Whats the best practice

Should a person use an external firewall appliance,or another computer as a firewall, between the XServe and the real world.

IMHO the answer depends on your network size, both in terms of number of systems and total bandwidth.
The built-in firewall is good enough at protecting individual machines, but if you're running multiple machines then a dedicated firewall appliance is usually better - it has better management controls, it's easier to setup for multiple machines, and takes the work of filtering traffic off your hosts.
As for brand, be aware that most home/SOHO routers include limited firewall functionality, so check whatever your ISP has provided to see what you have already - it might be sufficient. You don't say what scale you're looking for to know what's appropriate.
If you need a commercial-grade firewall then check out NetScreen, which come in a range of sizes from home user to datacenter-grade. Other viable commercial products include Cisco's <a href="http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/vpndevc/ps2030/index.html"PIX</a> range, although I wouldn't recommend PIX for your average home user.

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                      minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
                      creationComplete="application1_creationCompleteHandler()" >
                   import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                   import mx.controls.Alert;
                   import mx.events.FlexEvent;
                   import mx.events.ListEvent;               
                   import spark.events.IndexChangeEvent;
                   import spark.events.TextOperationEvent;               
                   //selected item
                   public var selId:int;
                   //------GET ITEM (init)------------------------------------------------------
                   protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler():void
                        getAllTesteResult.token = testeService.getAllTeste();                    
                   //------SELECTED ITEM ID------------------------------------------------------          
                   protected function list_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void
                        selId = event.currentTarget.selectedItem.id;
                        lb_selectedId.text = "sel id: "+ selId;
                        if(tb_edit.selected) tx_edit.text = event.currentTarget.selectedItem.name;
                   //------ADD ITEM-----------------------------------------------------
                   protected function button_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                        var teste2:Teste     =     new Teste();
                        teste2.name                = nameTextInput.text;
                        createTesteResult.token = testeService.createTeste(teste2);
                   //------UPDATE ITEM (in parallel)-----------------------------------------------------
                   private function parallelEdit(e:KeyboardEvent):void
                        if(!isNaN(selId) && selId > 0){
                                  teste2.id                     = selId;
                                  teste2.name                = tx_edit.text;
                                  updateTesteResult.token = testeService.updateTeste(teste2);
                   //------UPDATE ITEM (button click)-----------------------------------------------------
                   protected function button3_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                        teste2.id                     = parseInt(idTextInput2.text);
                        teste2.name                = nameTextInput2.text;
                        updateTesteResult.token = testeService.updateTeste(teste2);
                   //------DELETE ITEM------------------------------------------------------     
                   protected function button2_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
                        if(!isNaN(selId) && selId > 0)     deleteTesteResult.token = testeService.deleteTeste(selId);
              <!-- this part was mostly auto generated -->
              <valueObjects:Teste id="teste"/>
              <testeservice:TesteService id="testeService" fault="Alert.show(event.fault.faultString + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)" showBusyCursor="true"/>
              <s:CallResponder id="createTesteResult"/>          
              <s:CallResponder id="getAllTesteResult"/>
              <s:CallResponder id="deleteTesteResult"/>
              <s:CallResponder id="updateTesteResult"/>
              <valueObjects:Teste id="teste2"/> 
              <!-- this are just visual objects. Renamed only necessary for this example
                    most lines were auto-generated-->
         <!--Create form -->
         <mx:Form defaultButton="{button}">
              <mx:FormItem label="Name">
                   <s:TextInput id="nameTextInput" text="{teste.name}"/>
              <s:Button label="CreateTeste" id="button" click="button_clickHandler(event)"/>
         <!--Create Result -->
         <mx:Form x="10" y="117">
              <mx:FormItem label="CreateTeste">
                   <s:TextInput id="createTesteTextInput" text="{createTesteResult.lastResult as int}" />
         <!--List -->
         <s:List x="10" y="179" id="list" labelField="name" change="list_changeHandler(event)">
              <s:AsyncListView  id="anta" list="{getAllTesteResult.lastResult}" />
         <!--Update in parallel -->
         <s:Label x="147" y="179" id="lb_selectedId"/>
         <s:Button x="147" y="222" label="Remove" id="button2" click="button2_clickHandler(event)"/>
         <s:TextInput x="225" y="257" id="tx_edit"/>
         <s:ToggleButton x="147" y="257" label="Edit" id="tb_edit"  />
         <!--Update with button click -->
         <mx:Form defaultButton="{button3}" x="220" y="0">
              <mx:FormItem label="Id">
                   <s:TextInput id="idTextInput2" text="{teste2.id}"/>
              <mx:FormItem label="Name">
                   <s:TextInput id="nameTextInput2" text="{teste2.name}"/>
              <s:Button label="UpdateTeste" id="button3" click="button3_clickHandler(event)"/>

