Where can I kill the printer waitinglist?

I tried to install my Canon ix4000 printer.
Printerdriver is already there.
At least of installation I get a message that
a printer waitinglist for my printer already exist and if I want to create a new one.
I click on yes but nothing happens.
OSX 10.6.4 doesn't install my printer.
Any idea please?

In Leopard I used the ix4000 print driver and it worked.
I upgraded to snow leopard yesterday and spent hours trying to get my ix4000 to print using the same driver. The printer is usb connected to windows pc with win2000. Anyway, I simply changed the printer driver to ix5000+gutenprint and away it went. It spat out 5 print jobs that were waiting in store. Luckily they were only single page jobs or I would have pulled the plug on the printer.
The only info I can dig up on the print waiting list is -quote "Documents waiting to print on printers you’re sharing are stored on your hard disk. (That is, your computer hosts the queue for the printer.)Where that is exactly is down to a bit of detective work.
I noticed with the first attempts with the ix4000 driver,that the printer icon would flash on the task bar then disappear straight away. However, with the ix5000 driver it remained in the task bar until the print job finished.
Good luck tracking it down. If I find out where to kill print jobs in Snow Leopard, I'll post back.

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    see this demo program which is in DWDM
    *& Report  DEMOEXCELINTEGRATION                                        *
    INCLUDE rdemoexcelintegrationtop.
    DATA: control TYPE REF TO i_oi_ole_container_control.
    DATA: container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container.
    DATA: link_server TYPE REF TO i_oi_link_server.
    DATA: table_coll TYPE REF TO i_oi_table_collection.
    DATA: retcode TYPE t_oi_ret_string,
          document_type TYPE soi_document_type
                                           VALUE soi_doctype_excel_chart,
          document_format TYPE soi_document_type.
    DATA: doc_url TYPE t_url.
    DATA: usa_sales TYPE i VALUE 1000,
          europe_sales TYPE i VALUE 2000,
          japan_sales TYPE i VALUE 1000,
          asia_sales TYPE i VALUE 100,
          america_sales TYPE i VALUE 100,
          africa_sales TYPE i VALUE 100.
    DATA: total_sales TYPE i VALUE 0.
    DATA: BEGIN OF test_line, region(50), sales TYPE i, END OF test_line.
    DATA: test_table LIKE TABLE OF test_line.
    DATA: wa_test_table LIKE test_line.
          CLASS c_excel_document DEFINITION
    CLASS c_excel_document DEFINITION.
        DATA: proxy TYPE REF TO i_oi_document_proxy.
        DATA: document_type TYPE soi_document_type.
        DATA: data_table TYPE sbdst_content,
              data_size TYPE i,
              doc_url TYPE t_url.
        METHODS: constructor
                  IMPORTING control TYPE REF TO i_oi_ole_container_control
                            document_type TYPE soi_document_type.
        METHODS: on_close_document
                  FOR EVENT on_close_document OF i_oi_document_proxy
                  IMPORTING document_proxy has_changed.
        METHODS: on_custom_event
                  FOR EVENT on_custom_event OF i_oi_document_proxy
                  IMPORTING document_proxy event_name param_count
                            param1 param2 param3.
        METHODS: create_document
                      IMPORTING open_inplace  TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                      EXPORTING retcode TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
        METHODS: open_document
                      IMPORTING open_inplace  TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                                open_readonly TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                      EXPORTING retcode TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
        METHODS: open_document_url
                      IMPORTING open_inplace  TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                                open_readonly TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                                doc_url TYPE t_url DEFAULT ' '
                      EXPORTING retcode TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
        METHODS: retrieve_document
                     IMPORTING documents TYPE document_list
                     EXPORTING document_format TYPE soi_document_type
                               doc_url TYPE t_url.
        METHODS: close_document
                      IMPORTING do_save     TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                      RETURNING value(retcode) TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
        DATA: control  TYPE REF TO i_oi_ole_container_control.
    DATA: l_fcode LIKE fcode.
    DATA: document TYPE REF TO c_excel_document.
    DATA: bds_instance TYPE REF TO cl_bds_document_set.
