What's the format of DateTime in IPD file?

I want to analyse the format of SMS Message in IPD file.
I sent a SMS Message with 'Test' content to 10086 at May 18, 2010 14:16:17 (GMT+8), then I found the data block of DateTime that saved in IPD file is '81 49 EA 6F 27 01 00 00', the Low Dword of DateTime is 0x6FEA4981, the High Dword of DateTime is 0x00000127.
I want to knwon how to convert this double Dword value to real date time.
The SMS Message format:
Go to Solution.

lordong wrote:
I sent a SMS Message with 'Test' content to 10086 at May 18, 2010 14:16:17 (GMT+8),
Neat trick. Can I borrow your time machine?
The value is 1268892977537.
A little bit of work in a spreadsheet tells me that this is the number of seconds from 1/1/1970.

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    next is my CMP entity bean:
    package ejb.product;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    import javax.ejb.EJBException;
    import javax.ejb.EntityBean;
    import javax.ejb.EntityContext;
    import javax.ejb.RemoveException;
    * @ejb.bean name="Product"
    *     jndi-name="ProductBean"
    *     type="CMP"
    *  primkey-field="productId"
    *  schema="Product"
    *  cmp-version="2.x"
    * This is needed for JOnAS.
    * If you are not using JOnAS you can safely remove the tags below.
    * @jonas.bean ejb-name="Product"
    *     jndi-name="ProductBean"
    * @jonas.jdbc-mapping  jndi-name="jdbc/test" jdbc-table-name="FL_PRODUCT"
    *  @ejb.persistence
    *   table-name="FL_PRODUCT"
    * @ejb.finder
    *    query="SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM Product as a" 
    *    signature="java.util.Collection findAll()" 
    * @ejb.finder
    *       query="SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM Product a where a.NAME = ?1" 
    *       signature="java.util.Collection findByName(java.lang.String name)" 
    * @ejb.finder
    *       query="SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM Product a where a.DESCRIPTION = ?1" 
    *       signature="java.util.Collection findByDescription(java.lang.String desc)" 
    * @ejb.finder
    *       query="SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM Product a where a.BASE_PRICE = ?1" 
    *       signature="java.util.Collection findByBasePrice(double basePrice)" 
    * @ejb.finder
    *       query="SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM Product " 
    *       signature="java.util.Collection findAllProducts()" 
    * @ejb.finder
    *       query="SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM Product a where a.BASE_PRICE > ?1" 
    *       signature="java.util.Collection findExpensiveProduct(double maxPrice)" 
    * * @ejb.finder
    *       query="SELECT OBJECT(a) FROM Product a where a.BASE_PRICE < ?1" 
    *       signature="java.util.Collection findCheapProduct(double minPrice)" 
    * This is needed for JOnAS.
    * If you are not using JOnAS you can safely remove the tags below.
    * @jonas.finder-method-jdbc-mapping  method-name="findAll"
    *     jdbc-where-clause=""
    * @jonas.jdbc-mapping  jndi-name="jdbc/test"
    *     jdbc-table-name="FL_PRODUCT"
    public abstract class ProductBean implements EntityBean {
         protected EntityContext ectx;
          * The  ejbCreate method.
          * @ejb.create-method
         public java.lang.String ejbCreate(String productId, String name, String desc,double basePrice) throws javax.ejb.CreateException {
              // EJB 2.0 spec says return null for CMP ejbCreate methods.
              // setMyField("Something");
              System.out.println("Entering ProductBean.ejbCreate()");
              setDescription( desc);
              System.out.println("Leaving ProductBean.ejbCreate()");
              return productId;
          * The container invokes this method immediately after it calls ejbCreate.
         public void ejbPostCreate(String productId, String name, String desc,double basePrice) throws javax.ejb.CreateException {
         * Returns the productId
         * @return the productId
         * @ejb.persistent-field
         * @ejb.persistence
         *    column-name="PRODUCT_ID"
         *     sql-type="varchar"
         * @ejb.pk-field
         * @ejb.interface-method
         * This is needed for JOnAS.
         * If you are not using JOnAS you can safely remove the tags below.
         * @jonas.cmp-field-jdbc-mapping  field-name="productId"
         *     jdbc-field-name="PRODUCT_ID"
         public abstract java.lang.String getProductId();
         * Sets the productId
         * @param java.lang.String the new productId value
         * @ejb.interface-method
         public abstract void setProductId(java.lang.String productId);
         * Returns the name
         * @return the name
         * @ejb.persistent-field
         * @ejb.persistence
         *    column-name="NAME"
         *     sql-type="varchar"
         * @ejb.interface-method
         * This is needed for JOnAS.
         * If you are not using JOnAS you can safely remove the tags below.
         * @jonas.cmp-field-jdbc-mapping  field-name="name"
         *     jdbc-field-name="NAME"
         public abstract java.lang.String getName();
         * Sets the name
         * @param java.lang.String the new name value
         * @ejb.interface-method
         public abstract void setName(java.lang.String name);
         * Returns the description
         * @return the description
         * @ejb.persistent-field
         * @ejb.persistence
         *    column-name="DESCRIPTION"
         *     sql-type="varchar"
         * @ejb.interface-method
         * This is needed for JOnAS.
         * If you are not using JOnAS you can safely remove the tags below.
         * @jonas.cmp-field-jdbc-mapping  field-name="description"
         *     jdbc-field-name="DESCRIPTION"
         public abstract java.lang.String getDescription();
         * Sets the description
         * @param java.lang.String the new description value
         * @ejb.interface-method
         public abstract void setDescription(java.lang.String description);
         * Returns the basePrice
         * @return the basePrice
         * @ejb.persistent-field
         * @ejb.persistence
         *    column-name="BASE_PRICE"
         *     sql-type="double"
         * @ejb.interface-method
         * This is needed for JOnAS.
         * If you are not using JOnAS you can safely remove the tags below.
         * @jonas.cmp-field-jdbc-mapping  field-name="basePrice"
         *     jdbc-field-name="BASE_PRICE"
         public abstract double getBasePrice();
         * Sets the basePrice
         * @param double the new basePrice value
         * @ejb.interface-method
         public abstract void setBasePrice(double basePrice);
         /* (non-Javadoc)
          * @see javax.ejb.EntityBean#ejbActivate()
         public void ejbActivate() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
              System.out.println("ejbActivate() called.");
         /* (non-Javadoc)
          * @see javax.ejb.EntityBean#ejbLoad()
         public void ejbLoad() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
              System.out.println("ejbLoad() called.");
         /* (non-Javadoc)
          * @see javax.ejb.EntityBean#ejbPassivate()
         public void ejbPassivate() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
              System.out.println("ejbPassivate() called.");
         /* (non-Javadoc)
          * @see javax.ejb.EntityBean#ejbRemove()
         public void ejbRemove() throws RemoveException, EJBException, RemoteException {
              System.out.println("ejbRemove() called.");
         /* (non-Javadoc)
          * @see javax.ejb.EntityBean#ejbStore()
         public void ejbStore() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
              System.out.println("ejbStore() called.");
         /* (non-Javadoc)
          * @see javax.ejb.EntityBean#setEntityContext(javax.ejb.EntityContext)
         public void setEntityContext(EntityContext arg0) throws EJBException, RemoteException {
              this.ectx = arg0;
         /* (non-Javadoc)
          * @see javax.ejb.EntityBean#unsetEntityContext()
         public void unsetEntityContext() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
              this.ectx = null;

