When will iOS in the car be available?

Can't seem to find anything about when iOS in the car will be available or how to access it.

Unless Apple makes any kind of announcement, no one here would know anything. We are users like you and not priviledged to any information. Speculation about Apple products in not allowed by the TOS of the forum.

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    You are not addressing Apple here. We are just users like you. So, we have no way of knowing any more than you do about ongoing updates to iOS 7.
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    If you want to provide feedback to Apple, do so here:

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    I agree with Tgara. For me my first gen iPad does what I need it to do - I don't need the cameras (and therefore FaceTime or PhotoBooth), and though the 2nd gen has got a faster processor I'm happy with the performance of mine so it's not worth me selling it and buying a 2nd gen.

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    There is no way to know such a thing unless Apple announces, which they very rarely do and speculation/rumor is not allowed here.
    Keep checking for updates in itunes or watch the forum.
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