What's the difference between storing a folder in "email folder/account" or "local folders"?

I have migrate to Thunderbird from Windows Live Mail and now I would like to know if there's a technical difference between storing my import folders directly into the "email account" folder or into the local folders folder. It seems to me that storing directly in the mail account would make me easier to work, since I can keep the local folder minimized. I have plenty of folders which I use mostly for filters.

I have the same question. In my case, the account is POP3 and, I would think, downloads the mail locally anyway. So, why would I choose the Local folders over the folders with the email address heading?
I can see perhaps why you may use the Local Folders for, say, an IMAP account where you might want to store a local copy, but not so much for POP3.
Very confusing.

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    2. and the "tell websites not to track me" under Safari - Preference - Privacy.

    That box should prevent websites using trackers to log your movements on the Web to benefit advertisers. I have no idea if it does.
    Safari can keep your browsing history private. When you turn on private browsing, Safari doesn’t remember the pages you visit, your search history, or your AutoFill information, so your partner cannot see where you have been, but you must also remember to also turn off acceptance of cookies.
    In all other respects Private Browsing is not as private as you might think:
    http://www.switchingtomac.com/tutorials/how-to-make-safaris-private-browsing-fea ture-actually-private/
    and then Apple's own advice from here: http://www.apple.com/pro/tips/privacy_safari.html
    "Note that the Private Browsing option does not prevent Safari from collecting cookies (the preference files automatically generated by many websites). The Reset Safari option clears all cookies. If you want to delete only certain ones, choose Preferences from the Safari menu, click the Security tab, and then click Show Cookies. You can select and delete individual cookies from the list that appears. Careful, though — if you’re a frequent web user, this list can be very, very long."
    which is itself incomplete, the relevant part being 'If you want to delete only certain ones.
    To that end it is useful to have Safari Cookies installed, which is the only cookie manager available for Safari:
    which automatically deletes all cookies not marked as 'favourites' when closing Safari. It does the same for Flash Cookies, but they are subject for themselves:
    From this website:
    For those who do not know about Flash cookies, more properly referred to as Local Shared Objects (LSO), they operate in a similar way to regular browser cookies but are stored outside the purview of your browser, meaning you cannot delete them from within your browser, whether Safari, Firefox, Opera or any other. Typically they are issued from sites or 3rd party sites that contain Adobe Flash content. Since virtually all internet advertising is  delivered in Flash, Google/Doudleclick and all other internet advertising companies are sure to be tracking your browsing behavior with Flash cookies. These companies can see you traverse the Internet as you come upon the plethora of sites that contain their embedded advertising. Check out the Wikipedia entry here.
    In Mac OS X they are stored in the following location:
    /User’s Home Folder/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects
    The settings for the Flash cookies are stored in:
    /User’s Home Folder/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/macromedia.com/support/flashplayer/sys
    In OS X Local Shared Objects, or Flash Cookies, are appended with a .sol suffix. Flush deletes all the Flash cookies (.sol) and their settings.
    Flush can be downloaded from that page.
    If you want to retain certain Flash cookies but not others, the excellent add-on for Safari called SafariCookies now includes a setting for automatically deleting flash cookies you don't want to retain, when Safari is shut down, in the same as it deals with ordinary cookies:
    which not only does that but much more equally useful stuff!
    This article covers the issue in more depth:
    Flash cookies are also known as 'Zombie Cookies' and are used by a number of firms, including Hulu, MTV, and Myspace. Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at the internet security firm Sophos, told BBC News that the source of the trouble was Adobe Flash itself, which he called "one of the weirdest programs on the planet".
    "I think it's highly unlikely that these large companies have abused Flash cookies - which are different from browser cookies - with malicious intent," he said.
    "I think it's much more likely that the vast majority of users are simply oblivious to the bizarre way in which Adobe allows them to configure the software."
    And a more recent article:
    http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/21/technology/21cookie.html?_r=3&scp=1&sq=flash&s t=cse
    [b]Tracker cookies and the invisible web:[/b]
    – tags, web bugs, pixels and beacons that are included on web pages in order to get an idea of your online behavior.
    Ghostery tracks the trackers and gives you a roll-call of the ad networks, behavioral data providers, web publishers, and other companies interested in your activity.
    This provides an extension to Safari (also available for other browsers) that shows you what data tracking is active on each web page you visit, and enables you to block them.

