What is the most efficient way to record a educational workshop training on my iPad and then upload it to either Schoology or a Teacher Tube channel?  We would need to record clips anywhere from 10 min to 45 minutes and organize them in such a way?

Any help will be appreciated.  We have a training comming up next week and seeking to find out if there are any new technologies that I could utilize and model for this workshop. 
Thank you.

What many people do is use one of the solutions that allow you to mirror from an iOS device to a computer:
Reflector-  http://www.airsquirrels.com/reflector/
AirServer-  http://www.airserverapp.com
X-Mirage: http://www.x-mirage.com/x-mirage/
and then use screen capture software on the computer to capture the iPad's display. The other option is to use a document camera or video camera to record the iPad. Questions about uploading to the references sites would be issue best addressed with those sites or in their forums.

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    This gives you the basics
    The first option, the professional one, isn't the cheapest - but the results should be good.
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    As you decided to use an ArrayList, you must keep your collection sorted, and then use the method BinarySearch() to find the objects your looking for.
    Consider using a dictionary, and if your objects are string type, then a StringDictionary.
    You stil fail to understand that he slowness is no in the arraylist.  It is in the creating of the arraylist which is completely unnecessary.  Set up a SharePoint servefr and create a very large list and test..  You will see. An arraylist
    with 10000 items takes forever to create. A simple SharePoint search can be done in a few milliseconds.
    Once created the lookup in any collection is dependent on the structure of the key and the type of collection.  A string key can be slow if it is a long key.
    The same rules apply to general database searches against an index.
    The main point here is that SharePoint IS a database and searching it as a database is the fastesst method.
    Prove me wrong devil!    Submit!  Back to your cage! Fie on thee!
    You seem to be making a lot of assumptions about what he's doing with those arraylists that doesn't seem justified based on no more information than there is in the posted question.
    [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "

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    List A{itemId,itemName} [1,xyz] [9,iyk] [4,iuo] .......
    List B{itemId,item price} [2,999] [9,888] [1, 444].......
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    Tinkerbell. wrote:
    BigDaddyLoveHandles wrote:
    You wrote:
    Can we assume that an itemId only occurs once in each list? You're the one making claims and assumptions, not me.No in #4 I asked the OP to verify an assumption.An assumption that couldn't possibly be true. Why are you wasting our time?

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    I'm saying that you give Google the .Mac URL to get to your sitemap but use the registered domain name for normal access.
    You are promoting your site with www.RedCottageInc.com but, because it is masked, Google needs your web.mac address to access the verification file and the sitemap so that it can spider your site.
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    http://web.mac.com/username/WebSiteName/Sitemap.xml in your browser.
    Google needs this URL to get to the sitemap - visitors will use www.RedCottageInc.com.
    Google wants to get to the verification file and the sitemap but your website visitors don't.
    I guess all this is confusing if you haven't done it before and I don't know that I am explaining it very well. The best way to get it is to go through all the steps of creating the verification file and sitemap, uploading them to your site folder and adding and verifying in your Google control panel.
    Here are the relevant Google pages...
    Add URL to Google...
    Verification file....
    http://www.google.com/support/webmasters/bin/answer.py?answer=35658&query=html+f ile&topic=&type=

  • What is the most efficient way of passing large amounts of data through several subVIs?

    I am acquiring data at a rate of once every 30mS. This data is sorted into clusters with relevant information being grouped together. These clusters are then added to a queue. I have a cluster of queue references to keep track of all the queues. I pass this cluster around to the various sub VIs where I dequeue the data. Is this the most efficient way of moving the data around? I could also use "Obtain Queue" and the queue name to create the reference whenever I need it.
    Or would it be more efficient to create one large cluster which I pass around? Then I can use unbundle by index to pick off the values I need. This large cluster can have all the values individually or it co
    uld be composed of the previously mentioned clusters (ie. a large cluster of clusters).

    > I am acquiring data at a rate of once every 30mS. This data is sorted
    > into clusters with relevant information being grouped together. These
    > clusters are then added to a queue. I have a cluster of queue
    > references to keep track of all the queues. I pass this cluster
    > around to the various sub VIs where I dequeue the data. Is this the
    > most efficient way of moving the data around? I could also use
    > "Obtain Queue" and the queue name to create the reference whenever I
    > need it.
    > Or would it be more efficient to create one large cluster which I pass
    > around? Then I can use unbundle by index to pick off the values I
    > need. This large cluster can have all the values individually or it
    > could be composed of the previously mentioned clusters (i
    e. a large
    > cluster of clusters).
    It sounds pretty good the way you have it. In general, you want to sort
    these into groups that make sense to you. Then if there is a
    performance problem, you can arrange them so that it is a bit better for
    the computer, but lets face it, our performance counts too. Anyway,
    this generally means a smallish number of groups with a reasonable
    number of references or objects in them. If you need to group them into
    one to pass somewhere, bundle the clusters together and unbundle them on
    the other side to minimize the connectors needed. Since the references
    are four bytes, you don't need to worry about the performance of moving
    these around anyway.
    Greg McKaskle

  • SQL query with multiple tables - what is the most efficient way?

    Hello I am learning PL/SQL. I have a simple procedure where I need to find number of employees and departments per location as per user input of location_id.
    I have 3 Tables:
    location_id (pk)
    department_id (pk)
    location_id (fk)
    employee_id (pk)
    department_id (fk)
    1 Location can have 0-MANY Departments
    1 Employee has 1 Department
    Here is the query I came up with for PL/SQL procedure:
    /*Ecount, Dcount are NUMBER variables */
    SELECT SUM (EmployeeCount), COUNT(DepartmentNumber)
         INTO Ecount, Dcount
         (SELECT COUNT(employee_id) EmployeeCount, department_id DepartmentNumber
              FROM employees
              GROUP BY department_id
              HAVING department_id IN
                        (SELECT department_id
                        FROM departments
                        WHERE location_id = userInput));
    I do get the correct result, but I am just wondering if my query is on the right track and if there is a more "efficient" way of doing this.
    Thanks in advance for helping a newbie out.

    Welcome to the forum!
    Something like this will be more efficient:
    SELECT    COUNT (employee_id)               AS ECount
    ,       COUNT (DISTINCT department_id)     AS DCount
    FROM       employees
    WHERE       department_id IN (     SELECT     department_id
                        FROM      departments
                        WHERE      location_id = :userInput
    ;You should also try a join instead of the IN subquery.
    For efficiency, do only the things you need to do.
    For example, you don't need a count of employees in each department, so don't compute one. That means you won't need the in-line view, so don't have one.
    You don't need PL/SQL for this job, so don't use PL/SQL if you don't have to. (I realize this question was out of context, so you may have good reasons for doing this in PL/SQL.)
    Do all filtering as early as possible. Don't waste effort computing things that won't be used .
    A particular example of this is: Never use a HAVING clause when you can use a WHERE clause. What's the difference between a WHERE clause and a HAVING clause? The WHERE clause is applied before aggregate functions are computed, and the HAVING clause is applied after; there's no other difference. Therefore, if the HAVING clause isn't referencing an aggregate function, it could be done in a WHERE clause instead.

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