Where's the WSDL?

I am developing a SOAP interface to Oracle Calendar using PHP 5. The SOAP library in PHP plays very nicely... if you have a WSDL file. I've scoured Oracle's site, looking for a WSDL, but can't find one. Does anybody know where I can obtain a WSDL for the Calendar. Has anybody created one from the documentation that they would be willing to share?
Thanks in advance,
Gregory Szorc
[email protected]

Hi Gregory,
The current and upcoming releases (9.0.4, and 10gR1, due July) do not yet provide a WSDL. There is a project underway to redesign our web services, and this will include supoprt for WSDL as well as other WS standards.
In the meantime, the Calendarlet Java classes and WS test tool packaged with the API should provide you with the support you need to get started with your project.
You can use this forum for support during that process as well. Our QA and development team are also monitoring postings, and can provide technical assistance as required.
Jean-Marc Robillard
Product Management

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    Best wishes,

    Check out these~
    Hope this helps,

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    It doesn't create a file on the file system but generates the wsdl on the fly when requested.

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    Hi Anusha,
    You can get it fron oanda.com, from local server you can't get anything.
    Reetesh Sharma

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    solved, see SAP note 1270688

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         <wsdl:binding name="OB_NP_WorkOrderDetails_MIBinding" type="p1:OB_NP_WorkOrderDetails_MI"
              <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"
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                        <soap:body use="literal" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/"/>
    Edited by: Shobhit Swarup Mathur on Aug 4, 2008 10:51 AM

  • Not able to read the wsdl file from server Premature EOF encounter

    Hi All,
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    Can someone please help in resolving the issue.
    I am using SOA 11g and Jdeveloper
    Many thanks.
    Edited by: user11896572 on Jan 17, 2012 5:22 PM

    Setting default from the jdeveloper -
    During composite deployment from Jdeveloper (wizard driven), you will be given an option to choose the version of the composite and there will also be an option for you to choose if the composite needs to be deployed as default.
    Setting default from the em console -
    After deploying a composite, login to the em console and click on the composite that you want to set as default, and you will find a tab - "Set as Default". please note that this tab will not be seen, if the composite is already set as default.
    Refer -
    8.2 Managing the State of Deployed SOA Composite Applications

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    I don't know how to do that, but I would advise against relying on an architecture where you have to hide the WSDL to provide security. That's an illusion. If you fully expose the WSDL and then implement proper security mechanisms, even BASIC Auth under HTTPS, your service will be more secure than with a hidden WSDL.

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    "Error in loading the WSDL file. Check the error log for more details."
    Where can i see the error log? And what is the solution to fix this?
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    I also tried creating the old webservice model. And it is able to create the model. But I feel I need to use the new model as this one is deprecated.

    For the logs you can search in this directory
    Goto Window->Show view->Other->PDE Runtim->Error Log
    please try this may it would help you out, try to create a model for you Web Service using Web Service Model (DEPRECATED)
    See this link:

  • Change SOAP Address Location in the WSDL

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    instead of
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    This can be achieved through dynamic partner linking.

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    I have a problem with including the schema in the wsdl of the web service, and I receive an error at deploying the web service.
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    <xsd:include schemaLocation="\C:/genschema.xsd"/>
    Error compiling :C:\orabpel\bpel\system\appserver\oc4j\j2ee\home\applications\BuecherApp-LagerService-WS\WebServices: Error instantiating compiler: Web service artifact generation failed:oracle.j2ee.ws.common.tools.api.WsdlValidationException: model error: element "{http://lagerservice/types/}pruefeBuecherAufLagerElement" not found.
    <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
         <import namespace="http://lagerservice/types/"
    schemaLocation="genschema.xsd" />
    Error instantiating compiler: Web service artifact generation failed:java.lang.InstantiationException: IO Error parsing imports in C:\orabpel\bpel\system\appserver\oc4j\j2ee\home\application-deployments\BuecherApp-LagerService-WS\WebServices\server-wsdl\LagerService.wsdl : Unable to find/read file WEB-INF/wsdl/genschema.xsd
    the file is in the required directory WEB-INF/wsdl, and also the current directory.
    Can anyone help please?

