Associating artwork with songs without embedding images in song files

Is it possible to associate artwork with songs in iTunes without embedding images in song files?
I'd like to see album covers in iTunes but don't want to waste the storage space on my iPod.

You can add your own artwork (for covers iTunes does not get) to coverflow wihtout embedding it into the ID3 tags.
See this ->
I haven't tried it yet but others have had success.

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    Thx for that im gonna try it....but is there a way to do it without using toolbar or cmd-c...? i mean using only the mouse?why does it have to highlight the file even though i click a bit next to it....?using icon view i can right click next to the folder and i wont have a problem but with list view that i prefer using it will highlight the whole row.....and i dont find free space to right click cause i got many files

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    Does anyone has idea what's contents encrypt code of embedded image in IDML file?
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    How can i translate the contents to image?
    Thanks in advacne.
    Here is the sample file.
    <Image Self="uda" Space="$ID/#Links_RGB" ActualPpi="96 96" EffectivePpi="96 96" ImageRenderingIntent="UseColorSettings" LocalDisplaySetting="Default" ImageTypeName="$ID/Portable Network Graphics (PNG)" AppliedObjectStyle="ObjectStyle/$ID/[None]" ItemTransform="1 0 0 1 -159.0221922373429 -106.13981227162273" GradientFillStart="0 0" GradientFillLength="0" GradientFillAngle="0" GradientFillHiliteLength="0" GradientFillHiliteAngle="0" Visible="true" Name="$ID/">
    - <Properties> 
    <Profile type="string">$ID/None</Profile>  
    - <Contents> 
    - <![CDATA[
    iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAagAAAEbCAYAAACP7BAbAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACx jwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAADsMAAA7DAcdvqGQAAP+lSURBVHhe7F0FmFRX1iRKBI8nu/+6u2SzcXcj 7u4hTiAhuLu7u9ugY8wM4+7u7u7DIPVX3e43NJOBhgAbg+87tLzW6fde3TqnTp1OOPPvzF/gzF/g zF/gzF/gzF/gO/gX6JRVdRCK7OpD9jiAnJqDyK89dEQU1B2EYxTWHkRR3aGjRnHDQZQ0HjpqlHOb Y1Q0AaczKpsBx6hqARyj/Xbrdttnaj6IypZDqNoHVLcCdQcOoeEA0HgQaGHwbuw3cQgHGc7+HeRD jhn219FrHc/rOXu/jrbrdVv5Ofbxg+h7NPA71e4/yO+4HxWtB1HG76zfUL+z9oeCOqCw/hDjAI71 +5byt3QWZfw9TmeU8/c9VpzO99ZrO9uXnb3/0fbHU3W/s893ure3P/5P/W3+/o2Ho/25qLgeZt/W ++pvWs2DuJbHdf1+HdeH0HzwIFoO2Y4PHdc6VhyPal0/Vhw4dBDHCr2uOfb4OiZ4XecRHYeKenvo s9TzmNSlOdfwM+nx1vN1DnH8HN/kPHA6nnOIn/NocZB/W+vzH/E34AfhT4EmfiNd6t/XAErgdDwA dTRw0g9v/fgdAZR14vo+ANQRB+mPHKAETt8ngHIGAKd7u7MTvLP3P1VA9E1fx9nn/7a3Owe0bxeg rIXl0S5/6ABlgd7RQMq2mG8H0nawFjgdAVCH2dMhA07tAcp2cjqSQXUEUBY4HQ2gHFfV3yWAcsqe xO7OAFQbQBWRHX/XGZQzADjd252dwJ29/zcFllP1PGef/9vefgagbCf37yqDcmRlHYGUBVBHAymx RMOgjgQnfA2grJWzM4ByBKeOAKp9yue7AlDHOqCtg1Cf9YcOUE3c2a0UX3Xrga+l+BwZ1BmAcp6e dHYCPwNQztOgx/obngGo7w9ACWjag5RV3jgak2K29TBA5dQImGyRy1qD4jAw2VI7FkDZahBfrz19 3wDquFgTmZN1IDgClOpQP7QaVEcAVc6am1WD+r4B1MkChDMAcbbd2fs7236qmNB39XWcff+T3e5Y f9L1/3UN6kyK78jK1tEASkBlsSjHelQbQB0JTscGKAuc2gNUe3Bqz6A6Kph/2wyqowO3o4Oi7XM2 kVUwzSdw+qEAlIqrVi5cAKUirIDXYlBnAMo5UzoaUJ3sCfa7Ciyn6nOd7N/H2fPPANTpkD6c3Gs6 glR7gZgjSFnnJJPiO8ycBE5HByhHcHIEqI7AyRGgjqbm+q4B1NF2+PYAZSn5fggMSgBl7RhHAyj9 fqo32gQSvN6g+O7XoJydwJwxoJPd7uz9nW0/VUDwXX0dZ9//ZLefAaiTA5PT9ezDIPV1FXN7kDoq QOXZFVuOab72AHU0YDLgxJPYsWTGOvi/DwB1xGe0M6gfC0BVUm4rBqXfUb+pwOn7BFDOTswnC0DO nn+yJ1hnn/9kt7dvszjetouTfd9T9Xxnf99vG6CcydB/LCq+YwEdlehHtNq0F07YAepgu7qTTa2X X3vgyL4ne+3JsCcCkFRcjvF1Sbl6aI4eznaw071dB8qxWFNJM+svDJ2gre9WSpohgKrm3qWeCUcW pT4Gx14oZyuQ70IflD6jlQO2ejDUf2Gl+ar2HeT3P2R+Z7Eo9b6pB0rR/vc+URGMEZ4cpfftWL+N 9ZxTdaI73lrkqd4fnX3+9u/3tcdzP9S++I2jXV+gsz5BZ4D2te18/aqTiPaf52t/D+47lccIPb49 SFm3yxpstVXt25YAqpp9czU8iOt5XJv+RvYxWT1HVn+jBTrOjm0jCnASrXx9WxyWWuv9mvneisN9 ULbPY/VcapuO1SN6tOy9UG2fy3kb5vF8hdP6mK/VpBz6PtU/pr/5MQHqa425ljjCpHicA5R+/GPF qT7gT/T1zgCUbQc4A1BHNnB/rUH7NDWQf9cBytnnc7b9ZMBJzz0DUDaQssDphwZQFvpZQNVeVNIG UJZqz3IKaA9Mun2EOKIDgOq4IfcMQB1rCXKGQZ1hUMfT4nBUxngy7EnPdcKgTnb7GYA6Nov6sTMo x3OjQKo9QIlZGgYlgDoMTqwzKI3DaC8rt1J7tiL5YQZ1NDujMwzq2Az5DECdAagzAHX0NOAZBvXj YFDWWfKoAGV57hmVFlV8bR57rDMU2ePYtaYj/fYO1yLOMKgzDOqw32L7FKyzGtTJruBP9vknmjI+ 0cc7+3zfdg3K2edztv0MgzrDoE6kiNUeoA4wvWkYVJsJqAEnm6TYxEmBk1R8ZwDqDECdAahjCUHO MKgzDOrHKpJof25URs8RpI4AKBtzEjjZAKqkA4A6ljO5TRHTXlp+BqDOANQZgDoDUN9MzXcmxffj SvFZqsc2kLJqUGJQjgAlcLIA6mipPUfp9WEJ9pEAdbr7RE40pdJRyuSMzPy7q+JzlkI63dtPdv9y 9nxnn//bTvE5+/zOtp9J8Z1J8Z1Iiq+9LF81epPiK6D/XkGNDaQsBiUWZYGTegYUbZ50mqHCvpij 9Rgcvv/IeU/OzR1P7XyoY/VIaJvzz2P1Udg+V5n5zra+E1kdnWwfVNuKwd6sJkp7hHDitM+DsiV5 LTcJ9XAZPz6G5K36fuqDkr2T+tm0P0goo1qlGrnbu5k7pnS1OGmf4m2/YHF6AnaiMnN2gqylTrWU aWo9rpRfSLfVq1POhmt9rxIa4lbva2G0opLfvUgzgRqa0cBt+o7f9gLLGYCdaF+SM0bi7O95otud fX6n2530OTk7vjuqeR55zB/ps1nFnkf1QdVxP9H+f7J9UM5OzpobZ4sj+6BMj1M7ebmj1Ny67jgX