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    Hi ITBobbyP,
    OLE DB Command will always process data row by row, whereas Execute SQL task if you call a Stored Procedure it can process data in bulk. As you said, the biggest difference is that Execute SQL Task being used in Control Flow, and OLE DB Command being
    used in Data Flow. They are used in different places.
    Using Execute SQL Task, we can save the rowset returned from a query into a variable. The Execute SQL task can be used in combination with the Foreach Loop and For Loop containers to run multiple SQL statements. These containers implement repeating control
    flows in a package and they can run the Execute SQL task repeatedly. For example, using the Foreach Loop container, a package can enumerate files in a folder and run an Execute SQL task repeatedly to execute the SQL statement stored in each file. I think this
    is a big advantage for Execute SQL Task.
    As to OLE DB Command, we can easily run an SQL statement for each row transformation in a data flow, then directly insert the outputs to a destination.
    To sum up, there are many difference between those two components. We should make better choice based on our actual requirement.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    Edited by: user6287828 on Feb 24, 2009 11:03 AM
    Edited by: user6287828 on Feb 24, 2009 11:04 AM

    Both are SQL*plus commands. In a real programming environment you will not use such constructs (except a few rare scripting cases).
    The difference is how the construct is later used. DEFINE is more like a copy&paste string. Whereever the name of this substitution variable is found it will be pasted into the sql*plus session.
    VARIABLE creates a real variable. You can change the value and if follwos the usual principles of variables (including binding).
    Example can be found the docs:
    from the docs
    Where and How to Use Substitution Variables
    You can use substitution variables anywhere in SQL and SQL*Plus commands, except as the first word entered. When SQL*Plus encounters an undefined substitution variable in a command, SQL*Plus prompts you for the value.
    You can enter any string at the prompt, even one containing blanks and punctuation. If the SQL command containing the reference should have quote marks around the variable and you do not include them there, the user must include the quotes when prompted.
    SQL*Plus reads your response from the keyboard, even if you have redirected terminal input or output to a file. If a terminal is not available (if, for example, you run the script in batch mode), SQL*Plus uses the redirected file.
    After you enter a value at the prompt, SQL*Plus lists the line containing the substitution variable twice: once before substituting the value you enter and once after substitution. You can suppress this listing by setting the SET command variable VERIFY to OFF.
    Using Bind Variables
    Bind variables are variables you create in SQL*Plus and then reference in PL/SQL or SQL. If you create a bind variable in SQL*Plus, you can use the variable as you would a declared variable in your PL/SQL subprogram and then access the variable from SQL*Plus. You can use bind variables for such things as storing return codes or debugging your PL/SQL subprograms.
    Because bind variables are recognized by SQL*Plus, you can display their values in SQL*Plus or reference them in PL/SQL subprograms that you run in SQL*Plus.
    Creating Bind Variables
    You create bind variables in SQL*Plus with the VARIABLE command. For example
    This command creates a bind variable named ret_val with a datatype of NUMBER. See the VARIABLE command for more information. (To list all bind variables created in a session, type VARIABLE without any arguments.)
    Referencing Bind Variables
    You reference bind variables in PL/SQL by typing a colon (:) followed immediately by the name of the variable. For example
    :ret_val := 1;
    To change this bind variable in SQL*Plus, you must enter a PL/SQL block. For example:

