Where is the Iphone?

Not sure if this is the right place but I wanted to get the iPhone for my father but I have been unable to for the last couple of weeks. Not sure why its out of stock and I can't get it online. If anybody from Apple can tell me why I can't buy one.

You'll have a hard time finding anything other than a refurbished one from AT&T. Analysts have noticed supplies for these to be dwindling to next to nothing and the supply-chain drying up for the current model.
Analysts also note that Apple historically does this in the few months leading up to a new product release. You can read between the lines. You might want to catch up on tech news on Monday, June 9 after Steve Jobs give the keynote at WWDC... it's expected there will be some big news then about it.

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    v35bonanza wrote:
    I have read that article but the path provided does not exist on my system. I do not have a file "Application Data" under my user name.
    Your computer is probably set to NOT show hidden files, I know on my PC which has Vista, I need to go into Tools menu/folder options/click on the view tab, you need to look down the list that will have appeared in the little window for SHOW HIDDEN FILES & NAMES, see the picture in the below link. You need to change this to show hidden files etc and you then should be able to see this folder.

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    Windows 7 is not supported.
    If the iPhone's backup is in the same location as Vista with Windows 7, this link provides where the iPhone backup is located with XP and Vista.

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    Message was edited by: vburger

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    Rendering is not done at the server side. Rendering is what is done client side in the browser, which is why it is called a "rendering engine", for example the WebKit ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebKit )rendering engine is what Safari uses. (Or more accurately, rendering can be done by all sorts of client side applications, browsers are only one of the most common applications that render web pages).
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    v35bonanza wrote:
    I have read that article but the path provided does not exist on my system. I do not have a file "Application Data" under my user name.
    Your computer is probably set to NOT show hidden files, I know on my PC which has Vista, I need to go into Tools menu/folder options/click on the view tab, you need to look down the list that will have appeared in the little window for SHOW HIDDEN FILES & NAMES, see the picture in the below link. You need to change this to show hidden files etc and you then should be able to see this folder.

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