When test publishing Movie not loaded message comes up in bandwith profiler.

I'm running cs6 with a mac os 10.8.3.
From the IDE I will hit command+enter and the swf publishes properly but I can't see it in the window that pops up.
The bandwith profiler tells me the movie didn't load. (see image below)
I recently updated my AIR sdk to 3.7 and maybe that when something went haywire with the test window thing.
Any suggestions?

reinstalling flash cs6 solved this for me.

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    When trying to view a Flash image a blank blue square appears . If you right click on the blue square it show the message 'Movie not loaded'.

    Does that happen with all Flash object or only on that specific page?
    It is possible that there is a problem with the code or that hotlink protection via the referrer is used.
    Can you post a link?

  • Flash player "Movie not loaded" in Chrome on certain pages.

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    Youtube works though and I can see the test flash animation on adobe's website but it's not working on a specific website. I tried I uninstalling Flash using Revo and reinstalling it, running CCleaner, disabling hardware acceleration, updating Chrome and deleting flash player's stored data.
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    Couple things...
    Since you are using the old, outdated <object><embed> method, you normally use a classID with the object, like this:
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0" width="550" height="400">
    along with the correct path to the file name... (you are using a fake filename in the object)
    But a better method is to skip the <embed> entirely and use this updated version of <object>
    <object data="http://www.gwarg.dk/images/GWG2.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="550" height="400">                   
               <param name="movie" value="http://www.gwarg.dk/images/GWG2.swf">
               <param name="quality" value="high" />
    You can change the path to relative paths instead of absolute if you like.
    Best wishes,

  • Movie Not Loaded error

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    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    If that's a CS3 file (Flash 9), I can't open it... meaning I should be able to because I have CS3, but it is acting like it's a CS4 file (Flash 10) which I do not have.

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    My Problem is the following:
    A flash animation with Firefox browser (16.0.1 currently latest version-1) , Flash version 11.4.402.287 (currently latest version) shows a flash animation using XML data to display points on a map as a black (my colleague gets a white) rectangle and a "movie not loaded" message with RMB.
    Other Collegues with Firefox 11.0 and Flash have no problem, the site is working as it should (and has been working for now several years).
    Further testing with Safari, Chrome and ie did work as expected. What is more notable is that Safari is also using Flash version 11.4.402.287.
    OS: Windows 7 64 bit.
    The site (for those who want look at the Flash application): http://www.paulwurth.com/en/The-Group/International-Presence
    At the home page of the site (www.paulwurth.com) we display a simple straight forward flash animation without whistles and bells and that one is working.
    Suggestions are welcome!

  • "Movie not loaded" for *some* sites, IE9, FlashPlayer 11, Win Vista

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    When attempting to access some websites, a grey or "invisible" box will be in place where there is supposed to be Flash content.  If you right click this, it will say "Movie not loaded"
    It does not do this for all web sites, however.  YouTube works, so does the little animation that displays over top of the "Adobe Flash Platform" under Products on the Flash web site.
    However, when havingating to the "About Adobe Flash" web site within the Flash web site, the Flash does not display the movie that is supposed to show at the top nor the version box.  Both of these say "Movie not loaded" if right-clicking where the Flash content should be.
    Other web sites like the Sirius/XM Radio web player and school corporation on-line software which teachers use to input students' grades to the master server with just show up blank as well with the "Movie not loaded" message if you right click on these web sites as well.
    I made sure Active-X filtering was disabled in the browser.  I also went in to the security groups and made sure active-x was disabled in all 4 categories.  I also tried running the Browser in un-protected mode.  None of this made a difference.  Also, Shockwave content is not disabled in add-ons.
    Why would certain Flash movies be playing but then not others?

    I just went back to the "about Flash Player" web site and the animation at the top as well as the version number displaying both worked.
    However the other sites such as www.seriusxm.com/player and the school corporation student grade on-line thing requiring Flash Player still show up as blank with the "movie not loaded" error being displayed in the box when you right-click the Flash content box (where the Flash content should be showing up)
    I have not made any changes.  I also tried running in Compatibility view, no difference.

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    This computer has two different versions of Flash Player for Internet Explorer and two different versions of Flash Player for other browsers.
    A clean install is recommended: 
    Download the current 32 bit uninstaller    Uninstaller for 32 bit Operating Systems
    Close all browser windows and run the uninstaller 
    Restart Windows 
    Delete all remaining files and folders located in the following directories. (tip: copy and paste these paths into the path bar in an Explorer window) 
    %appdata%\Adobe\Flash Player 
    %appdata%\Macromedia\Flash Player
    Verify that the file “FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl” in C:\Window\system32\ for 32 bit systems has been deleted.
    Download the following installer files:
    32 bit Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    32 bit Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)
    Physically disconnect from the Internet and run the installers.

