What is your top 3 songs?  C'mon!

Im making a topic like this to get some ideas andsongs to put into my iPod, top 3 songs, c'mon.
Mine are
Song Artist
1- Simple Design - Breaking Benjamin
2- Hypnotize - System Of A Down
3- Break my Fall - Breaking benjamin

From looking at most of the threads posted in these forums, people generally come here seeking help with issues they are having while developing an AIR application, hence the name of this community, "Adobe AIR Development". If your question isnt answered within 3 days that doesn't appear to be seeking help with an issue or potential bug, doesn't mean that AIR is dead. People are using this forum everyday as indicated by there being new or active threads everyday. Most questions that people answer or have interest in, are related to iOS and Android development.

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    From looking at most of the threads posted in these forums, people generally come here seeking help with issues they are having while developing an AIR application, hence the name of this community, "Adobe AIR Development". If your question isnt answered within 3 days that doesn't appear to be seeking help with an issue or potential bug, doesn't mean that AIR is dead. People are using this forum everyday as indicated by there being new or active threads everyday. Most questions that people answer or have interest in, are related to iOS and Android development.

  • What are your top 10 issues to upgrade E-Business Suite

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    Hi Max ! Hope you are well :-)
    One thing that I assume most folks would find useful is a pre-upgrade script that can do some basic checks to identify any potential issues that need to be addressed before the upgrade starts.
    A simple example is documented in MOS Doc 802515.1 (R12 Upgrade: Workers Fail In Apstca01.Sql) - the profile option in our system was set to NULL (the default) and the apstca01.sql failed in the middle of the first test upgrade - not a big issue, but would have been nice to have this corrected before the upgrade.
    I am sure that are hundreds of such "gotchas" from all the various modules :-)
    This script is almost analogous to the database pre-upgrade script/tool (http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e17222/upgrade.htm#UPGRD12395) that performs some checks and makes recommendations.

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    Great question, Sarah Hums-Oracle! We did educate / demonstrate / document for our internal clients, but found there was need for pretty constant "re-education"... the farther removed from the initial to the first actual use, the greater the need for re-education. Those of us using Eloqua every single day were struggling a bit at first to understand why our internal clients weren't talking the same Marketing Automation language. I've now had multiple sessions where we share screens and link campaign planning to Eloqua functionality, and have seen an increased interest in the campaign canvas and the back-end data (at first, it was like "Why are you showing me the Eloqua campaign canvas? Let's get back to my campaign strategy PPT.").  There has also been a lot of re-education on how exactly marketing automation can function to nurture contacts through the customer journey cycle - we are still living about 85% in the world of discrete marketing campaigns, and only beginning to integrate the world of drip campaigns (welcome, nurture, re-engagement) now that our internal clients understand what those are (and that the associated assets and timing need to be thoughtfully planned out!).

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    Carla King
    Managing Editor

    I prefer a worked example which demonstrates how to submit a multi page form which updates multiple tables in a database.
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    Thank you very much.

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    Thanks a lot.
    Best regards,
    Ralf Schaub
    SAP NetWeaver PMSOA Product Definition
    SAP AG
    Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
    69190 Walldorf
    mailto: [email protected]

