Which table are notification status in?

hi,dear experts,
Do you know which table are notification status in? and which fields are they? I can't find them in table QMEL.
And, which table are the system status of notification in? which fields are they?
I are doing a report and need these information. I used ST05 to trace IW29,but i failed.
Thank you very much.


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    Best Regards

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    What steps have you followed ?
    Were you able to see the portlets under the application ???
    You would have to delete it from wwv_modules$ table and wwv_module_details$ table that should do the trick.

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    Hi Ankit,
    There are no rules or guidelines for finding the table but i will share some of the tips used generally.........but i am not sure if we can do it for a tree structure..but try anyways....
    Double click on the structure name seen on the F1 pop up window...
    in the structure screen, try to analyse the field which is very important something like a key in that set of fields or do the same for the fields which we feel are more important,then click on the domain for that field....once in the domain..click on the "where used list for the domain" on the top...
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    It takes time but does the job.....

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    Quick question.. may I know in which tables are the billing transaction data stored?
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    CRMD_BILLING is the table for you
    else if you wanna see through header data go to table
    and there you give the object id and you can paste the GUID produced there in side the table CRMD_ORDER_INDEX
    to see the billing data
    best regards

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    It's stored in SETHEADER, SETNODE and SETLEAF tables.

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    Here's a long script written back in 2001. Still works:
    BREAK on sid on serial# on username
    COL sid        for 9999
    COL serial#    for 99999
    COL username   for a20
    COL type       for a20    trunc
    COL lmode      for a5     trunc
    COL lrequest   for a4     trunc
    COL detail     for a75    trunc
    SELECT   s.sid
           , s.serial#
           , s.username
           , DECODE(
                -- Long locks
                , 'TM', 'dml/data enq (TM)'
                , 'TX', 'transac enq (TX) '
                , 'UL', 'pls usr lock (UL)'
                -- Short locks
                , 'BL', 'buf hash tbl (BL)'
                , 'CF', 'control file (CF)'
                , 'CI', 'cross inst f (CI)'
                , 'CU', 'cursor bind (CU) '
                , 'DF', 'data file (CF)   '
                , 'DL', 'direct load (DL) '
                , 'DM', 'mount/strtup (DM)'
                , 'DR', 'reco lock (DR)   '
                , 'DX', 'distrib tran (DX)'
                , 'FI', 'sga opn file (FI)'
                , 'FS', 'file set (FS)    '
                , 'IN', 'instance num (IN)'
                , 'IR', 'instce recvr (IR)'
                , 'IS', 'get state (IS)   '
                , 'IV', 'libcache inv (IV)'
                , 'JQ', 'job queue (JQ)   '
                , 'KK', 'log sw kick (KK) '
                , 'LS', 'log switch (LS)  '
                , 'MM', 'mount def (MM)   '
                , 'MR', 'media recvry (MR)'
                , 'PF', 'pwfile enq (PF)  '
                , 'PR', 'process strt (PR)'
                , 'RW', 'row wait (RW)    '
                , 'RT', 'redo thread (RT) '
                , 'SC', 'scn enq (SC)     '
                , 'SM', 'smon lock (SM)   '
                , 'SN', 'seqno instce (SN)'
                , 'SQ', 'seqno enq (SQ)   '
                , 'ST', 'space transc (ST)'
                , 'SV', 'seqno value (SV) '
                , 'TA', 'generic enq (TA) '
                , 'TD', 'dll enq (TD)     '
                , 'TE', 'extend seg (TE)  '
                , 'TS', 'temp segment (TS)'
                , 'TT', 'temp table (TT)  '
                , 'UN', 'user name (UN)   '
                , 'WL', 'write redo (WL)  '
                , 'TYPE = ' || l.TYPE) AS type
           , DECODE(l.lmode, 0, 'none', 1, 'null', 2, 'RS', 3, 'RX', 4, 'S', 5, 'SRX', 6, 'X', TO_CHAR(l.lmode)) A
    S lmode
           , DECODE(l.request, 0, 'none', 1, 'null', 2, 'RS', 3, 'RX', 4, 'S', 5, 'SRX', 6, 'X', TO_CHAR(l.request
    )) AS lrequest
           , DECODE(
                , 'JQ', 'Job #' || j.job || ' (' || j.what || ') owned by: ' || j.username
                , 'MR', DECODE(s.user_type, 'BG', 'DICTIONARY OBJECT', LOWER(obj.owner) || '.' || LOWER(obj.name))
