What is your Favorite Armor Across all of the FallOut Games?

as cliche as it is I'm going to stick with the trust T45D-Power Armor

As we all gear up for FallOut 4. I was curious as to what everyone's favorite armor compilation was? Please share
This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

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    Bag n’ Tag It
    by: Digital Dude
    In today’s world of everything slim and integrated, more techno fanatics and Spartan travelers are embracing the minimalist approach. To that end, I was looking for an alternative to my bulky computer briefcase for travel. So, I ordered the “Buzz” by Tom Bihn.
    Initially, I was a bit skeptical since the price of the Buzz is rather high for a nylon bag in today’s crowded market. Fortunately, the folks at Tom Bihn have an excellent guarantee with great customer service. If you receive the bag, and it’s not what you expected, simply return it without having to request an authorization. Try that with any other bag manufacturer!
    My first impression after opening the box was that the Buzz is in fact, a very well made nylon sling-bag with attractive accents. The initial fit on the back and shoulder was comfortable, and the crossover strap is wide and it fits guys and gals without interference. It’s also nicely padded and has a large durable quick disconnect fastener below your left rib area. There is a smaller adjustable waist strap for a more secure and balanced fit. I found it wasn’t necessary for casual carry although quite useful when riding a bike or running to catch that flight.
    The Buzz has two main compartments with waterproof zippers that don’t snag and they seal very well.
    The main compartment houses a unique padded panel with a fitted corner, similar to a fitted bed sheet that stretches over one corner of the MacBook Pro. The space between the computer holder and the zippered panel provides room for a book, magazines, documents, or even a small travel neck pillow.
    The second zippered compartment is on the very back and is slightly smaller or stepped down from the main compartment. It includes the usual key strap and some angled stitched pockets for pens, business cards and one larger pocket that can hold a Passport or airline tickets, etc.
    The third compartment is on the exterior right side and is made of elastic material and is designed to hold a bottle, small umbrella or equivalent. It also has two pull straps to further secure its contents.
    Finally, there is a super convenient compartment in the center of the crossover strap with a Velcro closure. This is my favorite feature, since it holds your cell, iPod or more notably, the new iPhone securely across your chest.
    Field Tests:
    I harnessed the Buzz, adjusted the straps and wore it for a week in and around town. The Buzz and its sling design holds' the 15-inch MacBook Pro, cables, charger, etc. in a vertical orientation on the back. This permits full range of motion for both arms, unlike most soft-sided computer briefcases.
    At times, I wanted to shift the load, so I simply reached around with my left hand and lifted up slightly on the bottom as I grabbed the ferry-loop (top strap) with my right hand. In this manner, you can easily adjust the tension on the crossover strap.
    The Buzz shoulder bag is advertised as offering “moderate” protection, although it’s quite adequate for most common travel activities. However, I wanted to see if I could fit my MacBook Pro while stuffed in the Tucano “Second Skin” sleeve. To my delight, it fit nearly perfect as though it was made for “The Buzz”. This combination effectively increases the travel protection by at least 2:1.
    Wish List:
    Accessory provisions or lack thereof, is a shortfall with many bag manufactures. User’s end up stuffing their charger, cables and adapters into secondary bags which all end up at the bottom, resulting in disorganized clutter. I visualize a removable fitted panel with separate compartments or straps that hold a basic array of typical computing items. In fact, I ended up using one of my luggage toiletry panels to help organize my computer gear in the Buzz. It holds everything vertically and eliminated the pile at the bottom.
    After field-testing, I decided this bag was definitely a keeper’. However, I would prefer a tighter fit of the MacBook Pro or a matching sleeve. I would also favor a more contoured and softer crossover strap with an exterior I.D. card and pen/pencil slot. Since I’m dreaming here, how about a less abrasive backside for improved comfort.
    The Buzz sling bag is a well-made, lightweight, ergonomic alternative to a backpack or the horizontal briefcase design. It holds most everything one might need for mobile computing while providing an excellent provision for Apple’s new iPhone.
    http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore.woa/wa/RSLID?mco=114 576C9&nplm=TJ953VC/A
     MBP Core Duo: 15"/2.16/2GB DDR/7200HD   Mac OS X (10.4.10)   "New" AEBS w/n-draft

