Which workflow patterns to use

have very basic question.
Using BPMNfor document a business process.
Ho do I document the fact that the function/ actiivty can be performed
"by person type A in single approver mode" OR "by person type B in a single approver mode".
Basically the activity can be performed by 2 roles and EACH role works in single-approver mode.
thanks in advance.

as far as I remember, Tobago is not compatible with JSF 1.2. I worked with Oracle's ADF over a year ago and I remember, that we had some compatibility problems. And if I also recall correctly, Trinidad is the "JSF compatible" version of ADF. ADF was donated by Oracle to the Apache foundation and is now called "Trinidad". You can use both "MyFaces" and "Trinidad" components within the same webapp. That should give you enough components to work with.
Hope, that helps.

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    I think your problem is in result state. You can you sequencial block but for approve or reject you need to set target for each result state. Here I am providing a link. I think you will get your solution here please go through it.
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    You can use this and tweak it around:
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    from wf_process_activities p, wf_activities a
    where p.process_item_type=a.item_type and
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    To check the log of a workflow; you can use transaction codes SWI1 (from the list - switch to log) andsee also other SWI* transactions for the other functionalities.
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    Thanks & regards,

    Hello Sunil
    It is not so clear to me what your are looking for. If you take a look here (as an example)
    you will find a "documentation"  of this function module.
    I have copied only thee most important part here of the docu on this link:
    "This is the central function module for linking the R/3 component Product Safety (EHS-SAF) to the R/3 component Sales and Distribution (SD). The function module is used to generate report shipping orders using data from SD. An example of a report is a material safety data sheet. "
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    What "workflow inbox" are you looking for?? Those of the SAP SD messages ??
    Could you please explain a little bit there you are "struggeling"?
    With best regards
    Edited by: Christoph Bergemann on Apr 9, 2011 9:06 AM

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    user2544469 wrote:
    Thanks a lot Frank. This query worked wonderful for the test data I have provided however I have some concerns:
    - query doesnot include the column BOOK which is a mandatory check.Sorry, that was my mistake. It was a very easy mistake to make, since you posted sample data where it didn't matter. Instead of doing a cross-join between vn and got_must_have_cnt, do an inner join, using book. That means book will have to be in got_must_have_cnt, and all the sub-queries from which it descends. Look for comments that say "March 22".
    If you want to treat '+' in test_cat.codes as '*', then the simplest thing is probably just to use REPLACE, so that when the table has '+', you use '*' instead.
    WITH     got_token_cnt     AS
         SELECT     cat
         ,     book                                        -- Added March 22
         ,     REPLACE (codes, '+', '*') AS codes                    -- If desired.  Changed March 22
         ,     LENGTH (codes) - LENGTH ( TRANSLATE ( codes
                                                       , 'x*+-'
                                      , 'x'
                             ) AS token_cnt
         FROM    test_cat
    ,     cntr     AS
         SELECT     LEVEL     AS n
         FROM     (  SELECT  MAX (token_cnt)     AS max_token_cnt
                 FROM        got_token_cnt
         CONNECT BY     LEVEL     <= max_token_cnt
    ,     got_tokens     AS
         SELECT     t.cat
         ,     t.book                                        -- Added March 22
         ,     REGEXP_SUBSTR ( t.codes
                         , '[*+-]'
                         , 1
                         , c.n
                         )          AS token_type
         ,     SUBSTR ( REGEXP_SUBSTR ( t.codes
                                       , '[*+-][^*+-]*'
                               , 1
                               , c.n
                   , 2
                   )          AS token
         FROM     got_token_cnt     t
         JOIN     cntr          c  ON     c.n     <= t.token_cnt
    ,     got_must_have_cnt     AS
         SELECT       cat, book                                   -- Changed March 22
         ,       COUNT (CASE WHEN token_type = '*' THEN 1 END) AS must_have_cnt
         FROM       got_tokens
         GROUP BY  cat, book                                   -- Changed March 22
    SELECT       mh.cat
    ,       vn.vn_no
    FROM       got_must_have_cnt     mh
    JOIN                    vn  ON  mh.book     = vn.book               -- Changed March 22
    LEFT OUTER JOIN      got_tokens     gt  ON     mh.cat                  = gt.cat
                                     AND INSTR (vn.codes, gt.token) > 1
    GROUP BY  mh.cat
    ,            mh.must_have_cnt
    ,            vn.vn_no
    HAVING       COUNT (CASE WHEN gt.token_type = '*' THEN 1 END)     = mh.must_have_cnt
    AND       COUNT (CASE WHEN gt.token_type = '-' THEN 1 END)     = 0
    ORDER BY  mh.cat
    - query is very slow with 60000 records in vn table. Cost is somewhere around 36000.See these threads:
    When your query takes too long ...
    HOW TO: Post a SQL statement tuning request - template posting
    Relational databases were designed to have (at most) one piece of information in each column. If you decide to have multiple items in the same column (as you have a variable number of tokens in the codes column), don't be surprised if that makes things slower and more complicated. Most of the query I posted, and perhaps most of the time needed, is jsut to normalize the data. If you stored the data in a narmalized form, perhaps something like got_tokens, then you wouldn't need the first 3 sub-queries that I posted.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Mar 22, 2011 12:04 PM

