Where do I find my mt. lion install

I just purchased an upgrade from Snow Leopard to Mt. Lion and when I received the download, decided not to install it for a while.  It was in my dock.  Now it has disappeared and I can't find it.  Where did it go?

The installer resides in the Applications folder until it is activated.  You should find it in there.  Make a copy of it some place safe like your Documents folder since the last step in the installation is for the installer to delete itself.

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    keg55 wrote:
    You might be able to simply boot into the ML Recovery HD, select Reinstall OS X and point to your SSD drive. You won't capture the InstallESD.dmg file to create a USB thumb drive installer.
    OR.... to create a USB thumb drive of your pre installed ML, you would need to redownload Mountain Lion then grab the InstallESD.dmg file and create your USB thumb drive.Here is how I've done it using Internet Recovery to get my pre installed OS X.
    Attach a USB external drive to your system. Formated as Mac OS Extended (Journal) and GUID partition table.
    Restart using Command+R+Option to boot into Apple's Recovery HD. This will get you the original version. Or just Command+R to boot into your ML Recovery HD.
    Select Reinstall OS X from the OS X Utilities menu.
    You will  have to watch the download. After it completes and your system restarts, at the black screen disconnect the external USB drive.
    After you are back to your current desktop, insert the external USB drive. There should be a single folder on the drive called 'Install Data' (I think). Find the InstallESD.dmg file and copy it to a folder on your current system (Downloads, for example).
    Follow any of the internet instructions to create a ML USB thumb drive.
    I tried this method, and while it did get me the installer image, when I restored it to an external and tried to use it to restore a Late 2012 Mac Mini, I got the same "No" symbol I did with other ML installers.
    Here are some screenshots of what was loaded onto my external before I yanked it, when the screen turned black durring the restart. The highlighted file is what I restored to my external to use to restore the Mac Mini.

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    It's Apple's software not yours and as shown by it's exclusion on the OS X Lion pages is not part of the new OS. Upgrading to Lion is optional.
    It's a trivial matter to copy it back from your Snow Leopard backup, but using it under Lion is not supported at all and WILL stop working sooner or later.
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    My best regards,
    Joao Jose Gois

    Hi Jeff, thanks for the reply.
    Unfortunately it didn't work, but I guess that you helped me to really find the issue here.
    I really have only one installer available to me, for both Photoshop Elements and for Premiere Elements. However they have a slight difference in the file name.
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    I still can't install it in here.
    Is there any mail that I can send to adobe support? When I go to Brazilian Adobe Online Store and click on Support, I'm always redirected to the '.com' website and I end up here.
    Once again, thank you all in advance for all the help or attention for this thread.
    Joao Jose Gois

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    If you downloaded Lion and did a fresh install, it's likely missing from your "PURCHASES" list on the app store.
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    Hope this helps someone.

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    The current Apple thinking is that the entire world has access to fast broadband and wants to distribute home movies to friends and relatives via download (iCloud) rather than mailing them a DVD. The fact that in reality not all users do, has so far had no effect on this policy. If you scream and shout loudly enough down the phone Apple may send you a free copy of iDVD. That worked for some, but is now said to have been withdrawn by Apple. Also, you can complain bitterly here, perhaps suggesting that Apple could have provided a choice between using iCloud and burning DVDs:
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    It's hidden, in Mac OS X 10.7 see this link, http://osxdaily.com/2011/07/04/show-library-directory-in-mac-os-x-lion/

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    You should be able to them from here:
    http://prodesigntools.com/photoshop-elements-10-direct-download-links-pse-premiere-pre.htm l
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    Hi Greg
    Thank you for that.
    Here's what I've done that still doesn't seem to be working:
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    G5 Dual, G4, G4 Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

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    Technical resources for IT
    Adobe Reader Enterprise Deployment
    Flash Player enterprise deployment

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    What password are you referring to, the AppleID or his login password, either way you may need to ask him for these if you are upgrading from another Mac. You can also call AppleCare, the number is in your owners manual however they may or may not be available on Sundays. You have 90 days of free telephone support, this would be an ideal time to call them.

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    If you want the new OS X Server (Mountain Lion) look for "OS X Server" in the App Store.
    Server Admin no longer exists for OS X Server - the main functionality like Mail service and Open Directory has been simplified and integrated within the new server app.
    The optional Server Admin add-on for Lion was only available from the Apple support site, not from the App store.

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    I also have Mac OS leopard, but i think it might be too heavy for this old machine.
    1. What is the latest OS I can put on this powerbook so that it still runs smoothly?
    2. If i want to install 10.4.11 where can I find it?

    Tiger install DVDs are in short supply. Tiger is no longer available at the Apple Store *but may be available for $129 by calling Apple Phone Sales @ 1-800-MY-APPLE (1-800-692-7753)*. For other sources, do a Google search for [b]MA453Z/A (10.4.6)[/b], [b]MA190Z/A (10.4.3)[/b] and [b]M9639Z/A (10.4) [/b]. Also look on eBay. Be sure & buy a retail version (black with silver X) <img src="http://www.macmaps.com/tiger.jpg"> and not a model specific version (gray) (See <b><a href=" http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1976068" target="new"> Can I use another Mac's system restore disc on my Mac?</a></b> ). Expect to pay (possibly a lot) more than the Apple list price of $129.
    Also check these web stores: http://www.lacomputercompany.com/cgi-bin/rpcart/index.cgi?command=dispitem&type= sku&sku=19521  http://www.allmac.com/shop/index.php?cPath=5_10003
    After you install the base 10.4.x, update to the final Tiger version 10.4.11. Here's the link for the 10.4.11 combo update http://support.apple.com/kb/TA24901?viewlocale=en_US
    Look at this link [b]Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger Installing Software Support Page[/b]
    You can also download the [b]Tiger Installation and Setup Guide[/b]
    When you upgrade the OS, do it via Archive & Install. See [b]About the Archive and Install feature[/b] http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1710
    Be sure to select Preserve Users & Settings. Also, repair permissions before and after the install.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Hi reaves009,
    you can not find 14 because it is not exist, only 14.0.1
    [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/install-older-version-of-firefox Install an older version of Firefox]
    thank you

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