Why can't I edit the source code?

Updating an existing site that was created in Front Page. Am using DW CS4. Must be missing something totally obvious, but when I have pages open in split view, I'm unable to edit the source code. Any thoughts? I can make changes to the CSS, but direct editing in the source code seems to be unavailable.

> Is it because I didn¹t download the site through DW, that I can¹t edit the source
No.  HTML is HTML no matter who writes it.
This page is definitely a template controlled page, but it is one that has been 'hacked' in the sense that someone has removed the link to the template page from the head of this document (there should be a link to the template page just below the <html> tag).  For example, if you look at the code on the about.htm page, you will see this -
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/main.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
And by the way, I will say that this looks suspiciously like a DW page not a FrontPage page....
What edits are you wanting to make to this page?

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  • Why can't I view the source code?

    I found a website that I would like to use as an example for my next site (except for the fonts), but when I right click the 'view source' button, nothing comes up.  I also tried it from the toolbar and nothing again.  Just curious  as to why I can't see the code.  Would that site be difficult to create?  (I wouldn't think so).
    (ps - please don't bash the site if you don't like it - Nathan passed away yesterday)

    I see the code OK in Win/IE8
    Right click > View Source and View > Source in the IE toolbar works fine.
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  • Why can't I edit the Word doc I converted from a PDF?

    Why can't I edit the Word doc I converted from a PDF?
    Help! That is why I bought this software!

    Hi linda007,
    If you can't edit the file once it's converted to Word, it could be that the PDF was created from a scanned page, and then image text wasn't converted to searchable text. ExportPDF should perform Optical Character Recognition by default, but it can be disabled in Reader. Do you know whether OCR was disabled when you converted the page? If it wasn't, make sure that the correct language was selected for OCR. This option appears at the bottom of the ExportPDF panel in Reader, and in the Document Language (for Text Recognition) pop-up menu that appears after you select your file to convert in the ExportPDF online service.
    If everything seems to have been set correctly, and you still can edit the text, please try triple-clicking to select the text in Word. Did that do the trick?

  • Once I convert pdf to WORD, why can't I edit the WORD document?

    Once i convert PDF to WORD, why can't i edit the WORD document?

    Hi sophtex,
    Kindly refer this FAQ:Can't edit converted Word or Excel file
    Please let me know for further assistance.

  • How can we prevent viewing the source code  of JSP by the user

    Dear sirs,
    how can we prevent viewing the source code by the user ( from the browser for the Viwe Sorce option) for a JSP file that use struts frame work.
    infact i don't wan the user to view the javascript that in incorporated in the JSP for various purpose...
    thanks and regards...
    Sudheesh K S

    Dear sirs,
    how can we prevent viewing the source code by the
    user ( from the browser for the Viwe Sorce option)
    for a JSP file that use struts frame work.
    infact i don't wan the user to view the javascript
    that in incorporated in the JSP for various
    thanks and regards...
    Sudheesh K S
    INDIAJSP and Servlets are programs/scripts that run on the server. The user/clients only sees the HTML output generated by the server. If you want to hide JavaScript from casual users then you can put the JavaScript code in a seperate file. This file can however be read from the Cache.

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    what do you want it for
    i could give you a simpler logic to the FilenameFilter
    public boolean filenamefilter(File f,String Stringffilename){
    boolean b;
    }you could check <b>FilenameFilter.java</b>
    after extracting your src.jar||src.zip

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    Copy the photos from the drive to your desktop import then again and delete the images. If the same mistake appears, there is something wrong with your import settings into iPhoto - > may be you didn't imported the original files to your iphoto library.

  • Why can't I edit the local version of address book

    Since iCloud I can no longer edit the local version of my address book.  In addition adding addresses from Mail no longer saves them to address book, it does seem to put them somewhere but I have no idea where, they don't appear to go icloud either.  I need to manually create them.
    I am on the latest version of Lion, and a 2011 Macbook Pro.
    Syncing-wise icloud is excellent and it keeps my phone up to date.  But if I am off-line I can't edit details into address book.  Its a minor inconvenience, as I can use my phone easily, but it is quicker to use the macbook.
    Any advice?

    Open the Mac App Store and download OS X Mavericks. Do you see any error message?
    Note that OS X Mavericks requires a Late 2008 Aluminum or Early 2009 or newer MacBook, so if you have got an older Mac, the Mac App Store will show you a message telling you that your MacBook is not compatible. In that case, the only thing you can do is to stay with the Mac OS X version you are running

  • [NEW] [IMAGES] Adding the ability to preview/live edit the source code.

