Where use ID Point - a special Sotrage Type in WM?

Hi, guys,
I know what's ID Point as well as how it works...but I have no idea which scenarios I should use ID Point? i.e. why I need to transfer a SU to the ID Point first and then transer it to the final storage type?  would anyone pls advise? Thanks.

see the helpp below

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    You may want to double check the customization entry for special procurement type 30. Do ensure you are checking for the correct plant and you have "L" maintained against special procurement in the details section.
    If this doesn't help, a post in the MM forum - SAP ERP - Logistics Materials Management (SAP MM) could help.

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    dear friend
    you could build a query (t-code SQ01) and make visible any relevant fields.
    before run SQ02 and create an info-set based on a standard logical databse CMC.
    you even do not need an abaper. just try yourself. play in DEV system
    good luck.

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    Hi reddy,
    check this links,
    How to Use Process Type OS Command
    Hope this helps,

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    mende1      Valmojado, Toledo, Spain
    This solved my questionRe: How the heck do you get points on your apple support communities account?
    Jul 12, 2013 10:20 PM (in response to BMPU)
    To get points, you have to answer questions. If the user that created the post tested your solution and it worked, he/she (may) give you a "This solved my question". As you can see in the right part of this page, a solved question adds 10 points to your account. If you helped solve the problem, you receive 5 points. On a single thread, the original poster can only give 1 "This solved my question" and 2 "This helped me", so you can receive a total of 20 points.
    With these points, there are levels that you can see in this page > https://discussions.apple.com/static/apple/tutorial/reputation.html When you level up, you receive privileges like report posts, access to Community Calls... The most important level respecting to privileges is the level 6, that gives you access to a special forum called "The Lounge" (where you can talk about anything you want, complain about an user or report problems with the forum), and you also receive gifts from Apple and other privileges

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    Message was edited by: Alejandro López

    Hi Alejandro,
    Please check this sample program.
        OBJTYPE            = OBJTYPE
        ACTION             = SWBM_C_OP_WHERE_USED_LIST
        OBJLIST            = OBJECTS
        DEVCLASS           = p_scope_devclass
        OBJKEY             = p_scope_objkey
        NOT_EXECUTED       = 1
        BATCH              = 2
        OTHERS             = 3.
    Hope this will help.
    Ferry Lianto
    Please reward points if helpful.

  • Procurement Type 'X' and Special Procurement Type

    Hello all,
    Need some advice over this topic.
    Material with procurement type 'X' can either be procured externally or manufactured in-house. The problem is :
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    #2. Whereas If a special procurement type that corresponds to in-house production say for example '52' is set in the Material Master. I have almost every possible function's visible.
    How do i get to the view process/production order for case 1 in the 'Additional Data for MRP Element' screen of MD04 ?
    Please do help out.

    Please re-read the SAP help related to special procurement key.
    I know for sure the answer lies in there!
    Here is what the F1 help says:
    You use special procurement when you want to be able to override the procurement type in the material master or define the procurement type more precisely.
    If the procurement type is in-house, you can nevertheless force the system to ignore the BOM and routing, and process the material as if it were externally procured, by specifying the special procurement as external.
    Now please check OMD9 configuration for the SP Keys that you are testing, it will be clear.
    Good luck!

  • Special procurement type 40

    Hai PP Gurus,
                 What is the function of SP type 40? Where it is used ?
                 Please put your valuable answers........
    Thanks & regards,

    If a material is always procured from another Plant, then we use Special Procurement Key "40" to do automatic planning so that after MRP run system creates requirement for the supplying plant and PR for the requried plant, when ever there is a demand at required plant.
    You need to configure the special procurement key in transaction OMD9 for the required plant and here you assign the supplying plant with special procurment type as "U". This key you need to assign to the material master in MRP2 view in the required plant.
    You can go through help for details<b>....<a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_47x200/helpdata/en/f4/7d2d5a44af11d182b40000e829fbfe/content.htm">SPK-40</a></b>

  • How to use break point in workflow to check

    hi there,
    how to use break point to check the values in debug mode.
    if i keep one break point in method..can the conttrol will be stop there?
    when work flow triggered??

