What is the proper powershell to disable a connector?

I've got an open ticket with Microsoft and I might need to disable all of my Exchange Connectors in a hurry (I have 46 of them)?
I've tried these.  They executed without an error but the connector remained enabled.
Get-SCSMConnector -DisplayName "ConnectorName" | %{ $_.Enabled = 0 } | Update-SCSMConnector
Get-SCSMConnector -DisplayName "ConnectorName" | %{ $_.Enabled = 1 } | Update-SCSMConnector
Get-SCSMConnector -DisplayName "ConnectorName" | %{ $_.Enabled = "False" } | Update-SCSMConnector

This should work. Had some problem myself but found this page and modified the code:
Just change ZGC in the -eq Displayname so it will match your connectors and you can easy disable all connectors.
$SMDIR = (Get-ItemProperty "hklm:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\System Center\2010\Service Manager\Setup\").InstallDirectory
$SMSDKDIR = "${SMDIR}\SDK Binaries"
$SMDLL = "${SMSDKDIR}\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Core.dll"
$SMADDDLL = "${SMSDKDIR}\Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.dll"
[reflection.assembly]::LoadFile($SMDLL) | out-null
[reflection.assembly]::LoadFile($SMADDDLL) | out-null
$ServiceManagementGroup = new-object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManagementGroup "localhost"
# Get All connectors with displayname ZGC
$connectors = $ServiceManagementGroup.ConnectorFramework.GetConnectors() | ? {$_.DisplayName -eq "ZGC"}
foreach($connector in $connectors)
write-host "Disabling connector: $connector.DisplayName"
$connector.ConnectorObject.Item($null,"Enabled").Value = $true
www.zgc.se - Sysadmin blog.

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    As John said, I believe I'm looking for a gap-free sequence per master record.
    The line number of the OrderItems table is the second half of the primary key. The first half of the primary key (DocumentNumber) is the foreign key to the Orders table.
    Think of it like line items on an order or invoice. For example, if you were talking to someone on the phone concerning an invoice, you might say, "The pricing for line item #3 is incorrect." In this case, it's good to have a common reference. Or imagine a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with no row numbers displayed! You'd never get anywhere if you had to explain something over the phone.
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    When you Initialize a session to a device that already has a session open, NI-DCPower closes the previous session and returns a new one. You can verify this very easily: try to use the first session after the second session was opened.
    Unfortunately, there is a small leak and that is what you encountered: the previous session remains registered with LabVIEW, since we unregister inside the Close VI and this was never called. So the name of the session still shows in the control like you noted: NIPower_1, NIPower_1 (1), NIPower_1 (2), NIPower_1 (3), and NIPower_1 (4), etc.
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    Hope this helps.
    Marcos Kirsch
    Principal Software Engineer
    Core Modular Instruments Software
    National Instruments

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    weight, etc.) and stores the information in the
    database, and then issues new "smartcard".
    1. People involved in the project already decided to
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    2. The problem is the Defense Department database. It
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    touched. It is a black box for Java developers. The
    Defense Department may provide a jar as an outer layer
    of this database.
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    load? It is possible that tens of thousands of people
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    You can get it done here :http://www.thesoftwareobjects.com

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    Time Machine supports multiple backup drives including network area storage volumes (NAS) as well as physically-connected external backup drives.
    In , System Preferences, Time Machine, add the second drive by clicking Select Disk.
    All available connected drives including connected network drives are displayed.
    Select the additional drives, one at a time.
    Connected Network drives are displayed on the desktop only when actively being used by Time Machine for backup.
    When prompted, select 'use both' when adding the second drive.
    Then choose Select or Remove at the bottom of the list of available devices and network volumes to add additional drives.
    Time Machine then automatically rotates backups among the available designated devices and volumes.
    If the drive is physically not present, Time Machine skips to the next available backup drive.
    To DISMOUNT a drive to take it off-site, it is NOT necessary to remove it from the Time Machine preferences.
    When the drive is NOT in use, dismount it by Command+clicking that Drive icon on your desktop (or in Finder) and then "Eject".
    That's it.
    After 10 days with no backups to a given device, Time Machine does display a message and (as I recall) asks if you want to remove that drive from the rotation.
    You can never be too rich or have too many backups!

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                extracted_files.get(i) = null;
    }Or should I use this one:
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    Edited by: TolvanTolvanTolvan on 2009-sep-10 16:58

    TolvanTolvanTolvan wrote:
    Thanks for the info!
    But what if the List is a class variable running in a Web Service for like months without terminating?You mean if the List variable is a member variable of a long-lived object? Then presumably the list needs to live as long as the object does. In the unlikely scenario that the object needs to live on but its list member variable does not, then yes, setting the member to null will be needed to make the list eligible for GC. But I highly doubt this is your situation, and if it is, you probably have a design flaw.
    And if the list is referenced only by a local variable, then, as I already said, when the method ends, the variable goes out of scope, and the List is eligible for GC.
    Now, a slightly different situation is when the List needs to live a long time, and at some point during its life, you're done using some object that it refers to. In that situation, simply remove the element from the list (or set the element to null if it's an array rather than a list), and then if it's not referenced anywhere else, it can be GCed.
    How about Arrays like File[]? Do I need to iterate through the array and null all the objects or is it enough to just null the Array?YOU. DON'T. NEED. TO. HELP. GC. You don't need to set the elements to null, and you most likely don't even need to set the array variable to null.
    Also note that only references can be null, not objects.

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    We never know who will wind up working on these files and I want anyone to have free and open access to the files.
    So what it the proper choice under the ownership & permissions?
    My thinking would be:
    Owner = System
    Group = Everyone
    Access = Read & Write
    There are bunch of acromyms under these pulldown menus which mean nothing to me.

    Choosing 'everyone' and 'read & write' should work fine.
    You could change the owner to 'system', but there's no need.

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    This is a question best asked in the appropriate product forum.

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    HSB*: 44 degrees-40%-50%
    What is the proper way of applying those values to the desired image.
    My idea was to make the image black and white and than create a monotone image with the above specs. In this case the image gets washed out as the darkest black in the shadows becomes this Pantone gold. Is there any other way?

    A duotone will work, however you are going to want to work closely with your printer . Most printers will want the second color in CMYK (Possibly C60 M40 Y0 K100 instead of RGB values or specify a Pantone Rich Black (I personally like 6C)but it will cost you more for the wash up of both heads of the printer...
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    I didn't know if including the search keywords at the bottom in small font with invisible color was the proper way.
    ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!  This practice will get your site banned or blacklisted from Search Engines.  It is considered a Black Hat tactic to attempt to mislead search engine results in an effort to drive traffic to your site.
    Instead, use plenty of keyword rich, relevant text and good semantic mark-up (h1, h2, h3) inside the body of your pages.   In time, search engines will find you.
    Some Excellent Links on Search Engine Optimization:
    Google's SEO Starter Guide (PDF)
    Can Better Web Accessibility Mean Better Search  Ranking?
    High Rankings Advisor
    SEOMoz.org - Beginner's Guide to SEO (1-page  html)
    SEO Chat
    Submit Site Maps to 4 Major Search Engines
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing

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