What Mac should I get?

I currently have a 2010 13" MacBook Pro. I am using it for Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, and the occasional Flash, InDesign & FCP (All Adobe CC, FCP7) . As you may already know, this computer is not powerful enough to run all of this (I have already upgraded to 8GB RAM).
My absolute top budget is $2,000 with tax, and I'd like to spend about $1,500 if possible. I already have a 23" external monitor, so I may be okay with 13 inch, but would prefer 15 inch (if that is not possible, that is fine). I am also eligible for the education discount, as I am in high school.
The options I have been looking at are:
Top-Spec 13" MacBook Air (1.7GHz Dual-Core Intel i7, 512GB SSD, 8GB 1600MHz RAM) Total: $1,897.67 with tax.
Apple Refurbished 2011 15" cMBP (1680*1050 Antiglare, 2.5GHz Quad-Core Intel i7, 4GB 1333MHz RAM, 750GB HDD @ 5400RPM, Intel HD Graphics 3000 w/ AMD Raedon HD 6670M w/ 1GB memory) Total: $1,734.92 with tax. This has been on apple.com for about a week.
Apple Refurbished 2012 15" cMBP (Glossy screen, 2.3GHz Quad-Core Intel i7, 4GB 1600MHz RAM, 500GB HDD @ 5400RPM, NVIDA GeForce 650M w/ 512MB memory) Total: $1,572.17 with tax.
Base-Spec 15" Late 2013 rMBP (2.0GHz Quad Core Intel i7, 8GB 1600MHz RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel Iris Pro) Total: $2062.42 with tax. [I know this is a little over budget, but if it's truly worth it, it's a consideration]
Top Spec 13" Late 2012 rMBP (2.6GHz Dual Core Intel i5, 8GB 1600MHz RAM, 512GB Flash, Intel Iris) Total: $1,843.42 with tax
Top-Spec 13" Late 2013 rMBP w/ processor upgrade (2.8GHz Dual Core Intel i7, 8GB 1600MHz RAM, 512GB Flash, Intel Iris) Total: $2038.72 with tax.
Top Spec 13" Late 2013 rMBP w/ RAM upgrade (2.6GHz Dual Core Intel i5, 16GB 1600MHz RAM, 512GB Flash, Intel Iris) Total: $2038.72 with tax
If you were in my position, which one would you purchase?
PS: I could not get AppleCare immediately if I was to purchase a $2k computer, but I would get it before the year ends

Hi a,
Base-Spec 15" Late 2013 rMBP (2.0GHz Quad Core Intel i7, 8GB 1600MHz RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel Iris Pro) Total: $2062.42 with tax. [I know this is a little over budget, but if it's truly worth it, it's a consideration]
This would be my first pick because of the latest generation quad core i7, but it's got only a 256GB HD, too small for most people's needs.
Thus, this would be my first pick, also saving $500:
Apple Refurbished 2012 15" cMBP (Glossy screen, 2.3GHz Quad-Core Intel i7, 4GB 1600MHz RAM, 500GB HDD @ 5400RPM, NVIDA GeForce 650M w/ 512MB memory) Total: $1,572.17 with tax.

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    Hi Shawn,
    Thanks. This i very useful information. It is extended WIFI with two Airport Base stations providing the extension one specifically designed for air tune. There are probably about 8 to 9 devices on the network.
    My speeds on the iMac wired Ethernet can hit about 250 mbs download from my ISP. My  WIFI though sounds like its in your range as extended the MacBook Air is doing about 22 to 35 mbs, the iPad is the most pathetic at about 5mbs down and relatively  the same up and the iphone actually maybe a bit better at twice that performance. Would that make sense.
    It's interesting what you say about mulitple hops. I only added in that third base station as Apple wanted me to try an alternate Airport Express to see if that was the issue and it wasn't. I was just too disinclined to return the third one so I added it to the network so both AE's are running in extended mode. When I had joined with only two base stations, oddly enough the MacBook Air would scream but the iPad and iPhone worked in reverse and crawled. So Apple told me they should be extended. I just added the third in as extended.
    Anwyay Shawn, potentially I might be running as expected which is odd in that I have never heard this from Apple. It's just all this trouble shooting to accomplish nothing.
    Finally, other than the iMac, which I do work at 80% of the time, I wonder if having such a high performance internet service makes sense. I'm curious what your thoughts are on that. The service I have is:
         - Rogers Ultimate which does include a modem with WIFI
              - 150 mbs down 10 mbs up
              - unlimited bandwidth
    Thanks Shawn

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    any thoughts?
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    is one better than the other?
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