    hi nag,
    thanks for ur fast responce.
    this FM will check very begining of the work flow..then it goes to aprover..then status will be updated to active.(for first time mm01 will not allow them to create mat in active status..as i configured user exit..after approving only these mat get active status). but in the case of extending materials they can create the views in active mode itself. after they r saving the material getting inactiv status in db tables...
    if u want i can provide the code where mat status is updating to active for new materials.
    My Q: i want to exit wf from where fm finds that the material is extending
    code is:(checking for both sales and pur views--i guess!)
    SELECT * INTO  TABLE t_marc
                     FROM  marc
                     WHERE matnr EQ objkey.
            DESCRIBE TABLE t_marc LINES records.
            IF records GT 1. "CHECK FOR MATERIAL EXTENSION
              MESSAGE ID      'ZAM_MWF' TYPE    'E' NUMBER  010 RAISING
              LOOP AT t_marc.
                IF t_marc-mmsta EQ 'G5'.  "CHECK PURCHASING BLOCK
                  SELECT * FROM moff INTO TABLE t_moff
                  WHERE matnr EQ objkey AND
                       ( werks EQ plant OR
                         bwkey EQ plant ).
                  DESCRIBE TABLE t_moff LINES records.
                  IF records GT 0.
                    SELECT SINGLE * FROM zam_mat_wf_conf
                                    WHERE mtart EQ t_mara-mtart.
                    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
                      LOOP AT t_moff.
                        FIND t_moff-statm IN zam_mat_wf_conf-pstat.
                        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
                          DELETE t_moff.
                      DESCRIBE TABLE t_moff LINES records.
                      IF records GT 0.
                        MESSAGE ID 'ZAM_MWF' TYPE 'E' NUMBER  009 RAISING
                  MESSAGE ID 'ZAM_MWF' TYPE 'E' NUMBER  013 RAISING
        ELSEIF mstatus EQ 'V'.  "FOR SALES VIEW
          SELECT SINGLE * FROM  tvko
                    WHERE vkorg EQ salesorg AND bukrs IN r_bukrs .
            MESSAGE ID      'ZAM_MWF' TYPE    'E' NUMBER  005 RAISING
            SELECT * INTO  TABLE t_mvke
                     FROM  mvke
                     WHERE matnr EQ objkey.
            DESCRIBE TABLE t_mvke LINES records.
            IF records GT 1.
              LOOP AT t_mvke.
                IF t_mvke-vmsta EQ '10'.
                  MESSAGE ID 'ZAM_MWF' TYPE 'E' NUMBER  014 RAISING

  • Condition supplement where used and usage of this function

    Dear all,
    I just want to know about condition supplement and where used of this functionality.
    Can anybody give me details regarding this.
    My requirement about this is for Manual condition type.
    This condition is manual header and item discount conditions.
    These conditions are allowing multiple times by entering different values at the time of pricing.
    We would like to restrict the condition to appear once. I dont want to use any user exit. I heard that condition supplement will solve the problem.
    Please share your expertise.

    Condition Supplements
    A condition supplement is a supplement for a particular condition type. For example, you can include a supplement every time you apply a material price. The supplement can contain various discounts. During pricing, the system automatically applies the discounts defined in the supplement every time it accesses a material price. You define the condition types for which you want to use condition supplements in Customizing for Sales.
    Including a Condition Supplement in a Condition Record
    To include a condition supplement choose:
    Goto ® Condition supplement on the overview screen of the condition record. You can then enter the data for each discount in the condition supplement.
    You can only enter a condition supplement if the condition type you are working with has already been defined in Customizing for Sales to include condition supplements.
    Default Condition Supplements
    You can select a default condition supplement by choosing Default cond.suppl. The system automatically proposes all the discounts that are defined for the condition type you are working with. You can then enter the appropriate amounts or percentage discounts that apply to the discounts in the condition supplement.
    You enter a condition record for the price of the material Mat1 and want to create it so that it is always calculated together with a customer rebate of USD 10 and a special offer discount of 10 %. For every sales order for this material, the system automatically calculates the sales price, the customer rebate, and the special offer discount at the same time.

  • Extending SSHR Special Information Types validation

    I have a requirement to validate new entry or update on specific type of SIT after clicking Apply button.
    Other than validating values, i also required to set specific attribute value based on user input
    The problem occurs cos I can't find where they put the inputted value in the ViewObject, except from oapagecontext.getParameter("HrKeyFlex1").
    The navigations are Employee Self Service -> Special Information Types -> Click Add on one detail table. when examined, it show values from a Key FlexField (KFF) and (if rendered) Desc FlexField (DFF).
    Based on "About this Page" information, the KFF and DFF stored in SpecialInformationUpdateVO, but there is only a set of Attribute1 to Attribute20 which hold values for DFF, where are field Segment1 to Segment20 which hold values for KFF ??

    thanks for replying,
    I'm afraid I don't understand the solution you gave since I'm still a newbie, only a week ago assigned to learn extending OA Framework.
    I only can find corresponding VO which is
    So far I come with a work around to validate each field individually, but this method can't set or change user inputted value
    Step I've done :
    1. extend oracle.apps.per.selfservice.specialinformation.webui.SitUpdateCO controller class to at.oracle.apps.per.selfservice.specialinformation.webui.ATSITUpdateCO
    2. Override processFormRequest method, retrieve values from form request parameter
    String cost_center = (String) oapagecontext.getParameter("HrSitKeyFlex2");
    String nature = (String) oapagecontext.getParameter("HrSitKeyFlex3");
    String activity = (String) oapagecontext.getParameter("HrSitKeyFlex4");
    String item = (String) oapagecontext.getParameter("HrSitKeyFlex1");
    String unit_price = (String) oapagecontext.getParameter("HrSitKeyFlex12");
    make a call to PL/SQL stored procedure to validate these values, if the result is error, then raise an OAException
    3. personalize the page so it will use extended controller
    I need to set Segment7 (HrSitKeyFlex7) which hold total_price
    to HrSitKeyFlex1 * HrSitKeyFlex12
    Could you give further explanation on :
    1. find corresponding (KFF) classes, looking at the SpecialInformationAM, no VO or AM query fields from hr.per_analysis_criteria table
    2. what is VRule KFF bean ? and how to add
    3. Cross Validation Rules to KFF metadata (do you mean TABLE with metadata ?, am i suppose to create a trigger on insert ?)

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