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
      SET PF-STATUS 'MAIN0100'.
      SET TITLEBAR '001'.
      retcode = c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
      IF control IS INITIAL.
        DATA: b_has_activex.
                  return = b_has_activex.
        IF b_has_activex IS INITIAL. MESSAGE e007. ENDIF.
        CALL METHOD c_oi_ole_control_creator=>get_ole_container_control
                          IMPORTING control = control
                                    retcode = retcode.
        CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message
                                      EXPORTING type = 'E'.
        CREATE OBJECT container
                  EXPORTING container_name = 'CONTAINER'.
        CALL METHOD control->init_control
                            EXPORTING r3_application_name =
                                                  'Demo' "#EC NOTEXT
                                      inplace_enabled = 'X'
                                      inplace_scroll_documents = 'X'
                                      parent = container
                                      register_on_close_event = 'X'
                                      register_on_custom_event = 'X'
                            IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
        CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message
                                      EXPORTING type = 'E'.
        CALL METHOD control->get_link_server
                           IMPORTING link_server = link_server
                                     retcode = retcode.
        CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message
                                      EXPORTING type = 'E'.
        CALL METHOD link_server->start_link_server
                          IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
        CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message
                                      EXPORTING type = 'E'.
        CALL METHOD control->get_table_collection
                        IMPORTING table_collection = table_coll
                                  retcode = retcode.
        PERFORM refresh_sales.
        CREATE OBJECT document
                  EXPORTING control = control
                            document_type = document_type.
        CALL METHOD table_coll->add_table
                        EXPORTING table_name = 'SALES_IN'
                                  table_type = table_coll->table_type_input
                        IMPORTING retcode = retcode
                        CHANGING  data_table = test_table.
      IF bds_instance IS INITIAL.
        CREATE OBJECT bds_instance.
    ENDMODULE.                             " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
      l_fcode = fcode.
      CLEAR fcode.
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>dispatch.
      CASE l_fcode.
        WHEN 'EXIT'.                       "Zurück
          IF NOT document IS INITIAL.
            CALL METHOD document->close_document.
            FREE document.
          IF NOT link_server IS INITIAL.
            CALL METHOD link_server->stop_link_server
                                           IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
            FREE link_server.
          IF NOT table_coll IS INITIAL.
            FREE table_coll.
          IF NOT control IS INITIAL.
            CALL METHOD control->destroy_control
                                                IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
            FREE control.
          IF NOT bds_instance IS INITIAL.
            FREE bds_instance.
          LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
        WHEN 'CREATE'.
          IF NOT control IS INITIAL.
            document->data_size = 0.
            CLEAR document->data_table.
            CALL METHOD document->create_document.
            CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
        WHEN 'SELECT'.
          IF NOT control IS INITIAL.
            DATA: documents TYPE document_list.
            DATA: descr TYPE document_descr.
            CLEAR documents.
            descr-document_name = 'Car Sales Chart'(do1).
            descr-document_id = 'DEMOEXCELCHART1'.
            APPEND descr TO documents.
            descr-document_name = 'Car Sales Chart 2'(do3).
            descr-document_id = 'DEMOEXCELCHART2'.
            APPEND descr TO documents.
            descr-document_name = 'Car Sales Sheet'(do2).
            descr-document_id = 'DEMOEXCELSHEET1'.
            APPEND descr TO documents.
            CLEAR doc_url.
            CALL METHOD document->retrieve_document
                        EXPORTING documents = documents
                        IMPORTING document_format = document_format
                                  doc_url = doc_url.
            IF NOT doc_url IS INITIAL.