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    A happy medium between techno-babble and the most basic of explanations would be ideal for me, and I'd imagine for others as well.
    Here is a summarized history of my relationship with Wine:
    Diablo II - I downloaded this awesome thing which ended up being... uh... I guess Diablo II in a Wineskin "wrapper". I'm not sure, all I know is that it's a D2 icon, and if I go to 'show package contents', it's got C drive, Program Files, et cetera inside of it. I double click it, it launches D2, and it works like a dream. <3
    'Vanilla Install' - That's what I heard someone call it. It was the command/terminal style install using xquartz and xcode found at http://www.davidbaumgold.com/tutorials/wine-mac/. I followed every instruction to the letter, and got all the way to '$ sudo port install wine', at which point it started going smoothly, free from the possible error he described regarding the installation of xcode, and then just failed after I left the room to use the restroom and came back. Please don't ask me to repeat what the error was, because honestly, after reading more things on the interwebs, I'm confused as to why it's even necessary to go through all of that, so I'd rather not try that route again anyways, rendering the error message quite possibly irrelevant.
    Wine + Wine Bottler - So I decided to try to seek out an easier method, as I know that one must exist that doesn't involve command lines. I found a video tutorial at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0BBkISOcEA, and oh man would it be great if that method had actually worked. Again, I followed all instructions provided to procure my free fish, and at the point in the video where he declares that "xquarts or x11 will open" - it doesn't open. Nothing opens. I was trying to install Star Sonata, btw.
    So here I am, thoroughly worn out, frustrated at all the random places Wine is installed on my mac now, and just want someone to explain it all, from top down, without getting toooooooo technical on me. I know that might be asking a lot...

    ## I know that the poster has already found a solution, but the following is a possible answer for others that have similar issues.
    For Winebottler, just go to their website and download it. Run the program. Choose .wine as your prefix (best choice) or whatever suits you best. You'll need a functional X11. If you can't use the one that comes with your mac, download the latest one from the website.
    If your issue is one with Winebottler's Wine not running correctly due to X11, then you have a pretty ugly problem, although a simple upgrade is the best solution (Upgrade XQuartz.app).
    The above website is the easiest way to get REAL wine on your computer. First of all, Wineskin WInery, etc. are NOT WINE. They are 3rd party apps that may use Wine or may have originally part of Wine, but they are no longer up to date with Wine. WineBottler is currently up to date with the stable releases of Wine (but not the maintenence releases).
    For the website tutorial and to run Wine on your mac without using a thrid party app, you will need to know a few things.
    First, you will need to know basic control of the command line. That means, sudo (you must know the administrator password to your computer), and the forms of cd (change directory).
    Second, you will need Xcode. Download 4.2 (stable) or whatever other versions you want, but beware: It is over 1 GB, and you will need time for it to work.
    Third, you will need to get MacPorts and configure it. The tutorial should have this data.
    When you download wine (use sudo port install wine-devel for the latest development release of wine), it will first download a lot of dependencies. This will take a while. After that, it will download wine itself.
    After obtaining wine, to run a program, open the terminal.app window.
    cd desktop/XYZ/ZYZ\ WRQ
    The above will first enter the desktop, then folder XYZ, then folder ZYZ WRQ. From here,
    wine th11e.exe
    Or whatever executable you are trying to open. (Using Subterranean Animism as my example).
    It should, in theory, run the program. Watch the terminal for errors. If there is an X11 problem, then it's not wine acting up. If the app crashes or has other issues, check the Wine Application Database to see if your app is compatible with wine.
    If you have any further questions or other things, feel free to reply; I may or may not get back to you, but there's a good chance that someone will come in eventually. Otherwise, the Wine Wiki should have some information.

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    I see these options within MediaSource 5. What's the difference between them?
    Also: how is the My Music folder (where I keep my mp3's on my computer's hard dri've) different from the PC Music Library?

    Import and Transfer mean the same thing. They just add the tracks that you have selected to your MP3 player. Sync is more intelligient in that it automatically decides for you whether to transfer or import tracks to your MP3 player. So, if the tracks already exist in the MP3 player, it won't be transferred or imported.

  • What's the difference between Home Movie and Movie Project?

    I edit my movies in iMovie. After editing, I 'Share' them to Movie Projects in Finder. There's also an iMovie Home Movies folder that contains duplicates of some of the movies I've created myself. What's the difference between these folders. And, can I delete any of them? Thank you.

    A Time Capsule is hardware. It's basically an Apple AirPort Extreme wireless router with a built-in hard drive. For more info on this product:
    Time Machine is a software application that allows your Mac to backup its data automatically to the hard drive on the Time Capsule. For more info on this software, which is included with the Leopard, Snow Leopard and Lion operating systems:

  • What's the difference between 2nd and 3rd generation

    PLEASE HELP! New Apple user and looking to purchase a used 2nd or 3rd generation ipod touch.
    what's the difference between 2nd and 3rd generation?
    apparently I am told that the 2nd gen does not have the capabilities of listening without headphone? and the 3rd gen does??

