Which exercise learnd you the most?

I would like to know good exercises to improve my programming. I'm a beginnier and the most advanced program I made is a pokergame where the user interact through command line, that means no Swing classes. I also know algorithms like recursion, polymorphism, inheritance and so on..
Now hit me, what should be my next project? I would like to learn DB-modeling, I know nothing about that. I also want to learn more about I/O-streams in Java, for example, how you read data from the webb in to an application?
But these are just topic-suggestions from me, if you have other exercises that you think is good I take them too..
PS. I know google can help for exercises, but I want to know which one learnd YOU the most.
Edited by: Ani_Skywalker on Jun 27, 2008 4:31 AM

DrLaszloJamf wrote:
My advice is not to rush into Swing or JSP/servlets. Learn more Java first. You mentioned I/O. What about the collections framework? XML processing? JDBC? Some frameworks the Hibernate and Spring? Design Patterns?Collection framework. No.
XML. No.
JDBC. Began to look at it this morning, after I opened this thread.
Frameworks. Some Swing but I would say no.
Design Patterns. Come cross this before, but no. I can't say that I know it...
I'm gonna stick whit command line for the moment. I don't get to excited about GUI:s because I can put almost everything that I can code into a GUI, and the other way around. Therefore I think, just like some of you wrote, that I need to improve my Java. When I reach a level were I can't put my code in GUI:s, then I probably get excited about it...

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    Can you please share the Url of your website so that we can have a look and see what is the issue that you are facing.
    And regarding the size of the webpage , please refer to this link :- http://helpx.adobe.com/muse/topics/page-layout.html
    Hope this helps
    Rohit Nair

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    <IMG src="http://sg.creative.com/images/promos/contestzen/zenmicro_purple.jpg"> <IMG src="http://sg.creative.com/images/promos/contestzen/zenmicro_darkblue.jpg"> <IMG src="http://sg.creative.com/images/promos/contestzen/zenmicro_silver.jpg"> <IMG src="http://sg.creative.com/images/promos/contestzen/zenmicro_lblue.jpg"> <IMG src="http://sg.creative.com/images/promos/contestzen/zenmicro_green.jpg"> <IMG src="http://sg.creative.com/images/promos/contestzen/zenmicro_orange.jpg"> <IMG src="http://sg.creative.com/images/promos/contestzen/zenmicro_red.jpg"> <IMG src="http://sg.creative.com/images/promos/contestzen/zenmicro_pink.jpg"> <IMG src="http://sg.creative.com/images/promos/contestzen/zenmicro_white.jpg"> <IMG src="http://sg.creative.com/images/promos/contestzen/zenmicro_black.jpg">
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    Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.
    I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.
    Naveen Inuganti.

    My DAD..
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    select * from (
    SELECT salary, COUNT(salary)
    FROM employees
    group by salary order by 2 desc) where rownum < 2;
    2500 | 6
    Is there another solution for this result (without rownum)?

    user13428495 wrote:
    thanks a lotYour solution was way better then all others posted so far. Why? Because you only scanned the employees table one time. All others needed to scan this table two times. Therefore your query will probably execute faster if the data will become more. For small data sets you will not notice any difference.
    Other solutions that will only scan the table one time can be using the KEEP syntax or an analytic function.
    /* aggregate version */
    select max(count_sal), max(salary) keep (dense_rank first order by count_emps desc)
    from (SELECT salary, COUNT(*) as count_emps
            FROM employees
           group by salary )
    /* maybe the double group works directly without extra select */
    select max(COUNT(*)) cnt, max(salary) keep (dense_rank first order by COUNT(*) desc) salary
    FROM employees
    group by salary;
    /* analytic version with a different output*/
    select v2.* from (
       select v1.*, rank() over (order by count_emps desc)
       from (
          SELECT e.*, count(*) over (partition by e.salary) count_emps rn
          FROM employees e) v1
       order by count_emps desc) v2
    where v2.rn = 1Edited by: Sven W. on Sep 8, 2011 1:53 PM typo correction: dense_rank

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    in former versions of iTunes I could update the list of available podcasts even for those I did not subscribe to.
    Where is this feature in iTunes 11.2?
    Help is appreciated!

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    Mark Deibert

    From my experience I've found that using a combination
    of layout managers works best for fine tuning things.
    For example you can create a panel for your buttons
    implementing a flow layout then a panel for your
    checkboxes using a gridbag layout etc.
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    manager but it does give you more control on where
    things go by breaking the GUI up into more manageable
    pieces.I agree with that - I really never use absolute postioning. Think in an object oriented way when you choose LayoutManagers - arrange all components, that are displayable by the same LayoutManager in a separate JPanel with this LayoutManager - add only those components, which are in the same context to that, what this JPanel should do.
    For example - when you want some buttons to show up in the center of JPanel, use two JPanels, one with FlowLayout, where you add the buttons, and add this JPanel to a second one with BorderLayout to its center. If you now want to place these buttons to the bottom of another panel, you easily add it to a JPanel with BorderLayout to its bottom - the hole JPanel, not the buttons. That is also quite fine if you want to repostion those functional units later on - components, that are in a relation to each other will stay together this way and must not be repositioned component by component.
    greetings Marsian

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