              CALL METHOD document->close_document.
              CALL METHOD document->open_document_url
                                EXPORTING open_inplace = 'X'
                                          doc_url = doc_url
                                IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
              CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
              MESSAGE e010.
        WHEN 'OPEN'.
          IF document->data_size NE 0.
            IF NOT control IS INITIAL.
              CALL METHOD document->open_document
                                IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
              CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
            MESSAGE e005.
        WHEN 'INPLACE'.
          IF document->data_size NE 0.
            IF NOT control IS INITIAL.
              CALL METHOD document->open_document
                                EXPORTING open_inplace = 'X'
                                          open_readonly = 'X'
                                IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
              CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
            MESSAGE e005.
        WHEN 'SAVEAS'.
          IF NOT document IS INITIAL AND NOT document->proxy IS INITIAL.
            CALL METHOD document->proxy->save_as
                              EXPORTING prompt_user = 'X'
                              IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
            CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
            MESSAGE e000.
        WHEN 'CLOSE'.
          IF NOT document IS INITIAL.
            CALL METHOD document->close_document
                          EXPORTING do_save = 'X'.
            CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
            MESSAGE e000.
        WHEN 'COPYLINK'.
          IF NOT link_server IS INITIAL.
            PERFORM refresh_sales.
            CALL METHOD link_server->execute_copy_link_dialog
                     IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
            CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
            MESSAGE e004.
        WHEN 'REFRESH'.
          IF NOT link_server IS INITIAL.
            PERFORM refresh_sales.
            MESSAGE e004.
          IF NOT document IS INITIAL AND NOT document->proxy IS INITIAL.
            CALL METHOD document->proxy->execute_macro
                          EXPORTING macro_string = 'R3StartupMacro'
                                    param_count = 1
                                    param1 = 10
                          IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
                         CHANGING  retvalue = usa_sales.
            CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
            MESSAGE e000.
        WHEN 'PRINT'.
          IF NOT document IS INITIAL AND NOT document->proxy IS INITIAL.
            CALL METHOD document->proxy->print_document
                           EXPORTING prompt_user = 'X'
                           IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
            CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message EXPORTING type = 'E'.
            MESSAGE e000.
    ENDMODULE.                             " USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    CLASS c_excel_document IMPLEMENTATION.
    CLASS c_excel_document IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD: constructor.
                 IMPORTING control TYPE REF TO i_oi_ole_container_control
                           document_type TYPE soi_document_type
        me->control = control.
        me->document_type = document_type.
      METHOD create_document.
                    IMPORTING open_inplace  TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                    RETURNING value(retcode) TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
        IF NOT proxy IS INITIAL.
          CALL METHOD me->close_document.
        CALL METHOD control->get_document_proxy
                 EXPORTING document_type = document_type
                 IMPORTING document_proxy = proxy
                           retcode = retcode.
        IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
        CALL METHOD proxy->create_document
                            EXPORTING create_view_data = 'X'
                                      open_inplace = open_inplace
                            IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
        IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
        SET HANDLER me->on_close_document FOR proxy.
        SET HANDLER me->on_custom_event FOR proxy.
      METHOD open_document.
                    IMPORTING open_inplace  TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                              open_readonly TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                    RETURNING value(retcode) TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