    Hi maximumslowness - (great name),
    The 2nd gen Touch has one internal speaker, so you can listen to it, (both left and right channels) without headphones.
    However - it's a small single speaker and it is not very loud. It's not designed for quality listening (neither is the speaker on the 3rd gen as far as I know) and probably will not be adequate if there is a lot of background noise nearby.
    One option is to drop the iPod (not literally!) into an iPod Docking station so that the sound can play out through a self-contained mains-powered amplified speaker, which will also charge your iPod. There are many on the market. On the bottom of the iPod is the 30-pin dock connector which can be used to feed the audio to a docking station. Another option is simply to use a cable to connect from the headphone socket to the audio input on any amplifier.
    Yet another is to plug in a small fold-up style speakers, such as
    http://www.amazon.co.uk/Portable-Folding-Speakers-iPods-Players/dp/B000A1QKNU/re f=sr_1_84?ie=UTF8&qid=1332326622&sr=8-84
    or http://www.amazon.co.uk/Generation-Capsule-iPhone-Laptop-Speaker/dp/B002XNO7FQ/r ef=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1332326656&sr=8-6
    I've no idea how good the sound is, you'll have to judge that for yourself. The links are both to a UK store, but most countries will have a similar option.
    I do not recieve any form of payment or compensatiion for the above links.
    Message was edited by: the fiend

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    since vers08, it is a well-known fact, that iM can not handle interlaced material, there are tons of threads on this topic alone on this board. and it seems as though, that iM does a very 'simple' de-interlacing, by dropping one field: 1920x1080i => 1920x540'p'
    I don't like to go into detail, but modern hardware, beyond tubes and arial broadcast, doesn't use, can not handle interlace, any flat-screen, computer or TV, de-interlaces anyhow.
    so, if you need for any reason, that extra horizontal resolution, keep it full, otherwise use large.
    lubrom wrote:
    ... I apologize for my ignorance but what is the difference between a container, a media wrapper, codec and folder structure?
    sorry for my ignorance, but you asked for it ... ( ? )
    lubrom wrote:
    ... can I determine whether I want it imported as a .mov or .dv or .iprojectimovie?

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    Communcatiors is just a name that nokia used to describe it's larger fold open business phones.
    The last (and still the current) communicator was the E90 which uses the S60 operating system, so it is both an E series and a communicator.  It was also the first (and only) communicator to use S60.
    The long discontinued communicators of the past used a different operating system, S80. S80 and S60 are not cross compatible with each other.
    S80 was dropped in favour of S60 when the E90 launched.  This was a cost saving exercise so that nokia only had one smartphone OS to concentrate resources on.
    Message Edited by psychomania on 18-Aug-2009 03:12 PM

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  • What is the difference between  ABAP and HR-ABAP?

    Hi people,
    Could u just tel me abt what is the difference between ABAP and HR-ABAP?
    Thanks in advance,
    Sanjeev K.V

