Where is long item description stored

Where is long item description stored, is it in MTL_SYSTEM-ITEMS or any other table

you are correct, the "long raw" data is stored inline. No different object is used.
The size of the table can be found using dba_extents (or db02)

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    Do you know the database table or a function module which i could use?
    Thanks a lot.
    Kind regards

    Use the below code to get the product description in different languages,
    Data: ls_prshtext   TYPE comm_prshtext.
          i_product_guid = lv_prod_guid
          i_langu             = lv_langu
          es_prshtext    = ls_prshtext
          not_found      = 1
          OTHERS         = 2.

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    It worked.
    Thank you very much the-edmeister.
    Some details:
    - Add-on installed: SQLite Manager 0.7.7
    - From SQLite Manager you need to open the places.sqlite and it is stored under
    [DRIVE]:\[users]\[pc user]\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[one of the profile]\
    on Windows 7(64bit).
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    If you are refering to  Item category group, then this is stored o product master data on sales organizational specific data.
    If you are refering to  Item category usage then there is a different logic. Item category usage is is mainly hardcoded in ABAP programs. For example one logic is hardcoded for interchengabilty scenaro. In some cases you can even use badi implementation.

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    Mike, I think you might be referring to the Part Name (which is really the description), "PartsMaster.PartName," from Web Tools. If so, the matching field in B1 is Item Name, "OITM.ItemName."

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    Venodor Name is in the Table LFA1 and field is LFA1-NAME1.
    if it is Blank you can take the ADRNR from LFA1 and go to ADRC table with ADRNR and get the Name from ADRC table.

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    Edited by: user732932 on Nov 17, 2009 10:58 AM

    Hi User,
    If a user creates queries and dashboards they are stored in the Catalog, this is in the OracleBIData>Web>Catalog folder. If you drill down into thsi folder you eventually come to the individual xml files.
    The repository, (.rpd) is in the OraceBI>Server>Repository folder, the two can be maintained independantly. If your customer wants new data sources or tables adding to their RPD, you can merge these changes using the Admin tool, any changes here will not affect existing content in the dashboards, as long as the existing presentation layer is not altered. Assuming they do not maintain the rpd themselves, they could just send you an existing one for you to edit then replace theirs?
    What it sounds liek you are saying though, is that they will have added queries and dashboards to the web catalog, and that you will then add more queries and dashboard pages to a development catalog, in this case it's very easy to copy and paste new files from one catalog to the other using the catalog manager. Ther is no need to touch the actual xml. NEVER copy a new catalog over an existing catalog, if you are replacing the whole catalog, back it up then delete it from the Catalog folder and paste in the new one.
    If you are upgrading the version of OBIEE, none of these items should be affected, make sure you back-up first.
    I hope this clears it up.

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    but I can't find it in the database.
    Here is the query I tried.
    SELECT UserData.*        
    FROM dbo.Lists INNER JOIN dbo.UserData 
    ON dbo.Lists.tp_ID = dbo.UserData.tp_ListId
    WHERE dbo.UserData.tp_ListId = '[my list]'
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    If you have 2 lists, List A contains custom names, List B has a lookup field that points to List A. I go into list B and select a client name ("Contoso"), enter some info, and save it. On the back end, the list item will contain a value of something like:
    In this scenario the 34 is the SPListItem.ID value of that item in List A. They start at 1 in each list and increment by 1.
    Also, running queries against the database directly is not supported and can take your database out of Microsoft's supportability.
    Dimitri Ayrapetov (MCSE: SharePoint)

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    I am not sure if it can be done while in Add Mode as the values of Properties checked might not be available till the Item is added to the database.
    Through Stored procedure you can do this once you add the Item Code.
    The Code for the same is as below.  You need to Pass 3 parameters
    The SQL to call the SP from the Item Description field would be
    EXEC     [dbo\].[ITEMDESC\] $\[$5.0.0], $\[$39.0.0], $\[$114.0.0]
         DECLARE @GrpName AS NVARCHAR(20), @FirmName AS NVARCHAR(30)
         DECLARE @SQLString nvarchar(500), @I AS INT, @N AS NVARCHAR(2), @OUTPUT AS NVARCHAR(100), @PNAME AS NVARCHAR(100)
         DECLARE @ParmDefinition nvarchar(500)
         SET @ParmDefinition = '@ITEM NVARCHAR(20), @OUTPUT NVARCHAR(100) OUTPUT'
         SET @PNAME = ''
         SET @I = 1
         WHILE @I <= 64
              SET @N = CAST(@I AS VARCHAR(2))
              SET @SQLString = 'SELECT @OUTPUT = CASE WHEN T0.QryGroup' + @N + '= ''Y'' THEN T1.ItmsGrpNam ELSE '''' END FROM [dbo\].[OITM\] T0, [dbo\].[OITG\] T1
                             WHERE T0.ITEMCODE = @ITEM AND T0.QryGroup'+@N + '= ''Y'' AND ItmsTypCod = '+@N
              EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition,@ITEM, @OUTPUT OUTPUT
              SET @I = @I + 1
              IF @OUTPUT <> ''
                   SET @PNAME = @PNAME + (@OUTPUT + ', ')
                   SET @OUTPUT = ''
         SELECT @GrpName = ItmsGrpNam FROM OITB WHERE ItmsGrpCod = @ITMSGRPCODE
        SELECT @FirmName = FirmName FROM OMRC WHERE FirmCode = @FIRMCODE
         SELECT @GrpName + ', ' + @PNAME + @FirmName

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                               Can anyone give me the table name where the Delivery date is stored in Confirmation tab in Item in ME23n.
                                  If anyone is aware of it then please let me know .

