Where is Adobe Photoshop CC?

It shows uptodate on the downloader and yet it does not exist on my computer in Applications. MacBook Pro w/Retina Display. Used to work fine but now it is simply gone and yet shows to be uptodate in the cc loader.

Photoshop Help | Creating 3D objects and animations
It's now called 3D Extrusion

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    I'm currently running CS6 on Mac OS 10.7.4 through a subscription. Previously I was using CS5.5. Before installing CS6 I ran the Adobe uninstaller that came with CS5.5 to remove it. Now, while using CS6 apps I often get a pop-up window come up asking me "Where is Adobe Photoshop?" This is also happening with Illustrator and InDesign. It may happen with all of them, but as of yet I haven't seen it with any others (95% of the time I'm in one of those 3 apps).
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    You will be able to open the application natively from Applications folder , however you would be facing the issue when opening the file directly by double-clicking on them.
    If my presumption is right , then it is the file association issue . You can Ctrl+Click on any file say INDD , PSD etc and then Go to "Get Info"
    Change the "Open with " to the application you want to open it with , Click on "Change All" button just underneath it. and then check

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    Regarding the Flash Player problem, disable Hardware Acceleration to circumvent driver incompatibilities.
    Regarding the Flash Pro installation problems, post in the Flash forums or http://forums.adobe.com/community/download_install_setup

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    jpg does not support Layers.
    Just to make sure, what exactly do you mean by "stacking photos" and what do you want to achieve thereby?

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    Adobe changed the way video is rendered in CS6. Adobe Media Encoder in now used in CS6 only a subset of the Adobe's full Adobe Media Encoder is included in CS6 is a dll. I do not think you can add new Rendering Presets however you can change some setting when you use the supplied Reddening Presets.  Perhaps if you have the Adobe suite and have the full Adobe Media Encoder you can create some presets and add them to Photoshop Rendering presets.  I seem some compliants about CS6 Quicktime rendering presets lack the power of CS5.  The Rendering presets seem to be stored in sub folders in "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Presets\Video\Adobe Media Encoder" and "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\Presets\Video\Adobe Media Encoder"

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    Update Adobe Photoshop CS6  is two way different  :-
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    and the others
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    Hi Michelle Whiteman,
    Kindly check the below mentiond link to download it, if it isn't there in downloads.
    Download Premiere Elements products | 13, 12, 11, 10
    Atul Saini

  • Where are the pictures found in the Adobe Photoshop 10 organizer?

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    During that moment perhaps a line in the drive had become corrupted. So, I restored through Carbonite, hoping I'd get back almost everything (or at least whatever was done being backed up). However, I lost quite a few pictures.
    Tuesday, however, I noticed that the pictures I lost were imported into the organizer for Adobe Photoshop 10, which is on the C drive, so I'm hoping the pictures are still there, even if they are thumbnails (I assume they would be)! But where are the pictures found in the Adobe Photoshop 10 organizer? I assume in a folder somewhere? Am I able to copy them? (A low quality image, is better than no image!)

    The thumbnail cache is separate and lives in the system files.
    You could try a new catalog - it doesn’t involve any duplication.
    Click: File >> Catalog
    Click the New button
    Give your catalog a name e.g. My Catalog2 (or whatever you prefer)
    Check the box Import Free Music - that will bring in the Adobe MP3 tracks used in slideshows
    Then click OK
    When the new blank catalog opens click: File >> Get Photos and Videos >> From Files & Folders
    Navigate to your root folder (normally Pictures or My Pictures or wherever you put your photos) then press Ctrl+A to select all sub folders or make sure the checkbox is marked.
    Click Open or Get Media
    Wait for Elements to complete the import, accept all keyword suggestions (select all) and then wait for thumbnails to finish generating.
      N.B. You may not get all the metadata (keywords etc) but in view of the problems you have had it may be your best hope.

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    If the code you are trying to enter has letters then you are not looking at a serial number.  A serial number only contains numbers - 6 sets of 4 numbers.
    Find your serial number quickly
    You might be dealing with a redemption code.  This is especially so if you purchased it from a store or the like.
    Redemption Code Help

  • Where to find Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended?