    Hi Sir ,
    Please have a look below .Hope it is suitable and simpler solution for your question.
    Please do reward if useful.
    HR deals with the INFOTYPES which are similar to Tables in General ABAP.
    There are different ways of fetching data from these infotypes.
    There are different areas in HR LIKE Personal Admn, Orgn Management, Benefits, Time amangement, Event Management, Payroll etc
    Infotypes for these areas are different from one another area.
    storing of records data in each type of area is different
    LDBS like PNP are used in HR programing.
    Instead of Select.. we use some ROUTINES and PROVIDE..ENDPROVIDE.. etc
    and in the case of Pay roll we use Clusters and we Import and Export them for data fetching.
    On the whole Normal ABAP is different from HR abap.
    HR deals with the INFOTYPES which are similar to Tables in General ABAP.
    There are different ways of fetching data from these infotypes.
    There are different areas in HR LIKE Personal Admn, Orgn Management, Benefits, Time amangement, Event Management, Payroll etc
    Infotypes for these areas are different from one another area.
    storing of records data in each type of area is different
    LDBS like PNP are used in HR programing.
    Instead of Select.. we use some ROUTINES and PROVIDE..ENDPROVIDE.. etc
    and in the case of Pay roll we use Clusters and we Import and Export them for data fetching.
    On the whole Normal ABAP is different from HR abap.
    For Personal Admn the Infotypes start with PA0000 to PA1999
    Time Related Infotypes start with PA2000 to PA2999.
    Orgn related Infotypes start with HRP1000 to HRP1999.
    All custom developed infotypes stsrat with PA9000 onwards.
    In payroll processing we use Clusters like PCL1,2,3 and 4.
    Instead of Select query we use PROVIDE and ENDPROVIDE..
    You have to assign a Logical Database in the attributes PNP.
    Go through the SAp doc for HR programming and start doing.
    sites regarding hr-abap:
    You can see some Standard Program examples in this one ...
    These are the FAQ's that might helps you as well.
    HR Long texts Upload
    Look at the below link
    And finally,
    Few notes are below:
    InfoSets in the HR Application
    You can use SAP Query in HR to report on HR data. Queries are maintained as described in Creating Queries. The special features of queries created for HR are described in Maintaining Queries in the Human Resources Application. The maintenance procedure for HR InfoSets differs from the described procedure inasmuch as HR data fields are grouped together in infotypes.
    InfoSet management in SAP Query is also used for InfoSet Query. For further information, see Functions for Managing InfoSets.
    If you want to create InfoSets for HR, you can use logical databases PNP, PNPCE, PAP, and PCH (see HR Logical Databases). The database you must use to create your InfoSet depends on the component in which the data you want to report on is stored.
    The reports you can execute using InfoSets based on logical databases PNP (or PNPCE) or PCH are similar, but differ in that they can select different objects. The following table describes the connection between the logical database, and the infotypes you can include in an InfoSet. It also provides you with one or two examples of reports that you can execute using the appropriate InfoSets.
    Logical database PNP/PNPCE* PCH PAP
    Selection of Persons Objects from Personnel Planning Applicants
    Infotypes that can be included in the InfoSet Infotypes for· Personnel Administration (0000-0999) · Time Management (2000-2999) · Payroll infotypes · Infotypes for Personnel Planning objects that can be related to persons If the object type is specified:· Infotypes for the object type · Infotypes for objects that can be related to the specified object typeIf the object type is not specified:· All infotypes · Infotypes for Recruitment (4000-4999)· Some infotypes for Personnel Administration (such as 0001 and 0002)
    · Customer infotypes
    Reporting examples · Selection of all persons who participated in a specific business event, output of prices for reserved business events · Selection of all persons assigned to a specific personnel area, output of qualifications held by these persons · Selection of all business events held in London in March, output of all persons who participated in these business events · Selection of all positions assigned to a specific organizational unit, output of all persons assigned to the positions · Selection of all applicants hired last year to work on special projects, output of addresses for the applicants selected
    Logical database PNPCE (PNP Concurrent Employment) functions just like logical database PNP. The procedure for creating InfoSets is also the same. It only becomes significant if you work with Concurrent Employment.
    Creating InfoSets
    The maintenance procedure for HR InfoSets differs from the procedure described so far in this section inasmuch as HR data fields are grouped together in infotypes. To set up an InfoSet for the HR application, proceed as follows:
    1. On the initial screen for maintaining InfoSets, enter a name for the InfoSet and choose Create.
    2. On the next screen, enter a name for the InfoSet and select one of the HR logical databases in accordance with your reporting requirements.
    Customer infotypes can be created on all HR logical databases. In each individual case, therefore, you must decide which database to select so that you can report on customer infotypes.
    This screen enables you to enter an authorization group. All of the queries that are subsequently created using this InfoSet can only be executed by persons who have this authorization group.
    3. Choose .
    This takes you to the Infotype Selection for InfoSet  screen. You now have the option of creating field groups and assigning fields as required for non-HR InfoSets. Field groups that correspond to infotypes and already contain fields, however, are always created for HR InfoSets. The field groups are displayed in an overview tree in the top right section of the screen.
    The infotypes that you included in the InfoSet are displayed in an overview tree on the left of the screen. The infotype fields that are already included in field groups are displayed in a different color, and the corresponding field group ID is displayed.
    In the standard system, a field group is created automatically for each infotype that you included in the InfoSet (a field group corresponds to an infotype).
    In the standard system, each field group contains the infotype-specific fields. To ensure that working with the InfoSet is as easy as possible, you are advised to restrict your use of fields in each field group to those you really require. This means you should remove fields that are not required.
    An infotype's fields must only be assigned to the pertinent field group. Make sure this assignment is correct. If the assignment is incorrect, the InfoSet could be rendered unusable.
    When an InfoSet is created, the following fields are transferred automatically to the first field group:
    § Logical database PNPCE or PNP Personnel number
    § Logical database PAP Applicant number
    § Logical database PCH Object ID, plan version, and object type
    6. Determine the fields that must be included in the field groups of your InfoSet. If you require further information, see Assigning Fields to a Field Group.
    If you want, you can change the default sequence of field groups and fields as required using Drag&Drop.
    7. To save the InfoSet, choose .
    8. To generate the InfoSet, choose .
    On the Change InfoSet (InfoSet name) screen, you can choose Edit ® Change infotype selection to add more infotypes to the InfoSet, or to remove infotypes from the InfoSet. Remember to regenerate the InfoSet afterwards.
    This screen also enables you to update InfoSets if, for example, the system contains new additional fields for specific key values. To do so, choose InfoSet ® Additional functions ® Update additional HR fields.
    9. Go back to the initial screen for InfoSet maintenance.
    10. Choose User group assignment.
    11. Select a user group, and save your entry.
    sample code
    GET pernr.
    rp_provide_from_frst p0000 space pn-begda pn-endda.
    if pnp-sw-found EQ '1'.
    READ TABLE p0001 WITH KEY pernr = p0000-pernr.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    write : p0001-plans. " earliest.
    rp_provide_from_last p0014 space pn-begda pn-endda.
    if pnp-sw-found EQ '1'.
    READ TABLE p0014 WITH KEY pernr = p0000-pernr.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    write : p0014-LGART. .

