When I scroll down in appstore I get something strange(squizzed screen) at the iPad screen.

Scrolling down AppStore screen. Then I have some "android" reaction for half a second. What I must do?

Aha! Here's a screenshot of what it does .... As you can see, it's not the whole screen that is black. Just the part I want to read ...

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    Settings->Privacy->Location Services->Weather-> Turn it on.
    It will show your current locations weather. Note that it uses GPS and internet access. so it may use your Cellular Data and battery.

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    You can try to create different buttons on page positions where down scrolling will be active with separate button actions. For example you click on "I topic down" , page scrolls and there is another button placed with "Next Topic down" , on click this would scroll the page more and similarly along the length of page.
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    I think this new scrolling behaviour was introduced with Lion. You do get used to it pretty quickly (well I did). Are you sure that deselecting Natural Scrolling in Mouse Prefs doesn't re-instate the previous behaviour, it does here.

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    Depends if the window has a separate volume control or not.  You can have multiple QuickTime movies running with the sound muted in some but not others - just slide the volume all the way down in the ones you don't want to hear.
    Other than that, I don't know of a way.

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    Aha! Here's a screenshot of what it does .... As you can see, it's not the whole screen that is black. Just the part I want to read ...

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    Paul W. Norman

    Kindly create a new layer, via the Layers panel:
    Then, right click on the navigation bar, and choose Move to Layer > Layer 2
    Ensure that Layer 2 is on top of the other layers.
    Hope it helps,

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    It's not a but but probably a problem with ownership and permissions on the image files. Try the following: download and run BatChmod on the iPhoto Library folder with the settings shown here, substituting your account name for mine. You can either type in the path to the folder or just drag the folder into that field.

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    Using Oracle forms 10g , operating system windows
    I have two fields with number of items dispayed = 15.
    I have a vertical scroll bar with them. There are 34 records in the table but the scrollbar only shows 15 records.
    Here are the properties for block / scrollbar.
    - Subclass Information                           
    - Comments                                       
    * Navigation Style                                Same Record
    - Previous Navigation Data Block                 
    - Next Navigation Data Block                     
    - Current Record Visual Attribute Group          
    - Query Array Size                                0
    - Number of Records Buffered                      0
    * Number of Records Displayed                     60
    * Query All Records                               No
    - Record Orientation                              Vertical
    * Single Record                                   No
    - Database Data Block                             Yes
    - Enforce Primary Key                             No
    - Query Allowed                                   Yes
    - Query Data Source Type                          Table
    * Query Data Source Name                          WORK_CATEGORY
    * Query Data Source Columns                      
    * Column Name                                   JOB_TYPE
    * Column Type                                   VARCHAR2
    - Column Type Name                             
    - Parent Column                                
    * Length                                        30
    * Precision                                     0
    * Scale                                         0
    * Mandatory                                     Yes
    * Column Name                                   WORK_CATEGORY
    * Column Type                                   VARCHAR2
    - Column Type Name                             
    - Parent Column                                
    * Length                                        30
    * Precision                                     0
    * Scale                                         0
    * Mandatory                                     Yes
    - Query Data Source Arguments                    
    - Alias                                          
    - Include REF Item                                No
    * WHERE Clause                                   
    * ORDER BY Clause                                 job_type
    - Optimizer Hint                                 
    - Insert Allowed                                  Yes
    - Update Allowed                                  Yes
    - Locking Mode                                    Automatic
    - Delete Allowed                                  Yes
    - Key Mode                                        Automatic
    - Update Changed Columns Only                     No
    - Enforce Column Security                         No
    - Maximum Query Time                              0
    * Maximum Records Fetched                         0
    - DML Data Target Type                            Table
    - DML Data Target Name                           
    - Insert Procedure Name                          
    - Insert Procedure Result Set Columns            
    - Insert Procedure Arguments                     
    - Update Procedure Name                          
    - Update Procedure Result Set Columns            
    - Update Procedure Arguments                     
       Don't know where am I going wrong. I'll really appreciate if you can help me in this.
    Edited by: 831050 on Sep 14, 2011 8:05 AM

    One of the items is a list item.. here are it's properties:
    * Name                                          JOB_TYPE
    * Item Type                                     List Item
    - Subclass Information                         
    - Comments                                     
    - Help Book Topic                              
    - Enabled                                       Yes
    * Elements in List                             
    * Label                                      
    * List Item Value                             LIST20
    * List Style                                    Combo Box
    - Mapping of Other Values                      
    - Implementation Class                         
    - Case Restriction                              Mixed
    - Popup Menu                                   
    - Keyboard Navigable                            Yes
    - Mouse Navigate                                Yes
    - Previous Navigation Item                     
    - Next Navigation Item                         
    - Data Type                                     Char
    - Data Length Semantics                         Null
    - Maximum Length                                30
    - Initial Value                                
    * Required                                      Yes
    * Copy Value from Item                         
    - Synchronize with Item                        
    - Calculation Mode                              None
    - Formula                                      
    - Summary Function                              None
    - Summarized Block                             
    - Summarized Item                              
    - Current Record Visual Attribute Group        
    - Distance Between Records                      0
    * Number of Items Displayed                     15
    - Database Item                                 Yes
    * Column Name                                   JOB_TYPE
    - Primary Key                                   No
    - Query Only                                    No
    - Query Allowed                                 Yes
    - Insert Allowed                                Yes
    - Update Allowed                                Yes
    - Update Only if NULL                           No
    - Visible                                       Yes
    * Canvas                                        CANVAS2
    - Tab Page                                     
    * X Position                                    47
    * Y Position                                    137
    * Width                                         187
    * Height                                        18
    - Visual Attribute Group                        DEFAULT
    - Prompt Visual Attribute Group                 DEFAULT
    - Foreground Color                             
    * Background Color                              white
    - Fill Pattern                                 
    - Font                                         
    * Font Name                                     Tahoma
    * Font Size                                     10
    * Font Weight                                   Demilight
    * Font Style                                    Plain
    * Font Spacing                                  Normal
    * Prompt                                        Job Type
    - Prompt Display Style                          First Record
    * Prompt Justification                          Start
    * Prompt Attachment Edge                        Top
    - Prompt Alignment                              Start
    * Prompt Attachment Offset                      10
    * Prompt Alignment Offset                       0
    - Prompt Reading Order                          Default
    - Prompt Foreground Color                      
    - Prompt Font                                  
    * Prompt Font Name                              Tahoma
    * Prompt Font Size                              10
    * Prompt Font Weight                            Bold
    * Prompt Font Style                             Plain
    * Prompt Font Spacing                           Normal
    - Hint                                         
    - Display Hint Automatically                    No
    - Tooltip                                      
    - Tooltip Visual Attribute Group               
    - Direction                                     Default
    - Initial Keyboard State                        Default
    - Keyboard State                                Any

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    I know how to start the animation by scrolling down, but I simply want it to stay there after it. Could you help me please, guys?

    Hi Tom,
    There is no native feature in Muse to achieve this.

  • When i scrolled down, the photos disapper in random order

    in iphoto i can't see all the photos when i view into the folder, some of them are appearing while some are not and vice versa when i scrolled down,

    It's not a but but probably a problem with ownership and permissions on the image files. Try the following: download and run BatChmod on the iPhoto Library folder with the settings shown here, substituting your account name for mine. You can either type in the path to the folder or just drag the folder into that field.

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