        IF NOT proxy IS INITIAL.
          CALL METHOD me->close_document.
        CALL METHOD control->get_document_proxy
                 EXPORTING document_type = document_type
                 IMPORTING document_proxy = proxy
                           retcode = retcode.
        IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
        CALL METHOD proxy->open_document_from_table
                               EXPORTING document_table = data_table
                                         document_size  = data_size
                                         open_inplace = open_inplace
                                         open_readonly = open_readonly
                               IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
        IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
        SET HANDLER me->on_close_document FOR proxy.
        SET HANDLER me->on_custom_event FOR proxy.
        CALL METHOD proxy->update_document_links
                               EXPORTING update_manual_links = 'X'
                               IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
      METHOD close_document.
                    IMPORTING do_save TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                    RETURNING value(retcode) TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
        DATA: is_closed TYPE i, has_changed TYPE i.
        DATA: doc_url(256).
        IF NOT proxy IS INITIAL.
          CALL METHOD proxy->is_destroyed IMPORTING ret_value = is_closed.
          IF is_closed IS INITIAL.
            CALL METHOD proxy->close_document
                         EXPORTING do_save = do_save
                         IMPORTING has_changed = has_changed
                                   retcode = retcode.
            IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
          IF NOT has_changed IS INITIAL.
            CALL METHOD proxy->save_document_to_table
                          IMPORTING retcode = retcode
                          CHANGING  document_table = data_table
                                    document_size = data_size.
            IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
          CALL METHOD proxy->release_document
                                       IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
          SET HANDLER me->on_close_document FOR proxy ACTIVATION ' '.
          SET HANDLER me->on_custom_event FOR proxy ACTIVATION ' '.
          retcode = c_oi_errors=>ret_document_not_open.
      METHOD open_document_url.
                    IMPORTING open_inplace  TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                              open_readonly TYPE c DEFAULT ' '
                              doc_url TYPE t_url DEFAULT ' '
                    RETURNING value(retcode) TYPE t_oi_ret_string.
        IF NOT proxy IS INITIAL.
          CALL METHOD me->close_document.
        CALL METHOD control->get_document_proxy
                 EXPORTING document_type = document_type
                 IMPORTING document_proxy = proxy
                           retcode = retcode.
        IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
        me->doc_url = doc_url.
        CALL METHOD proxy->open_document
                               EXPORTING document_url = doc_url
                                         open_inplace = open_inplace
                                         open_readonly = open_readonly
                               IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
        IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
      Document shall also be available in ITAB for respective operations:
        CALL METHOD proxy->save_document_to_table
                          IMPORTING retcode = retcode
                          CHANGING  document_table = data_table
                                    document_size = data_size.
        IF retcode NE c_oi_errors=>ret_ok.
        SET HANDLER me->on_close_document FOR proxy.
        SET HANDLER me->on_custom_event FOR proxy.
        CALL METHOD proxy->update_document_links
                               EXPORTING update_manual_links = 'X'
                               IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
      METHOD retrieve_document.
                 importing documents type document_list
                 exporting document_format type soi_document_format
                           doc_url type t_url.
    Tables and WAs:
        DATA: doc_signature TYPE sbdst_signature,
              wa_doc_signature LIKE LINE OF doc_signature,
              doc_components TYPE sbdst_components,
              wa_doc_components LIKE LINE OF doc_components,
              doc_properties TYPE sbdst_properties,
              wa_doc_properties LIKE LINE OF doc_properties,
              doc_uris TYPE sbdst_uri,
              wa_doc_uris LIKE LINE OF doc_uris.