    || ' (' || LOWER(obj.TYPE) || ')'
                , 'RT', 'thread #' || LOWER(l.id1)
                , 'RW', 'file#' || LOWER(SUBSTR(l.id1, 1, 3)) || ', block#' || LOWER(SUBSTR(l.id1, 4, 5)) || ', ro
    w#' || LOWER(l.id2)
                , 'TD', 'object: ' || LOWER(obj.owner) || '.' || LOWER(obj.name) || ' (' || LOWER(obj.TYPE) || ')'
                , 'TM', 'object: ' || LOWER(obj.owner) || '.' || LOWER(obj.name) || ' (' || LOWER(obj.TYPE) || ')'
                , 'TS', DECODE(l.id2, 0, 'enqueue', 'new block allocation')
                , 'TX', DECODE(
                           , NULL, 'rbs #' || TRUNC(l.id1 / 65536) || ', slot #' || LOWER(l.id1)
                           , 'rbs #' || TRUNC(l.id1 / 65536) || ', slot #' || LOWER(l.id1) || ', object: ' || LOWE
                , 'UL', 'lock name: ' || la.name || ', expiration date: ' || TO_CHAR(la.expiration, 'DD-MON-RR HH2
                , 'WL', 'redo log file#' || LOWER(l.id1)
                , 'id1 = ' || l.id1 || ', id2 = ' || l.id2) AS detail
        FROM sys.v_$lock l
           , (SELECT a.sid
                   , a.serial#
                   , NVL(a.username, 'SYS (' || LOWER(b.name) || ')') AS username
                   , DECODE(a.username, NULL, 'BG', 'USER') AS user_type
                FROM sys.v_$session a
                   , sys.v_$bgprocess b
               WHERE a.paddr = b.paddr(+)) s
           , (SELECT o.obj#
                   , u.name AS owner
                   , o.name
                   , DECODE(
                        , 0, 'NEXT OBJECT'
                        , 1, 'INDEX'
                        , 2, 'TABLE'
                        , 3, 'CLUSTER'
                        , 4, 'VIEW'
                        , 5, 'SYNONYM'
                        , 6, 'SEQUENCE'
                        , 7, 'PROCEDURE'
                        , 8, 'FUNCTION'
                        , 9, 'PACKAGE'
                        , 11, 'PACKAGE BODY'
                        , 12, 'TRIGGER'
                        , 13, 'TYPE'
                        , 14, 'TYPE BODY'
                        , 19, 'TABLE PARTITION'
                        , 20, 'INDEX PARTITION'
                        , 22, 'LIBRARY'
                        , 23, 'DIRECTORY'
                        , 24, 'QUEUE'
                        , 28, 'JAVA SOURCE'
                        , 29, 'JAVA CLASS'
                        , 30, 'JAVA RESOURCE'
                        , 32, 'INDEXTYPE'
                        , 33, 'OPERATOR'
                        , 34, 'TABLE SUBPARTITION'
                        , 35, 'INDEX SUBPARTITION'
                        , 39, 'LOB PARTITION'
                        , 40, 'LOB SUBPARTITION'
                        , 43, 'DIMENSION'
                        , 44, 'CONTEXT'
                        , 47, 'RESOURCE PLAN'
                        , 48, 'CONSUMER GROUP'
                        , 51, 'SUBSCRIPTION'
                        , 52, 'LOCATION'
                        , 'UNDEFINED') AS type
                FROM sys.obj$ o
                   , sys.user$ u
               WHERE o.owner# = u.user#) obj
           , (SELECT vlo.xidusn
                   , vlo.xidslot
                   , vlo.xidsqn
                   , vlo.process
                   , o.owner || '.' || o.object_name AS object_name
                FROM sys.v_$locked_object vlo
                   , sys.dba_objects o
               WHERE vlo.object_id = o.object_id) lo
           , (SELECT job
                   , schema_user AS username
                   , what
                FROM dba_jobs) j
           , sys.dbms_lock_allocated la
       WHERE l.sid = s.sid
         AND l.id1 = obj.obj#(+)
         AND l.id2 = j.job(+)
         AND TRUNC(l.id1 / 65536) = lo.xidusn(+)
         AND LOWER(l.id1) = lo.xidslot(+)
         AND l.id2 = lo.xidsqn(+)
         AND l.id1 = la.lockid(+)
         AND l.TYPE != 'MR'
                      /*** LATCH HOLDERS ***/
    SELECT   s.sid
           , s.serial#
           , s.username
           , 'latch'
           , 'X'
           , 'none'
           , h.name || ' addr=' || LOWER(RAWTOHEX(laddr)) AS object
        FROM sys.v_$process p
           , sys.v_$session s
           , sys.v_$latchholder h
       WHERE h.pid = p.pid
         AND p.addr = s.paddr
                      /*** LATCH WAITERS ***/
    SELECT   s.sid
           , s.serial#
           , s.username
           , 'latch'
           , 'none'
           , 'X'
           , name || ' latch=' || p.latchwait AS object
        FROM sys.v_$session s
           , sys.v_$process p
           , sys.v_$latch l
       WHERE latchwait IS NOT NULL
         AND p.addr = s.paddr
         AND p.latchwait = l.addr
    ORDER BY sid
           , serial#
           , username
           , 4
           , 5
           , 6
           , 7;

