Which action called on click of Logon Button in EP 7.4

Hello Everyone,
I have a requirement to call a BSP page on click of Login button in EP 7.4.
I check the logonPage.jsp but could not figure out where event is going on click of Logon button and which page/servlet is being called, as I want to update my code there to call specific BSP page.
Can we directly achieve this if not then what other options do we have?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Hello All,
Can some one please help me out to find a place where we can write our code on click of Login button in EP 7.4.

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    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Sureshkumar,
    1. Create a value attribute named <b>select</b> of type boolean.
    2. Bind the <b>checked property</b> of all the checkboxes to this attribute.
    3. Create an action called <b>click</b> and bind it to <b>OnAction</b> event of the button(whose click will check all the checkboxes) and write this code in that action.
    Warm Regards,

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              DbExpFormTableModel model = new DbExpFormTableModel();               
    //adding the edit button          
              tblPreview.getColumn("Edit").setCellRenderer(new ButtonRenderer());
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              //adding the delete button
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         public DbExpFormTableModel()
         private void setColumnsNames()
              columnNames = new String [5];
              columnNames[0] = "ID";
              columnNames[1] = "Database ID";
              columnNames[2] = "Prestatement";
              columnNames[3] = "Edit";
              columnNames[4] = "Delete";
         private void fillTable()
              int numOfRows = 2;     // = getNumberOfRows();
              data = new Object[numOfRows][5];          
              data[0][0] = "1"; //we must get this value from the database, it is incremental identity
              data[0][1] = "AAA";
              data[0][2] = "insert into table 1 values(? , ? , ?)";
              data[0][3] = "Edit";
              data[0][4] = "Del";
              data[1][0] = "2"; //we must get this value from the database, it is incremental identity
              data[1][1] = "BBB";
              data[1][2] = "insert into table2 values(? , ? , ? , ?)";
              data[1][3] = "Edit";
              data[1][4] = "Del";
    and this is the GeneralTableModel class
    public class GeneralTableModel extends AbstractTableModel implements Serializable
         public static Object [][] data;
         public static String[] columnNames;
         //these functions should be implemented to fill the grid
         public int getRowCount()
              return data.length;
         public int getColumnCount()
              return columnNames.length;
         public String getColumnName(int col)
    return columnNames[col];
         public Object getValueAt(int row , int col)
              return data[row][col];
         //i've implemented this function to enable events on added buttons
         public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
              return true;
         public Class getColumnClass(int c)
    return getValueAt(0, c).getClass();
    public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col)
    data[row][col] = value;          
    fireTableCellUpdated(row, col);     
    And Now what i want to do is to delete the clicked row from the table, so please help me...
    thank you in advance

    Hi Sureshkumar,
    1. Create a value attribute named <b>select</b> of type boolean.
    2. Bind the <b>checked property</b> of all the checkboxes to this attribute.
    3. Create an action called <b>click</b> and bind it to <b>OnAction</b> event of the button(whose click will check all the checkboxes) and write this code in that action.
    Warm Regards,

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    a.If the data is fairly static and little, then you could get it all at once and use standard javascript (or a toolkit like jquery)
    b. If the data is potentially large, then you could use javascript + ajax + dhtml using a toolkit like jquery
    c. If you cant use javascript , then you would have to first change the UI to have a submit button , then its like any other pageflow action.
    what would be the best methodDepends on what attributes you wish to measure best , development time, accessibility, response times etc.

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    It's easy to duplicate:
    Create new page. Add two buttons. For the first, make it invisible (uncheck visible in properties), then cause it to submit a virtual form.
    For the second, add this to the onclick:
    document.getElementById("form1:button1").click();return false;
    Bring up the page, click on the visible button. The page will refresh, and you'll have a nice js error.
    BTW: Obviously, I don't want to click one button from another. What I want is a way to cause an action to happen from javascript. I can't imagine it would work to simply submit a form from javascript, so I use this method. It works fine except for the error. Is there a better way to do this?

    which causes an error in IE (This doesn't seem to bother Firefox) .Vaious browsers behave differently at times when executing javascript code. Many instances of this can be found on the net. This is a browser specific problem.So it's ok to set the focus to a hidden button because firefox is more relaxed about this obvious error than explorer is? When would anyone really want a hidden button to gain focus? What do I tell my users--don't use explorer, because it doesn't like it when faces sets the focus to a hidden button? Ignore the error message you get? What?
    BTW: Obviously, I don't want to click one button from another. >>What I want is a way to cause an action to happen from javascript.Please describe in detail what action you would like to perform from javascript. It is not clear as to what the use case is.
    I don't really see how the use case matters. I gave a very easy example how to duplicate this problem. The reason that I want to do this is that there are many places to enter javascript code that don't allow for an action to be triggered. I have many instances of this. For example, I'd like a mouseover on an edit field to cause an action. I can capture this in javascript, but I can't cause any server side processing. To get around this limitation, I call the hidden button's .click method, which does cause a server side event.
    Here's a simpler, more direct incarnation of this error that doesn't involve javascript.
    Create a new page. Put an element on it, like an edit box. Put a button on the page. For its action, put:
    public String button1_action() {
    return null;
    Pressing this button will cause a page refresh, and then a javascript error.
    Use Case: After the user presses the button, they shouldn't be allowed to press or see it again.