    Hi Ralf & others,
    I’m happy to hear that SAP is actively thinking about this issue, since it is an issue in the most implementations we do. I have read through the different posts and recognize a lot of problems and it’s funny to read how every one has their own way of tackling these problems.
    Maybe it’s because I’m a consultant and don’t spend much time in maintenance but I don’t use standard transactions a lot, since they offer so little possibility to select on business data as Martin mentioned. Of course during development you use transactions like SWI1, SWPR, SWEL etc etc but after the go-live we advise the customer to use the custom made reports. (Of course if you built the workflow correct and the agent determination is done properly, you shouldn’t need standard workflow transactions…in an ideal world..;)
    The way these reports are built up can roughly be in two ways:
    1 – Old fashioned: First you make a selection on business data, like invoices (again..;) then you find the related workflows, and depending on the reporting demands you extract relevant information from the workitems and their containers. We mostly use function modules during this process like:
    Especially the FM SWW_WI_CONTAINER_READ is very slow and inefficient, also because after execution you have to loop through the output of this one and find the relevant element and value you are looking for. (Maybe it would be an idea to make it possible to add the possibility to select on ELEMENT and it’s VALUE. This would make it much more efficient.
    2 – New style: Since a little while, during implementations where we expect high volumes, we make use of the WORK ITEM exits. This means that during the development of the workflow, you already start thinking about which information you want to use in reporting and that after the execution of vital steps (especially important status changes) in the workflow you transfer the relevant data to a custom-made table. When you built your report, you use this Z-table. This has proven to be a very powerfull tool which makes your reports a LOT faster!
    Maybe it would be possible to add somekind of functionality to the workflow builder or the definition of the task to add a Tab for reporting. Here it would be possible to say for example which container elements you want to transfer to some kind of special reporting table….Im just thinking out loud now.
    I hope this is a little usefull four you.
    Kind regards & good luck!
    PS Arghadip, I came across this topic since Im working for a customer now which has a running workflow for approving invoices, but they want more reporting possibilities. We are looking at the different possibilities, also BW/BI. So Arghadip I am very curious to some details on the BW reporting you used in your project, since I dont have any relevant experience in this. Could you share some of that experience with us, or shall we set up another thread on this? This would be greatly appreciated.

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    Be sure to add a video clip or picture of your favourite too, unless the lyrics are explicit

    Bambino wrote:
    Norwegian Wood And for @WispaRed7 my favorite Moody Blues songthank you very much  how very kind / thoughtful of you  ..... although I'll admit to having a bit of a tear in my eye & a catch in my throat at the music & video  & as it happens, the Beatles' Norweigan Wood  is a song that's one of my favourites of the group ..... I tend to like early Beatles stuff  

  • Forms and validations - here's some of my ideas, what are yours?

    One of the big things still missing from the JFX space (especially where JEE is concerned) is forms and form validations. Maybe you guys have been luckier but at least 80% of the screens I've had to build in my career have been boring old forms - enter data in the fields, validate them and hit submit.
    So, I've been hacking around on this to try and get a pattern and hopefully some reusable classes for doing this in JavaFX. I have something that works but the code is verbose and less than elegant. I'm hoping some of you guys might want to kick around some ideas on this with me here. If we can come up with something that works, I'd like to either include it in [url http://www.zenjava.com/jfx-flow/]JFX Flow, or put it out as a separate open source project (whichever makes more sense).
    What I think needs to be supported:
    * Map between a normal Java bean and the fields on a form
    * Validate the data, i.e. specifying the constraints on a field and then checking those constraints
    * Show a validation summary at the top of the form
    * Highlight individual fields if they have validation errors
    * Support auto-validation, i.e. the validation highlights and messages will instantly update as the user types
    Some extra restrictions:
    * The data input will ideally be a normal bean and so it won't have observable values on it. In most projects I use, the beans are coming from the server and sometimes may be shared between desktop client and a jsp/web client, or even be a third party API so they can't be changed. End result: we don't want any JFX complexities or dependencies in our server code (design leak). This rule could be bent but only as a last resort.
    * The validations must be defined relative to the normal data bean not a JFX model or controller, etc. This is so the bean can be validated on the server as well as the client. The server must do validation to prevent dodgy data getting in (never trust a client). Ideally we don't want to be specifying the validations in two places (i.e. once for the client and once for the server) as this creates maintenance problems and weakens the integrity of the system over time.
    * Ideally the validation mechanism will be based on [url http://java.dzone.com/articles/bean-validation-and-jsr-303]JSR 303 - Bean Validations as this is quite nice. This is flexible however if there is a suitable alternative that integrates better.
    To give us something to reference in conversation, I've created a small working sample. This is only meant to be a rough starting point (at best) and I'd really like to get feedback on both the code (i.e. should we have a 'presentation model', how could bindings be better used, etc) and the general way I'm representing errors (i.e. should we use tooltips to show errors, or actually show the errors next to the field, should we use border colours or put a little exclamation mark over the field, should the fields be auto-validated or only validated on submit, etc).
    The example is a single form for editing a person. It has three fields, first name, last name and gender. When the form is blank, auto-editing is off. When the user submits the form it is validated and from that point on auto-validating is on. Error fields are highlighted with a style change, and a tooltip is added with details (I think we can do better - what's your ideas?).
    I have used all plain Java to keep thngs simple, but I'd be looking for the end result to translate to FXML as well. I've also coded everything into the one class but the eventual goal would be to have the common stuff moved out to reusable base classes, etc.
    Here's a workspace with some example code in it: http://code.google.com/p/jfxee/source/browse/trunk/jfxforms/
    Here's a running deploy of that code: http://zenjava.com/demo/form/forms.html
    (edit: I've moved the code to its own project and changed the url for the launch - the values above are the new, correct ones)
    Looking forward to hearing some thoughts on this topic.
    Edited by: zonski on 01-Dec-2011 13:41