    Sorry - I had to read up on what a base table block was.
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    Marcel Overdijk

    I think best practices is to create a database trigger on the tables that obtains the sequence number from a database sequence on insert.
    In JDeveloper assign DBSequence as a type to the attribute representing the sequence field in the EO. ADF BC then assigns a temporary value to it. The real sequence number then gets added on submit.
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    We are porting an application from SQL Server to oracle and would like to know what the best practices are in oracle for user connections to an Oracle instance.
    More or less the question could be put like this:
    1) The equivalent of a SQL Server Database in Oracle is a Schema. (more or less)
    2) A specific application has it's own schema where it keeps all related objects (Tables, etc)
    3) In SQL Server you grant access to the Database and its objects (Tables, etc) to all users of the application.
    4) In Oracle do you grant access to the Schema and its objects (Tables, etc) to all users of the application also? Or do all users log
    in as the schema owner?There are ways to implement the same.
    Case 1.
    Create different roles, such as APP_ROLE, READONLY_ROLE. Create public synonym for objects in SchemaApplication user. Grant these role to single user say appUser this is different from you SchemaApplication user. Use appUser to connect to application and for different user like userChris, userDave provide another layer of security. Say userDave is allowed only to deal with cash related transaction, so allow him to open only those screens which are related to cash transaction only.
    Case 2.
    Create public synonym and grant privilege on tables from SchemaApplication to different users (say userChris, userDave).
    So in Oracle if there existed [SchemaApplication].[table1], how would [userChris] and [userDave] query [SchemaApplication].[table1]?This is resolved by public synonym. There are private synonym as well, you can create this also but in this case you have to create private synonym for each of the users.
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    finally, is it good practice to log in as a unique user eg [userChris] and then issue the
    alter session set current_schema = shemaApplication;
    No. It is not a good practice to allow the user to login to database using the application owner.
    command to change the way references to tables are interpreted?The public/private synonym can be used to resolve the schema.object value. For example, if SchemaApplication has table T, then you can create public synonym as 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM T FOR SchemaApplication.T'; and now you can refer this table as T from any other schema(user).

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    Thanks a lot,

    Hi ,
    try that:
    TYPE-POOLS: szadr.
    DATA adr_kompl TYPE szadr_addr1_complete.
    DATA adr1 TYPE szadr_addr1_line.
    DATA adtel TYPE szadr_adtel_line.
    DATA admail TYPE szadr_adsmtp_line.
    DATA adfax TYPE szadr_adfax_line.
                addrnumber              = lfa1-adrnr
                addr1_complete          = adr_kompl
                parameter_error         = 1
                address_not_exist       = 2
                internal_error          = 3
                wrong_access_to_archive = 4
                OTHERS                  = 5.
    * Mail
      LOOP AT adr_kompl-adsmtp_tab INTO admail.
        MOVE admail-adsmtp-smtp_addr TO atab-mail.
    * fax
      LOOP AT adr_kompl-adfax_tab INTO adfax.
        MOVE adfax-adfax-fax_number TO atab-fax_number.
    regards Andreas

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    Encoding is one factor.
    What are your encoding choices?
    If the video is jerky, could be bandwidth and latency

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    It depends on a various factors. There is no "generic" solution or best practice recommendation. Which migration tool are you planning to use?
    Quest (QMM) has a VPN migration solution/tool.
    ADMT - you can develop your own service based solution if required. I believe it was mentioned in my blog post.
    Santhosh Sivarajan | Houston, TX | www.sivarajan.com
    Windows Server 2012 Book - Migrating from 2008 to Windows Server 2012
    Blogs: Blogs
    Twitter: Twitter
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    Microsoft Virtual Academy:
    Microsoft Virtual Academy
    This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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    The best way is to follow CAM Service Advisor instructions.