    you can try this

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    Thanks .

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    Thanks for your response. Iam providing 0calmonth  field data as 200904 ,200905 and further  then at the time of loading it is throughing error like
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    May be this can help you out http://businessintelligence.ittoolbox.com/groups/technical-functional/hyperion-bi-l/obiee-essbase-as-source-time-dimension-using-between-operator-3399220
    Else , there is unfortunately no workaround.
    Check Christian's comment as well Re: Essbase Date Measures as DATE in OBIEE
    Edited by: Deepak Gupta on 21-Sep-2011 23:48

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    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; SLCC2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)

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    Hi Dominic,
    0FISCPER is a NUMC 7 infoobject. And it takes your 003.200 seven symbols leaving the last symbol. Though, the output format is length of 8.
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    Best regards,

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    To read a file from an Application Server to an Object there is a command in ABAP called <b>READ DATASET</b>. After that file is transported to that object you have to do a loop and put that data in an Internal Table.
    This statement exports data from the file specified in dset into the data object dobj. For dobj, variables with elementary data types and flat structures can be specified. In Unicode programs, dobj must be character-type if the file was opened as a text file.
    For dset, a character-type data object is expected - that is, an object that contains the platform-specific name of the file. The content is read from the file starting from the current file pointer. After the data transfer, the file pointer is positioned after the section that was read. Using the MAXIMUM LENGTH addition, the number of characters or bytes to be read from the file can be limited. Using ACTUAL LENGTH, the number of characters or bytes actually used can be determined.
    In a Unicode program, the file must be opened with an arbitrary access type; otherwise, an exception that cannot be handled will be triggered.
    If the file has not yet been opened in anon-Unicode program, it will be implicitly opened as a binary file for read access using the statement
    . If a non-existing file is accessed, an exception that can be handled can be triggered.
    Influence of Access Type
    Files can be read independently of the access type. Whether data can be read or not depends solely on the position of the file pointer. If the latter is at the end of the file or after the file, no data can be read and sy-subrc will be set to 4.
    Influence of the Storage Type
    The import function will take place irrespective of the storage type in which the file was opened with the statement OPEN DATASET.
    If the file was opened as a text file or as a legacy text file, the data is normally read from the current position of the file pointer to the next end-of-line marking, and the file pointer is positioned after the end-of-line marking. If the data object dobj is too short for the number of read characters, the superfluous characters and bytes are cut off. If it is longer, it will be filled with blanks to the right.
    If the file was opened as a binary file or as a legacy-binary file, as much data is read that fits into the data object dobj. If the data object dobj is longer than the number of exported characters, it is filled with hexadecimal 0 on the right.
    If the specified storage type makes conversion necessary, this is executed before the assignment to the data object dobj. Afterwards, the read data is placed, byte by byte, into the data object.
    System Fields
    sy-subrc Meaning
    0 Data was read without reaching end of file.
    4 Data was read and the end of the file was reached or there was an attempt to read after the end of the file.
    <b>Rewards points for useful answers.</b>

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    Back up all data on the internal drive(s) before you hand over your computer to anyone. You need at least two independent backups to be completely safe. There are ways to back up a computer that isn't fully functional—ask if you need guidance.
    If privacy is a concern, erase the data partition(s) with the option to write zeros* (do this only if you know how to restore to an empty drive.) Don’t erase the recovery partition, if present.
    Keeping your confidential data secure during hardware repair
    Apple also recommends that you deauthorize a device in the iTunes Store before having it serviced.
    *An SSD doesn't need to be zeroed.

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