    At Devoxx I did some straw man prototype that you might find useful (or hopeless, I'm not sure which, I did it in a hurry :-)). I followed some principles that I was influenced by years back by JGoodies, but I haven't looked at the JGoodies stuff in forever and know it isn't all the same. But anyway, like I said, I'm not sure it is actually useful but maybe there is something genius hidden in there.
    I have a Validator, which is just a simple SAM:
    import javafx.scene.control.Control;
    * @author Richard
    public interface Validator<C extends Control> {
        public ValidationResult validate(C control);
    }The idea is that it is given a Control, it will validate that control, and then return a ValidationResult. ValidationResult is actually only needed in cases of errors, since returning null indicates success, so the following is somewhat of a crock but you could rename it ValidationError or something and remove the "SUCCESS" type and there you are.
    public class ValidationResult {
        public enum Type { ERROR, WARNING, SUCCESS }
        private final String message;
        private final Type type;
        public ValidationResult(String message, Type type) {
            this.message = message;
            this.type = type;
        public final String getMessage() {
            return message;
        public final Type getType() {
            return type;
        }For good measure I threw in a ValidationEvent.
    import javafx.event.Event;
    import javafx.event.EventType;
    * @author Richard
    public class ValidationEvent extends Event {
        public static final EventType<ValidationEvent> ANY =
                new EventType<ValidationEvent>(Event.ANY, "VALIDATION");
        private final ValidationResult result;
        public ValidationEvent(ValidationResult result) {
            this.result = result;
        public final ValidationResult getResult() { return result; }
    }Because Control's don't presently have the notion of validation built in, I created a ValidationPane which is like a specialized StackPane, where there is a bottom layer, the control, and a glass pane layer. And from CSS you can style it however you like. The ValidationPane has a CSS style class set in case of errors / warnings. So without augmenting controls, the idea is that a ValidationPane subclass would exist to wrap each type of control you needed to validate. It did this because somebody has to wire up the listeners to the control to react on text input etc, and so I thought I'd like that encapsulated in something reusable, and there it was.
    import javafx.beans.DefaultProperty;
    import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty;
    import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectProperty;
    import javafx.beans.property.ReadOnlyObjectWrapper;
    import javafx.beans.property.SimpleObjectProperty;
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
    import javafx.scene.control.Control;
    import javafx.scene.layout.Region;
    * @author Richard
    public abstract class ValidatorPane<C extends Control> extends Region {
         * The content for the validator pane is the control it should work with.
        private ObjectProperty<C> content = new SimpleObjectProperty<C>(this, "content", null);
        public final C getContent() { return content.get(); }
        public final void setContent(C value) { content.set(value); }
        public final ObjectProperty<C> contentProperty() { return content; }
         * The validator
        private ObjectProperty<Validator<C>> validator = new SimpleObjectProperty<Validator<C>>(this, "validator");
        public final Validator<C> getValidator() { return validator.get(); }
        public final void setValidator(Validator<C> value) { validator.set(value); }
        public final ObjectProperty<Validator<C>> validatorProperty() { return validator; }
         * The validation result
        private ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<ValidationResult> validationResult = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<ValidationResult>(this, "validationResult");
        public final ValidationResult getValidationResult() { return validationResult.get(); }
        public final ReadOnlyObjectProperty<ValidationResult> validationResultProperty() { return validationResult.getReadOnlyProperty(); }
         *  The event handler