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    Time for me to weigh in, and like GeraldRose, I have way too many to list, so I will explain why I like them so much!
    Superbad - I also find this to be one of the funniest movies I have ever encountered.  To top it off, I know a dude irl (well from online) who looks totally like McLovin.  Classic.  
    The Changeling  (1980) - Good, older creepy movie.  George C. Scott delivers a sharp performance as a man entangled in a mystery that truly affects his life.  One of the few movies as a kid that scared the dickens out of me, without showing anything really.
    Say Anything - I am a hard core John Cusack fan, and I loved him as Lloyd Dobler in this movie.  It also was my introduction to Lili Taylor, who I came to adore in later roles.  This might seem like a teenage love movie, but it is so much more.  I highly recommend!
    Dogfight - The late River Phoenix and Lili Taylor are a delight in this film.  Set in the 60's Phoenix plays a marine on weekend leave, who is on a mission to find the ugliest date for a contest with his fellow servicemen - a "Dogfight".  He stumbles upon Rose, (Taylor) who is not exactly how he first assesses her.  A bittersweet love story.  
    The Princess Bride - Robin Wright Penn, Mandy Patinkin, Carey Elwes, and Billy Crystal are just a few of the stars in this crowd pleaser.   It follows the story of Buttercup and her love for Westley.  This is not your traditional love story, but full of laughs and action!
    Empire Records - A genuinely guilty pleasure, full of great music and laughs.  Rory Cochranes turn as Lucas is brilliant.  Maxwell Caulfield of Grease 2 makes a delightful turn as a washed up songbird "Rex Manning". It's REX MANNING DAY!!!!  Also, one of my other faves Ethan Embry (then Ethan Randall) makes the role of Mark his own. First thing that I ever saw Seth Green in...he cracks me up. 
    All of the Austin Powers movies, All of the LOTR movies, Every Kevin Smith movie ever made, ESPECIALLY his newest Zach and Miri...well you know the rest. 
    I could go on and on. LOL!
    Community Connector
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     Private Message

  • What's your favorite?

    What's your favorite Screen Capture program and why? I'm looking around and need some opinions.

    I use the Grab application in the Applications/Utilities folder.
    The keyboard commands in the Finder work as well:
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    Control-Shift-Command-3 - Copy picture of screen to the clipboard;
    Shift-Command-4 - Save picture of selected area as a file;
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    A useful hint: You can also search by application hierarcy. For example, in 4.6c to find customer exits within MM, do as follows:
    1. Start SE81
    2. Select subtree MM with F9
    3. Click Information system. SE84 is displayed.
    4. Click Envir. and then Exit techniques and then Customer exits. Click enhancements. A search screen is displayed and development class field is pre-filled.
    5. Press F8
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    Jarmo Tuominen

    clearly SE80.
    Starting 4.7 you have a button on top of the tree navigation where you can click the information system.
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    Happy Birthday America...

    Doc I have had to delete all my games but Word Mole because of low memory. I guess that is my one biggest complaint on the Storm 1 is the low amount of Mb that comes on board. I assume there is no way to go into the MOBO of the phone and unsolder the memory chip and put a 500Mb chip instead?
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    Resource Monitor
    Web File Manager
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    iSCSI v3
    Multimedia Station
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    Time Machine updates
    Download the new version and let us know what is your favorite improvement?

    Hi Eric,
      Sorry for the frustration. The firmware 1.2.0 comes with new version of iSCSI (v2). The NSS is now can support multiple LUN on the same iSCSI target and the maximun increase to 256 iSCSI target instead of iSCSI version in firmware 1.1.0 where user can only work with the max of 8 iSCSI targets. While the upgrade can produced much more value, including the migration of iSCSI target to the new scheme of iSCSI version 2. It is neccessary for user to re-initiate the iSCSI initiator again in order to establish the stable iSCSI connection.  All your data are still intact. When you re-do the iSCSI initiator, you will have everything back like you used to have and much more new improve/enhancement features that FW 1.2 has to offer.
    SInce you are using iSCSI feature,  the backward firmware compatibility is strongly not recommended.  Please call support team to understand the iSCSI scheme changes.
    Please let us know so we can provide further assistant to you.
    Best Regards,
    Clint Doan

  • ***What is your favorite VI or other software to view large sets of waveform data?

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    points. Should I put this into Excel? There are no cursors, or zoom
    capabilities, and so on in Excel.
    Using a graph in LV is very slow when loaded down with this much data.
    Frankly a scope is easier for viewing waveforms. A scopelike utility
    for Windows?
    Is there any neat shareware out there?
    Thanks for your opinion,

    There are a large number of analysis packages on the market that can display very large datasets. The one to choose depends largely on the nature of the data and what you want to do with it after you have loaded it in. Wandering down the software aisle at your local Staples you will find at least two or three.
    With datsets the size you are contemplating, a major feature to look for is a zoom function that initially shows the entire waveform but lets you narrow in on the data you want to see.
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    by decimating it down to a size that LV could display rapidly. As the user zoomed in using the cursors (not LV's graph zoom) the code would extract the selected portion of the data, redecimate it if necessary and redraw the display. (Which by the way is all the fancy packages really do anyway.)
    The tricky part is selecting a decimation function that retains the overall shape of the data.
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    Certified Professional Instructor
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    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
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    If your extension works only for CC please do not mention it, if it works for all versions your welcome to mention it.  Also has the plug-in become free or is it still commercial up to present ?