  • In which tables are batch input error messages logged?

    does anybody know in which table are the batch input error messages logged?
    I have to display the error messages which have occured during the transaction
    I tried to find out, but i could see only the table BDCMSGCOLL, this table has only the Batch input message number and not the message itself?
    does anybody know about the batch input error messages?

    check the sample code below.
    messtab is of type BDCMSGCOLL.
    Call the transaction and then use T100 to get the message.
    DATA: l_mstring(480).
    call transaction using
      REFRESH messtab.
      CALL TRANSACTION tcode USING bdcdata
                       MODE   ctumode
                       UPDATE cupdate
                       MESSAGES INTO messtab.
      l_subrc = sy-subrc.
      LOOP AT messtab.
        SELECT SINGLE * FROM t100 WHERE sprsl = messtab-msgspra
                                  AND   arbgb = messtab-msgid
                                  AND   msgnr = messtab-msgnr.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          l_mstring = t100-text.
          IF l_mstring CS '&1'.
            REPLACE '&1' WITH messtab-msgv1 INTO l_mstring.
            REPLACE '&2' WITH messtab-msgv2 INTO l_mstring.
            REPLACE '&3' WITH messtab-msgv3 INTO l_mstring.
            REPLACE '&4' WITH messtab-msgv4 INTO l_mstring.
            REPLACE '&' WITH messtab-msgv1 INTO l_mstring.
            REPLACE '&' WITH messtab-msgv2 INTO l_mstring.
            REPLACE '&' WITH messtab-msgv3 INTO l_mstring.
            REPLACE '&' WITH messtab-msgv4 INTO l_mstring.
          CONDENSE l_mstring.
          WRITE: /4 messtab-msgtyp, l_mstring(250).
          WRITE: /4 messtab.

  • In which tables are the data for the aplication KSB1?

