    |   |   |      
                    |   |   +---SampleCsp
                    |   |   |   +---sources
                    |   |   |   |       csp.sig
                    |   |   |   |       cspdk.h
                    |   |   |   |       SampleCsp.def
                    |   |   |   |       scspContainer.cpp
                    |   |   |   |       scspContainer.h
                    |   |   |   |       scspContainerFactory.cpp
                    |   |   |   |       scspContainerFactory.h
                    |   |   |   |       scspContainerMgr.h
                    |   |   |   |       scspEntryPoints.cpp
                    |   |   |   |       scspExportDefine.h
                    |   |   |   |       scspGlobalData.cpp
                    |   |   |   |       scspGlobalData.h
                    |   |   |   |       scspHandleMgr.h
                    |   |   |   |       scspMain.cpp
                    |   |   |   |       scspPin.ico
                    |   |   |   |       scspPinDialog.cpp
                    |   |   |   |       scspPinDialog.h
                    |   |   |   |       scspResources.aps
                    |   |   |   |       scspResources.h
                    |   |   |   |       scspResources.rc
                    |   |   |   |       stdafx.cpp
                    |   |   |   |       stdafx.h
                    |   |   |   |      
                    |   |   |   \---win32
                    |   |   |           SampleCsp.vcproj
                    |   |   |           SampleCsp.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
                    |   |   |          
                    |   |   +---SampleRegistrar
                    |   |   |   +---sources
                    |   |   |   |       SampleRegistrar.cpp
                    |   |   |   |       stdafx.cpp
                    |   |   |   |       stdafx.h
                    |   |   |   |      
                    |   |   |   \---win32
                    |   |   |           SampleRegistrar.vcproj
                    |   |   |           SampleRegistrar.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
                    |   |   |          
                    |   |   \---win32
                    |   |           CapiSamples.sln
                    |   |          
                    |   +---DdeServer
                    |   |   +---sources
                    |   |   |       DdeServer.cpp
                    |   |   |       DdeServerInit.cpp
                    |   |   |      
                    |   |   \---win32
                    |   |       |   DdeServer.sln
                    |   |       |   DdeServer.vcproj
                    |   |       |   DdeServer.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
                    |   |       |  
                    |   |       \---ClientApp
                    |   |           |   ClientApp.clw
                    |   |           |   ClientApp.rc
                    |   |           |   ClientApp.vcproj
                    |   |           |   ClientApp.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
                    |   |           |   resource.h
                    |   |           |  
                    |   |           +---res
                    |   |           |       ClientApp.ico
                    |   |           |       ClientApp.rc2
                    |   |           |      
                    |   |           \---sources
                    |   |                   ClientApp.cpp
                    |   |                   ClientApp.h
                    |   |                   ClientAppDlg.cpp
                    |   |                   ClientAppDlg.h
                    |   |                   StdAfx.cpp
                    |   |                   StdAfx.h
                    |   |                  
                    |   +---DMSIntegration
                    |   |   +---sources
                    |   |   |       DMSIntegration.cpp
                    |   |   |       DMSIntegrationIinit.cpp
                    |   |   |      
                    |   |   \---win32
                    |   |           DMSIntegration.sln
                    |   |           DMSIntegration.vcproj
                    |   |           DMSIntegration.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
                    |   |          
                    |   +---DocSign
                    |   |   +---sources
                    |   |   |       DocSign.h
                    |   |   |       DocSignInit.cpp
                    |   |   |       DSEngine.cpp
                    |   |   |       DSEngine.h
                    |   |   |       DSHandler.cpp
                    |   |   |       DSHandler.h
                    |   |   |       DSSigVal.cpp
                    |   |   |       DSSigVal.h
                    |   |   |       DSUser.h
                    |   |   |      
                    |   |   \---win32
                    |   |           DocSign.sln
                    |   |           DocSign.vcproj
                    |   |           DocSign.vcproj.ADOBENET.chirag.user
                    |   |          
                    |   +---Embed3dData
                    |   |   +---ExampleFiles
                    |   |   |       AnnotPosterSample.pdf
                    |   |   |       truck3.u3d
                    |   |   |      
                    |   |   +---sources
                    |   |   |       Embed3dData.cpp
                    |   |   |       Embed3dDataInit.cpp
                    |   |   |      

    Hi dying veteran,
    Maybe you missed the Index page?  Did you know you can use that doc online, it's easier to navigate it online.
    Adobe used to publish the SDK as a PDF but stopped after version 8.  I'm sure if you ask them nicely they'll bring it back.......
    Hope this helps,
    WindJack Solutions