    If the Muse Team added this, they could relax and not worry about adding so many other features.
    Sure, you can do this already in your browser. But it's not really a dynamically edit thing.
    Here, let me demonstrate.
    You could naviagate (or shortcut) to a new button, as you can see below.
    Once clicked you will get a dialog to choose preset program, open your own, or exit.
    As you can see above, if the user does not have Dreamweaver, it will be greyed out.
    You could probably guess what the dreamweaver would look like, but the muse editor may look like this.
    Maybe even some html tags in button form
    Of course, it would have content in it, including the <html> structure, including <head> and <body>
    Why add this? Well...
    Since Adobe Muse doesn't support all the features of the internet, you can easily add it here yourself! Until they add a button of course.
    Then the Muse Team won't be so rushed to get all these features out.
    Really hope they add this.
    Also, they could touchup and make it look nicer, I just did some quick photoshop.
    Note: We kind of have this already, though we can only edit the header... sort of...
    This could be already done by exporting the html, opening it in a text editor, editing the code, somehow adding it back to muse, and realizing that you forgot some code, repeat.
    But that is too long of a process, this request is much easier.

    Most Segregation of Duties (SOD) functionality has been moved to AACG. From my understanding AACG's job is to handle SOD across platforms (EBS, PeopleSoft, HFM, etc.), the visualization was probably moved to the AACG product and that's why it's no longer in the PCG product. Out of the box AACG can connect to EBS and Peoplesoft, you can build connectors for other platforms to manage SOD controls across these different systems. Because AACG is no longer an "EBS only" product, I believe the need to use AACG for all approvals/SOD functionality is required.
    Think of AACG as your SOD workbench, where you can simulate SOD access, model controls, create controls, remediate incidents, etc. Between LogicalApps (5+ years old) and the new Oracle GRC products, there has been some migration of features to newer products.
    Don't forget, If you feel you need a feature in a certain product (even if it has moved), you always have the ability to request it via My Oracle Support. I hope that has helped in understanding what direction the products have taken.

  • Selecting multiple images to edit the source code

    Hi. Does anyone know if there's a way to select multiple
    images in a table and change there source code. The reason why I
    ask is that I recently decided to organize my assets folder by
    adding subfolders. Naturally, this makes my images appear as broken
    links. It's a pretty big site that I'm working on and I would like
    to know if there is a faster way than just selecting them one by

    If you would have created the folders within DW itself (file
    management), and moved images from one
    folder to the other, the links would have been adjusted
    automatically. Carrying out changes like
    this outside of DW will create broken links as you have
    Did you backup the original site, if so, and have a lot of
    broken links, it maybe worthwhile, going
    back to the original and use the file management to
    rename/create new folders and move your assets
    that way.
    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver
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    "lordcornwallis" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:gpqni2$3io$[email protected]..
    > Hi. Does anyone know if there's a way to select multiple
    images in a table and
    > change there source code. The reason why I ask is that I
    recently decided to
    > organize my assets folder by adding subfolders.
    Naturally, this makes my
    > images appear as broken links. It's a pretty big site
    that I'm working on and
    > I would like to know if there is a faster way than just
    selecting them one by
    > one.

  • Why can't I edit the Master Database

    Can someone from NI please explain the reasoning behind not letting the user edit the master database?  I want to do something simple like remove one of the redundant + and "dot" polarity indicators on some of the capacitor footprints without having to, one by one, change each capacitor to use my custom footprint.
    I have found several errors in the master database yet I can't fix those parts or footprints or remove them, thus increasing the likely hood that they will get used by mistake/unknowingly again.
    The only explanation that I can come up with is poor database design and fear of me "breaking" it.   Something as simple as editing a part through the GUI should be simple enough to do to, please let me.  No offense, but your master database is not good enough to warrant "no edits".  Most parts I use are from the local database, but that is not an option for special case parts like resistors and capacitors.
    Also, why I can't edit the database itself without using the GUI? (as is an option in all other CAD packages that I've used).  The GUI entry point is extremely time consuming and error prone when a database script can often easily create error/typo free part numbers using existing symbols and footprints.

    There are several ways you can achieve the results you looking for with respect to RLCs.
    Ultiboard first searchs the User then Corporate the Master database when looking for footprints. So, if you want to make a modification to a footprint, make the copy the appropriate in Ultiboard into your User database. Then modify the footprint. When you transfer from Multisim to Ultiboard, Ultiboard will pick the footprint you customized (or fixed).
    One thing to watch out for is determining the correct name in Ultiboard. The name in Multisim is often not the name in Ultiboard. I don't know of any simple way of determing the mapping.
    Place the component with the footprint that you want to change (in Multisim)
    Double click the component, and click Edit Footprint on the Value page
    Click Select from Database. The footprint should be selected. The name in Ultiboard is the Ultiboard Footprint column (if it is blank, then the name in Multisim and Ultiboard is the same).
    You can add new footprints to the list in the Place Component dialog. You do this in the Database Manager.
    Go to Tools > Database > Database Manager
    Select the RLC Components tab
    Click the Add button to add a new definition. Note, the definition will appear for all components of the same type. Also watch out for the polarity of capacitors and other components where relevant.
    Senior Software Developer
    National Instruments
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    If someone helped you, let them know. Mark as solved or give a kudo.

