What will i do to update my flash player

How will  i updeta flash player in
my macbook pro

Open System Preferences > Flash Player then select the Advanced tab.
Click Check Now under Updates.

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    Be sure to install the latest version of Safari (version 5.1.7) which is available via Software Update (in the Apple menu) if you have not already installed it. This update will automatically disable older versions of Flash when new versions are available, and will instruct you on how to install the latest version on your system. This should help keep your system safe from any vulnerabilities in Flash.
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    Well... for starters, you'll have iOS 4.2.
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    Shockwave Flash 10.1 r82 is not the latest version of Flash. '''r152''' is the latest.

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    Very doubtful - Apple don't want it (http://www.apple.com/hotnews/thoughts-on-flash/) and Adobe have never managed to make it for iOS and they've now given up on it.
    There are browser apps such as Skyfire, iSwifter Puffin and Photon which 'work' on some sites, but judging by their reviews not all sites. Also some websites, especially news sites, have their own apps in the App Store,  and there is the built-in YouTube app for that site.

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    I see you have an installation issue with Flash.  This particular forum (sharing and storage) was created to help those transitioning from Photoshop.com to Adobe Revel. I am moving your post to the correct forum so that it can get proper attention.
    We also have many other forums relating to other Adobe products at: http://forums.adobe.com.
    Out of curiosity, can you tell me how you found our forum page?

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    For ringtones, iTunes > Preferences > General >Import Settings... button > choose Import using AAC encoder to enable Create AAC version from .m4a and mp3 files.

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    I have tried repeatedly to update Adobe Shockwave Flash Player, but when I click "run" the box disappears and nothing happens from there. It just won't update.
    I am on a Windows XP computer which, as we know, is no longer supported by Microsoft, but am I really this SOL?
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    ''1fitcaligirl [[#question-1056975|said]]''
    Ever since I updated to Firefox 37 my Firefox has been crashing. It started only doing it periodically, then it got so that if I scrolled down a page it would close. Then it got to the point where as soon as I opened Firefox it would immediately crash every time. I ran antivirus and Super AntiSpyware and rebooted, but it only let me into Firefox, nothing would load up. They only way I am able to be on right now is through my computer's "safe mode".
    I have tried repeatedly to update Adobe Shockwave Flash Player, but when I click "run" the box disappears and nothing happens from there. It just won't update.
    I am on a Windows XP computer which, as we know, is no longer supported by Microsoft, but am I really this SOL?
    All scans say I am clean, BTW.
    I am afraid to reset Firefox because if I can't update the flash player now, who can promise me I will be able to get anything back if I reset Firefox?
    I am moments away from getting my hammer and having a meeting with my computer in the backyard, if you know what I mean. Please help.
    Thank you so much for responding. I appreciate your help very much. There are TONS of these reports without "BP" in front of them. Most all reports are without a "BP" in front of them. They take forever to load from Archives and once I do get one loaded I can't locate a "submit" tab anywhere.

  • I cant update my flash player!!! ...stop at 33%

    1st I try to clear the cache but still retriving something then "try to reconnect" and it will always stop to 33% after that lost connection.
    2nd i uninstall the program and clear the remaining files in the system 32 and install "again" the flash but still and it will stop to 33%... "try to reconnect" after that lost connection..
    i don't have any problem with my internet connection and now i am sick and tired to fix this issue hope you can help me. pls need help i dunno what to do
    sorry for my english.

    Bitte Deutsch  danke
    2015-02-16 17:48 GMT+01:00 terrence daleg70970336 <[email protected]>
        i cant update my flash player!!! ...stop at 33%  created by terrence
    daleg70970336 <https://forums.adobe.com/people/terrence+daleg70970336> in *Installing
    Flash Player* - View the full discussion

  • HT1338 i have a mac book pro and, a i cant update my flash player ,why?

    every time iwant to see a video on line ,icant it says ihave update my flash player.but then after iget the sofware that this mac itsnot compatibleor i dont know what that means .can somebody give any advise or input on this pls, i really apprecciateit if u would thankx.