qqN5Vc7e/7u+3ZqB1ym/2gZQFkhZdSjjFMGT0mGAsv2gFfZwBlAnukOf7Anrazv8cTTyHesztgfa MwD1/QIo6/eqJvLqd9alASwCbg2P6AoqUevqWpFbUGlzy+DtWpqKKir42O86QDk7wTtzhjjZ49PZ 8519PqfbzwDUET1Q7UHqRwVQxwKpIwGKB++PFKCs1dcZBnV6GJROeE5PWg6sytkJUmCkk7TNUcDW 96P7xBB13dsjFAHuvlg8ZwlSsmtRRdCq0WfgmaCElz8kgOro7+rs73ey20/kt+zwsWcA6gxAGRUf GZQNoA6n+hzVfKVkUrYUny3lpZWnQOrHwKCsg9QxNWCzOjqT4jvVKT7rb328J7bjOYFaoKS0ngVS PO8hLqMEq+YvR05UBFbMmolV67ahxLjU7ye7akYpU38/FIA62t/zeP5+J/OY4/0dj/q4MwB1BqAM QFU5ApTVC3VYci7BhA2k7EDFOkQ5oz2zagOwU2QNc7I7uLMirbODz4Cx/bu01d900JwBqFNSg3L8 mzr7Lb7JdgGMzQtyv0nZFTe00vyWIMTFxXbvKKxctAq5sbFwWb0Sb3/8JVwj08B1GsqbG1HcVP+t A5Sz7/xNjw9nr/td2e6sxuRs+5ka1He9ynR8n69THivEHYGUVZcqpquEI0gJnBwB6gh2dYrA6UTT PR0drCcLUI47+BmAOvUiCUdWejpOiuUEKOOazwVFRSvrZ3UtBqC4O8MzKAXjJy5DbloeArxDcMvD r+PvD76LDIojqrldn+fbZlDO/ibfBKCcveZ3abszAHK2/QxAHR8AfNcf1Sm3ghN0GQao7Ok+2yUd zRlF1TbZeRtISeFEfz6LQf0YAMqqY+hSCr4zKb6TV/Gd9nErqj/xtzJDF5v2objRlrbj+grJeS3Y FpSOxIwiNLD25B5bikv/+zw+nbQe3L1N+vqHBlDfJfA5ns/iDICcbT8DUN916Dm+z9cpu+wAcso5 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    <GraphicBounds Left="0" Top="0" Right="318.0443844746858" Bottom="212.27962454324546" />  
    - <TextWrapPreference Inverse="false" ApplyToMasterPageOnly="false" TextWrapSide="BothSides" TextWrapMode="None"> 
    - <Properties> 
    <TextWrapOffset Top="0" Left="0" Bottom="0" Right="0" />  
    <ContourOption ContourType="SameAsClipping" IncludeInsideEdges="false" ContourPathName="$ID/" />  
    <Link Self="ud9" AssetURL="$ID/" AssetID="$ID/" LinkResourceURI="file:C:/Users/dkzhang/Desktop/Templates/Images/Hand.PNG" LinkResourceFormat="$ID/Portable Network Graphics (PNG)" StoredState="Embedded" LinkClassID="35906" LinkClientID="257" LinkResourceModified="false" LinkObjectModified="false" ShowInUI="true" CanEmbed="true" CanUnembed="true" CanPackage="true" ImportPolicy="NoAutoImport" ExportPolicy="NoAutoExport" LinkImportStamp="file 129786755834128158 234438" LinkImportModificationTime="2012-04-12T11:39:43" LinkImportTime="2012-04-16T10:37:47" LinkResourceSize="0~393c6" />  
    <ClippingPathSettings ClippingType="None" InvertPath="false" IncludeInsideEdges="false" RestrictToFrame="false" UseHighResolutionImage="true" Threshold="25" Tolerance="2" InsetFrame="0" AppliedPathName="$ID/" Index="-1" />  
    <ImageIOPreference ApplyPhotoshopClippingPath="true" AllowAutoEmbedding="true" AlphaChannelName="$ID/" />  