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    Now I have it installed, but i'm not sure if I have the extended or normal version. How can I check that?
    And, if I don't have it.. The download manager does nothing say about the Extended version (trial of it), and at the Adobe website I can't find a way to download it.
    I have Windows.
    Kind Regards,
    Michael Wijnands

    Windows 8 Pro 64 bits, 8GB ddr3 ram.
    Re: Where to find Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended?
    created by Curt Y in Photoshop General Discussion - View the full discussion
    What OS?  Also, your video card must have at least 512 mb of VRAM to work.
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    Start a new discussion in Photoshop General Discussion by email or at Adobe Community
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/message/2936746#2936746.

  • How do I and where do I go to re-install adobe photoshop elements 8.0 on my Laptop??

    Please help,
    I had my laptop wiped and had to reinstall all programms it previously had. I had adobe photoshop elements 8.0 *Licenced Version and I have lost the disk, but I have got the License Code. Where do I go and How do I re-install it again???

    If you downloaded from the Adobe store, you might be able to go into your Adobe store account and redownload. If you had a physical you are out of luck and will have to purchase an upgrade to the latest version.

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    Which version do you have?

  • Where can I get fancy text fonts for Adobe Photoshop?

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    Going way back, I used to have to remove fonts, to get my OS to function properly. They really slowed the computer down. That was when I first went to a font manager, so that I could do that on the fly. OS's are MUCH better now.
    Still, my machines have only about 350 installed fonts, at any one time. I have about the same number of fonts, as you do, and then just add the ones that I need for a job, letting them uninstall, when I shut down.
    In general, the laptop is pretty clean, but I have about 12,000 fonts available on it. I've got about 19,000 on the workstation, but still, never have more than about 350, installed at any one time. I probably should pare down those fonts, as many have not been used, ever, and many were for particular clients, or projects, and will likely never get used again. Still, and especially with display/Headline fonts, I often go searching for just the right look, for main Titles, etc., in my Videos. Just do not do much print work nowadays.
    At one time, I could backup my fonts on a CD. Now, it's two DL DVD's! Still, I paid for 95% of those suckas, and the rest were free from the Internet, so I do have an investment, and who knows what I will need to do tomorrow?

  • Where can I get Adobe Photoshop Elements *5*?

    I own a license for Photoshop Elements version 5, and tech support says it is no longer available. Does anyone have a source for this application? I have the license but cannot find the executable that I downloaded and purchased from Adobe.
    On the other hand, if anyone can provide the executable name for version 5, I can search more places to see if I do, in fact, have a copy of it.
    Thanks much!

    Yes, you can download Adobe Photoshop Elements 9. The only thing that you need to do is go to this LINK http://prodesigntools.com/photoshop-elements-9-premiere-elements-9-dir ect-download-links.html and download it. You need to follow the ADOBE download instructions.
    First, you need to sign in with your Adobe ID. Second, go to the LINK I gave you and find Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 (PSE 9) Direct Download Links, them give a click to File 2 and download it (it takes time), them when it is done (downloaded) another click to File 1. After you finished downloading File 1, it will ask you to enter your Serial Number of the product. After you put the Serial Number of the your product, Adobe Elements 9 will be in your computer.
    If for some reason you don't know or you don't remember the Serial Number of your product, go to your Account and Sign in with your Adobe ID, then go to "My products and Services" and it will tell you the Serial Number of the product.
    You will find "My products and Services" on the top right side of the screen, where it say "Welcome xxxxx". Remember, to see "My products and Services" first you need to Sign in with your Adobe ID. 

  • Where can I find the link to download Adobe Photoshop Elements 12?

    Good Day,
    I bought Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 but am unable to insert the disks into my laptop as I do not have a disk drive. I tried downloading, however I am unable to find Adobe Photoshop Elements 12. I tried downloading elements 13 and inserting my serial number, but it did not work.Where can I find the link to download elements 12?
    Kind regards,

    PSE 10, 11, 12 - http://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop-elements/kb/photoshop-elements-10-11-downloads.html

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