  • I have copied many photo's from another laptop to my Mac.  The older photo's are in directories with names that help me select what I need to view. I would like to have all my imported new photo's also bee added to the directory structure I have in Finder

    I have copied many photo's from another laptop to my Mac.  The older photo's are in directories with names that help me select what I need to view. I would like to have all my imported new photo's also bee added to the directory structure I have in Finder but my new photo's are all in iPhoto.  I want to use directories for storing and iPhoto for viewing.  Is this possible or do I need to have all my photo's in iPhoto??

    iPhoto is not a Photo Viewer. It's a Photo Manager and designed for looking after the files while you organise the Photos. It really works much better if you let it manage those files. If you use iPhoto you never go near those files because iPhoto is your start point for anything you want to do with your Photos - the point of the pplication.
    You can run iPhoto in Referenced mode, where it does not copy the files to the Library, but I caution you that you are making life a lot more difficult for yourself by doing that.
    How to, and some comments on why you shouldn't, are in this thread

  • Tell me about the directory structure os S30v3

    I'm new to the S60, but I've been using various other PDA's over the years, such as Psion and Zaurus, and I'm trying to use my new 5500 in the same way as I used those devices.
    One thing that I'm a bit baffled about is the whole file system layout. (Technically not the file system, as that appears to be vfat, but rather the directory structure.)
    I've figured out that .SIS files to install should be put in /private/10202dce/ in order to be recognised by the application installer. (I use simple 'data transfer' rather than 'PC Suite' as I run linux on this PC.)
    Is there anywhere an explanatory text on how files are arranged in the directory structure?
    (I posted the same question to allaboutsymbian the other day. I haven't found any information about your policies on cross-posting, but I offer my profound apologies if it's considered bad behaviour.)

    This board - like the my-symbian board - is non-technical so I'm not sure you'll get an answer to your question here.
    There are developer boards somewhere, I just can't remember where I came across them - google may be your best bet. I'm sure that people on there will be able to point you to documentation.Message Edited by patc on 11-May-200709:02 AM

  • What are the logical structure and physical structure in oracle

    what are the logical structure and physical structure in oracle and how can allocate a DB block size as default size is 8192?

    From the Concepts Guide
    The physical structures are:
    Control Files
    Redo Log Files
    Archive Log Files
    Parameter Files
    Alert and Trace Log Files
    Backup Files
    The Logical Structures are:
    Oracle Data Blocks

  • Is there any way to specify a URL in the servlet-mapping that doesn't need to be in the directory structure?

              I migrated from WebLogic 5.1 to 7.0.2 Something I used to have set-up in 5.1 no
              I am using the weblogic.servlet.FileServlet and have the URL "/cxedocs/" mapped
              to this
              servlet. So whenever the URL http://localhost:7001/cxedocs/en_US/index.html
              is used it would use the docHome associated with the /cxedocs/ URL and then append
              the "en_US/index.html" on to it. So let's say d:\temp\en_US\index.html
              But now for WL 7.0.2 it appears that the URL also needs to be in the directory
              So it now takes the docHome "d:\temp" adds the URL "/cxedocs/" and then appends
              rest - so d:\temp\cxedocs\en_US\index.html.
              I can't require that the "cxedocs" directory be there. Is there anyway to map
              a certain URL
              without requiring it in the directory structure. I looked at virtual directory
              mapping too but
              it still seemed to require this.
              Any help would be appreciated!

              I opened up a case with support on this. After some research they came back with
              NO there is no way to do this. In 6.0 it was changed to follow the spec which
              restricts this.
              The URL must be part of the directory path.
              "Lori Ronning" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >I migrated from WebLogic 5.1 to 7.0.2 Something I used to have set-up
              >in 5.1 no
              >I am using the weblogic.servlet.FileServlet and have the URL "/cxedocs/"
              >to this
              >servlet. So whenever the URL http://localhost:7001/cxedocs/en_US/index.html
              >is used it would use the docHome associated with the /cxedocs/ URL and
              >then append
              >the "en_US/index.html" on to it. So let's say d:\temp\en_US\index.html
              >But now for WL 7.0.2 it appears that the URL also needs to be in the
              >So it now takes the docHome "d:\temp" adds the URL "/cxedocs/" and then
              >rest - so d:\temp\cxedocs\en_US\index.html.
              >I can't require that the "cxedocs" directory be there. Is there anyway
              >to map
              >a certain URL
              >without requiring it in the directory structure. I looked at virtual
              >mapping too but
              >it still seemed to require this.
              >Any help would be appreciated!