    ... and here is the solution:
    <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
         <import namespace="http://lagerservice/" schemaLocation="file:///c:/genschema.xsd" />

  • How to set input/output "use" attribute in the WSDL file of BPEL process?

    I have a BPEL process that I want to deploy it as an RPC web service. I want to access it from a Java module (via an automatic generated Java stub from the WSDL file exposed by the BPEL process).
    I wrote manually the corresponding WSDL file for my BPEL process, where I stipulated for the operations exposed by my process ( in <soap:binding> tag) the value of the attribute "style" to "rpc". Also, for each <input> and <output> of the operations (inside the <operation> tag), I set manually the attributes "use" to the values "encoded". Something like this:
    <operation name="getCustomers">
    <soap:operation style="rpc" soapAction="getCustomers"/>
    <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" namespace="Trial"/>
    <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" namespace="Trial"/>
    The issue is that, when the BPEL process is built and deployed, the WSDL file generated automatically by BPEL (based on the one manually writen) set the values of the "use" attributes to "literal". This is what is generated:
    <operation name="getCustomers">
    <soap:operation style="rpc" soapAction="getCustomers" />
    <soap:body use="literal" namespace="http://acm.org/samples" />
    <soap:body use="literal" namespace="http://acm.org/samples" />
    Is there any chance to keep the original values (written by hand) for the "use attributes?
    Many thanks in advance!

    I am not sure I understand your question. If you want all your BPEL service to be rpc still by default, you can change the templates: C:\eclipse\plugins\bpelz_0.9.XXX\templates.
    The BPEL PM engine support both style of invocation.
    I hope this helps. -Edwin

  • How to find the WSDL URLs in NW CE 7.1 EhP1?

    I have upgraded my dev system from NW CE 7.1 SP5 to NW CE 7.1 EhP1. In this new version, the layout of the Web Service Navigator changed.
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    However, the new WS Navigator does not show the WSDL URL any more if you choose "Vendor System (Anwendersystem)" and then "Local AS Java (Lokaler AS Java)".
    Any ideas where I can get the WSDL URLs? I have been searching the whole NW Administrator, but could not find that information.
    Best regards,
    Edited by: Patrik Spiess on Feb 18, 2009 3:58 PM
    Edited by: Patrik Spiess on Feb 18, 2009 3:59 PM

    Patrik, you can also view the WSDL url in WS Navigator:
    1 - In "Service Test" tab, choose your service, and follow all steps until to get the result of the service execution (step 4);
    2 - In Step 4 (Result), click in "Add to Test Scenario";
    3 - In "Test Scenario" tab, choose the test scenario of your service and click in "Change Services Access";
    4 - Now, you can see the WSDL url in the popup.
    Best regards,
    Fabiano Rosa

  • Unable to read the WSDL in OWSM

    Hello Everyone,
    Iam trying to register BPEL Process on OWSM but it gives me error saying unable to find the WSDL error.
    When I test the Web Service directly from the Web Page it does Load the WSDL on the Test Page.
    But the moment the wsdl is wrapped with virtualized wsdl it does give the following error
    Failed to read WSDL from not found
    As per the troubleshooting document this error could occur for 2 reasons
    1. If the Gateway is not registered properly on the Gateway.properties file.
    2. If there is proxy or firewall issue.
    Since the Service is local to the same server i dont see any firewall or proxy issue and i did check the Gateway properties file where the Gateway ID is register.I do see the ID present on the file.
    Can someone tell what might be the issue ?

    Hi Sab2
    Please go through this thread
    OWSM gateway issue
    In your case, may be you need to redeploy the gateway

  • How To Create the WSDL of CBP and EBF in AIA 3.0

    I have a requirement to create a CBP ( composite Business process) that will call and EBF ( Enterprise Business Flow ) in AIA.
    As very first step , i have to create the WSDL for both , please let me know whether i will go and manually create the WSDL or wil extend any EBS wsdl .
    I am unable to find any sample WSDL for both.

    it is easy: create an entity object for every table and one view object where you select your both entity objects and join them in your select statement.
    Your desired 'confirm' functionality could be achieved with helpp of view object transient attributes - for more information see: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E21764_01/web.1111/b31974/bcquerying.htm#CHDHJHBI

Maybe you are looking for