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    I use the default (which is 1/2 size) with no ill effects. Previews are used by external programs to gain access to photos in your Aperture library. (This is not the way your external editor works, though.) Your preview size will not affect your workflow. When previews are turned on, Aperture works on generating previews when you have something new of which to make a preview. I seriously doubt that making a small copy, versus making a smaller copy, would affect how long it takes Aperture (and therefore, how sluggish Aperture might appear.) The difference between making previews and not making previews can be significant.

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    You will need to set the Pattern Generation Loop Enable attribute to ON in the DIO Parameter VI. This is
    specified on page 2-22 of the 653x User Manual (Jan 2001)
    Hope this helps,

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    Actually, there is a Nik/Nikon connection — but I am pretty sure it is irrelevant to the OP's question. The connection is that Capture NX2 was written as a joint venture between Nikon and Nik. (The name similarity is a coincidence.)
    Capture NX2 is a cool program that incorporates the features of Nik's Viveza and Nikon's Raw processing engine, along with some other powerful image adjustment features. It provides, like Aperture, a losses workflow. Unlike Aperture, the adjustments (Edit Steps in C-NX terminology) are saved in the original NEF file along with the un-altered raw data. Multiple versions can be saved in a single NEF.

  • Workflow method where used

    Hi All,
    I have a Business object ISUSMORDER and in this business object i have a method
    i want to know in which workflow this method is getting used .
    I tried SWETYPV but i am not able to find it .
    i s there is nay way to find out the where used list of thisworkflow method .
    Thanks in advance
    Anit gautam

    For that object method, you can go to table HRS1201then fill in SWOTP, SWMTD(Object and method).
    Then you will get Standard Task OTYPE = 'TS'.
    then use those tasks in table SWDSSTEPS, you will get workflow number and version. Or you can use it one-by-one in transaction PFTC and click where used list.

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    Which Transformation engine is used in PI 7.0 ?
    (Nice to test with the same as PI have....)
    Br, Martin

    Hi ,
    as per my knowledge PI 7.0 uses XALAN parcer to execute XSLT Mapping programs,its available in in PI server it slelf.

  • Be grateful for your help with Photoshop Elements which I have been using for several years.

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    The organizer doesn't care where you send your photos when you download them via the downloader or where they happen to be when you first bring them in if you use the Get Photos command, but once your pics are in the Organizer, you *must* move them from within organizer or it can't find them. You don't have to use My Pictures at all if you don't want to, but regardless of the folder where you put your photos, if you want them someplace else, you use organizer to do it.

Maybe you are looking for