What to do with Spry 1.6 files in Dreamweaver?

I downloaded the Spry 1.6 folder and unzipped it. What to do
next with the javascript files in order for me to
"select" them in Dreamweaver like the original
spry widgets (accordion etc.)?

Download and install the Dreamweaver updater extension for
Spry available
bottom of the page.
It won't add any new widgets, etc, but it will use the right
files for 1.6
.. and you can hand code the additional widgets available in
1.6. There are
some examples on Adobe Labs.
Nancy Gill
Adobe Community Expert
Author: Dreamweaver 8 e-book for the DMX Zone
Co-Author: Dreamweaver MX: Instant Troubleshooter (August,
Technical Editor: Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual,
DMX 2004: The Complete Reference, DMX 2004: A Beginner's
Mastering Macromedia Contribute
Technical Reviewer: Dynamic Dreamweaver MX/DMX: Advanced PHP
Web Development
"jampie" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:foftcj$bbg$[email protected]..
>I downloaded the Spry 1.6 folder and unzipped it. What to
do next with the
>javascript files in order for me to 'select' them in
Dreamweaver like the
>original spry widgets (accordion etc.)?

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    Bill Yuan <[email protected]> wrote:
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            <cfparam name="session.sauth" default="">
            <cfparam name="session.creds" default="">
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    location: class MainClass
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    with the Spry element of the page pulling in a Title, Description
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    Title/Description it replaces the current .flv file with the next
    file {clip}.
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    but does anyone know what exactly?
    Also any other suggestions on how I could make this page (I'm
    desparate to start using the new features in Dreamweaver though -
    hence the XML element).

    I just found the problem. Even though my Perian SAID it was up to date, it was only at 1.1.1. My old system that worked correctly still had Perian 1.1.3. I copied that component over and it works fine with the problematic FLV files.
    Find it at:
    (user folder):Library:QuickTime:Perian.component

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    These files were lost two years ago.
    That's not consistent with what you wrote in your first message. I can't help you unless I know what's going on. Either you do, or do not, have backups of all the data you want to keep. If you do not, then the first thing you need to do is back up those files. It makes zero sense to do anything else. In order to back up, you'll need either of two things: another Mac, in working order, with a FireWire port and enough space on its internal drive to hold your files; or an external drive, also with enough space.
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    Perhaps the PDF files are corrupted.
    Hit the command key and spacebar, a blue Spotlight in the upper right hand corner appears, now type Preview and press return on the Preview program.
    Now you can try opening the PDF's from the file menu and see what's going on.
    If they are corrupted, perhaps they are trojans from your Windows PC or gotten from a bad location online.
    Download the free ClamXav and run a scan on the possibly infected folder.

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    Here is the info on the failed software update from last night...
    Security Update for .NET Framework 3.5 SP1, Windows Vista SP2, and Windows Server 2008 SP2 x86 (KB2478660)
    Installation date: ‎6/‎16/‎2011 12:01 AM
    Installation status: Failed
    Error details: Code 80242006
    Update type: Important
    A security issue has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise your Windows-based system that is running the Microsoft .NET Framework and gain complete control over it. You can help protect your computer by installing this update from Microsoft. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer.
    More information:
    Help and Support:

    Hotmail is rolling out a server change at their end which might be causing this problem. Mozilla has spoken to them about it and they are trying to fix it. I won't be able to provide you a time estimate by when it will be solved but hotmail/mozilla is certainly looking at this issue.
    I will let you know if get any updates!

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