        private ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ValidationEvent>> onValidation =
                new SimpleObjectProperty<EventHandler<ValidationEvent>>(this, "onValidation");
        public final EventHandler<ValidationEvent> getOnValidation() { return onValidation.get(); }
        public final void setOnValidation(EventHandler<ValidationEvent> value) { onValidation.set(value); }
        public final ObjectProperty<EventHandler<ValidationEvent>> onValidationProperty() { return onValidation; }
        public ValidatorPane() {
            content.addListener(new ChangeListener<Control>() {
                public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Control> ov, Control oldValue, Control newValue) {
                    if (oldValue != null) getChildren().remove(oldValue);
                    if (newValue != null) getChildren().add(0, newValue);
        protected void handleValidationResult(ValidationResult result) {
            getStyleClass().removeAll("validation-error", "validation-warning");
            if (result != null) {
                if (result.getType() == ValidationResult.Type.ERROR) {
                } else if (result.getType() == ValidationResult.Type.WARNING) {
            fireEvent(new ValidationEvent(result));
        protected void layoutChildren() {
            Control c = content.get();
            if (c != null) {
                c.resizeRelocate(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
        protected double computeMaxHeight(double d) {
            Control c = content.get();
            return c == null ? super.computeMaxHeight(d) : c.maxHeight(d);
        protected double computeMinHeight(double d) {
            Control c = content.get();
            return c == null ? super.computeMinHeight(d) : c.minHeight(d);
        protected double computePrefHeight(double d) {
            Control c = content.get();
            return c == null ? super.computePrefHeight(d) : c.prefHeight(d);
        protected double computePrefWidth(double d) {
            Control c = content.get();
            return c == null ? super.computePrefWidth(d) : c.prefWidth(d);
        protected double computeMaxWidth(double d) {
            Control c = content.get();
            return c == null ? super.computeMaxWidth(d) : c.maxWidth(d);
        protected double computeMinWidth(double d) {
            Control c = content.get();
            return c == null ? super.computeMinWidth(d) : c.minWidth(d);
    }And finally the TextInputValidatorPane instance good for any TextInputControl. I think.
    import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener;
    import javafx.beans.Observable;
    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.scene.control.TextInputControl;
    * @author Richard
    public class TextInputValidatorPane<C extends TextInputControl> extends ValidatorPane<C> {
        private InvalidationListener textListener = new InvalidationListener() {
            public void invalidated(Observable o) {
                final Validator v = getValidator();
                final ValidationResult result = v != null ?
                    v.validate(getContent()) :
                    new ValidationResult("", ValidationResult.Type.SUCCESS);
        public TextInputValidatorPane() {
            contentProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<C>() {
                public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends C> ov, C oldValue, C newValue) {
                    if (oldValue != null) oldValue.textProperty().removeListener(textListener);
                    if (newValue != null) newValue.textProperty().addListener(textListener);
        public TextInputValidatorPane(C field) {
    }This should also be usable as is from FXML since you can easily wrap a TextInputValidatorPane around a TextField, and CSS does all the styling, so I think it all just works. You probably need to have some library of sophisticated Validators which know how to read text from a TextField and compare against the validation annotations, but otherwise it should work well enough. Anyway, in the actual implementation I think I would omit the ValidationPane stuff completely and just build that part into the controls / skins. Like I said, this was a quick hack but seemed to get the "how do I visualize validation errors" part of the problem solved.