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    percentages at two specific dates (think start and end values).
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    ActionScript function which sets the visible and includeInLayout
    properties on each Pie Chart based on the selectedIndex of the
    ToggleButtonBar, but, this just doesn't seem like the best way to
    do this - not very dynamic. I'd like to be able to change the state
    based on the name of the selectedItem, in case the order of the
    ToggleButtons changes, and since I am storing the name of the
    selectedItem for future reference.
    Would using States be better? If so, what would be the best
    way to implement this?

    I would stick with non-states, as I have always heard that
    states are more for smaller components that need to change under
    certain conditions, like a login screen that changes if the user
    needs to register.
    That said, if the UI of what you are dealing with is not
    overly complex, and if it will not become overly complex, maybe
    states is the way to go.
    Looking at your code, I don't think you'll save much in terms
    of lines of code.

  • What is the best practice in securing deployed source files

    hi guys,
    Just yesterday, I developed a simple image cropper using ajax
    and flash. After compiling the package, I notice the
    package/installer delivers the same exact source files as in
    developed to the installed folder.
    This doesnt concern me much at first, but coming to think of
    it. This question keeps coming out of my head.
    "What is the best practice in securing deployed source
    How do we secure application installed source files from
    being tampered. Especially, when it comes to tampering of the
    source files after it's been installed. E.g. modifying spraydata.js
    files for example can be done easily with an editor.

    You could compute a SHA or MD5 hash of your source files on
    first run and save these hashes to EncryptedLocalStore.
    On startup, recompute and verify. (This, of course, fails to
    address when the main app's swf / swc / html itself is

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    My final data table contains a two key columns unique key constraint.  I insert data into this table from a daily capture table (which also contains the two columns that make up the key in the final data table but are not constrained
    (not unique) in the daily capture table).  I don't want to insert rows from daily capture which already exists in final data table (based on the two key columns).  Currently, what I do is to select * into a #temp table from the join
    of daily capture and final data tables on these two key columns.  Then I delete the rows in the daily capture table which match the #temp table.  Then I insert the remaining rows from daily capture into the final data table. 
    Would it be possible to simplify this process by using an Instead Of trigger in the final table and just insert directly from the daily capture table?  How would this look?
    What is the best practice for inserting unique (new) rows and ignoring duplicate rows (rows that already exist in both the daily capture and final data tables) in my particular operation?
    Rich P

    Please follow basic Netiquette and post the DDL we need to answer this. Follow industry and ANSI/ISO standards in your data. You should follow ISO-11179 rules for naming data elements. You should follow ISO-8601 rules for displaying temporal data. We need
    to know the data types, keys and constraints on the table. Avoid dialect in favor of ANSI/ISO Standard SQL. And you need to read and download the PDF for: 
    >> My final data table contains a two key columns unique key constraint. [unh? one two-column key or two one column keys? Sure wish you posted DDL] I insert data into this table from a daily capture table (which also contains the two columns that make
    up the key in the final data table but are not constrained (not unique) in the daily capture table). <<
    Then the "capture table" is not a table at all! Remember the fist day of your RDBMS class? A table has to have a key.  You need to fix this error. What ETL tool do you use? 
    >> I don't want to insert rows from daily capture which already exists in final data table (based on the two key columns). <<
    MERGE statement; Google it. And do not use temp tables. 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • What is the best practice to display info of completed task in process flow

    Hi all,
    I'm starting to study BPM modeling with CE7.1 EHP1. Thanks to the tutorial and example on SDN site and I can easily build my own process in NWDS and deploy to server, start it, finish it.
    I like the new runtime which can show a BPMN diagram to the processors. However, I can't find a way to let the follow up processor to review the task result completed in previous step. I'm more familiar with Guided Procedure, and know there is "Display Callable Object" which can used to show some info of a completed task when the processor/owner/admin/overseer click on a completed task.  Where is the feature in BPM ? What is the best practice to show such task information in BPM environment.
    For example, A multiple level approval process, the higher level approver need to know the comment written by the previous approver. Can he read this information from process flow ?
    I think it is very important feature for a BPM platform. In Guided Procedure, such requirement can be done with Display Callable Object + View Permission, and you just need some coding for the UI. If BPM is superior to GP, I think there must be a way to achieve this, I just do not know how ?
    Can anyone shed me some light on it ?