        DATA: doc_classname TYPE sbdst_classname VALUE 'SOFFICEINTEGRATION',
              doc_classtype TYPE sbdst_classtype VALUE 'OT',
            doc_object_key TYPE sbdst_object_key VALUE 'SOFFICEINTEGRATION',
              doc_mimetype TYPE bapicompon-mimetype.
        DATA: field_desc TYPE TABLE OF rsvbfidesc.
        DATA: wa_field_desc TYPE rsvbfidesc.
        DATA: l_nr LIKE sy-tabix.
        CLEAR: field_desc, wa_field_desc.
        wa_field_desc-fieldnum = 1.
        wa_field_desc-display = 'X'.
        APPEND wa_field_desc TO field_desc.
        l_nr = 0.
                  left_upper_col = 5
                  left_upper_row = 5
                  pagesize       = 10
                  title          = 'Select document'(sdc)
                  linenumber     = l_nr
                  field_desc     = field_desc
                  value_tab      = documents
                  OTHERS         = 1.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND l_nr NE 0.
          READ TABLE documents INDEX l_nr INTO descr.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            CLEAR: wa_doc_signature, wa_doc_components, wa_doc_uris.
            CLEAR: doc_signature, doc_components, doc_uris.
            wa_doc_signature-prop_name = 'DESCRIPTION'.
            wa_doc_signature-prop_value = descr-document_id.
            APPEND wa_doc_signature TO doc_signature.
            CALL METHOD bds_instance->get_info
                          EXPORTING classname = doc_classname
                                    classtype = doc_classtype
                                    object_key = doc_object_key
                          CHANGING components = doc_components
                                   signature = doc_signature
                          EXCEPTIONS nothing_found = 1
                                     error_kpro = 2
                                     internal_error = 3
                                     parameter_error = 4
                                     not_authorized = 5
                                     not_allowed = 6.
            IF sy-subrc NE 0 AND sy-subrc NE 1.
              MESSAGE e016.
            IF sy-subrc = 1.
              MESSAGE e017.
            CALL METHOD bds_instance->get_with_url
                               EXPORTING classname = doc_classname
                                         classtype = doc_classtype
                                         object_key = doc_object_key
                               CHANGING uris = doc_uris
                                        signature = doc_signature
                          EXCEPTIONS nothing_found = 1
                                     error_kpro = 2
                                     internal_error = 3
                                     parameter_error = 4
                                     not_authorized = 5
                                     not_allowed = 6.
            IF sy-subrc NE 0 AND sy-subrc NE 1.
              MESSAGE e016.
            IF sy-subrc = 1.
              MESSAGE e017.
            READ TABLE doc_components INTO wa_doc_components INDEX 1.
            READ TABLE doc_uris INTO wa_doc_uris INDEX 1.
            doc_mimetype = wa_doc_components-mimetype.
            doc_url = wa_doc_uris-uri.
            CASE doc_mimetype.
              WHEN 'application/x-rtf' OR 'text/rtf'.
                document_format = soi_docformat_rtf.
              WHEN 'application/x-oleobject'.
                document_format = soi_docformat_compound.
              WHEN 'text/plain'.
                document_format = soi_docformat_text.
              WHEN OTHERS.
                document_format = soi_docformat_native.
      METHOD on_close_document.
                 FOR EVENT on_close_document OF c_oi_ole_container_control
                 IMPORTING document_proxy has_changed.
        DATA: answer, do_save.
        IF has_changed EQ 1.
                    titlebar              = 'Office Integration Demo'(oid)
                    text_question         = 'Save Document?'(sav)
                    display_cancel_button = ' '
                    answer                = answer.
          IF answer EQ '1'.
            do_save = 'X'.
            do_save = ' '.
          CALL METHOD me->close_document
                        EXPORTING do_save = do_save.
          CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message
                                      EXPORTING type = 'E'.
      METHOD on_custom_event.
                 FOR EVENT on_custom_event OF i_oi_document_proxy
                 IMPORTING document_proxy event_name param_count
                           param1 param2 param3.
        IF event_name EQ 'ON_SERIES_CHANGE'.
          CALL METHOD table_coll->get_table
                        EXPORTING table_name = 'SALES_IN'
                        IMPORTING retcode = retcode
                        CHANGING  data_table = test_table.
          CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>show_message
                                      EXPORTING type = 'E'.
          CLEAR wa_test_table.
          READ TABLE test_table INTO wa_test_table INDEX 1.
          usa_sales = wa_test_table-sales.
          CLEAR wa_test_table.
          READ TABLE test_table INTO wa_test_table INDEX 2.
          europe_sales = wa_test_table-sales.
          CLEAR wa_test_table.
          READ TABLE test_table INTO wa_test_table INDEX 3.
          japan_sales = wa_test_table-sales.
          CLEAR wa_test_table.
          READ TABLE test_table INTO wa_test_table INDEX 4.
          asia_sales = wa_test_table-sales.
          CLEAR wa_test_table.
          READ TABLE test_table INTO wa_test_table INDEX 5.
          america_sales = wa_test_table-sales.
          CLEAR wa_test_table.
          READ TABLE test_table INTO wa_test_table INDEX 6.
          africa_sales = wa_test_table-sales.
          CLEAR wa_test_table.
        CALL METHOD control->set_focus.
    FORM refresh_sales.
    FORM refresh_sales.
      DATA: BEGIN OF item_line,
                 sales TYPE i,
                 date  TYPE d,
                 time  TYPE t,
                 weight TYPE f,
                 amount TYPE p DECIMALS 3,
                 id(10) TYPE n,
            END OF item_line.
      DATA: sales_table LIKE TABLE OF item_line.
      DATA: wa_sales_table LIKE item_line.
      DATA: fields_table TYPE TABLE OF rfc_fields.
      DATA: wa_fields_table TYPE rfc_fields.
      DATA: ind TYPE i.
                data   = sales_table
                fields = fields_table.
      READ TABLE fields_table INDEX 1 INTO wa_fields_table.
      wa_fields_table-fieldname = 'Region'."#EC NOTEXT
      MODIFY fields_table FROM wa_fields_table INDEX 1.
      CLEAR wa_fields_table.
      READ TABLE fields_table INDEX 2 INTO wa_fields_table.
      wa_fields_table-fieldname = 'Sales'. "#EC NOTEXT
      MODIFY fields_table FROM wa_fields_table INDEX 2.
      CLEAR: sales_table, wa_sales_table.
      wa_sales_table-region = 'USA'(usa).
      wa_sales_table-sales = usa_sales.
      APPEND wa_sales_table TO sales_table.
      CLEAR wa_sales_table.
      wa_sales_table-region = 'Europe'(eur).
      wa_sales_table-sales = europe_sales.
      APPEND wa_sales_table TO sales_table.
      CLEAR wa_sales_table.
      wa_sales_table-region = 'Japan'(jap).
      wa_sales_table-sales = japan_sales.
      APPEND wa_sales_table TO sales_table.
      CLEAR wa_sales_table.
      wa_sales_table-region = 'Asia'(asi).
      wa_sales_table-sales = asia_sales.
      APPEND wa_sales_table TO sales_table.
      CLEAR wa_sales_table.
      wa_sales_table-region = 'America'(ame).
      wa_sales_table-sales = america_sales.
      APPEND wa_sales_table TO sales_table.
      CLEAR wa_sales_table.
      wa_sales_table-region = 'Africa'(afr).
      wa_sales_table-sales = africa_sales.
      APPEND wa_sales_table TO sales_table.
      CLEAR wa_sales_table.
      LOOP AT sales_table INTO wa_sales_table.
        ind = sy-tabix.
        wa_sales_table-date = sy-datum + ind.
        wa_sales_table-time = sy-uzeit + ind.
        wa_sales_table-weight = 100000 * ind.
        wa_sales_table-amount = 11111 * ind.
        wa_sales_table-id = ind.
        MODIFY sales_table FROM wa_sales_table INDEX ind.
      CALL METHOD table_coll->add_table
                        EXPORTING table_name = 'SALES_OUT'
                                  table_type = table_coll->table_type_output
                        IMPORTING retcode = retcode
                        CHANGING  data_table = sales_table
                                  fields_table = fields_table.
      CALL METHOD link_server->add_table_item2
               EXPORTING item_name = 'Sales'    "#EC NOTEXT
                         item_title = 'Car Sales Figures'(sal)
               IMPORTING retcode = retcode
               CHANGING  data_table = sales_table
                         fields_table = fields_table.
      CALL METHOD link_server->add_string_item
               EXPORTING item_name   = 'ChartTitle'
                         item_title  = 'Chart Title'(ti0)
                         item_value  = 'Car Sales by Region'(ti1)
                         no_flush    = 'X'
               IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
      CALL METHOD link_server->add_string_item
               EXPORTING item_name   = 'ColumnTitle1'
                         item_title  = 'Column Title 1'(ti2)
                         item_value  = 'Region'(ti3)
                         no_flush    = 'X'
               IMPORTING retcode = retcode.
      CALL METHOD link_server->add_string_item
               EXPORTING item_name   = 'ColumnTitle2'
                         item_title  = 'Column Title 2'(ti4)
                         item_value  = 'Sold Cars'(ti5)
                         no_flush    = ' '
               IMPORTING retcode = retcode.

