What's contents encrypt code of embedded image in IDML file?

Hi guys,
Does anyone has idea what's contents encrypt code of embedded image in IDML file?
I want to use C# to get the binary data of contents and save it as image. But it seems to me it's not using Base64.
How can i translate the contents to image?
Thanks in advacne.
Here is the sample file.
<Image Self="uda" Space="$ID/#Links_RGB" ActualPpi="96 96" EffectivePpi="96 96" ImageRenderingIntent="UseColorSettings" LocalDisplaySetting="Default" ImageTypeName="$ID/Portable Network Graphics (PNG)" AppliedObjectStyle="ObjectStyle/$ID/[None]" ItemTransform="1 0 0 1 -159.0221922373429 -106.13981227162273" GradientFillStart="0 0" GradientFillLength="0" GradientFillAngle="0" GradientFillHiliteLength="0" GradientFillHiliteAngle="0" Visible="true" Name="$ID/">
- <Properties> 
<Profile type="string">$ID/None</Profile>  
- <Contents> 
- <![CDATA[
iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAagAAAEbCAYAAACP7BAbAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACx jwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAADsMAAA7DAcdvqGQAAP+lSURBVHhe7F0FmFRX1iRKBI8nu/+6u2SzcXcj 7u4hTiAhuLu7u9ugY8wM4+7u7u7DIPVX3e43NJOBhgAbg+87tLzW6fde3TqnTp1OOPPvzF/gzF/g zF/gzF/gzF/gO/gX6JRVdRCK7OpD9jiAnJqDyK89dEQU1B2EYxTWHkRR3aGjRnHDQZQ0HjpqlHOb Y1Q0AaczKpsBx6hqARyj/Xbrdttnaj6IypZDqNoHVLcCdQcOoeEA0HgQaGHwbuw3cQgHGc7+HeRD jhn219FrHc/rOXu/jrbrdVv5Ofbxg+h7NPA71e4/yO+4HxWtB1HG76zfUL+z9oeCOqCw/hDjAI71 +5byt3QWZfw9TmeU8/c9VpzO99ZrO9uXnb3/0fbHU3W/s893ure3P/5P/W3+/o2Ho/25qLgeZt/W ++pvWs2DuJbHdf1+HdeH0HzwIFoO2Y4PHdc6VhyPal0/Vhw4dBDHCr2uOfb4OiZ4XecRHYeKenvo s9TzmNSlOdfwM+nx1vN1DnH8HN/kPHA6nnOIn/NocZB/W+vzH/E34AfhT4EmfiNd6t/XAErgdDwA dTRw0g9v/fgdAZR14vo+ANQRB+mPHKAETt8ngHIGAKd7u7MTvLP3P1VA9E1fx9nn/7a3Owe0bxeg rIXl0S5/6ABlgd7RQMq2mG8H0nawFjgdAVCH2dMhA07tAcp2cjqSQXUEUBY4HQ2gHFfV3yWAcsqe xO7OAFQbQBWRHX/XGZQzADjd252dwJ29/zcFllP1PGef/9vefgagbCf37yqDcmRlHYGUBVBHAymx RMOgjgQnfA2grJWzM4ByBKeOAKp9yue7AlDHOqCtg1Cf9YcOUE3c2a0UX3Xrga+l+BwZ1BmAcp6e 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auyJroZXTA28Y2vhHV8Hn4R67E1sgF8yAS2lEQGpTfZogH9WPUGuzkRAZi1CeDuUyf6w7DqEEinC eV9kdj2icxsRkWu/n2gQlluPiPxGs82KqJwG87iYvKa2iM3fD8eIyWvltsMRV9AKRTyZYEcRW9IK RRyBVWnOxGJbJJUcMKGUp0Lpz6TSFiSWNJvLFAKuQDW7soVCklamPfdTQHLAlstm3U2MrJrsropp 0GOGTp726JjF8fncAx3TjrVMQSot2cCTbg3reHUEIqUilIsWJpkcualRHc866gcOUPxbCaBM3xpB JoY11gQtjAhAa4Nbscx9P+Z5H8DE3ZXgT4aaukoU8nfj7oAQrnyKad5ngVR79uTYI3c8J9vT9Zhj AZTF/pzV8r6z2/8njbqH/fja16DMuHUeRgIoVXS1GLQxKAukvjsAtY/He1ud7OQ+1nfu2Z3eWZiA PkuS8dHyNHy6Kh391mThi3U5GLk2GaPXp2LCpgxM2pKFKS5ZmLY9BzN35GHWznxMccvDVPdcTPfM xyzvIszZW4J5fiWY71+KBQFlWOZbgKV787FibwFW2YFvY2AJNgUVY3NwCbYEFhsQVGwhIG4IKDSx
<GraphicBounds Left="0" Top="0" Right="318.0443844746858" Bottom="212.27962454324546" />  
- <TextWrapPreference Inverse="false" ApplyToMasterPageOnly="false" TextWrapSide="BothSides" TextWrapMode="None"> 
- <Properties> 
<TextWrapOffset Top="0" Left="0" Bottom="0" Right="0" />  
<ContourOption ContourType="SameAsClipping" IncludeInsideEdges="false" ContourPathName="$ID/" />  
<Link Self="ud9" AssetURL="$ID/" AssetID="$ID/" LinkResourceURI="file:C:/Users/dkzhang/Desktop/Templates/Images/Hand.PNG" LinkResourceFormat="$ID/Portable Network Graphics (PNG)" StoredState="Embedded" LinkClassID="35906" LinkClientID="257" LinkResourceModified="false" LinkObjectModified="false" ShowInUI="true" CanEmbed="true" CanUnembed="true" CanPackage="true" ImportPolicy="NoAutoImport" ExportPolicy="NoAutoExport" LinkImportStamp="file 129786755834128158 234438" LinkImportModificationTime="2012-04-12T11:39:43" LinkImportTime="2012-04-16T10:37:47" LinkResourceSize="0~393c6" />  
<ClippingPathSettings ClippingType="None" InvertPath="false" IncludeInsideEdges="false" RestrictToFrame="false" UseHighResolutionImage="true" Threshold="25" Tolerance="2" InsetFrame="0" AppliedPathName="$ID/" Index="-1" />  
<ImageIOPreference ApplyPhotoshopClippingPath="true" AllowAutoEmbedding="true" AlphaChannelName="$ID/" />  