  • How do you get your top 25 plays back?

    my old laptop broke, so i got a new one, still got the old hard drive i switched all the music off that way to the new one but is there anyway to get your top 25 playlist back, i got the playlist but i mean like how many times my old songs were played, i know its crazy but i just like being able to see my old top 25 instead of the new one where the highest i have is 18 for one song

    Tony: I just posted this for someone who has lost their music......
    Good luck. Photo and video rescue will be similar.

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    Above the first song there are colums you can customize  ,  select bitrate from that menu
    tap two fingers on the trackpad will open up the menu to customize after moving the pointer to that field

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    In preferences set up your import settings, then right click on the tracks you need in a different format and use Create < Format> Version. New copies will be created in the target format.

  • I recently had to set my laptop back to factory settings, thus had to reinstall Itunes.  I connected my Ipod to the lap top my songs went back to my Itunes but when I add new songs and try to sync my Ipod, the new songs won't appear on my Ipod.  Help me!!

    I recently had to set my laptop back to factory settings, thus had to reinstall Itunes.  I connected my Ipod to the lap top my songs went back to my Itunes but when I add new songs and try to sync my Ipod, the new songs won't appear on my Ipod.  Is there someone out there that can help me out? I would appreciate it!

    Hi NYYJMM,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    You may want to reset your iPod nano and then sync again. If the issue persists, restore your iPod and try again. See these articles for the steps:
    How to reset iPod
    Restoring iPod to factory settings
    Best Regards,

  • WIN in our Prize Draw! What's your baby's funniest...

    Hi everyone
    BT have just launched the Baby Monitor & Pacifier.  To celebrate this new arrival  we’re running a Prize draw for BT Baby Monitors here in The Lounge.   
    For those gadget-mad dads, mums, parents to be and grandparents out there, here’s the science bit…
    The BT Baby Monitor & Pacifier is the only baby monitor in the UK with an MP3 / iPod connection so you can play the baby its favourite song – or your own. 
    It’s got HD sound and a talk-back feature. 
    It has a huge range of 50m indoors and 300m outdoors
    There’s a temperature-changing nightlight on the monitor which changes colour depending on the room temperature so it can be checked at a glance. 
    It comes with various modes of alerting parents to sounds in the baby’s room – full sound monitoring, beeping, vibration, or flashing lights. 
    Sound like a prize you’d like to win? 
    TO ENTER: Simply post a reply to this thread answering the question ‘What’s your baby’s funniest moment?’  And that’s it!
    There will be 10 winners. The first 5 picked at random will each get a BT Baby Monitor & Pacifier; the second 5 will each get a BT Baby Monitor 250.
    Read full terms and conditions for the Prize Draw here
    I can’t wait to read all your stories.  Good Luck!
    Retired BTCare Community Manager - StephanieG and SeanD are your new Community Managers
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

    Some great stories guys, thanks for sharing. Certainly making me smile reading them here! 
    Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Parents to be - keep the stories coming! 
    Retired BTCare Community Manager - StephanieG and SeanD are your new Community Managers
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • HT1711 how do I find the top 5 songs from a single artist!!

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    If you have unchecked the compilation tag on the CD tracks before you ripped them, then what you are describing shouldn't be happening. Are you sure you are unchecking the compilation tag for all of the tracks on the CD before you rip them?
    Unfortunately, you cannot change the default directory structure that iTunes rips albums into. You can feel free to move files after they are ripped, but iTunes will always rip them into its Artist/Album/Track #_Track Name format.

Maybe you are looking for

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