What's the right configuration?

I've been told by some forumers that for my video editing purposes I should get an MP. I will most likely be editing family movies, as well as some stuff for friends. I will be using FCS 2. I would also like to get Logic. Not to mention I already have about 63 GB of stuff on my Mini's HDD. Could anyone give me a good idea of what configuration I should get?
Message was edited by: Shake 'n' Bake

Thanks. Now I'm looking at the new Mac mini, 320 GB. What do you think? Now I'm using an SD mini DV, but will eventually be getting an HD (hopefully 1080p). Also, I noticed the new iMac has the same GPU, so if it works on the iMac, it will work on the mini, correct? I read in the specs of FCS 2, that it needs a 1.25 GHz processor, so what would be better (remembering that I want to get the cheapest thing I can):
1. More expensive mini with faster processor
2. The less expensive mini with the slower processor and getting the HDD upgrade
3. I won't be getting this for a while, so should I wait for a refurb?
Message was edited by: Shake 'n' Bake

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    IPMP can coexist with VNIC.
    IPMP - part of Solaris. So you not need check version of IPMP. Just read Docs for Solaris.
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    Both power adapter I have are different (at the magnet end) from the one in link.
    Earlier adapters have T shaped connectors, which Apple later changed to the L shape, presumably to make them more abuse-proof. Either one is fine and the one you are using will not damage your Mac.
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    Bob Timmons wrote:
    Jespes, welcome to the discussions!
    Open your hard drive. Your Time Capsule icon should appear under the SHARED heading.
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    That's something I just did successfully one hour ago...
    I suppose your are in the 'folder' view with full folder tree, not in the 'My folder' view which only shows the lower subfolder level recorded in the database.
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                import fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
               // Works, but only on the grid itself; as when the rows do not  fill the space tor the datagrid.
                myDataGrid.addEventListener  (TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, swipeGridHandler);
                var c1:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn("Notes"); 
                c1.width = 90;
                c1.cellRenderer = CenterAlignCell;
                c1.addEventListener (TransformGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE,  swipeGridHandler);

    Adobe list of properties and methods:
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    Vaibhav Tiwari.

    Please refer to my post.. you will get the answer
    Dynamic Table -  same data repeating in all rows
    Special care should be taken in designing the context for table attribute.
    The attribute type singletone also plays a important role. I have this doubt from the beginning when you have reported this problem for the first time but finally you marked it as solved so i thought there might be some other issues but again when you reported that again i did some analysis.
    Now coming to final solution :
    For designing a table in adobe interactive form you have consider following
    You have to design the view context upto three level, I am explaining you the properties
    PDFDataSource (Parent Level1) - Cardinality 1:1 - Signetone -True - This is assigned to datasource
    TableList (Parent Level2) - Cardinality (1:1) - Signetone -True
    TableWrapper(Parent Level3) - Cardinality (0:n) - Signetone -True
    TableData (Parent Level4) - Cardinality (0:1) - Signetone - false (This is the main point)
    Then under TableData value node, you have to put all your table attributes.
    This Value Node name can be anything but hierarchy should be same as I have mentioned above.
    Please try out these steps and get back to me if you have any doubt.

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    If there is any arcing it may be because the adapter is dirty. It is best to plug in the wall wart then attach the magsafe to the MacBook. As GfulDedFan mentioned this reduces the chance of power surging the MacBook. I have done mine this way since he day I bought it and have never had an arc. I keep it clean to reduce the chance of this happening. The following will help in the care of your supply.
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    https://www.ifixit.com/Store/Parts/MacBook-Pro-13-Inch-Unibody-Model-A1278-Mid-2 009-Mid-2010-Hard-Drive-Cable/IF163-013-1
    Apple Part #: 922-9062, 821-0814-A

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    Can someone help me with setting right Content conversion parameter in the Receiver of File adpater(FCC).The output file must be fixed length text file.
    Here is the receiver structure:
           <f2> </f2>
           <f3> </f3>
                  <field1 />
                  <field2 />
                  <field3 />
                  <field4 />
                  <field5 />
                  <field6 />
                  <field7 />
                  <field8 />
                  <field9 />
            <f2> </f2>
            <f3> </f3>
    Also Body can occure multiple times in the file but still will have this structure...Header and Trailer can occure only once in file.
    What are the right content conversion perameters in this case?
    Appreciate your help asap!T

           <f2> </f2>
           <f3> </f3>
                  <field1 />
                  <field2 />
                  <field1 />
                  <field2 />
                  <field1 />
                  <field2 />
            <f2> </f2>
            <f3> </f3>
    if this is the input structure then FCC goes like this ....
    Header.fieldFixedLengths – 10,20,30.. (based on you are structure fixed lengths)
    Header.endSeparator - 'nl'
    SubBody.fieldFixedLengths – 10,20,20  (based on you are structure fixed lengths)
    Body.endSeparator - 'nl'
    Trailer.fieldFixedLengths – 10,20,30….(based on you are structure fixed lengths)
    Trailer.endSeparator - 'nl'
    We might have to try out SubBody.endSeparator - 'nl' if Body.endSeparator - 'nl' does not insert a new line after each body record.

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    Well the problem is, as you have found out, is that the JVM is executing on the appserver which may or may not have access to the webserver. There no way (within your existing application) that you can tell the webserver to save the file, since the webserver isn't executing any code.
    So you have several options:
    1. You can have the application server and webserver run on the same physical machine. This obviously gives the application server access to the physical directory structure of the webserver. (Assuming that you set permissions correctly.) The disadvantage is that there are many architectural advantages (including security) that you would want to separate your webserver and appserver.
    2. You can NFS mount the webserver directory on the appsever box. This allows you to treat the webserver directory as if it was local. The downside to this is that you will have additional security concerns. (Exposing the webserver via NFS, firewall issues between the two servers etc.)
    3. Fix the MIME problem occuring when you serve PDF's from the appserver. You might have to write your own PDF serving servlet to do this.

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