Ryan_Zhang wrote:
After checking, it's using Base64 encode.
It sure is. Be careful, though; large images could be split up into several consecutive CDATA parts.
I wrote a Javascript to do the same, but it's extremely slow. A plain C version (I did not even use the '++' part) does the job in less than the blink of an eye.

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    <af:panelGroupLayout layout="vertical" id="pgl3">
    <af:panelGroupLayout layout="horizontal" valign="top" inlineStyle="background-color:#FFF; padding:10px;" id="pgl4">
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    id="ot2" styleClass="bodytext"/>

  • What release level of code do you get when you download a disk image (ISO/IMG) of a click-to-run Office 2013 product?

    I’ve asked a similar question to this on an Office Community Forum but nobody knows the answer.  So
    I was hoping that an IT professional responsible for installing and deploying Office 2013 might know.
    If you download an installation disk image (ISO/IMG) of a click-to-run Office 2013 product from office.microsoft.com/myaccount (Account Options:
    Install from a disc > I want to burn a disc), what release level of code do you get? 
    Now that Service Pack 1 is available, do you get a disk image with Service Pack 1 incorporated? 
    Or do you still get the RTM (Release to Manufacturing) level of code?

    Diane, thank you for the reply.
    I was hoping that someone who has downloaded a disk image since SP1 became available would be able to confirm that for a fact.
    I have just found a good description of Click-to-Run on Technet that I didn't know existed.  The link is: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj219427(v=office.15)
    The article states:
    "Click-to-Run products that you download and install from Microsoft are up-to-date from the start. You won’t have to download and apply any updates or service packs immediately after you install the Office product."
    This statement is probably true if you click the Install button on office.microsoft.com/myaccount and install "in real-time" over the Internet.  However, I know for a fact that it is not true if you order a backup disk (Account
    Options: Install from a disc > I want to purchase a disc).  All you get is RTM level code (15.0.4420.1017).
    So I still feel uneasy about what release level you get if you download a disk image.  I don't want to download what might be the better part of 1GB of code over the Internet only to discover it is back level.
    Addendum (6 April 2014): I decided to perform an experiment.  I looked at the size of the data on my backup disk which contains RTM level code.  It is 2.04GB.  I then went to office.microsoft.com/myaccount and clicked to download a disk
    image of my Office 2013 product.  The pop-up window that asks me whether I want to Run or Save the file informed me that the size of the file is 2.04GB!!!  I cancelled the download.  I strongly suspect that, if I had continued with the
    download, I would have received the same RTM level code I already have dating back to October 2012.  I think this is awful customer service.  To some extent, I can understand the logistical problems of replacing backup disks lying in warehouses
    waiting to be shipped.  But I cannot understand why disk images on download servers cannot be refreshed quickly.