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    We have upgraded ourselves to SAP B1 8.82 PL01. When posting the Sales Order, for some of the Items, the Item Description and other details which come automatically once the item code is selected are not displaying.
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    Hi Vineela.........
    I think you must have to perform Data Checkup in SAP.
    For doing so please do this......
    Go to Administration> System Initialization> General Setting> Services> Tick on Perform data Check. Then relogin in SAP again and once process done please check this in Sales Order........

  • Item description

    below this query i want to add pch1 item description field how do i will add???
    this is the outgoing payment report
    SELECT T0.DocNum, t1.groupcode, t2.GroupName, T0.DocDate, T0.CardName,T0.CheckAcct,
    T0.CheckSum, T0.TrsfrAcct, T0.TrsfrSum, T0.DocTotal, T0.Comments, T0.JrnlMemo
    FROM OVPM T0 INNER JOIN OCRD T1 on T1.CardCode = t0.cardcode
    INNER JOIN OCRG T2 on T2.GroupCode = t1.GroupCode
    where T0.JrnlMemo <> 'Cancelled'
    and T0.DocDate>='[%0]' and T0.DocDate<='[%1]'
    and T0.TrsfrAcct<>'LC10001'
    and T1.GroupCode = '112'
    and t0.series<>'15' and t0.series<>'60'

    report ok . good status but if they create a outgoing payment for two invoice in a single outgoing payment document . so i need to add blow table also vpm4 T6.SumApplied table i create a query but value not come
    SELECT T0.DocNum, t5.Dscription, t5.docentry,
    t1.groupcode, t2.GroupName, T0.DocDate, T0.CardName,
    T0.CheckSum, T0.TrsfrAcct, T0.TrsfrSum, T0.DocTotal, T6.SumApplied, T0.Comments, T0.JrnlMemo
    INNER JOIN VPM2 T3 on T3.docnum = t0.docentry
    INNER JOIN OPCH t4 on t4.docentry = t3.docentry
    INNER JOIN PCH1 T5 on t5.docentry= t4.docentry
    LEFT JOIN OCRD T1 on T1.CardCode = t0.cardcode
    LEFT JOIN OCRG T2 on T2.GroupCode = t1.GroupCode
    LEFT JOIN VPM4 T6 ON t0.DocEntry = t6.DocNum
    where T0.JrnlMemo<>'Cancelled'
    and T0.DocDate>='[%0]' and T0.DocDate<='[%1]'
    and T0.TrsfrAcct<>'LC10001'
    and T1.GroupCode = '112'
    and t0.series<>'15' and t0.series<>'60'

  • I get the long text description 0f transaction fb03

    Hi Gurus,
    How can I get the long text description in the information view (field <b>ZEILE</b>,
    data element EENO_ZEILE) on the G/L account documet overview(transaction Fb03)?
      My prob is, This field stored in a structure called
    Thanks in ad.

    a) Find out for which <b>table</b> this long text is linked.
    b) Go to <b>TTXOB</b> table and in the field <b>TDOBJECT</b>, check whether this entry is present.
    c) If present, then use FM READ_TEXT, to get the long text value.
    Important parameters to be passed in READ_TEXT
    a) ID         
    b) Language (EN??)
    c) Name   ( I believe in this case it would be ZEILE)
    d) Object (TTXOB-TDOBJECT value)
    Subramanian V.

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    Hi Deepak,
    Line item description is not changed as when you enter the material in order and save, description is saved in table CRMD_ORDERADM_I along with other details. now if you change the material master description it is pretty obvious that CRMD_ORDERADM_I contents will not automatiically change. if you enter the same material again in order as new line item system will read from material master whereas for existing line items will be read from CRMD_ORDERADM_I . you can change the description using FM CRM_ORDERADM_I_MAINTAIN_OW
    i hope it clarify your concern.
    sudhir grover

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    This port number must be stored somewhere in HSS? It's not in OpenLDAP I think as I exported the whole server as LDIF and the string "1426" does not occur in the export. Couldn't find it in the HS9_HSS database either but perhaps I missed it.

    For reference, I found out how to fix this:
    Look in the Repository HS9_HSS for the table VERSION_CONTENT
    in the HUGEBLOBS (which are XML fragments), you'll find the the settings. Export, alter, import.
    Restart HSS and Admin services.

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