  • What is the best way of accessing application module without page binding?

    Hi All
    I am using Jdeveloper 11g R2 ( & Weblogic
    What is the best way of accessing application module without page binding?
    In my application after user authenticated from LDAP
    I need to read some information from database and set my menues.

    if you don't have a binding the I am not sure the binding context is created. Anyway, try
    BindingContext.getCurrent().findDataControl("name here as ID in DataBindings.cpx") and see if it returns a valid instance

  • Creating the directory structure in Planning

    <p>Hi</p><p>can anyone tell me how to the directory structure inPlanning.</p><p>thanks and regards,</p><p>Balu</p>

    Hi Sham,
    Thanks for your help,
    I ended up using:
    dialog.success = function(form, response) {
            var loc = response.result.Location;
            loc = loc.replace("/content/", "/cf#/content/") + ".html";
    Now, this launches a new page for the editor, when the page is successfully created...
    Ideally, I wanted to use some other function instead of CQ.Ext.getCmp(window.CQ_SiteAdmin_id).reloadCurrentTreeNode(); -> CQ.Ext.getCmp(window.CQ_SiteAdmin_id).reloadCurrentTreeNodeAndNavigateToPath(path).  Is there a function that does this in CQ ?

  • Is there an add-on program, which assumes the directory structure of a Windows PC with subfolders?

    Hi all,
    Is there an add-on program, which assumes the directory structure of a Windows PC with subfolders?
    So that the playlists are created with all the directories and subdirectories.
    I would like the Music folder
    and all its subdirectories
    drag into iTunes.
    Then should the songs in iTunes and in the Iphone geanu be designed with the same directory wiht subdirectories structure.
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\2 Deutsches\Die Prinzen\Album Die Prinzen - Das Leben ist grausam\AlbumArtSmall.jpg
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\2 Deutsches\Die Prinzen\Album Die Prinzen - Das Leben ist grausam\Betriebsdirektor - Das Leben Ist Grausam - die Prinzen - 05 - .mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\2 Deutsches\Die Prinzen\Album Die Prinzen - Das Leben ist grausam\Blaues Blut - Das Leben Ist Grausam - die Prinzen - 07 - .mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\2 Deutsches\Die Prinzen\Album Die Prinzen - Das Leben ist grausam\desktop.ini
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\2 Deutsches\Grönemeyer\Zwölf\Herbert_Grönemeyer_-_12_[2007]_-brandneu-_[found-on-www-bitreactor-to].to rrent
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\2 Deutsches\Grönemeyer\Zwölf\Lied 01 - Ein Stück vom Himmel.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\2 Deutsches\Grönemeyer\Zwölf\Lied 02 - Kopf hoch,tanzen.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\2 Deutsches\Grönemeyer\Zwölf\Lied 03 - Du bist die.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\2 Deutsches\Hannes Wader\ Dass nichts bleibt wie es war\Rohr im Wind - Dass nichts bleibt wie es war - Hannes Wader - 07.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\2 Deutsches\Hannes Wader\ Dass nichts bleibt wie es war\Schon so lang - Dass nichts bleibt wie es war - Hannes Wader - 02.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Allerlei
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Allerlei\(Everything I Do) I Do It For You - Bryan Adams - Best of Me (Ecopac) - 10.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Allerlei\(Sittin' on) the dock of the bay - Otis Redding - (Sittin' on) the Dock of the Bay - 01.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Allerlei\~ Change Is Gonna Come - The Neville Brothers - Yellow Moon - 01.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Boney M. - Daddy Cool\Baby, Do You Wanna Bump - Daddy Cool - Boney M. - 06.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Boney M. - Daddy Cool\Barbarella Fortuneteller - Daddy Cool - Boney M. - 15.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Boney M. - Daddy Cool\Belfast - Daddy Cool - Boney M. - 04.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Elvis Presley - Definitive Country Album
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Elvis Presley - Definitive Country Album\AlbumArtSmall.jpg
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Elvis Presley - Definitive Country Album\Always On My Mind - Definitive Country Album - Elvis Presley - 03.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Elvis Presley - Definitive Country Album\Burning Love - Definitive Country Album - Elvis Presley - 09.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Elvis Presley - Definitive Country Album\Don't Cry Daddy - Definitive Country Album - Elvis Presley - 15.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Flying Pickets\Every Little Thing She Does-Flying Pickets - Flying Pickets.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Flying Pickets\Folder.jpg
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Flying Pickets\goodnight sweethart - flying pickets - flying pickets .mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Flying Pickets\Groovin'-Flying Pickets - Flying Pickets.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\3 Song\Flying Pickets\I Got You Babe - Flying Pickets - Flying Pickets.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\4 Instrumental\Allerlei\Classical - Franz Liszt - Liebestraum piano - Franz Liszt - Liebestraum piano.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\4 Instrumental\Allerlei\Classical Guitar - Greensleeves - Greensleeves.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\4 Instrumental\Allerlei\Classique - Schumann - Carnaval, Chopin - Schumann - Carnaval, Chopin.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\4 Instrumental\Allerlei\Crown Chakra - Tony O'Connor - Tony O'Connor.mp3
    G:\1 wav+mp3\1 Alles\4 Instrumental\Allerlei\Dallas - TV 70's & 80's.mp3
    Is there a program led?
    Thank you very much

