Where is my Outlook email file after migrating my windows PC to iMAC?

I went through the migration assistant to migrate all my docs, folders, photos, music and email accounts. Everything migrated successfully except Outlook. It did not set up my email accounts and I cannot find all my emails. Can anybody help me to find them and load them into apple mail (I don't have Outlook or MS Office set up on my iMAC)?

Your mail information may be in the Mail tool. If that does not help you have 90 days of free AppleCare telephone support when you buy any new Mac. I'd recommend giving them a ring, you can find the number by clicking AppleCare Contact Info to locate the correct number in your country.

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    The Reset Firefox feature can fix many issues by restoring Firefox to its factory default state '''while saving your essential information'''.
    Note: ''This will cause you to lose any Extensions, Open websites, and some Preferences.''
    To Reset Firefox do the following:
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    #Firefox will open with all factory defaults applied.
    Further information can be found in the [[Reset Firefox – easily fix most problems]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!
    Thank you.

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    Hi Eric and welcome to Discussions and the Apple world.
    Mac OSX can read and write from Windows partitions (like the BootCamp Windows partition you are about to create) when using FAT32 as file system for Windows.
    However with FAT32 you are limited to a partition size of 32GB.
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    Based on the description, you seem to have an olm file? Please note Outlook for Windows can only import emails from pst files, olm files can't be imported into Outlook for Windows directly.
    A workaround is to setup an IMAP account in Outlook for Mac - it's better to be an empty new account, we can sign up one from many email providers. Then move all emails you need to migrate into that IMAP account. Outlook will
    start to sync, all the emails will be uploaded to the email server.
    The next step is to create that IMAP account in Outlook for Windows. After the emails are synced, we should find all these emails you need in the local .pst(Outlook 2010) or .ost (Outlook 2013) file.
    I hope this makes sense for you, if you have any questions about the steps, feel free to let me know.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    Okay...I have some more information and perhaps we are getting closer.  On the 250GB, first I went into that disk and used Disk Utilty to re-format it once using Mac OS Extended (Journaled) then a second time, zeroing it out. I did a screen shot to review if needed, and both times it looked perfect...249GB available.  Then I went into the Time Machine preferences to get ready to backup again, and it had not excluded the other external 120GB with iTunes so I excluded it. I may has previously, never noticed in that screen that it takes a bit of time for it to calculate the information to save.  I may have just clicked on it quickly without reviewing it first.  Today I did, and gave it time to calculate.  At one point the actual 250GB itself, showed up and I excluded it too like the 120GB.  After it finished, the calculations are still it wrong - claiming it has a 200GB backup when the iMac either contains 150GB (based on when I do Get Info) on it or from OmniDisk which calculated about 100GB.  I have not allowed Time Machine to do a backup yet, until this discrepancy can be clear.
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    Sudhakar Kuricheti

    Please use the follow link
    to download an installation kit for Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library.
    In this way you will not have any more the problem where to put a dll and what you have to do with it.
    This program should be used into application server it is not necessary to put it into db server.
    If you have problem regarding unzip of dimensions then you have to check if you have into client side into C:\Program Files\BPC the dll xceedzip.dll and you have to check if this was correct register. (using regsvr32).
    I hope this help to understand what is that dll and what you have to do to complete the installation of SAP BPC server.
    Sorin Radulescu

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    Click on the Finder icon in the dock.
    Click on the Go menu in the top menu bar: Crafty illustration below.
      Finder  File  Edit  View  Go  Window  Help
    Click Macintosh HD.
    Double-Click the Users folder.
    You should have a home folder for your first account that you set up during the setup assistant on the newer computer, and another for the home folder that was migrated.
    Most of the information you transferred should be in there.

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    dear Gents,
    i have the same issue, i do not want to use Microsoft outlook, i want to use mac mail.
    i have a PST file which its size is around 18 GB, i used PST Converter PRO, but it converted the PST file to a folder contans subfolder and files, the size of these folders are 68 MB.
    i tired to import this new folder to mac mail, it was giving a message that will be discplayed under folder name "Import", but unfortunately, there was nothing added.

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    Anyone have a solution to this?

    Other than the fact that the directory is /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/PlayReady not /Library/Application/Microsoft/Playready and that you need to restart safari afterwards, this solution worked for me.
    docxray wrote:
    I encountered the same problem today (May 25, 2011), called Netflix and was told to update Silverlight. That didn't work, so I looked for info in this forum. The quick and easy fix was the suggestion to delete the mspr.hds file from the hardisk/Library/Application/Microsoft/Playready folder. No need to create a new user account.

  • Printing Issue after Migrating to Windows 7

    I just migrated to Windows 7 and have received the below issue in only SAP
    I have granted all users access in the securities tab.
    (12:06:17 PM) Number of processors: 4
    (12:06:17 PM) Icon DLL loaded.
    (12:06:17 PM)
    (12:06:17 PM) Network Communication via SAP-NiLib
    (12:06:17 PM) Hostname:
    (12:06:17 PM) IP Address:
    (12:06:17 PM)
    (12:06:17 PM) SAPLPD Version 6.29 for Windows/NT (OPT) is listening
    (12:06:17 PM) OS-Info: version = 6.1, build = 0/7601, text = Service Pack 1
    (12:06:17 PM) Copyright © 1992-2001 SAP AG
    (12:06:17 PM)
    (12:06:28 PM)
    (12:06:28 PM) Receive job for printer __DEFAULT (Berkeley LPD protocol / RFC1179)
    (12:06:28 PM) send_status called
    (12:06:28 PM) send_status called
    (12:06:29 PM) send_status called
    (12:06:30 PM) send_status called
    (12:06:31 PM) send_status called
    (12:06:31 PM) Job 00PSLhcf.PN1 for user ######### queued.
    (12:06:31 PM) Start printing job 00PSLhcf.PN1 on printer HP PHOTOSMART C5200 SERIES
    (12:06:31 PM) Error: Error -1 from NEWFRAME. Disk full?
    (12:06:31 PM) Error: put_block failed at new_page()
    (12:06:31 PM) Error: BG: saplpd_close_dc failed, msg = 808 SAPLPD:Windows Problem, siehe SAPLPD Protokoll
    When I close this window, the paper will spool up in the printer like it is about to print, but never does.
    Thanks in advance!

    Hello Alyssa,
    You can use the link below:
    [821519 |http://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/821519 ]
    [128105 |http://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/128105]
    Edited by: Jude Bradley on Dec 7, 2011 3:49 PM
    Edited by: Jude Bradley on Dec 7, 2011 3:51 PM
    Edited by: Jude Bradley on Dec 7, 2011 3:52 PM
    Edited by: Jude Bradley on Dec 7, 2011 3:52 PM

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