What is the webapp root url?

I have some problems resolving urls in my webapp jsp. The webapp is packaged in
a war file inside a ear file. in the ear file's application.xml, I specified
that the context root for the webapp to be /foo. However, if I wrote in my jsp
a uri like /bar, it takes me to http://localhost:7001/bar, instead of http://localhost:7001/foo/bar.
how can i use the webapp root context in my jsp?

I guess you will have to use the servlet-mapping in the web.xml to do the mapping.
          Ho-Ki Au wrote:
          > I have some problems resolving urls in my webapp jsp. The webapp is packaged in
          > a war file inside a ear file. in the ear file's application.xml, I specified
          > that the context root for the webapp to be /foo. However, if I wrote in my jsp
          > a uri like /bar, it takes me to http://localhost:7001/bar, instead of http://localhost:7001/foo/bar.
          > how can i use the webapp root context in my jsp?
          > -hoki
          Rajesh Mirchandani
          Developer Relations Engineer
          BEA Support

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    FYI -- "here", as in these forums (which are targeted at BB/RIM services rather than carrier services), would not be the best place to find out something specific for one carrier. With so many thousands of carriers with dozens of different plans each, it's pretty much impossible to keep track of the specifics. The generic information is this:
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    Please place your claspath in jvm12.conf file.
    Which will be under /server-root/https-instance/config/jvm12.conf.
    For more info about how to set classpath for running servlet. Please look out the below link.
    I hope this helps.
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    are you talking about redirect URL in search scope ? FIM will automatically add the searchtype querystring
    for custom groups search scope you can use :
    and configure you search scope to use the same UsageKeywords as for the security groups
    and restart your IIS server using the command "IISRESET"
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    ex : http://fimserver/IdentityManagement/aspx/groups/AllGroups.aspx?searchtype=47e0a973-0ab4-46f5-815f-f5028c1af58e&content=%2a

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    Alias /js C:/OraMidTier/javascript
    <Directory C:/OraMidTier/javascript>
              Order allow,deny
               Allow from all
    </Directory>You can then dump all your javascript files in this folder & access it in your HTL Pages with the Virtual Path - /js - e.g.:-
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/mySrc.js">You can get more information from the Oracle HTTP Administrator's Guide ( or, the Apache Documentation ) about the Alias DIrective.

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