    I'm getting data from Qlik View with a BI tool called Qlik View.
    I need help to find in which tables are the data for KSB1 aplication.
    I've found something in COBK and COEP but there's more table involved since I didn't find all data.
    Somente can help me please?

    I ran a trace and found some tables that may help you.

  • Way to find which tables are being accessed

    Hi Guys
    I have a large database and i want to find which tables are not being accessed (even select) from a specific period of time. is there any way to find out . I am using oracke 10g release 1
    Edited by: Khurana on Sep 8, 2009 4:29 PM

    select sp.object_owner,sp.object_name,
    (select sql_text from v$sqlarea sa
    where sa.address = sp.address
    and sa.hash_value =sp.hash_value) sqltext,
    (select executions from v$sqlarea sa
    where sa.address = sp.address
    and sa.hash_value =sp.hash_value) no_of_full_scans,
    (select lpad(nvl(trim(to_char(num_rows)),' '),15,' ')||' | '||lpad(nvl(trim(to_char(blocks)),' '),15,' ')||' | '||buffer_pool
    from dba_tables where table_name = sp.object_name
    and owner = sp.object_owner) "rows|blocks|pool"
    from v$sql_plan sp
    where operation='TABLE ACCESS'
    and object_owner IN ('YOUR_USER_NAME')
    order by 1,2
    It will tell you that currently "OBJECT_NAME" is being accessed; but i think it is for full table scan.
    Girish Sharma

  • Which tables are used for Quality Efficiency calculation of OEE report ?

    We're confirming OEE report behavior.
    I'd like to know OEE report and ME table specification.
    Which tables are used for Quality Efficiency calculation of OEE report ?
    According to I know, the definition of Quality Efficiency is (complete qty) / (start qty).
    For this calculation, does OEE report just use qty_started and qty_completed of PRODUCTION_LOG table?
    If any other tables/columns/logic are implemented, your information is appreciated.
    Best Regards,
    Takahiro Uesugi

    Go to BSIS & BSAS

  • Which tables are used...

    I have a script, which makes a lot of things on the database. Is there a tool or a script, that I can see which tables are used by the script?
    Thanks for the help.

    Street wrote:
    Thanks for the answers. We know, what the scripts do. But we need a list from all tables, that we can export this tables, its for a migration!Yes, but we don't ... and the response depends on what kind of script it is, and what it does.
    For example, if the "script" is a sequence of pure DML commands which would be run from sqlplus then I would let the PL/SQL compiler do the work by creating a procedure containing the script text, compile it, query user_dependencies and then drop the procedue.
    If it contains DDL then that might work as well (not near a computer with Oracle on it so I can't check whether a procedure containing a create table statement would show that as a dependency or not ... )
    The script could already be a procedure / package, in whcih case just query user dependencies, or it could be a shell script which invokes all manner of strange things, in which case you're probably on your own.
    Maybe I'm being naive, but couldn't you just run the thing in an empty schema (or even a fresh instance - a local XE for example), and then look at what's appeared?
    Edited by: Dave Rabone on 10/01/2012 03:16
    finger trouble ...

  • Which tables are being used to extract the data for the materi Extractors

    please advise which tables are used to extract the data for the extarctors
    ,Many thanks.

    Activate a database trace using ST01. Then perform the MM03 operation and goto the SD Texts tab. Now stop the trace and see if you can locate either a table or program which you can utilize in the log.
    Hope this helps..

  • How to figure out which tables are using Extensible Optimizer?

    Hi guys,
    I'm sure that there're several tables those are associated with Extensible Optimizer in my database, I can also find the Extensible Optimizer relevant type and the implementation of interface functions ODCIGetInterfaces, ODCIStatsTableFunction.
    I'm curious to know is there a way to figure out which tables are associated with this Extensible Optimizer, does anyone have any clues?
    Database: oracle 11.2
    Thank you in advance.

    Can you please check the below link.It may help you:
    Best regards,

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