    Ryan_Zhang wrote:
    After checking, it's using Base64 encode.
    It sure is. Be careful, though; large images could be split up into several consecutive CDATA parts.
    I wrote a Javascript to do the same, but it's extremely slow. A plain C version (I did not even use the '++' part) does the job in less than the blink of an eye.

  • Illustrator hangs when saving .ai files with linked or embedded images

    Currently I have a huge problem with Adobe Illustrator. When I place an image file inside an Illustrator document, the program freezes for about 45 seconds when saving. In the beginning I though it was just because my image file was too big, but that wasn't the case.
    To test what's going on I created a new document, drew a few lines and saved. No problem, Illustrator saved immediately. Then I placed a bigger image and suddenly Illustrator hang when saving. I repeated this with a very small GIF of just a few kB and again, Illustrator hang for nearly a minute when saving the image. I tried embedding the image instead of linking it, but I still got the same results.
    Then I turned of the visibility of the image object by clicking on the little eye symbol in front of the image object and suddenly Illustrator was able to save quickly again. The next thing I wanted to try was turning off compression and PDF compatibility, but then I noticed that Illustrator is actually hanging BEFORE writing the file to disk. When I hit "Save as" Illustrator asked me where to save the new file and then after clicking "Save" it hang (showing "(Not Responding)" in the title bar). About 45 seconds later the save options dialog came up and when I clicked "OK" it saved the file immediately.
    Does anybody know what the problem might be? I'm using Illustrator CS5 on Windows 7 x64. The computer is a notebook with 8GB RAM and a switchable graphics card. I tried this on both the integrated Intel graphics unit and on the much more powerful AMD chip. The hard driver I'm saving to is the local hard drive (no network drive etc.).
    This is a more or less fresh installation (I haven't used Illustrator before on this notebook) and I can't remember that I had the same problem on my workstation where I used it inside a virtual machine (which doesn't exist anymore).

    Yeah, I know that changing the mode results in different colors. I just switched back and forth to check out what's going on.
    For CMYK I'm using ECI profiles which are common in Europe and for RGB the normal Adobe RGB 1998 profile. The profiles are synced between all Creative Suite products. I tried sRGB and some of the default profiles which shipped with CS5 but it produces the same result. I also deleted my whole Illustrator profile but without success.
    My graphics card doesn't have any updates. But it would be very unlikely anyway that both drivers for both cards had the same issue. If it has something to do with my graphics cards it's more likely the switchable graphics in general.

  • Embed clipping path without embedding image

    I embed Photoshop images all the time in order to get a vectorized version of the clipping path. Afterwards, I relink the image I just embedded and the new vector becomes the mask. It would be nice if I didn't have to embed the image itself in order to embed the clipping path. Even better, it would be nice to see which images had clipping paths right inside of Illustrator without having to embed them or open Photoshop. Maybe this could be part of the "Link Info"?

    Could you just export the path for the clipping path from Photoshop to Illustrator?
    You know export paths to Illustrator under the file menu in Photoshop? Or just drag the path from Photoshop to the Illustrator document?
    Oh I see what you want you want to link the file with the option to have the clipping mask be a live editable clipping mask in AI and in the same relative position.
    Interesting option, like a check box link file embed clipping mask.

