Which application opens VPC 7

Sorry for the newbie question, but I just downloaded VPC 7 and now my iMac is telling me I need an application to open it--I have no idea which to pick? Any suggestions?

Okay maybe it's not vpc 7, that's what it said-but when your downloading stuff who knows what you'll get. Anyways you didn't answer my question.
So I download it about 564mb worth and I click on the icon it pops up a window with a icon that looks like a black box that says exec on it, I then double click that and my iMac askes me that there are NO default applications to open this. So to make a long story short--which app. do I use?
thanks buds,

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    [Mac OS X: Double-Clicking a File Opens the Wrong Application|http://support.apple.com/kb/TS2291?viewlocale=en_US]
    *Changing the application used to open all files of a certain kind*
    1) In a Finder window highlight a file of the kind you want to change the application to open that kind of file.
    2) While that file is highlighted, select File > Get Info or press command (apple or propeller icon) + i to get a file information window.
    3) In the lower part of the info window there is an "open with" menu with a list of applications.
    4) If your application is already in the box then it is the default application for opening that kind of file and you don't need to do anything more. Close the get info window.
    5) If the application showing in the menu is not the one with which you wish to open the file then select a new application. If your application does not appear there then select the "other..." and track down the application (usually in the Applications folder at the main level of the computer).
    6) If you wish to change all files of this type to open with this application in future, make sure the "change all" button is selected.
    7) Close the get info window.
    I know that what I posted may have been what you have been doing, but wanted to double check.
    I don't know to what application you are referring but application/file type association is done by Launch Services. Potentially this can become corrupted. You can use Onyx (free) utility to rebuild LS, but in doing so you will lose all non-default associations.
    As with any problems, I would also make sure you have run disk utility to verify and repair your drive, and repair permissions on your computer, before doing any other actions. It's surprising what that can clear up. You can slo just try starting in Safe mode, then restarting normally and see if that helps.
    [Mac OS X: Double-Clicking a File Opens the Wrong Application|http://support.apple.com/kb/TS2291?viewlocale=en_US]
    [Mac OS X: Starting up in Safe Mode|http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=107393]
    [What is Safe Boot, Safe Mode? (Mac OS X)|http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=107392]
    [Safe Boot takes longer than normal startup|http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=107394]

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    if (vars.Contains("GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID"))
                   processes.Add( new ProcessAndArgs("nautilus", "--nodesktop --browser " + path) );
                   osFound = true;
              else if (vars.Contains("KDEDIR"))
                   processes.Add( new ProcessAndArgs("kfmclient", "exec " + path) );
                   osFound = true;

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    Thanks in advance for any help!

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    In my environment two of the user accounts are having an frequent account lockout.
    We have found that the account lockout was happening in their own machines with the help of the event logs in the domain controllers.
    Please tell us how do we find that which application on their machines are making an frequent account lock with the help of event logs else do we have some other options.
    All of your suggestions are much appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham

    Usage of Microsoft ALtools( https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=18465 ):
    LockoutStatus application
     Run LockoutStatus.exe and choose File > Set target > Define “Target User Name”
    and “Target Domain Name”
    Tool will show you user with its “User State” (Locked/Not Locked), time when
    account was locked (Lockout Time) and will allow you to Unlock Account if you
    right click output string.
    EventCombMT application
     This tool gathers specific events from Windows event logs of single or several
    different servers to one central location.
     Run EventCombMT.exe > Right Click on “Select to search” field >Choose “Get DCs
    in Domain” > Mark your Domain Controllers for search> Select “Security” log file >
    Type “4740” in the “Event IDs” field > Choose “Success Audit” Event type > Click
    “Search” > Wait for “Matching Events Found” counter to show some values and
    click “Quit”
     In the opened window investigate file or files named by your domain controllers
    names. You should be able to determine the originating system where lockout
    happened by searching for “Caller Computer Name”
    Aloinfo application
     This tool has 2 purposes:
     To display all user account names and the age of their passwords run cmd >
    change directory to the one where ALtools were extracted > type @powershell >
    Enter > type “./aloinfo.exe /expires /server:DC | out-file C:\temp\expires.txt” >
     To display credentials used for running services or for mapping network drives
    run cmd > change directory to the one where ALtools were extracted > type
    @powershell > Enter > type “./aloinfo.exe /stored | out-file C:\temp\stored.txt” >
    You may also enable Netlogon logging on DC through command shell:
    nltest /dbflag:2080ffff
    Netlogon.txt file is created in %systemroot%/debug directory
    Just don't forget to turn it off after investigation :) nltest /dbflag:0
    Or you can use
    Netwrix Account Lockout Examiner to troubleshoot account lockouts, it's free.
    --- Jeff (Netwrix)

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    There is a strange issue which is being faced by one user. when the user tries to access a Webdynpro ABAP application in Portal then it opens in new window but nothing is displayed in the tray. Now when the user right clicks on the opened window->properties and copies the url from properties and pastes it in new tab (IE 8 is used) then the application opens and works fine.
    The portal and backend roles are fine for the user as he can access/work when the application is opened using the copied url.
    Please suggest what could be the problem for the user. For other users the issue mentioned is not there.

    Hi Samir,
    Pls look into these threads -
    IE8 problem (WebDynpro ABAP iView call)
    WebDynpro for ABAP and IE 8.0

  • MBP 13" 2.26 High Idling Temperature with no applications open

    Basically my MBP is idling at above 60 celcius with no applications open. It is used on a desk all the time and is currently charging. With minimal load open it often raises to 90C + which leads me to believe that the thermal paste needs to be replaced.
    Just wanted to know if my assumptions were correct and whether I will be able to get it fixed with Apple Care if this is the case?
    Thanks for your help !

    CT wrote:
    The 60 C at idle doesn't sound too unusual. The 90 C might be high depending what the "minimal load" means. For example, just using Safari, graphic/flash stuff can get the temperature up there.
    Maybe it's just me, but my machine seems to average up to 10 C hotter since I upgraded to 10.6.3 from 10.6.2. I've watched Activity Monitor to see if somebody is working the CPU, but nothing seems significant...
    60°C is way too high when idling.
    Your cpu should stay 15°C lower than that (mine stays between 38-45°C, with Safari and Mail opened).

  • How do I change which application is the (default) for a given file type?

    For .pdf files, I have set the application behaviour to "Always Ask", because sometimes I want to open the pdf, sometimes I want to save it. So far so good.
    Now, when I want to open the .pdf, I have added an application to the dropdown list, so now I have "Adobe Reader 9 (default)" and "okular".
    The problem is this: I *never* open using Adobe Reader. I always want to use okular, but Adobe Reader always appears first on the list, as it is the 'default'. This means I always have to click on the dropdown and select "okular", i.e. an extra step every time I want to open a pdf.
    How do I change which application is the default?

    Yes, I know that. That was the first sentence of my question, but it is not the problem I have.
    I want to change which application is the (default) for a given file type, and this cannot be done from the settings.

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