Where was taken the photo for the winding road wallpaper?

Anybody knows where is the place where the winding road photo for wallpaper taken?

The images are located in your Macintosh HD/Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/Images Folder.
When double clicked, the alphanumeric named files open for me with Quicktime Player.

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    Yes, I know that, but it was easier to see it on the Iphone self, like the other company phones. The name of the picture taken should be the date when it was taken.

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    Sorry about your iphone.
    If you had activated find my iphone or any other tracking software BEFORE it was stolen AND it is on AND it has not been restored, then you may able to find a location using the tracking software.
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    Click to view full size
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    Hello there, marklewis.
    When wanting to find location information of photos on your iOS device in iOS 8, the online User Guide provides some great information for how to search:
    View photos and videos - iPhone
    View by location. While viewing by year or by collection, tap . Photos and videos that include location information appear on a map, showing where they were taken.
    While viewing a photo or video, tap to show and hide the controls. Swipe left or right to go forward or backward.
    Search photos. From Albums or Photos, tap to search by date (month and year), or place (city and state). Search also keeps your Recent Searches on hand and gives you a list of suggested searches.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community Beth Anne.
    Photos in photo stream...
    You can log into your iCloud account on another computer or device and enable photo stream to see your photos. You should do this as soon as possible because photo stream in the cloud only keeps photos for 30 days and each day you delay, you will lose another days photos.
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    Hello NMS1,
    It sounds like you are unable find these TV shows you purchased in a series, but you have been charged for them. I would start by checking to see if you can download them from your Purchases in the iTunes Store with this article:
    Download past purchases
    The steps are different if you are on an iOS device vs. a computer, so choose the appropriate section for the device you want to download them to.
    If you cannot find it in your Purchases, I would next reach out to the iTunes Store support team for additional assistance:
    How to report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBooks Store purchase
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the best,

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    Hi Martha - Amazon offers office 2004 on their website.
    That will be your best bet if you want to have office 2004 on your computer. Also, there are some different versions want to come to office. The link above gives you the standard version, but there's also the professional version. Now it sounds like that you do not want to upgrade to the latest office because you're most likely comfortable with how 2004 works. So in that case I would not spend the extra money and pay for the professional version unless you really need it. I see on the website there that if you buy a used copy it will only cost you around $10.
    Hope this helps!

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    Most likely, if you were inside the airplane, rather than sat on the wing, the iPhone couldn't get a GPS lock-on, or you didn't wait long enough for it to get a lock on.
    EDIT: Lawrence is right... forgot about that.

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    please help
    thank you

    Apple menu ==> forec quit

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