Which Papervision 3D classes?

3 years ago I made a Papervision 3D carousel with Actionscript 3.0 in Flash CS2.
I downloaded the 3D classes from http://code.google.com/p/papervision3d/dowloads/list the file: Papervision3D_1_5.zip
All worked fine.
I now run CS5 on a new iMac and have changed the pics in the carousel.
The file Papervision3D_1_5.zip on the site has become a deprecated file.
Which file should I have to make it run again?
My 3 year old tutorial and the actionscript 3.0 were fine then,
But should I make any changes to it?
import flash.display.*;
import flash.display.stage.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
// Import Papervision3D
import org.papervision3d.core.proto.*;
import org.papervision3d.scenes.*;
import org.papervision3d.cameras.*;
import org.papervision3d.objects.*;
import org.papervision3d.materials.*;
public class main extends Sprite
// ___________________________________________________________________ 3D vars
private var container :Sprite;
private var scene     :MovieScene3D;
private var camera    :Camera3D;
private var planeByContainer :Dictionary = new Dictionary();
// ___________________________________________________________________ Album vars
private var paperSize :Number = 0.4;
private var cloudSize :Number = 1500;
private var rotSize   :Number = 360;
private var maxAlbums :Number = 9;
private var num       :Number = 0;
private var radius    :Number = 500;
private var anglePer  :Number = (Math.PI*2) / maxAlbums;
// ___________________________________________________________________ stage
public var myContent :MovieClip = new MovieClip();
// ___________________________________________________________________ main
public function main(){
//stage.quality = StageQuality.MEDIUM;
addChild( myContent );
this.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop );
// ___________________________________________________________________ Init3D
private function init3D():void{
// Create container sprite and center it in the stage
container = new Sprite();
addChild( container );
container.x = 380;
container.y = 230;
// Create scene
scene = new MovieScene3D( container );
// Create camera
camera = new Camera3D();
camera.zoom = 5;
// Store camera properties
camera.extra =
goPosition: new DisplayObject3D(),
goTarget:   new DisplayObject3D()
camera.extra.goPosition.copyPosition( camera );
// ___________________________________________________________________ Create album
private function createAlbum(){
var material:MovieAssetMaterial = new MovieAssetMaterial( "Thumb" );
material.doubleSided = true;
material.lineColor = 0xFFFFFF;
material.movie.gotoAndStop( num +1 );
var plane :Plane = new Plane( material, paperSize, 0, 4, 4 );
// organise position
var gotoData :DisplayObject3D = new DisplayObject3D();
gotoData.x = Math.cos(num*anglePer) * radius;
gotoData.z = Math.sin(num*anglePer) * radius;
gotoData.rotationY = (-num*anglePer) * (180/Math.PI) + 270;
plane.extra =
id: Number,
goto: gotoData
// Include in scene
scene.addChild( plane, "Thumb" + String( num ) );
var container:Sprite = plane.container;
container.buttonMode = true;
container.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, doRollOver );
container.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, doRollOut );
container.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doPress );
planeByContainer[ container ] = plane;
// ___________________________________________________________________ Button events
private function doPress(event:Event):void{
var plane:Plane = planeByContainer[ event.target ];
plane.scaleX = 1;
plane.scaleY = 1;
var target :DisplayObject3D = new DisplayObject3D();
target.copyTransform( plane );
target.moveBackward( 350 );
camera.extra.goPosition.copyPosition( target );
camera.extra.goTarget.copyPosition( plane );
plane.material.lineAlpha = 0;
var fr :Number = plane.extra.id;
private function doRollOver(event:Event):void{
var plane:Plane = planeByContainer[ event.target ];
plane.scaleX = 1.02;
plane.scaleY = 1.02;
plane.material.lineAlpha = 1;
private function doRollOut(event:Event):void{
var plane:Plane = planeByContainer[ event.target ];
plane.scaleX = 1;
plane.scaleY = 1;
plane.material.lineAlpha = 0;
// ___________________________________________________________________ Loop
private function loop(event:Event):void{
if( num < maxAlbums )
private function update3D():void{
var target     :DisplayObject3D = camera.target;
var goPosition :DisplayObject3D = camera.extra.goPosition;
var goTarget   :DisplayObject3D = camera.extra.goTarget;
camera.x -= (camera.x - goPosition.x) /12;
camera.y -= (camera.y - goPosition.y) /12;
camera.z -= (camera.z - goPosition.z) /12;
target.x -= (target.x - goTarget.x) /12;
target.y -= (target.y - goTarget.y) /12;
target.z -= (target.z - goTarget.z) /12;
var paper :DisplayObject3D;
for( var i:Number=0; paper = scene.getChildByName( "Thumb"+i ); i++ )
var goto :DisplayObject3D = paper.extra.goto;
paper.x -= (paper.x - goto.x) / 12;
paper.y -= (paper.y - goto.y) / 12;
paper.z -= (paper.z - goto.z) / 12;
paper.rotationX -= (paper.rotationX - goto.rotationX) /12;
paper.rotationY -= (paper.rotationY - goto.rotationY) /12;
paper.rotationZ -= (paper.rotationZ - goto.rotationZ) /12;
scene.renderCamera( this.camera );
Note that I haven't been really busy with Flash since then ...
Would appreciate any help on this,

Yes, I do.
The errors:
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: BitmapFileMaterial.
1180: Call to a possibly undefined method BitmapFileMaterial.
(lines 22 - 27)

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    There, my rather long-winded tupenny worth
    /Anand Murthy
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    Now, I'm truly done!

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    A[] As;
    A getA(int i){
    return As(i);
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    ilganeli wrote:
    Thanks but this doesn't really help. I know how this is done in Java (see below).Presumably you also understand how that code will fail. At least based on what you have posted here.
    I do not understand the syntax to do the equivalent thing in JNI, specifically, how to cast the returned object from the CallObjectMethod function to be of the appropriate type, namely A, and then how to access those fields. You don't cast it. Didn't do so in your java code either.
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    My XP machine is at home, so I cannot verify that. But for W2K, you can right-click on the My Computer icon, select Property. Then select Advanced tab. In the middle is Environment Variables. Click on the button to open up the User Variables and System variables. CLASSPATH is in the System Variables pane.
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    Hope this helps.

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    public  class  Proxy
    Proxy  Object
    In addition, the Proxy class doesn't belong to Top level classes in http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/package-detail.html#met hodSummary
    It seeems that the reference guide has to be fixed.
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