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    Hello all,
    I have an iPad 2 16GB with iOS 7.0.3 and Netflix version 5.0.2. I cannot watch netflix on an External LCD monitor that I have through VGA out. I use bluetooth speakers, so the AirPlay is going to that for Audio. Before this update, this combo worked without an issue.
    So as of Friday Nov. 8/2013, I contacted Netflix support, and they said they fixed the problem on their end, and the fix is on the Apple side of things, and to contact Apple support.
    So, I contacted Apple support, and the first person I spoke to said I would have to agree to pay a $35 fee for 30 days of support to this problem since my unit is out of warranty. I said this isn't a hardware issue, it's a software issue, and I'm not willing to pay to fix a problem you created. So I got a Senior Level advisor on the line, and she was helpful, and she's looking into the issue for me and said she'll contact me sometime on Tuesday or Wednesday (Nov. 12 or 13) to let me know of the issue.
    Here's the thing: this is a combination of Netflix and iOS not working correctly with any of the Apple Authorized Dongles. This is truly a code error that some hot shot programmer had major oversight on, and their management didn't catch it either. There was no reason for Netflix to rush to get this Netflix update going until Apple sorted out the bugs in iOS 7.
    Anyway, if I hear anything from Donna (the advisor), I'll post it and let you guys know. In the mean time, good luck!

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    Windows XP
    Lexmark P6250 printer
    Firefox v17.0.1
    Adobe Reader v11.0.0

    Can you try to install the latest Lexmark printer driver (http://support.lexmark.com/index?segment=SUPPORT&userlocale=EN_US&locale=en&productCode=LE XMARK_P6250&page=product).
    If that does not help, see this thread http://social.technet.microsoft.com/forums/en/officesetupdeploylegacy/thread/6bdf9d5d-1b14 -4789-b6ee-3aff66889f42

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    There are a few things that you could try. First try turning the account off and on : Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars , then tap the account on the right, slide Mail to 'off', exit settings and go back into the Mail app, and then go back to Settings and slide Mail back to 'on'
    If that doesn't work then try closing the Mail app via the taskbar : from the home screen (i.e. not with the Mail app 'open' on-screen) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of the Mail app to close it, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
    A third option is a reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.
    And if the above don't work then try going into Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars. Then select the account on the right-hand side of that screen, select Account, then Advanced, Deleted Mailbox, and under On The Server tap the 'Trash' folder so that it gets a tick against it - then come out of that series of popups by tapping on the relevant buttons at the top of them and then see if you can delete emails.

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    I tried down loading mozilla firefox to use as a web browser. It was downloaded 100% then when prompted to "run" An error message comes up with a red cross and the message'This file is corrupted" and won't let me proceed. What do I do now?

    It is possible that your anti-virus software is corrupting the downloaded files or otherwise interfering with downloading files by Firefox.<br />
    You can try to disable the real-time (live) scanning of files in your anti-virus software temporarily to see if that makes downloading work.
    See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Unable_to_save_or_download_files

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == After trying to install Firefox upgrade and IE8 ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.125 Safari/533.4

    Taken at face value, you're having trouble with an Apple Application Support program file there. (Apple Application Support is where single copies of program files used by multiple different Apple programs are kept.)
    Let's try something relatively simple first. Restart the PC. If you're using Vista or 7, now head into your Uninstall a program control panel, select "Apple Application Support" and then click "Repair". If you're using XP, head into your Add or Remove Programs control panel, select "Apple Application Support", click "Change" and then click "Repair".
    If no joy after that, try the more rigorous uninstall/reinstall procedure from the following post. (If you've got XP, although the procedure is for Vista and 7, just read "Computer" as "My Computer", read "Uninstall a program control panel" as "Add or Remove programs control panel" and assume the system is 32-bit, and you'll be doing the right things.)
    Re: I recently updated to vista service pack 2 and I updated to itunes 10.2.1 and ever

  • HT1338 When I click on Firefox a message comes up that is already running.  But it is not working.

    Having trouble with Getting on Firefox when I click on it a message comes up that "Firefox is already running" or nothing happens at all.

    It is possible to close the main window of some apps and not have it Quit.
    This will mean it should show the lightened area under the app in the DOCK.
    Clicking the icon in the Dock should at least bring the app name to the Menu Bar.
    The Window Menu of most will tell you the Keystrokes to bring a window to the "Front"  or make it visible again.
    I have come across this when one version gets installed without removing a previous version.
    Sometimes caused by putting all browsers in a sub folder and not loose in Applications.
    In most cases with one install using the DOCK, CMD + Tab, the Application Folder > App Icon double click brings the App to the "Front".
    Please note that "Categorising" the Tread with all the options does not always get the people with the right knowledge to your Thread.
    I know about the Messages App.
    I know the broader strokes of how the OS works  (Not so good at explaining it)
    9:06 PM      Monday; December 24, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously
    Message was edited by: Ralph Johns (UK)

  • TS1363 When ipod starts to sync, the "program not responding" message comes on and shuts down itunes. Why?

    When ipod starts to sync, the "program not responding" message comes on and shuts down itunes. Why?

    Did you already try to delete the photo cache? iTunes: Understanding the iPod Photo Cache folder

  • "Movie not loaded" when embedded in HTML.

    I am new to flash programming and am trying to teach myself actionscript. So far I have been unable to get my program to run when embedded on my website. It works perfectly when I run the swf on my own hard drive, but when embedded it simply shows a white square. Right-clicking brings up a menu with a greyed out "movie not loaded" and "about flash player 10". Do I need to change the compiler settings somehow? Or do I need to change something on my website? So far I've just been compiling it by dragging the .mxml file onto the mxmlc.exe program.
    Searching google has revealed a ton of people with similar issues, but no clear solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Problem resolved. Apparently the swf I was using was bad. After replacing it with a backup copy, it works.

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