When will Iphoto be upgraded to a standard of Picasa?

Hello, I have upgraded to maverick, wanted to import photos from my back-up disk, New Iphoto (paid update!) freezes, it imports for hours, I can see the photos, then it shuts down, all the imports are gone....similar to most complains on the forum. Just tell us when there will be an upgrade! I lost my Picasa programme with my last hardisk exchanged, therefore I thought now I try with Iphoto, but it is a terrible experience.

Bob Timmons wrote:
We are all users....just like you....so we have no way of knowing what Apple plans to do in the future. We don't know anything about a "new" product or feature until Apple tells us about it.
yeah you're right. should have anticipated that one
so what in your opinion is a better option? a tc or an extreme with a pluged in external hdd? or any other router?
for now, i got a really basic wifi-router from my provider which isn't even dual-band and that loses wifi-connectivity all the time. that's really annoying. i need a wifi-router that i can rely on :s

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    Hi again.
    No, I don't use aperture, I tried the demo and liked it, but I'd previously bought the commercial version of Pixmantec RawShooter converter for my 10D - Pixmantec were 'bought out' by Adobe, and Adobe generously offered all RawShooter purchasers a free licence for Lightroom, which I also like a lot (though haven't fully got to grips with), so can't currently justify Aperture too.
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    No-one really knows what Apple's plans are for this system - typically they don't announce products prior to release or discuss their future product plans in public. Those that may know are bound by non-disclosure agreements not to give any information, and thus all you may hear on the subject, including any responses here, is nothing more than speculation.
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    Bob Timmons wrote:
    We are all users....just like you....so we have no way of knowing what Apple plans to do in the future. We don't know anything about a "new" product or feature until Apple tells us about it.
    yeah you're right. should have anticipated that one
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    Remove all mention of MM in the iPhoto Preferences and then the SystemPreferences

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    There is the Photos app on the iPad, it's not called iPhoto as it's basically just a viewer/slideshow app. With iOS 5 later this year it will get some more functionality (from iOS 5 Photos) :
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    The U.S. has a fantastic library of music videos, television programes which is vastly superior to that of the U.K.!!
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    Sort it out Apple!

    This question gets asked a LOT over on the music store discussions
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    If the camera is not listed here Mac OS X v10.6: Supported digital camera RAW formats
    then Aperture does not support it as this time.
    When it will be supported no one here can say, we're all just users here like you. Apple never releases this information before hand.
    You can let them know you want the camera supported by going to Aperture->Provide Aperture Feedback.

  • I have a MacPro with OSX 10.9.4 and I photo 9.5.  When opening IPhoto I got a message I needed to upgrade my IPhoto with an upgrade installer.  Now IPhoto is just spinning and will not let me quit or Upgrade.

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    BAckup your iPhoto library, depress and hold the option and command keys while launching iPhoto until the first aid window comes up and repair permissions and if necessary rebuild your database

  • I have iPhoto 11, 9.4.1 installed. When my library was upgraded, I got a message the photos couldn't be imported and I need to repair iPhoto permissions. How do I do that? My photos are there, but I can no longer drag them to the photo stream.

    I have iPhoto 11, version 9.4.1 installed. When my library upgraded, I got a message that the photos couldn't be inported and I need to repair iPhoto permissions. How do I do that? My photos are there, but I can no oonger drag them to the photo stream.

    Disable Photo Stream in iPhoto's preferences and then go back and reenable it. See if that will jump start the process.  If that doesn't help try this:  make a temporary, backup copy (if you don't already have a backup copy) of the library and try the following:
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file, com.apple.iPhoto.plist, that resides in your
         User/Home()/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete iPhoto's cache file, Cache.db, that is located in your
         User/Home()/Library/Caches/com.apple.iPhoto folder. 
    Click to view full size
    3 - launch iPhoto check its preferences to meka sure all is as you expect and try again.
    NOTE: If you're moved your library from its default location in your Home/Pictures folder you will have to point iPhoto to its new location when you next open iPhoto by holding down the Option key when launching iPhoto.  You'll also have to reset the iPhoto's various preferences.
    NOTE 2:  In Lion and Mountain Lion the Library folder is now invisible. To make it permanently visible enter the following in the Terminal application window: chflags nohidden ~/Library and hit the Enter button - 10.7: Un-hide the User Library folder.

  • IPhoto won't open due to the not being updated but when I check to upgrade to iPhoto 11 it tells me it is installed. The photos in the library were modified using 9.1.5 and the iPhoto is said to be 7.1.5 (iPhoto 8). Any ideas?

    iPhoto won't open due to the not being updated but when I check to upgrade to iPhoto 11 it tells me it is installed. The photos in the library were modified using 9.1.5 and the iPhoto is said to be 7.1.5 (iPhoto 8). Any ideas?

    How do you know the library was modified with iPhoto 9 (11)?  If you've never had iPhoto 9 on your Mac it could'nt have.  It sounds like a damaged library. Make a temporary, backup copy (if you don't already have a backup copy) of the library and apply the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    Select the options identified in the screenshot. 
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    Click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option
    In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments but not books, calendars or slideshows. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

  • Iphoto 9.5 won't import photos from iPhoto 7.5.  Library will not update using the iPhoto library upgraded application.

    iphoto 9.5 won't import photos from iPhoto 7.5.  Library will not update using the iPhoto library upgrader application.  Repeatedly says it can't locate photos even when told to cancel.  I think the photos in question are in Nikon RAW format.

    iPhoto 9.5 immediately tries to "upgrade" my library using the upgrader.
    iPhoto 9.5 asks you to run the upgrader to prepare the library for 9.5. It then will update the library to its format.
    You need to do the following:
    1 - go to your Applications/Utilities folder and double click on the iPhoto Library Upgrader 1.1 application. 
    2 - select Choose Library, navigate to your iPhoto library, select it and let the upgrader do its thing.
    3 - launch iPhoto 9.5 to open and finish the conversion of the library.

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