  • Embedded Images no matter what I try... Not Good.

    Im getting a dialog box upon placing PSDs into Illustrator.
    It asks if I want to convert Photoshop layers to objects or Flatten Photoshop layers to a single image.
    Never seen this before and all it will do is import the image as an embedded file.
    And I have tried relinking the file and it remains an embedded image.
    This is making Illustrator even slower than it already is!
    What is the deal?
    - T

    How are you placing the images?
    Drag and drop? Is caps lock on? That will make them embed. Odd, I know.
    File -> place? There is a checkbox there to "link" Make sure that's checked.

  • What controls whether embedded images scale to email window size?

    When I create a new Mail.app msg and insert or drag/drop an image inline, it visually scales to fit the size of my msg window, which is about 60% of my screen width. (I'm not talking about altering the physical size of the image)
    However, when I look at the msg from the sent folder or from a copy sent to myself, it appears fullsize, and this causes the msg text to now have a line length equal to the width of the embedded image. So now I have to scroll sideways to read the msg/view the image, or open the note to the size of the image, which I don't want to do. I want the computer to adapt to me, not the other way around.
    I'm pretty sure that this used to function as I desire. To further rub it in, I got a msg from a relative today, sent from his peecee using DarkSideSoftware, and those images scale to my msg size. What's the deal?
    iMac G5 2GHz Mac OS X (10.4.8)

    hi, in prefs, Composing: Message Format: Rich Text
    The only contextual menu choices are Download Image and Copy Image. However, if I check an image that scales properly in the email I mentioned, the resulting menu includes:
    Open Attachment
    Open With
    Save Attachment
    Save to Downloads Folder
    View as Icon
    I also notice that 1 sec after hovering over the image in the "good" note, I get a popup for a few seconds indicating the image name, status, mime-type but hovering over the image in the other note produces no result.
    I thought it might have something to do with send/recv via .mac (imap) VS the "good" note came via another of my pop accts, but testing shows the same results.
    For grins, I blew the dust off Entourage 2004 and let it go get about 200 mail msgs, and the "good" note acts exactly the same, that is the images all scale to window size. The last note I sent via Mail with a 1920x1200 img and downloaded into Entourage displays inline --> smaller <-- than the note window size... It appears Entourage in general wants to scale to 50% of whatever the window size is moved to.
    Ok, I took the "good" note which was scaling correctly and used Mail.app to fwd it to my .mac acct and when I download it with Mail.app the images no longer scale, but now show fullsize. Same note functions as before/correctly in Entourage.

  • How to get the binary content of embedded Images

    Dear collegues,
    since a few weeks I am trying very hard to parse the XML-string of an interactive form containing embedded images. We need the binary content of this JPG-image files to store them in a database - just to have the possibility to generate the forms again with additional values which are created during the process.
    Using the ixml classes I am able to fetch the image string during parsing - but this is just a string and not a JPG-image. I converted the string to xstring - but the result is still no image format.
    Is there a way to fetch the binary content of embedded images from PDF or XML? Any suggestion would be great.
    Thanks In advance.

    Hello again,
    the problem is solved. For collegues which are interested in the solution:
    1. parse the image string with the ixml classes
    2. convert the image-string to xstring using fm SSFC_BASE64_DECODE
    3. save the xstring
    4. pass the xstring to the form interface
    Thats it.

  • Sample Java  Code to send an HTML mail with embeded image

    Please can I get a sample Java code on sending an HTML mail with embeded image.
    The HTML message and relevant input parameters withhbe supplied from a PL/SQL that will call the class , the class will embed the image and send the mail to the recepient.

    tev wrote:
    Please can I get a sample Java codeNo. This is a forum, not a code mill.
    Recommended reading: How to ask questions the smart way

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