  • Where can I find the update for my mac mini, OS X v10.8?

    Hi. I'm tryin to connect my mac mini with my new HP printer.
    The softwere won't start because it says that I don't have de update the softwere needs, which is OS X v10.8 or later.
    I have OS X v10.7.5. I have found, on apple's site, OS X v10.8.1 and OS X v10.8.2.
    But my mac won't accept to run any of them. It just says that I need OS X v10.8 to run the other updates.
    Where can I find the update that I need? I can't find it here on apple's site.
    Please! I'we been sitting with thit sh*t for a couple of hous now.
    Thankful for your help asap
    xo Mickis, Stockholm Sweden.

    Apple - OS X Mountain Lion - Read the technical specifications.
    Macs that can be upgraded to OS X Mountain Lion
    iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
    MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
    MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
    MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
    Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
    Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)
    Xserve (Early 2009)

  • Where can i find the resolution of a photo? I need to change it to 102

    where can i find the resolution of a photo in iphoto? How can I change it to 102?  I see is the pixel  width and height, along with the mb/kb size for photo info; I need to change the resolution and size for submission.

    Short answer: the dpi (or resolution)  is set when you decide what size you're printing at.
    Long Answer: Dpi means nothing in the digital world of your computer. There are no "inches" to have "dots per..." Size is measured in pixels. That's the same on your camera. It doesn't take 10 x 8 or 6 x 4 shots. It takes shots measured in megapixels. For instance 4,000 x 3,000 is a 12 megapixel camera.
    Using that example, that shot from that camera has 12 million pixels. So that's how many "Dots" there are. To decide the ratio of dots per inch, you now need to decide the "inches" part. And that's printing.  Print at 10 x 8 and the dpi will be 4,000/10 or about 400 dpi. At 6 x 4 then it's 4,000/6 or 660 dpi. Work the other way: Print at 300 dpi and the resulting image will be about 13 inches on the longer side.
    So, your photo as a fixed number of pixels. Changing the dimensions of the print will vary the dpi, changing the dpi will vary the dimensions of the print.
    For more see http://www.rideau-info.com/photos/mythdpi.html

  • Where can we find the standard program for scripts and smartform for vl02

    where can we find the standard program for scripts and smartform for vl02

    If it is a standard Script Output see that all config in NACE tcode was done correctly and in the Application document the output type was properly defined and attached to a medium, partner and all communication related things like printer name, when to print the output and number of messages etc are entered in the document
    the go to the related application Tcode
    (for sales order goto VA02 or VA03)
    (delivery -VL02N or VL03N)
    for Invoice VF02 or VF03
    for PO -goto ME9F
    enter doc number, Issue Output to -> screen/printer
    then see the output
    step 1 : copy the z layout into testing client thru SCC1.
    step2 : go to se71 and check modified layout.
    step3 : if it is under logistics.. go to TCODE "NACE".
    u will see various applictions for each business process.
    there u have configure ur related layout according to requirments,
    for example u consider for Request fo Quatation..
    there is APPLICATION called "EA"
    click and enter into it. configure it with ur requirments, for help consult with ur functonal consaltant, and save it.
    step 4 : goto tcode ME9A for requst for quatation(RFQ).
    step 5 : enter test data avalable and check it with message display.
    it is same for other applications like Contract agreament --> ME9k
    invoice --> vl02n
    and goes on..
    Reward points for useful Answers

  • I running snow leopard on my MBP- where can I find the drivers for windows XP if I install them via bootcamp? Thanks!

    I running snow leopard on my MBP- where can I find the drivers for windows XP if I install them via bootcamp? Thanks!

    You won't find them until you are in Windows.
    Helps to read even print the guide.
    If you have auto run enabled, which is a security risk, the Apple setup.exe will run.
    Otherwise, just run that.
    Either use your OS X DVD, or use the drivers downloaded by Boot Camp Assistant.
    Two different ways to get them.

  • When I try to take a print out from documents in my mailbox, it tell´s me that it can not find the printer??. I have just downloaded epson iprint since I have an Epson wifi printer. The iprint did find and succesfully installed the printer.

    When I try to take a print out from documents in my mailbox, it tell´s me that it can not find the printer??. I have just downloaded epson iprint since I have an Epson wifi printer. The iprint did find and successful installed the printer. Somebody who knows what to do?

    Chances are you Can only print from the app from the printer maker
    And where you are Trying to print from May only work with AirPrint able printers which the epson would not be

  • Can't find the printer connection on Satellite M40

    Silly question but I can't find the printer connection on my satellite M40? There looks to be a place for it on the left hand side of the notebook - there is a little printer sign, but the actual socket is covered over - should I remove it? and how do I do it? Help!!

    As far as I know you can connect printer directly if you use USB port (newer printers). On the left side there are three ports:
    - RGB (Monitor) port
    - One USB port and
    - PC Card slot
    I really do not understand where you have found printer sign there.

Maybe you are looking for