  • NW 2004 - Edit the source code

    My current landsacpe is NW 2004 and not NW2004s. Some of the MSS ESS are not listing source code in the SCA file. Could this be because the code is not available in Webdynpro and hence the SCA.
    1 -How can I change the code of the non WD ESS MSS?
    2 - Where do I get the code and how do we do a build for it unlike the SCA for WD?
    Any hints are most welcome,
    Thanks - Dhanz

    Dear Dhanz,
    You have posted the same question in Java Programming also,please try to avoid it.
    Dont post same question in Java and Webdynpro.
    The question you have posted is based on Webdynpro, i have given the solution in Java Programming please have a look.

  • Why can't I edit the entire Photomerge image in Adobe Elements 8?

    This granny admittedly isn't terribly Elements "savvy".  However, I managed to figure out how to scan an old 1888,  10x12 photo  in two halves (left and right), and used the Elements Photomerge to combine the two shots.  It worked quite well - slightly askew at the top edge, but the rest of the image appears to be well-stitched - to the naked eye, at least.  
    After sharpening the image, I went to Guided Edit and began using the brush to "heal" a few of the old marks on the image at full size - that worked well!.  Until  I moved my brush into the area that had been the left side, that is..  The brush no longer worked.  Then I noted that the about 1/3 of the left side was not sharpened like the right side was, either!    To test it further, I changed it to a black & white photo.   Only that larger right section changed to black & white, and the left part of the image stayed it's old sepia color.   I saved the images, closed and re-opened Elements - but had the same results. The left side just can't be edited.  
    Isn't there a way to edit the entire merged image?
    I've saved the image as a high-quality JPEG, and also as Adobe Elements format - but they still won't fully edit.    The two are large files - I was thinking that I'd need to save it at high-quality in order to end up with a nice retouched & sharpened 8x10, suitable for framing.    ????
    Can anyone advise me as to what I might be doing or not doing to cause this? 
    Also, I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit on one laptop, and Windows 7 Professional, 64 bit on another
    (I'm trying to get by with the Elements version I have, due to finances.)
    Thanks a million

    You are a gem!  It worked!  
    I have SO much to learn, and many of the tintypes and very old photos I've recently inherited & scanned will be a good "classroom" for me.   I haven't even completely figured out what "layers" are.       (I do have an Elements 8 book; however, it helps if you know what to look up in it! LOL)
    thanks again, nealeh!

  • Why can't I edit the photos??

    I've worked with photoshop before, but this is the first time i've tried that I can't edit the photo I want to use. It keep saying: could not complete youre request because the smart object is not directly editabel.
    It doesn't really matter what photo i choose, it say it on the all of them exept for 2.  

    Sounds like it can't find the internal data. Try rasterizing the layer and see if it rasterizes.

  • Why can't I edit the info in iTunes?

    All of a sudden, I can no longer edit info in iTunes.  I use Windows 7 and have iTunes 10 version3.0 that I just updated.  However, it was doing this with the 2.0 Version as well. I had hoped the 3.0 would resolve it and it hasn’t.
    I did not install anything new on my computer.  I just turned it on and this happened.
    I followed some advice already given: made sure my Windows was updated, I checked to see if I have full authorization on the iTunes music folder and I do and it is not a read only file. I also have full ownership of all folders.
    I am at a loss on how to proceed.  I hope someone can help me.
    Thanks a lot.

    If it was purchased from the iTunes store-there is no way to change the info.
    If it is not from the iTunes store-should be able to right click on it and select get info and edit it (as pointed out above).

Maybe you are looking for

  • Why are some of my songs in light grey and have a circle beside them?

    in my itunes a lot of my tunes appear in light grey and have a perforated? circle appearing in the column on the far left side what does that mean

  • HR Birthdate Issue

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    I created a new thread in Database General forum (VM, LINUX RAC on Win XP before I found this forum. Admin, please excuse the double post; but, I figure I will get more appropriate response here. As mentioned in that thread, I'm a newbie and I'm tryi

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    I have the disc for iLife but reinstalling didn't help. Did the latest update. Still no new themes. Any advice on how to get these back?

  • Total number of records when we do search for a particular item in Istore.

    Hi I need the total count of the records when we search for a particular item. I wrote a sql query using like condition which is match short and long description but in some cases it is failing. Can you guide,how to solve this issue. Thanks, Sabitha