  • What are the differences between inactive and active ABAP objects?

    Can anybody tell me what are the differences between inactive and active ABAP objects?
    In my opinion,  an active object is compiled and system wide available, that means the system do not have to compile the program again before run or use the object. While An inactive object is not system wide available and every time you run an inactive object, firstly the abap runtime will have to  generate a tempory runtime object and this inactive object can not seen by others.
    Am I right? Can anybody kindly tell me other differences?

    "When it is inactive, it is like it would not exist at all:" no - it's like it only exists to you
    "If we just saved that one means it is stored in application server not in database": no - the inactive version is also stored in the database. You can log off and log on and it will still be there, in its inactive status.
    "Only active objects can be executed.": no - inactive objects can be executed by you
    When you create or modify a program, it is inactive until you activate it.
    With a change, there are two versions of the program stored in the database - the active version (as it was before you made your change), and the inactive version. If you attempt to run the program, you'll run the inactive version - the one with your changes. Everyone else on the system will run the active version.
    In this way, you can make changes without affecting anyone else.
    Once you activate your program, then the inactive version becomes the active version.
    With a create, there is no active version, until you hit the activate button. This means ONLY you can run the program.
    An additional benefit of this model, is that if you make a change, save it, and then change your mind without activating, you can recover the active version into the editor, using version management.
    A downside is that sometimes you have to activate your change before you can test it, if it interacts with other, active, programs.

  • What's the difference between the multiple application folders?

    So its not really a huge issue, but I noticed the other day that there are two different Applications folders.  There's the one that is on the sidebar when you open finder, and then there is one when you are under your user.  What is the difference between the two?  I was under the impression that they were the same, but the Applications folder on the sidebar has all my applications in it while the one under my user has none.  Can someone explain this?

    The one under your home folder is for apps that installed only for your user.  Other users of the computer don't have those apps available.
    The other one is system wide.  All users have the app available.

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