What's my hourly rate?

Hello all,
Could someone give me the steps in SAP to find out what my vendor is charging the customer for my hourly rate? I was told a figure however I would like to confirm. I know the their vendor number however I get a little lost in FK10N (not sure how to find out the Company Code they go under) and I'm not sure if FK10N is even the right place to go.
I understand some will view this as an ethical issue but I see it as an ethical issue if I'm not being told the truth.
Thanks for your help,
Moderator: It is an ethical issue

Search your vendor number by name in FK03
and then the various line items posted in FBL1N for your vendor. Check for all company codes for your vendor number.

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    Hi Murali,
    The hourly rate is tied to a Wagetype & maintained in Infotype 0008. The database table is PA0008.
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    This might be true, but you won't experience any improvement in sound quality. Here's some info on bit rates:
    This was originally posted by the incredible Sparky the wUnderdog
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    So far as convenience goes, nothing beats iTunes's one-step process. To change bitrate as you import from CD, go to the iTunes menu > Edit > Preferences, select the Importing tab, choose AAC or MP3 encoder in the "import using" selection box, then choose "Custom" in the "setting" box, and the window permitting bitrate selection will pop up. If you choose iTunes MP3 encoder, at least use VBR (variable bit rate) to maximize the sound quality. (VBR increases sample size as data complexity increases.)
    If you would prefer LAME MP3s, fear not, for the easy-to-use CDex ripping software is a free download and requires only one simple extra step to get the files into iTunes for transfer to your iPod. Now if AAC sound quality is comparable to LAME MP3, you might wonder why you should even consider LAME: Because of portability to other devices. At present, hardly anything but iPods can read AACs or Apple Lossless, but almost everything reads MP3s. So if you plan to burn CDs of your compressed files for playback on your home or car CD player (for instance), it would be wise to choose MP3.
    One other consideration specific to the iPod: It has a 32MB cache. If you choose a compression rate that results in large files (i.e. lossless), then the cache won't hold very much 'music' and the hard drive will have to spin up frequently to fill it, and that will shorten your battery life somewhat."

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    I use freelancers almost exclusively. The biggest problem with hourly rate is that freelancers milk the job to death. That's the reality with hourly rate. I've figured on 12 hours, doubled it to cover myself and I get an invoice with 60 hours and I take a bath.
    So what I do with my freelancers and clients is this: I agree to pay freelancer a flat rate (say $800 for a brochure) that includes up to 12 hours and 3 ronds of revisions. After that I pay $40/hr. With the client, I give them the same parameters: $1200 for brochure includes up to 12 hours which include 3 rounds of revisions. After that I invoice at $75 hour. Client is notified in writing at the 9 hour mark and signs off on paying the hourly rate after 12 hours.
    As an employer, I have to protect against a freelancer taking forever and as an agency, I have to protect against clients doing revision and revision after revision without compensation for my extra expenses.
    In your case, you have to decide if this is going to be long term relationship. If you think it will or would like it to, you may need to negotiate a middle ground. And in this economy, someone will gladly do the job at less than you're getting paid. But as a professional, you should be fairly compensated.
    Edit: Generally speaking, the longer the project goes on, the lower the rate. Similar to buying an item in quantity. Gets much cheaper as the hours mount.
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    9.52 is the RTE in Infotype 008
    Generally , amount will be maintained and that amount will be divided with number of hours and you will get Salary per day
    in your case maintain RTE as 9.52 in IT08
    and in PCR x013... for Grouping 3 Specification 5....... instead of RTE=TSDIVP maintain RTE*TSDIVP and remove DIVID ARR and check the out put once

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    There are two problems:
    1)Usually each passed test takes more than 1 minute, thus incrementing Track no. But what if the 2nd failed test completes in less than 1 minute, track no cannot be incremented, leading to wrong result in hourly rate.
    2) For hourly rate, it needs to be calculated after each hour. The problem if the test lapses more than one minute, the same minute skips,
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     See the red box in the bloick diagram
    See my attached.
    I am using Labview 7.1
    Pls advise I will grateful to your generous help
    timing.vi ‏108 KB

    Hi Englund,
    Ya I know. I am trying to test whether the function is working  for my main program and test machine. Sometimes, in case of of failed test, the whole test will take less than 1 minute to complete. For the passed test, of course the teat machine will continue to test on more stages. But when the test fails in  first or earlier stages, the track number cannot be incremented.
    What's more I want the to calculate the hourly rate, so if it misses 60 minute mark, Hourly rate won't  be calculated. I can use the equal sign but the minute tracker cannot possibly detect every minute becos the test takes 1 minute, more or less, missing the mark.
    I have checked the function (wait until next ms multiple) as u suggest and found that this is not function I am looking for.
    If you think that I missed out. Maybe post your small example  on how it works.

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    It would be really useful a subscription Premium hourly rate! for example for the listener an hour a day (unfortunately), a monthly subscription is over ... what do you think? Hello and thanks.Perry

    Updated: 2015-07-28Hello Perry and thanks for the feedback!
    A similar idea to make Spotify Premium based on the actual usage has also been suggested here:
    Add your kudos and comments there please! ;)

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    In our shopping flour we have a one Mechine of 10,00,000/-, every day we have so many project are working on that Mechine.
    Here my point is how we can calculate the Mechaine Hour Rate.
    for EX:
    If we have taken KP06
    Cost Element : Mechine Hour Rate
    Cost Center :  Department A
    then _I have to maintain the 10,00,000/- _   Is it correct?
    then in KP26
    Cost Center : Department A
    Work Center : Work Center A
    if i Execute, then what can i Menchition : Life span of the Mechaine Hours Is it correct?
    If both are correct statements then i will calcuate the KSPI Automatic Calculation.


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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. What happens to the slideshow other than giving you this error. Don't know what it means. However, several users have reported iPhoto crashing when trying to export a slideshow. You might search this forum for that to see if you're experiencing something similar. As far as I know there was no fix found.
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     i am using 9102 chassi and 9012 controller.
     i am trying to program the 9403 as the output port and i am using it for switch on one of my devices.
                          minimum pulse width should be =1micro second

    Have you looked at the specifications in the user manual for the 9403?
    Looks likethe update rate for the 9403 using a cRIO 9102 chassis is 7microsec.  I don't think you can get 1 microsec pulse width using the 9403, maybe try the 9401 or other high-speed module.

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    I need to check in what table is the Rate value in the Sales Order document saved..
    Unfortunately, it is not in VBAP as I first expected. Only the Net price is there, not the Rate.
    Thank you very muchh!

    KONV. use vbak-knumv as the key to access the table.
    Raju Chitale

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