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    <av:toolbar enabled="true" id="tbar" rendered="true" bar="lower">
                        <av:tbItem enabled="true" type="delete" actionListener="#{registar.countryChanged}" action="third_page"></avaya:tbItem>                         
                        <av:tbItem enabled="true" type="edit" actionListener="#{registar.countryChanged}" action="second_page"></avaya:tbItem>                                             
                        <av:tbItem enabled="true" type="convert" actionListener="#{registar.countryChanged}" action="third_page"></avaya:tbItem>                         
                        <av:tbItem enabled="true" type="print" actionListener="#{registar.countryChanged}" action="third_page"></avaya:tbItem>                         
                        <av:tbItem enabled="true" type="view" actionListener="#{registar.countryChanged}"action="second_page"></avaya:tbItem>                         
                        <av:tbItem enabled="true" type="seprator" ></avaya:tbItem>                         
                        <av:tbItem enabled="true" type="sched" action="third_page"></avaya:tbItem>                         
                        <av:tbItem enabled="true" type="move" action="third_page"></avaya:tbItem>                         
                        <av:tbItem enabled="true" type="copy" action="second_page"></avaya:tbItem>                         
                        <av:tbItem enabled="true" type="design" actionListener="#{registar.countryChanged}"action="third_page"></avaya:tbItem>                         
                        <av:tbItem enabled="true" type="ddbtn" actionListener="#{registar.countryChanged}" value="#{toolbarBean.list}" action="third_page"></avaya:tbItem>                                                                                                                             
    Here see some where i have given action ,actionListener somewhere not but both of the attributes are invoked on every button.
    Message was edited by:

    You are on the right track.
    Implement a diaolgListener for the dialog. It'll be called when you click the ok button of the dialog. delete the record from the listener. If the user clicks the cancel button, the dialog just closes without giving you any event. This is OKif you just want to cancel the deletion of the record (no rollback needed, just abort the action). If you need more control over the process use a panelWindow inside a popup. There you can use the normal action listeners for buttons.

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    On the toolbar we have buttons 'Create Service Entry Sheet', 'Display Service Package', 'Document tracing'.
    When I click on the row with the corresponding PO and then click on above mentioned buttons nothing happens, I can see at the taskbar : javascript:Void(0), which probably means that no action has been attached to that button.
    I have debugged the WD, seems to be OK, perhaps I am missing some configurations, because I've already traced my authorizations and they are OK
    What could be the problem ?
    Please advise !
    Edited by: Stefan Kolev on Mar 6, 2012 2:56 PM

    Haven't gotten any response on this post and I really need to resolve this issue. Anyone can help??

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    HI All,
    Which script is called when click "edit page" option from SharePoint gear icon?

    By inspecting the “Edit” button in the ribbon using IE Developer(F12), we can see that there is a function “CoreInvoke” in the click event of this button.
    By default, the “CoreInvoke” is defined in
    Init.js file which locates in 15 hive.
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Close inactive apps
    1. Double tap the home button to bring up the multi-tasking view
    2. Swipe the app's windows upwards to close
    3. The app will fly off the screen

  • Insufficient privileges error while calling the seeded page on button click

    hi all
    I am working on Customers Online module.
    I have added a normal button on a standard page through personalization .
    The destination for the button is set to call the seeded Create organization page
    System Admin --> functions --> XXIIMC_NG_ORG_CREATE is a copy of standard function IMC_NG_ORG_CREATE.
    It calls the page "OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/imc/ocong/party/organization/webui/ImcCreateOrg&HzPuiAddressEvent=CREATE"
    When i click on the button i get the error *"You have insufficient privileges for the current operation. Please contact your System Administrator"*
    1. The profiles *"FND Function Validation Level"* and *"FND Validation Level"* are set to NONE
    2. Bounced apache also.
    3. The responsibility Customers Online Superuser is assigned to my user.
    We are doing R12 upgrade. The similar functionality is working fine in 11i.
    Please let me know what could be the reason of this error and how to correct it.

    Grant is not given to the create organization page. Ask your DBA for this issue.

  • How to call an applet on click of a button in core java?

    On this, I suggest that if we can call commond prompt on background and then pass the path of the class file of another applet we can open another applet on clicking on the button what u says ? if any suggestions or code u can give it is our pleasure to know that.