    deggie wrote:
    No, as there is no such file management system in iOS.
    I do not understand this..
    In iTunes I can create folders and subfolders.
    Please look.
    I would like to drag the folder "1 All" in iTunes.
    There should also then the folder structure are taken
                       iTunes                                                 Windows 7 Explorer
                    Folder in Folder                                        Folder in Folder
    Thank you very much

  • What is the directory that contains the init directories ?

    What is the directory that contains the init directories (rc0.d/ to
    I want to install a copy of vmware5

    I think you've missed the point. Arch uses BSD-style init - /etc/rc.d. If vmware, or any other app, has an init script, it should be installed in /etc/rc.d, and if you want the app to start/stop on system boot/halt, the daemon name should be added to rc.conf DAEMONS. Creating rcX.d directories is pointless, because the Arch init process won't do anything with them.

  • What is the latest version of EJB ?

    a) what is the latest version of EJB ? and
    b) what was the version prior to the latest version ?
    Any good book suggestion for option - b

    The latest version is EJB 3.0, which is part of Java EE 5.
    The spec can be found here :
    There's EJB 3.0 coverage in the Java EE 5 tutorial :
    You can find additional resources here :

  • What is the best way to delete applications?

    I am told that my Mac came with everything I need in the way of programs for basic functions.  What is the best way to delete applications making sure there are no threads left in Library and other places?

    Yes, but not always. An example of what I call "System" files/folders would be Quicktime or things like pre-installed print and scanner drivers. You have to be pretty confident to go rummaging through files in either /System or /Library. Most of the time there is no reason to be in there.
    An example of a file that is in those system folders, that does not come pre-installed as of Lion, is Flash plug-ins. That gets installed in the /Library/Internet Plug-Ins
    But your average App downloaded from the MAS, most of it's files will be in the User Folder   ~/username

  • What are the necessary elements in ejb-jar.xml with CMP entity bean

    What are the necessary elements in ejb-jar.xml with CMP entity bean
    Actually i am using webligic 8.1 and while deployment getting the error that
    some elements r missing
    Anand Pritam

    According to the ejb-jar.xml dtd ejb-name, ejb-class, persistence-type, prim-key-class, reentrant are the required elements for an entity bean.
    <!ELEMENT entity (description?, display-name?, small-icon?,
              large-icon?, ejb-name, home?, remote?, local-home?,
              local?, ejb-class, persistence-type, prim-key-class,
              reentrant, cmp-version?, abstract-schema-name?,
              cmp-field*, primkey-field?, env-entry*, ejb-ref*,
              ejb-local-ref*, security-role-ref*, security-identity?,
              resource-ref*, resource-env-ref*, query*)>

  • What's the difference between Sun ONE Application Server 6 and IAS6.X

    Hi, can anyone tell me what's the difference between Sun ONE Application Server6 and IAS 6.x?
    Thanks a lot!

    This is only the change in name from iPlanet Application Server to SunONE Application Server. Rest all is same as far as the product is concerned.

  • What is the folder structure for iTunes for Ver. 11.0.5

    What is the folder structure for iTunes for Ver. 11.0.5 since I have iTunes on an external drive at the moment but want to move it back to the HD temporary so as to back it up to TM, the problem is that it seems that the files are some what disarranged and I'm not sure where and how iTune reads them.

    Time Machine will back up connected external drives as long as they are not on the exclude list.
    Connect the drive with your iTunes library > System Preferences > Time Machine > Options > if the external drive with the iTunes library is listed, select it and click the minus sign then run the Time Machine backup

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