When will apple fix my ipod???

I paid for it and everything, but it's been 2 weeks and it still just says "Service Requested". *** I need my tunes.

You paid for what? Take it back to the dealer then. Tried reboot?

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    Neil from Oz wrote:
    So do you have a question about how to fix your system?
    The question/problem is "My 27"Mac freezes after being put to sleep."
    Gabor, I can't help, except to report that I, too, experience very frequent unexplained crashes and freezes in Lion. However (so far) not when I put it to sleep.
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    Joachim Neudert

    Search the forums for similar issues and I feel quite certain you will find a resolution.
    joachimfromherrsching wrote:
    So far, no official Apple statement to this problem?  (Monday, 27.1. 2014 10:15 MET)
    These are user to user support forums.  There is no logical reason to expect a response from Apple here.  Frankly Apple rarely releases statements, only software updates.

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    Create a playlist with the content that you want on the device, small enough to fit, restore the device and sync with just that playlist.

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    this is a user helping user forum I have no idea what apples plans are
    as you would likely imagine these forums has a lot of questions where users explain to eachother
    how to perform their tasks and the likes
    this makes this one of the worst places in the world to write if you expect apple to read your question with all the noise created by the support users between
    if you wish to complain or contact apple you can use the feedback channel or some of the other ways in contact apple in the bottom of the browser page
    feedback is this way

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    I'm open to ideas and I'm certainly no pro with the iphone... Wish I could get 3.0 back that's for sure...
    Message was edited by: lcgn

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