    That's odd. How about if you visit What is your favorite only Photoshop 5 or 6 Extension ?

  • What's your favorite of styling hyperlinks?

    what's your favorite way of styling hyperlinks?
    Right now I've colored mine C=100 M=100 Y=0 Y=0 and made them underlined. I feel the underlining is a bit too harsh on my overall design. Then again if I don't underline them, how are people suppose to know they're links?
    Spelling out URLs is just not an option. Unless I use TinyURL? They say their links will last forever but who knows for sure?

    That is a question about cultural expectations -- I can't answer that confidently.  The check mark that so often is used in US software to signal 'OK' (as in the spelling checking function where I edit this message) signals 'Error' to me -- and when it is shown in green (as Borland Software did at one point, and as Adobe does here) it signals both 'Error' and 'OK', and produces a kind of 'pulling-both-ways' effect that isn't too pleasant -- to me. I'm not sure I can come up with something that works for you.
    The dialog bubbles may work -- though to me the carry overtones of a footnote or an endnote. But they pretty clearly seem to signal 'more info elsewhere', and that's definitely a step in the right direction.
    I would be looking for something like a bent arrow -- perhaps Unicode U+21AA (↪), or perhaps something similar with a double arrow (Unicode U+21D2, ⇒), except I'd like it to have a similar curve at the left, half suggesting a 'click here to go elsewhere'. (Wingdings 3, character code 0xCA, is close.) But I could probably go for 0x58 in WIngdings 3, rotate it 90 degrees to the right, and perhaps tweak the small box into two smaller boxes of unequal size, suggesting movement.
    Or perhaps just something that suggest a 'click here' -- some of the simpler designs in Altemus Bursts, or Altemus Pinwheel or Altemus Stars might work.
    I would like something that tempted the reader into testing, and so encourage learning-by-doing. That would be helped by a similar symbol going the other way to indicate the 'back' of a web browser.  Arrows help here -- they show a direction. Other designs -- bursts -- won't be a easily understood: what would be a reverse burst?.And what symbol would be used at the target end of the dialog bubbles to suggest 'go back'? (Added: perhaps a quad or square signalling 'end'?)
    Arrows seem safer. Even guillemets might work, as long they won't be misread as quotes of some kind. Guillemets in a circle? There are some such glyphs like that in Wingdings. The standard 'fast forward' and 'fast backward'  glyphs (in Webdings, say) may also work.
    Actually ... this is the kind of problem I'd might want to suggest for a small project for a class for typeface designers.

  • What's your Favorite Encoding Settings & Tags Question?

    Happy Holidays folks,
    I have some CD's to digitize. I am curious of the best way to do this ...
    Q: What is your Favorite Encoding Settings for CD's for your desktop? IOS device?
    TAGS with various formats...
    Q: What encoding settings do YOU use for listening on mobile devices for CD digitization?
    For me I am thinking that I will create 256 Stereo AAC files for IOS, but also then create .aif files to store for desktop players etc.
    I didn't know that .aif's can store tag info....
    It seems that .aif files can store the TAG info that come in through iTunes - but where is the info stored:
    1 - right on the .aif file?
    2 - just in iTunes database?
    3 - just Spotlight?
    4 - or ?????
    If I copy the file to another hard drive on another computer - will it retain the tag info with aif?
    I seems that when I try that save tag info with .wav format - that it doesn't store it - is that true?
    I am curious to find out about tags with .aif - .wav etc.....
    Also does Apple Lossless play on PC / Lynux?

    revDAVE wrote:
    Happy Holidays folks,
    I have some CD's to digitize. I am curious of the best way to do this ...
    Q: What is your Favorite Encoding Settings for CD's for your desktop? IOS device?
    My favorite?  MP3 at 256.
    It seems that .aif files can store the TAG info that come in through iTunes - but where is the info stored:
    1 - right on the .aif file?
    2 - just in iTunes database?
    3 - just Spotlight?
    4 - or ?????
    Tag data is stored in the file.  This includes information like Title, Artist, Year, etc.
    Some of the data you see is library data, not tag data, and is stored in the iTunes library rather than in the individual song file.  This includes things like Date Added, Last Played, Play Count, etc.
    Also does Apple Lossless play on PC / Lynux?
    Apple Lossless can play on a PC running iTunes for Windows.  iTunes does not run on Linux, however.

  • What's your favorite coffee vehicle?

    The Matt wrote:vehiclePretty sure you mean vessel

    As I sit here half-asleep, listening to my coffee pot toiling away,  I gaze lovingly at my coffee chalice, waiting for it to supply me with my day's motivation. 
    What's your favorite coffee mug look like? Post up!
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

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    I really like the maps as well... with the qualification that what is best is having a phone attached to it. I've only had the phone a week and used this feature 5 or more times to find a place and then immediately just call it. That's something the touch won't be able to do even within a wi-fi spot (g).
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