Which Workshops would motivate you to attend a conference?

I'm posting this because I would like input on what kind of workshops would bring the most interest to the next Hyperion Conference. Please post your level of interest on a scale of 1 - 10 for each (i.e. A=8, B=4, C=8, D=5).
A) Installation workshop
B) Workshop on developing in VB/VBA
C) Workshop on Calc design and optimization
D) Collaboration Workshop (pairing issues with answers)
Keep in mind that workshops would be limited in terms of what can be covered in a given time.
I plan on sharing this with next years Kaleidoscope commitee to help increase the participation and maximize the value -- OUCH, that sounds like the kind of think you'd read in a Dilbert comic...

There are definite advantages of bringing a semi-technical group together for a couple items.
For instance, the VBA toolkit session would have been less stressful had the audience not been so far ranging in developer skills already... That was my mistake for not setting the expectations for it being an entry level presentation up front.
Anyway, I realize there are a lot more than the 4 options originally indicated and didn't intend to limit them outside of getting a feel for which ones would be best to "work up" as a suggestion.
I would like to go into more depth on a somewhat technical workshop based on creating a poor-man's failover for retrieves. Presenting a method for making 100% availability by transparently mapping the target database for the users -- both as a concept and a full implementation strategy.
I'd also like a second chance on the less technical presentation -- to do it right, lol.
However, I'm more interested in pushing the workshops into a full day track by themselves, where more than one hour would be presumed and the participants would need to come prepared.

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    Hey, hopefully I can offer a suggestion...
    Those two cases are quite different from each other. One is a leather folio with a clasp and the other is a clear case. You first have to decide which type of case you want.
    I purchased the exact same Belkin folio for my wife, but in the white+orange colour. She loves it. She likes to put her iPod on shuffle and just let it play while she's on the bus and exercising.
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    This is an objective comparison,
    Meanwhile, we start from the price of their basic models, considering of course that could get discounts as a student in the Education Store. Required about 100 € more to buy an Air with the same screen size of this Pro and already, in some cases, may be enough to make your own choice.
    Assuming a score to score, we could say: Pro 1 - 0 Air
    Until recently, the beloved laptop for school purposes was the white MacBook.Orphaned "bianchino", now out of the list for some time now Apple, the Mac that is most on the economic front is approaching the Air 11 "(900 € on the edu store). Air 13 "display offers a native that could be called HiRes, identical resolution to that of Pro 15" base:
    Air 11 "(16:9) 1366 x 768 = 1,049,088 pixels
    Pro 13 "(16:10 format) 1280 x 800 = 1,024,000 pixels
    Air 13 "(16:10 format) 1440 x 900 = 1,296,000 pixels
    The comparison on the screens is not to be taken seriously. After all, is what we will see during every second of computer work.
    And so the challenge back in a tie: Pro 1 - Air 1
    For size and weight comparison is merciless. The Pro is a portable slim, well built and, after all, not too heavy. However, this aspect of the Air is unsurpassed. He created a new category of laptops is so small wonder. The weight is also almost halved with 1.3 kg against 2Kg. For those who are always on the go is a godsend for the university and also the difference in the shoulder is remarkable.
    We update our score: Pro 1 - Air 2
    The battery is offered in both cases with a duration of 7 hours. 2-Air Pro 3. Another aspect that is rather in favor of a tie on the graphics: Both models use the Intel HD Graphics 3000 with 384MB of DDR3 SDRAM condivisa.Pro 3 - Air 4.
    In academia, it may not feel quite the need for a Firewire port, but the fact remains that the Air does not have it.
    I guess that's the case to score another point: Pro 4 - 5 Air
    I scored a little more than necessary to have a complete line of Air, but for the purposes of this comparison we are interested in the value obtained from the Pro 13 'Air base and 13 "base. Both processors are dual core and, as you can see, the little guy gets along very well though with a slower clock. There is also a crucial aspect to consider: these data refer to the computing power but do not take into account the incredible speed-bump-up by SSD. Translated into monetary terms means that if the Pro 13 "is marginally faster when the CPU is under stress (such as video encoding) Air 13" is significantly more responsive in every area. By now you will present the advantages of SSD, as we talk about it constantly, and be assured that we are talking about really obvious differences in the everyday. The advantages obtained clearly outweigh the disadvantage resulting from a delay of a few seconds more in exporting an iMovie or a few seconds to compress a full-bodied zip file (which then increased the write speed scale in part). To assign a score in this area I find then a little 'in difficulty. From the viewpoint of the CPU Pro 13 "is slightly faster but we are sure you can assign an advantage when then every single operation, to start since, requires up to 8 times (the value is clearly approximate) of the time ' Air 11 "? I have no doubt to say that overall performance on the front of the Pro 13 "basis, as configured, is beaten hands down Air 13" base.
    I say then: Pro 4 - Air 6 (but wait ... is not over)
    Do you know where the above discussion decade? The MacBook Pro is much more expandable: add just € 77 and takes a 60GB OCZ Agility SATA3 that mounts in an instant. At that point, the bill draws on the opposite reactivity with SSD and the difference of the processor, though not so obvious, back to bite. It is also possible to realize different combinations. We have spoken of a disk of only 60GB in effect, but in the Pro can also be used as an adapter to enter the optibay the HDD of 320GB in place of the original SuperDrive. In this way we obtain the speed of the solid disc for the operating system and applications and the increased capacity of a traditional hard drive for archiving. Also, the RAM, which base is 4GB on both, on the Pro can be easily increased to 8GB. To want to do things right we should say that the added cost rises well and lose the initial assumption for which we have assigned a point to Pro for the greater economy.Furthermore, the comparison is based, only the basic models, however, the counter remains a valuable expandability, both now and in the future: if after some time you should decide to improve the performance of your Mac, is with the Aircan only change SSD (mSATA but those are expensive), while the Pro will have more flexibility.
    u point for the Pro: Pro 5 - 6 Air
    With the 2011 version of the MacBook Air has resumed the backlit keyboard, but still (and will) not have an Ethernet port, Superdrive and the infrared receiver. The absence of the reader / writer is a point against him, this is indisputable
    equal footing Pro 6 - Air 6. As Apple moves fast towards a future where this will no longer be necessary (see installation and operating system software via the web) can still be useful today. It must be said that with less than 30 € you take an external drive efficiently (review) but this still requires to carry around another "element". On a personal level each of us will be evaluated differently this absence, there are those who do not tolerate it and who has already got used to (in extreme cases supported by the Remote Disk feature) but it is still a lack of perspective in a single complete computer , at least at present.
    For this reason we say: Pro 7 - 6 Air
    pull the money (or better scores ) won the pro of a single point.
    i hope it can help you ti choose