    If you are asking if you can execute an external process (application/applet) from another application/applet - the answer is yes and no.
    Yes. If you have the security settings/policy to do so.
    No. This may require a security policy to be allowed - as an applet.

  • RFC call on click of button

    I need to make RFC call to  ABAP function module with some input parameters.
    On click of a button, I need to navigate between views based on returned values.
    I have followed steps similar to FlightList example. Created a  model, custom controller and all necessary contexts between them.
    Basic RFC connection seems to be working fine (I tried to populate a table with the return values for testing purposes) as the table header gets the appropriate values based on model... but the actual values are not being returned.
    Please guide me what needs to be done with
    1) ButtonAction() method,       2) DoInit( ) method of the model,     3) ...Bapi_execute( )
    Or give me the steps to start from fresh, whatever is easier...
    Thanks a lot in advance,

    1. First create an instance for bapi and bind the instance to the bapi node.
      Z<bapi name> zb=new Z<bapi name>();
      wdContext.nodeZ<bapi name>. bind(zb);
    2. Then if u have the import parameter u have to set them by using
        The instance of the above bapi.
        Zb.set<import parameters>;
    3. Then Execute the bapi after setting the import parameters.
    4.  If there is any export parameters, then get the values after execution.
    public void onActionsubmit(com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.api.IWDCustomEvent wdEvent )
        //@@begin onActionsubmit(ServerEvent)
    Z<bapi name> zb=new Z<bapi name>();
      wdContext.nodeZ<bapi name>. bind(zb);
    Zb.set<import parameters>;
                   wdContext.nodeZ<bapi name>_Input().currentZ<bapi name>_InputElement().modelObject().execute();
         catch (Exception e)
    // code for getting values from response node
    Hope this helps,

  • CRM5.2 UI-Call a dynamic URL on button click

    Hi all, 
               My requirement is to call a dynamic url on the click of a button in the overview page. I have added a custom button in  the method  IF_BSP_WD_TOOLBAR_CALLBACK~GET_BUTTONS , and the related code in do_handle_event.I have created a custom method for the button event. I have enhanced a custom controller and created an attribute.In the custom method created for the button event, I have written the code for retrieving the parameters to be passed to the url.
    In the layout of the view associated with the display view , I have written the following code for calling the URL in a new window.
          lv_url TYPE string,
          lv_url1 type string,
          lv_count type i.
      lr_cuco_EMA ?= controller->get_custom_controller( 'ZBP_CONT/BPCONT' ).
      check lr_cuco_EMA is bound.
      if lr_cuco_EMA->gv_VALUE is not initial.
      if lr_cuco_EMA->gv_COUNT IS NOT INITIAL.
      clear lr_cuco_EMA->gv_COUNT.
      LV_URL = lr_cuco_EMA->gv_VALUE.
      Concatenate 'http:/' LV_URL  into LV_URL1.
      Concatenate '"http:/' LV_URL '"' into LV_URL.
        lv_count = lr_cuco_EMA->gv_COUNT mod '2'.
        if lv_count Ne 0.
      lv_url = lv_url1.
         <scrpt language="Javascript">
            window.open(<%= lv_url%>).focus();
             lr_cuco_EMA->gv_COUNT = lr_cuco_EMA->gv_COUNT + 1.
             clear lr_cuco_EMA->gv_value.
             clear lv_count.
             clear lv_url.
             clear lv_url1.
    But here my URl is getting called alternate times.If I do not write the code  by using the variable GV_COUNT the url is getting called only the first time of the button click  and to call the URL again you need to navigate back to the search page and again back to the overview page and click on the button.
    Can anyone help me regarding this? I want the URL to be called in a new page on every button click.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Nisha,
    The crux of your issue here is that you want to call the event triggered with onClick before calling the event triggered on onClientClick. This can be achieved by the following code in the function called on the onClientClick.
    function fn_button()
    Here, fn_button is the javascript function called on button click, and b_row_selection is the event triggered on the onClick event of row selection.
    Try this out and let us know if it works for you.

  • Call Report output via a Button click

    I am using a button placed on a SCREEN.
    WHen i click on the button i am doing some process using on user command.
    I want the output on a report (as a list output) based ob my write statments
    I tried with  leave to list processing , set screen 0..etc stuff but thats not calling my report output.
    Can any one suggest?

    hmmm... sounds to me like you're looking for something like
    * Print report
        WRITE: / SY-VLINE(01), Z_L_ITAB-EBELN,
                 SY-VLINE(01), Z_L_ITAB-EBELP,
                 SY-VLINE(01), Z_L_ITAB-AEDAT,
                 SY-VLINE(01), Z_L_ITAB-OID_EXTBOL.
    Lookup NEW-PAGE

Maybe you are looking for