What would you do? Workflow Question.

I'm doing an offline that was shot on film with the fps varying form 24 to 100. As the delivery material is DigiBeta PAL, I'm assuming the best route is to dump it down to tape at 25fps and then do the offline from that (any NTSC versions done layer). I haven't had much experience in working with varied framerates so I wonder if anyone has any advice. Is this the best way to attack it?

About 6 months after the release of Close Encounters, Trumbull gave a lecture/demonstration for industry folks at the Ziegfeld Theatre in New york-- best projection on the east coast at that time-- and demonstrated some of his high frame rate stuff. Fascinating.
At any rate, I personally would want to sit down with the producer and figure out the best way to proceed with the odd frame rate stuff: what are the effects they are after? do they want to play every 4th frame, ie speed up the 100fps stuff x4 so it looks almost time lapse, do they want slomo? Do they want to time-remap? This is critical to your understanding how best to proceed. Never be afraid to ask questions!
After having that conversation, I'd get straight PAL dubs made of ALL the footage, and then, if necessary have some fun with the transfer house. Digibeta decks have dynamic tracking control and can generate their own speed effects that are MUCH BETTER than anything you can do with software alone.
Greetings to the Netherlands!

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    Message was edited by: Dave Sawyer

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    MICROSOFT:  http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal/Threat/Encyclopedia/Entry.aspx?Name=Vir us%3aW97M%2fThus.FP
    WEB SCANS:  http://r.virscan.org     http://www.virustotal.com
    Thank you for your time and help.

    No viruses that can attack OS X have so far been detected 'in the wild', i.e. in anything other than laboratory conditions.
    It is possible, however, to pass on a Windows virus to another Windows user, for example through an email attachment. To prevent this all you need is the free anti-virus utility ClamXav, which you can download from:
    For Tiger:  http://www.clamxav.com/download.php#tiger
    and for Leopard, Snow Leopard and Lion from here:  http://www.clamxav.com/

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    Custom mini
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    Greetings Martin G.

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    Greetings Martin G.

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    Does the regular Firefox 8 release version work or does the version crash as well?
    *Firefox 8.0.x: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html
    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.
    See "Basic Troubleshooting: Make a new profile":
    There may be extensions and plugins installed by default in a new profile, so check that in "Tools > Add-ons > Extensions & Plugins" in case there are still problems.
    If that new profile works then you can transfer some files from the old profile to that new profile, but be careful not to copy corrupted files.

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    The computer is user for photo editing and normal internet/email use.  The photo editing is done on Adobe Photoshop for professional treatment of photographs.
    The computer is a Power Mac G5 (1.6GHz) and budge is £80 / $120.
    Thanks in advance, Franc.

    Please check my recommendations in your other thread.
    Better options for the 9800 Pro are the Radeon 9800 XT, Geforce 6800 GT, Geforce 6800 Ultra, or if one has the money or finds a good deal, a Radeon X800 XT.
    For your budget and uses, the Geforce cards are a performance value buy.
    BTW, I have owned all of the cards, used all of the cards, and tested all of the cards.
    Graphics Cards- ATI and Nvidia
    See my testing pages starting here:
    Page 1: Open GL

  • "Do you want to allow the following program from an unknown publisher to make changes to this computer?" I mean....what would you do? Is it safe to click yes....(Don Don Don...*sound effect*)..please help...

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    If you already have a license for photoshop cs6, why do you want photoshop cs2?
    You can just install photoshop cs6 on your new computer provided both operating systems are the same kind (both mac or both windows)
    If you don't have an install dvd for cs6, you can download photoshop cs6 from here and use your serial:

  • CS4 and consistent crashing...what would you advise?

    I have recently installed Windows 7 32 bit and have been suffering significant crashing and instability with Premiere Pro CS4.
    These issues occur consistently with 1 to 20 minutes of using the software...usually every 2-7 minutes.
    Sometimes I receive the message: "The system is running very low on system memory"...followed by a crash some minutes later.
    Sometimes I don't receive a message at all...Premiere Pro just instantly stops....sometimes a message.."Premiere Pro has encountered an error."
    I previously used Premiere Pro CS2 on this same computer but with a Windows XP install...this worked very well and was stable (SD editing not HD)
    I have tried a range of "fixes" but the problem still continues...
    it seems to crash no matter what footage I use..or what I am doing.
    Fixes tried:
    Defrag of all HD's
    Placing Scratch disks etc. on different drives.
    Turning off virus protection.
    Tweaking of memory settings
    Updating to latest graphics driver available.
    Freeing up hard drive space
    Running CS4 in Comptibility mode for Win XP Pro sp3
    In summary Premiere Pro CS4 is very unstable on my system and I don't know what to do.
    My current system is:
    Premiere Pro CS 4 version 4.2.1
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
    Version    6.1.7600 Build 7600
    System Model    P5K-E
    Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q6600  @ 2.40GHz, 2394 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
    Installed Physical Memory (RAM)    4.00 GB
    Total Physical Memory    3.25 GB
    Available Physical Memory    1.79 GB
    Total Virtual Memory    6.50 GB
    Graphics: NVIDIA 8800GT
    Hard Drives: (all 7200 RPM)
    Local Disk C: 1.81 TB (650GB Free)
    Disk E: 698 GB (34.4 GB Free)
    Disk F: 931 GB (41.5 GB free)
    Options I can think of:
    1.) Format drive C and install Windows 7 64 Bit..reinstall just Premiere Pro and key drivers.
    2.) Upgrade to CS5 and give up on Cs4.
    3.) Build another computer and give up on my old system.
    4.) Format drive and return to Windows XP Professional
    5.) Install Premiere Pro CS2 again and give up on CS4.
    Any other clues?
    What would you do?
    Which of these options should I try?
    Any advice greatly appreciated.

    When one is having resource issues, I would look at these articles in about this order, to work through the potential issues.
    First, I would make sure to have updated both the audio and video drivers from the mfgr's. Web site.
    This ARTICLE gives tips on setting up one's computer for an editing session. For Win7, please see Black Viper's link, down-thread for tune-up tips.
    Next, this ARTICLE gives some tips on Windows Virtual Memory.
    This ARTICLE talks about one utility, that can really get in the way.
    This ARTICLE, from the PrPro-Wiki, has some trouble-shooting tips.
    This ARTICLE will give you tips on finding clues as to what is happening, when the program hangs, or crashes.
    If one is still not getting to the bottom of the crashes, then see The Case of the Unexplained. Note: this is a new link, as MS moved some things about.
    Last, if hardware problems are suspected, say with a BSOD, then this ARTICLE offers some tools to track hardware issues. There are other great tools in Harm's list.
    Good luck,

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