  • Viewing PDF with JPEG 2000 embedded images

    I tried a PDF file that contains a JPEG 2000 image embedded, but got a "Out of memory" error (on an iPad).
    The size of the PDF is a A4 page scanned at 300 DPI.
    It seems that all other PDF viewers on iOS 5 are able to display the same document !!!
    Anybody having a similar result or being able to view such a type of file ? 

    Do you mind sharing this PDF at [email protected]?  We will surely investigate and get back to you.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Movie and TV Show  Artwork with .mov as opposed to h.264 files

    I am in the process of transfering my DVD collection to digital media, and I've been using handbrake to make h.264 files. This is all fine and dandy, and iTunes 7 indexes them perfectly and lets me assign artwork to the shows and movies I add to the libary. The only problem is when a movie is split between two discs, say like the Lord of the Rings movies, I have to stitch the two h.264 files together using quicktime and save as a .mov file, or re-encode the full file into h.264 which is a waste of time and degrades the quality. The reason I HAVE to have it in h.264 is because for some reason itunes does not let you assign artwork to a .mov file. It defaults to the first frame of the movie and doesn't let you change it. Is there a way around this, or are these .mov files doomed to exist in coverflow without artwork.
    Any advice would be handy. Thanks.
    20" iMac Core Duo    

    I have a similar dilemma, where iTunes (or any other tool) will not allow me to add artwork to a MOV file. This is understandable (kind of), as the "poster frame" is not a discrete piece of artwork. But boy is it frustrating.
    The reason I'd love to know how to add artwork is this: I can use ChapterTool to add chapters to the audio track of a movie, then paste in the video track and save it as a QuickTime Movie. Time intensive, but it's actually pretty cool to have the DVD chapters with the movie.
    I had considered adding the artwork as a disabled layer and setting that as the poster frame, but iTunes feels compelled to disobey transparency and format it to the proportions of the movie. I'll keep at it, but if anyone has any tips, pass them along. (For me, an alternative would be a way to chapter an MP4 video vs. a QuickTime Movie.)

  • My music app shows it's still playing a song but it's playing next song without finishing the last song.

    Since I had my iPhone 5S (I now have a 6 plus), I've had a problem with my iPhone Music app showing that it's playing certain songs but towards the end, it jumps to the next track, but without finishing the one it was playing. The music bar doesn't change - it shows as if it was still playing the former song. It happens randomly with certain songs and it appears all my playlists have been affected by this. I've restored the phone and restored both an iCloud backup (to rule out software issues that iTunes is copying over into the phone) and an iTunes restore from backup. I've also deleted entire albums and redownloaded them right onto the phone, hitting the exact same snag. I've also restored the phone and started it as a new install and hit the exact same snag. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    OK. Since no one replied I restored my Nano 2. It still does this. Can anyone say theirs doesn't? Stop the music halfway or anyplace inside a track. Let the iPod rest for a few hours. Hit Play again. You see the song you were on and the place where you were. It is in Pause mode. Hit Play again to continue the song. At this point mine skips to the beginning of the next track. If I left click the wheel, it skips over the previous to the one before that.
    This does not happen with my 80G Video iPod. It holds it's place and the music continues.
    This is an 8G black Nano.

  • Loading photos without embedding them in swf file

    I am planning to make a personal photo album website and am not able to decide whether to embed the photos at compile time or to load them at run time, and need some suggestions:
    1. First how to load at run time?
    2. Second what is the best practice, i think keeping the swf file as small as possible should be the right way to go any suggestion?

