What's the problem with my podcast?

I am having trouble getting my podcast to download. It is showing up on my iTunes page (OASIS Student Ministry Fairhope, Alabama). You can doubleclick it on the iTunes page and hear it. But you when you try to "GET" it, it will not download.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Your enclosure is a .aspx file, and iTunes doesn't allow that.
You can either use a direct URL to the media file, or you'll have to play with the file extensions.
From Apple's podcast specs http://www.apple.com/itunes/store/podcaststechspecs.html:
Tracking Usage
Please note that iTunes does not provide usage statistics. Some podcasters have created mechanisms for tracking the number of times that each episode has been downloaded. iTunes does not provide support in how to track downloads, but the following notes may be helpful:
302s will be followed to a depth of 5 redirects and will not update the feed URL in the directory.
The URL before the GET-style form values (before the first ?) must end in a media file extension (e.g. mp3). To work around this, the feed provider can alter their URL from this:
to this:
Notice how it says load.mp3 instead of load.php. It should be possible to accomplish this via various means, such as web server rewrites. iTunes looks at the extension of the path part of the url, i.e. the part before the"?".

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    l2=new JLabel("Password:");
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        JLabel l1,l2;
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            p1=new JPanel();
            p2=new JPanel();
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            l2=new JLabel("Password:");
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            tf2=new JPasswordField(15);
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            con.add(p2, BorderLayout.CENTER);
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    What Trojan?
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    my download page:
    <cfquery name="download" datasource="#xyz#">
    <cfoutput query="download">
    <cfprocessingdirective suppresswhitespace="yes">
    <cfheader name="Content-Disposition"
    <cfcontent type="Application/Unknown;charset=gb2312"
    file="#DownloadPath##DownloadFileName#" deletefile="no"
    This can be download the file.but after i save the file to my
    disk,i click the menu to jump to an other page,it can not;but after
    i refresh this page and click the menu,it can be jump to the page i
    want .
    what's the problem with my code?thanks a lot.


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    I have wrote the java code as below to get the all opportunities.But i did not get the opportunities i.e its returns null . Any one,Please suggest me what is the problem with the below code.
    OpportunityWS_OpportunityQueryPage_Output opportunityWS_OpportunityQueryPage_Output = new OpportunityWS_OpportunityQueryPage_Output();
                   Opportunity[] opportunities=opportunityWS_OpportunityQueryPage_Output.getListOfOpportunity();

    Hi Dinesh,
    Please check out the code and give me your suggestions
    String address="MY URL"+getSessionId();
    Default_BindingStub dbs=new Default_BindingStub();
    OpportunityLocator loc = new OpportunityLocator();
    OpportunityWS_OpportunityQueryPage_Output opportunityWS_OpportunityQueryPage_Output = new OpportunityWS_OpportunityQueryPage_Output();
                   Opportunity[] opportunities= opportunityWS_OpportunityQueryPage_Output.getListOfOpportunity();
    System.out.println("opportunities size::"+opportunities.length);
    *}catch(Exception e){*

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