    It's because your OS 10.4 version is so old that you can't run the latest version of Flash. You are not even running the latest version of Tiger OS 10.4, which is OS 10.4.11.
    Don't know if this hack will work on your Mac since it has an Intel processor. But you can try it.
     Cheers, Tom

  • Can i update adobe flash player on apple power book g4 running osx10.4.11

    can i update adobe flash player on apple power book g4 running osx10.4.11. I have tried official website. Useless. Please do not say time to get a new computer.

    *Flash Player for PPC Macs*
    Adobe's last release of Flash Player for PPC Macs was in November, 2010 with release Subsequent releases are for Intel based Macs only.
    To check your installed version of FlashPlayer - http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about
    Read this whole post before proceeding.  You have to follow steps precisely and there is mention of an alternative version of Flashplayer at the end that some have decided to try.
    To update you should download:
    Flash uninstaller: [http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/865/cpsid_86551.html#prob1=uninst,os=m10.6,] Make sure you get the right one.
    Flash installer [http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/installers/archive/fp_10.1.102. 64_and_9.0.289.0_archive.zip]  Open the archive to reveal yet more archives and multiple files. Select: flashplayer10_1r102_64_ub_mac.dmg
    To install:
    1) Run Disk Utility and verify your hard drive.  If the hard drive reports errors then it will need repairing first (another topic).  If it verifies, run Disk Utility's repair permissions.
    2) Back up your hard drive, ideally to a bootable clone. A bootable clone will allow you to restore your hard drive to its original state should something go wrong.
    3) Quit all applications to ensure nothing is actively using Flash. You can even do the next step while booted to Safe Mode to make sure.
    [Mac OS X: Starting up in Safe Mode|http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=107393]
    [What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode? (Mac OS X)|http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1564]
    [Safe Boot takes longer than normal startup|http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=107394]
    4) Run the uninstaller application. Adobe says, "Adobe recommends that you restart your computer before you install a different version of the player."
    5) Run the installer application from the .dmg file you got from the second download.
    6) Use Disk Utility to repair permissions on your computer. This is important when installing anything from Adobe.
    7) Restart your computer.
    Adobe installs things all over your computer. Simply dragging a file or two to the trash won't ensure you have uninstalled all old file components.
    Comments about Flash and Shockwave. [http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2769507]
    Flash player 11.1 hack on PowerPC - https://discussions.apple.com/message/16990862 - this gets FP to tell web sites you are running a newer version than you really are. This gets around web sites that don't really need a new version but think they know best. If they really do require it then this hack doesn't work.

  • What cellular products are compatible with Adobe flash-player?

    What Cellular products are compatible with Adobe Flash -player?

    To be precise, some OLD Android handsets will still have Flash Player installed, but it's not officially available to new ones (nor is it updated). There are some unofficial hacks in the Google Play store that allow you to install it on newer handsets but they're nothing to do with Adobe, and I wouldn't trust them all that much.
    Kathymsg is asking in the Adobe Reader forum - so if she's asking about running Flash content within a PDF file, the answer is simple: there is no support on any mobile device and probably never will be.

  • Is a an update of Flash Player always necessary?

    Hello Adobe forum,
    I get an message that I have to update my Flash Player every once and while, and I always do. I'm wondering what will happen if I don't do it. Will videos run slower? Can someone explain it to me, I'm just not very familiar with Flash Player.

    Flash Player updates usually contain
    functionality updates
    security updates
    Because of the first, some websites may refuse to show Flash content on old players.
    And the second; it's always best to have the latest security updates installed.

  • Security update for flash player....did it install?

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    Hi, well DLM is Download Manager and sometimes it is used to D/L FP. It is supposed to disconnect after FP is downloaded. Go to Add/Remove, you should see Flash Player 10 ActiveX listed. If the Adobe Download Manager or DLM is listed Remove it from there and reboot. It is not supposed to be there after it serves it purpose.
    The version is, I hope you just made a typo:-)
    Also, if you are using IE, go to Tools>Manage add ons and look to see if you have listed Shockwave Flash Object......
    ActiveX......Flash10d.ocx and that it is Enabled.  Be sure to check in "currently loaded" and "have been used".
    In Firefox you would look in extenstions, add ons or plug-ins, look for SWF.
    In order for FP to operate properly, you need the ActiveX in IE and the SWF plug-in in FF.

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