    Hi There
    This is a bit scruffy cos as quick response but.  Have a look below
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" initialize="init()" xmlns:local="*">
              import mx.controls.Button;
              import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    private var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
    {imageTitle : 'Car 1', imageUrl : ''},
    {imageTitle : 'Car 2', imageUrl : ' wered_car.jpg'},
    {imageTitle : 'Car 3', imageUrl : ' vsqu.jpg'}
    private function showCar(num:int):void {
    img.source = ac.getItemAt(num).imageUrl;
    imgTitle.text = ac.getItemAt(num).imageTitle;
         <mx:Image id="img" source="{ac.getItemAt(0).imageUrl}" width="426" height="243"/>
         <mx:Label id="imgTitle" text="{ac.getItemAt(0).imageTitle}"/>
         <mx:Button label="Button" click="showCar(0)"/>
         <mx:Button label="Button" click="showCar(1)"/>
         <mx:Button label="Button" click="showCar(2)"/>
    Yes use HTTP service with what ever backend technology asp, php etc you use to populate the arrayColletion.  You'd have to build better navigator thats dynamic as I've just added 3 hardcoded mxml buttons but should be simple enough.
    Good luck I hope this helps.

  • Unable to Fast Forward Through A Song Without It Restarting the Song

    I have a new 5th generation 80gb ipod. If I attempt to fast forward through a song, it moves the clock ahead, but then restarts the song. The same also occurs if I try to rewind back in during a song. At first, I thought it was a touch issue, but it is not.
    Also, when a song starts to play, the clock clicks off 3 or 4 seconds, then starts back at 0:00, but the song keeps playing normally. Any suggestions? Thanks.

    sounds like a bug on the new ipods to me
    talk to the techs at a store

  • Issue opening .AI file with linked/embedded images in Illustrator 6

    Received an Illustrator 16.x ai file with 6 Linked\embedded images. Opening in Illustrator 16.0.3 2 images are missing, but opening in Illustrator 15.1 opens them correctly. Illustrator 16.0.3 has warning "Could not find linked file “filename.png”. Choose replace to select another file or Ignore to leave the link unchanged". Illustrator 15.1 has warning "The file “” was created by a newer version of Illustrator. Would you like to import this file? Some data loss may occur.". When I open in Photoshop 12.1 and select Images only 4 images show. The two that are missing in ai. are not showing in Photoshop Images option tab, but are in Photoshop when I open the file using pages option tab. Any idea what is happening here and why Illustrator 15.1 opens fine, but Illustrator 16.0.3 cannot?
    Thanks,  Dale

    Illustrator CS5 opens the PDF part of the file. Images are always embedded in that part, but you might not be able to edit all objects in it.
    Illustrator CS6 will access the AI part of the file, where linked images are not embedded. You should ask for the images in order to edit the file.
    Recommended reading: Real World Illustrator: What's in a file?

  • Update an embedded image in a PDF with Actions

    i am trying to create an Action in CS3 but some of my actions are not been recorded.
    What i want to do is run the Batch option on a folder with a 1,000 PDFs in it. The PDFs
    (which were created in Illustrator CS3) consist of a single page with a single embedded
    image at the foot of the page. I am trying to update that embedded image.
    The Actions i am trying to record are...
    1) Select the single image in the Links palette.
    2) Choose the "Relink.." option in the drop down menu of the Links palette.
    3) Navigate to the new image and select "Place".
    4) Save and close document.
    But the first two actions are not been recorded.
    How do i get around this problem ?
    Note: From trying this manually the new image seems to take on the horizontal and vertical  
    scaling of the previous image which is what i want, so that doesn't need to be a part of
    any solution.

    That will probably require a script, so ask in the pertinent forum.