    Thanks for your quick reply.
    Yes, Notes and Attachment CAN BE USED for the purpose. But I'm still looking for a more elegant solution.
    With the solution of using Notes/Attachment, the processor need to give input at two places : the task UI and Note/Attach , with similar or same data. It is really annoying.
    Is there any SAP BPM real-world deployment ? None of customer has the requirement ?

  • What is the best practice for APO - Demand planning implementation

    M client wants to implement demand planning.
    Cient has come up with one scenario like a New Customer is created in ECC, and if I use BI and then APO flow for Demand planning, user will have to wait for another day. (AS BI is always having one day delay).
    For this scenarios user is insisting on ECC and APO-DP interface.
    Will anybody suggest what should be the best practice for Demand planning.
    ECC -> Standalone BI -> Planning area (Planning is done in APO) -> Stand alone BI
    Or ECC -> APO-DP (Planning is done in APO) -> Standalone BI system
    I hope I am able to explain my scenario.

    Any suggestions !!

  • What is the best practice for full browser video to achieve the highest quality?

    I'd like to get your thoughts on the best way to deliver full-browser (scale to the size of the browser window) video. I'm skilled in the creation of the content but learning to make the most out of Flash CS5 and would love to hear what you would suggest.
    Most of the tutorials I can find on full browser/scalable video are for earlier versions of Flash; what is the best practice today? Best resolution/format for the video?
    If there is an Adobe guide to this I'm happy to eat humble pie if someone can redirect me to it; I'm using CS5 Production Premium.
    I like the full screen video effect they have on the "Sounds of pertussis" web-site; this is exactly what I'm trying to create but I'm not sure what is the best way to approach it - any hints/tips you can offer would be great?
    Thanks in advance!

    Use the little squares over your video to mask the quality. Sounds of Pertussis is not full screen video, but rather full stage. Which is easier to work with since all the controls and other assets stay on screen. You set up your html file to allow full screen. Then bring in your video (netstream or flvPlayback component) and scale that to the full size of your stage  (since in this case it's basically the background) . I made a quickie demo here. (The video is from a cheapo SD consumer camera, so pretty poor quality to start.)
    In AS3 is would look something like
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.ui.Mouse;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import flash.display.StageDisplayState;
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    // determine current stage size
    var sw:int = int(stage.stageWidth);
    var sh:int = int(stage.stageHeight);
    // load video
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    var vid:Video = new Video(656, 480); // size off video
    this.addChildAt(vid, 0);
    //path to your video_file
    var netClient:Object = new Object();
    ns.client = netClient;
    // add listener for resizing of the stage so we can scale our assets
    stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeHandler);
    stage.dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.RESIZE));
    function resizeHandler(e:Event = null):void
    // determine current stage size
        var sw:int = stage.stageWidth;
        var sh:int = stage.stageHeight;
    // scale video size depending on stage size
        vid.width = sw;
        vid.height = sh;
    // Don't scale video smaller than certain size
        if (vid.height < 480)
        vid.height = 480;
        if (vid.width < 656)
        vid.width = 656;
    // choose the smaller scale property (x or y) and match the other to it so the size is proportional;
        (vid.scaleX > vid.scaleY) ? vid.scaleY = vid.scaleX : vid.scaleX = vid.scaleY;
    // add event listener for full screen button
    fullScreenStage_mc.buttonMode = true;
    fullScreenStage_mc.mouseChildren = false;
    fullScreenStage_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goFullStage, false, 0, true);
    function goFullStage(event:MouseEvent):void
        //vid.fullScreenTakeOver = false; // keeps flvPlayer component from becoming full screen if you use it instead  
        if (stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.NORMAL)

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