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    Someday - and no one knows when that day will come - maybe all applications will be able to take advantage of the Retina display. But for the present, not many do: including all Adobe applications. There was a demo of Photoshop at the Apple World Wide Developers Conference of Photoshop running at native Retina resolutions but no one at Adobe in marketing is saying when, if or how the upgrade may be coming. It could be a week, it could be a year, it could be 2-3 years. No one knows. And only Apple app's (for the main part) are really utilizing the native Retina display.
    I've seen some demos of some applications (Apple's) that take advantage of the Retina display and they're awesome. But in actually working in the here-and-now I've heard quite a few gripes, particularly on the Photoshop forum, of menus looking pixelated and/or 'blurry' so I'm not quite ready to jump into the Retina display boat just now. Don't get me wrong - others have ad are very, very pleased with their selection. But until Retina displays are available on larger monitors, the maximum work area that you're going to be able to use is 15" - and that's simply not enough room for full-blown graphic design. Then there's the cost factor - for the $4,000+ you spend for a completely full-blown Retina kit, you can get a standard MacBook Pro, 16 GB of RAM, a fast SSD and even the Apple Thunderbolt Display for the same amount.
    The standard MacBook Pro isn't better than the Retina display: it's just different. And I think (and this is only my opinion - other graphic designers should feel free to jump in here) that it's the best computer that you can get for your specific purposes. And, towards that goal, I have to recommend a very good external monitor (there's nothing more annoying than having to use InDesign in a single-page mode rather than side-by-side because your monitor isn't big enough).
    Remember that this is only my opinion and that others might jump in with their own. But I was in the electronic pre-press business for more years than I care to admit and we always - always - worked with at least 19" monitors (and that's back when dinosaurs actually ruled the world).
    I hope that others will jump in with their comments. I'm going to follow this thread and see!
    Good luck,

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    The laugh's on you, twit! Nobody takes kindly to lazy bums trying to cheat on their homework nor exams. Take a hike loser!

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    The behavior you describe is possible through a few limited applications of which I won't even mention names here, but the "creep" would need access to the device in question for at least 15-20 minutes to load the application, and as well it would show under the Options > Advanced > Applicaitons.
    On the same note, I don't like discussions of this nature on the forums because I have seen too many times where the questioner is actually the one trying to find ways to retrieve or "spy" on the other. I am not accusing the questioner in this thread--I am not. But I have seen it asked too many times and upon further questioning more information comes out.
    There are VERY few 'spyware' type applications for the BlackBerry on the market, and most of them don't even work well. So beware, even if one is loaded, it cannot be totally hidden.
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