Where do my Added Photo get saved?

I am a new user to iPhoto yet I'm catching on very quickly. When i add my photos to my iPhoto library what happens to them? Where are they saved? I would like to get rid of the original copies of the imported pictures that are located under Finder/Pictures. I am afraid to delete them because i think they may be the same file that iPhoto is using. PLEASE HELP!

Unless you changed a setting in the Preferences, you photos are saved inside the iPhoto Library. That is the default setting. If you want to see exactly where a pic is, In the iPhoto Window Right Click on it and go Show File.

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    Please Reply

    This forum is for questions from those managing sites on iTunes U, Apple's service for colleges and universities to post educational material in the iTunes Store. You'll be most likely to get help with this issue if you ask in the general iTunes forums.

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    You are right, in most cases, FCP can be quite forgiving when assets go missing. When dealing with a couple clips, the impact is less than with larger projects, but if you are dealing with projects with more assets, having to go through every file in the project to figure out which file is mistakenly deleted/missing and which were intensionally deleted and can be ignored, can be time consuming. As well, using FCP to manage the assets can prevent other problems further down the line.
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    You can do it, but It is just bad practice, especially in a professional environment, and by using FCP tools you don't have to worry about where the assets are physically located.
    Besides, why would you go through the effort of right(cntl) clicking the asset in the FCP browser, selecting show in finder, selecting the file in finder, deleting the file in finder, and finally emptying the trash, to finally free up drive space, when you can just use one step in FCP browser to do the same? Granted, not a lot of time saved for one file, but going though a larger project would take a lot more time cleaning up a drive(s). 1 file or 1000 files in FCP browser is still only one step.
    Sorry, if I prattled on...

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    Check in SU3 t.code, did check box selected u201CDelete After Outputu201D in Spool Control segment in Default TAB
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    Had you read the instructions in the link provided, you wouldn't be asking.
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    You may need to check this include .
    EXIT_SAPMM06E_008  -->Import Data from Customer Subscreen for Purchasing Document

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    The iphone is not a storage/backup device.  The picture sycn is one way - computer to iphone.  The photos are also reduced in size when synced to iphone so they are not of the original quality
    It has always been very basic to always maintain a backup of your computer.
    Have you failed to do this?
    If so, not good at all, you can e-mail the pics to yourself - keep in mind they will never be of the original quality

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    Are you in the correct account that contains the iPhoto Library?
    Did you ever move your iPhoto Library to an external drive?  If so, and you disconnect this drive, iPhoto will create a new blank one in the pictures folder.
    Check your computer to see if the "iPhoto Library" was accidently moved to the trash.
    If you still can't locate your images, launch finder, and select "all images" in the source column.  This will display all images on your computer.  Be carefull not to delete, move or modify the images you see in this manner, as it will cause issues with good iPhoto Libraries, however it may help us locate where the images are.
    Once you locate an image, click it once, then in the top menu bar, select "view / show path".  This will display it's location along the bottom of the finder window.
    Once you know where the image is, this should help you launch iPhoto to the correct library.

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    Hello Angelcasper,
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities.
    The following article provides some suggestions on importing photos from your iOS device to your computer.
    iOS: Import personal photos and videos from iOS devices to your computer
    Jeff D.

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