  • PDF to html conversion with embedded images in java

    hi all,
    i want to convert any pdf file to its html equivalent. currently i am using PDFBOX java api to do that. it works fine with simple pdf files having no images, but if there are embedded images in pdf file then it do not show these images.
    anyone who has clue of solving this problem. i can convert individual pdf pages to jpg pictures if all embedded images would also be in these pictures.
    help me regarding pointers to other APIs, code snippets etc that can solve my purpose.
    thanks in advance

    really soorry i am not having any solution for u.
    But i am having one problem regarding pdf box, i think u know pdf box, i am reading japanese file using pdf box, its giveing
    caught a class
    with message: Unknown encoding for 'UniJIS-UCS2-H'
    I have wrriten code like this.....
    PDDocument pdfDocument = null;
    PDFParser parser = new PDFParser( new FileInputStream(file));
    pdfDocument = parser.getPDDocument();
    PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper();
    String text = stripper.getText(pdfDocument);
    reader = new StringReader(text);

  • Pdf file to html conversion with embedded images

    hi all,
    i want to convert any pdf file to its html equivalent. currently i am using PDFBOX java api to do that. it works fine with simple pdf files having no images, but if there are embedded images in pdf file then it do not show these images.
    anyone who has clue of solving this problem. i can convert individual pdf pages to jpg pictures if all embedded images would also be in these pictures.
    help me regarding pointers to other APIs, code snippets etc that can solve my purpose.
    thanks in advance

    really soorry i am not having any solution for u.
    But i am having one problem regarding pdf box, i think u know pdf box, i am reading japanese file using pdf box, its giveing
    caught a class
    with message: Unknown encoding for 'UniJIS-UCS2-H'
    I have wrriten code like this.....
    PDDocument pdfDocument = null;
    PDFParser parser = new PDFParser( new FileInputStream(file));
    pdfDocument = parser.getPDDocument();
    PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper();
    String text = stripper.getText(pdfDocument);
    reader = new StringReader(text);

  • How to request - Updating an embedded image in a PDF using Actions but not all actions are recorded

    i am trying to create an Action in CS3 but some of my actions are not been recorded.
    What i want to do is run the Batch option on a folder with a 1,000 PDFs in it. The PDFs
    (which were created in Illustrator CS3) consist of a single page with a single embedded
    image at the foot of the page. I am trying to update that embedded image.
    The Actions i am trying to record are...
    1) Select the single image in the Links palette.
    2) Choose the "Relink.." option in the drop down menu of the Links palette.
    3) Navigate to the new image and select "Place".
    4) Save and close document.
    But the first two actions are not been recorded.
    How do i get around this problem ?
    Note: From trying this manually the new image seems to take on the horizontal and
    vertical scaling of the previous image which is what i want. But if i am going to have to
    do a script then that is a factor that may have to be incorporated into the script.
    Any help appreciated.

    Give this a trial… It does a save as which is much safer than overwriting… At least you still have your originals should I get something wrong…? I did test but only with 3 files…
    #target illustrator
    function replaceImage() {
              var i, doc, fileList, inFolder, outFolder, opts, pic, rep, rip, saveFile, uIL;
              inFolder = Folder.selectDialog( 'Please choose your Folder of AI PDFs…' );
              outFolder = Folder.selectDialog( 'Please choose a Folder to save AI PDFs in…' );
              pic = File.openDialog( 'Please choose your replacement Image…' );
              if ( inFolder != null && outFolder  != null && pic != null ) {
                        fileList = inFolder.getFiles( /\.pdf$/i );
                        if ( fileList.length > 0 ) {
                                  uIL = app.userInteractionLevel;
                                  app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS;
                                  for ( i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++ ) {
                                            doc = fileList[i] );
                                            rip = doc.rasterItems[0].position;
                                            rep = doc.placedItems.add();
                                            rep.file = pic;
                                            rep.move( doc.rasterItems[0], ElementPlacement.PLACEBEFORE )
                                            rep.position = rip;
                                            rep.resize( 31.414, 31.414, true, true, true, true, 100, Transformation.TOPLEFT );
                                            opts = new PDFSaveOptions();
                                            opts.pDFPreset = '[Illustrator Default]';
                                            saveFile = File( outFolder + '/' + );
                                            doc.saveAs( saveFile, opts );
                                            doc.close( SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES );
                                  app.userInteractionLevel = uIL;
                        } else {
                                  alert( 'This Folder contained NO Illustrator PDF files?' );

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