Why did i bother ?

i have for many years used Cubase .. last year i moved to Mac .. after some problems .. i managed to get everything working fine...
then i had a great idea .. to move to logic ... so i bought logic pro 9 a few weeks back ..
thinking, this will take a little while to get used to i set off trying to make my first project in logic ..
not good...
at this moment in time i feel like smashing the mac and logic up with a bat...
if i drag and audio file from my desktop to the arrange page ... logic crashes...
if i import a midi file ... logic crashes ...
if i time stretch a audio file .. and its not quite right tempo .. i cant undo it? ...
some simple things... that are at the moment driving me mad ...
is anyone else having these problems?
im running macpro 2 x 2.6 Quad Xeon, 6gig ram on OSX 10.6.2
with latest logic 9.1.0
so until these simple things work in an update .. i will load Cubase back up and get some work done..

Process: Logic Pro [430]
Path: /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Logic Pro
Identifier: com.apple.logic.pro
Version: 9.1.0 (1697.23)
Build Info: Logic-16972300~1
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [100]
Date/Time: 2010-02-03 16:50:04.354 +0000
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.2 (10C540)
Report Version: 6
Interval Since Last Report: 176502 sec
Crashes Since Last Report: 26
Per-App Interval Since Last Report: 118094 sec
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 14
Anonymous UUID: D55D905E-9A0A-4631-A11C-BAF9B52547B6
Exception Codes: KERNPROTECTIONFAILURE at 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
Application Specific Information:
abort() called
Thread 0 Crashed: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97cc7732 __kill + 10
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97cc7724 kill$UNIX2003 + 32
2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97d5a98d raise + 26
3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97d709d9 __abort + 124
4 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97d70a55 abortreportnp + 0
5 com.apple.logic.pro 0x00402689 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 3963097
6 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97ccc9bb _sigtramp + 43
7 ??? 0x0000000a 0 + 10
8 com.reFX.Nexus 0x4b017138 AUVST::HandleMidiEvent(unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned long) + 312
9 com.reFX.Nexus 0x4b014005 AUMIDIBase::ComponentEntryDispatch(ComponentParameters*, AUMIDIBase*) + 165
10 com.reFX.Nexus 0x4b0189e5 AUVSTEntry + 37
11 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x914a4b06 CallComponentDispatch + 29
12 ...apple.audio.units.AudioUnit 0x97c658bd MusicDeviceMIDIEvent + 61
13 com.apple.logic.pro 0x005ae58a std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 5715930
14 ...le.music.apps.MAAudioEngine 0x02b94964 MD::PrimeProcess() + 3028
15 ...le.music.apps.MAAudioEngine 0x02b9aaed MD::PrepareMem(MDMem*, long, int) + 925
16 ...le.music.apps.MAAudioEngine 0x02b9f7f2 MD::PrepareForStart(long) + 1458
17 ...le.music.apps.MAAudioEngine 0x02ba8b29 GetCoreAudioDriverAudioDeviceID(int, int) + 3289
18 com.apple.logic.pro 0x000b72a5 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 509173
19 com.apple.logic.pro 0x0012324d std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 951453
20 com.apple.logic.pro 0x008e9aa0 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 9104624
21 com.apple.logic.pro 0x008f05d0 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 9132064
22 com.apple.logic.pro 0x000715dc std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 223276
23 com.apple.logic.pro 0x00426449 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 4109977
24 com.apple.logic.pro 0x004266f6 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 4110662
25 com.apple.logic.pro 0x00426d14 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 4112228
26 com.apple.logic.pro 0x00427052 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 4113058
27 com.apple.logic.pro 0x00427c16 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 4116070
28 com.apple.logic.pro 0x0059e80e std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 5651038
29 com.apple.logic.pro 0x001edccb std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 1781531
30 com.apple.logic.pro 0x006465d6 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 6338598
31 com.apple.logic.pro 0x0063c0cf std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 6296351
32 com.apple.logic.pro 0x0063ad57 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 6291367
33 com.apple.logic.pro 0x0062d566 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 6236086
34 com.apple.logic.pro 0x007d6ea8 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 7979256
35 com.apple.logic.pro 0x0062d840 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 6236816
36 com.apple.logic.pro 0x007d701d std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 7979629
37 com.apple.AppKit 0x98d62ddd forwardMethod + 113
38 com.apple.AppKit 0x98d62ddd forwardMethod + 113
39 com.apple.AppKit 0x98d62ddd forwardMethod + 113
40 com.apple.AppKit 0x98d62ddd forwardMethod + 113
41 com.apple.AppKit 0x98d62ddd forwardMethod + 113
42 com.apple.AppKit 0x98d62ddd forwardMethod + 113
43 com.apple.logic.pro 0x0063ada8 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 6291448
44 com.apple.logic.pro 0x0062d566 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 6236086
45 com.apple.logic.pro 0x007d6ea8 std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 7979256
46 com.apple.AppKit 0x98d65b2f -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 6431
47 com.apple.logic.pro 0x006288fd std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 6216525
48 com.apple.logic.pro 0x0062ccda std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 6233898
49 com.apple.logic.pro 0x0062892f std::ostream& TraceOutContainer<CEvs>(std::ostream&, CEvs, char const*, int) + 6216575
50 com.apple.AppKit 0x98cf94ff -[NSApplication run] + 917
51 com.apple.prokit 0x00fc5a01 NSProApplicationMain + 326
52 com.apple.logic.pro 0x0002a729 DummyConnection::DummyConnection() + 197
Thread 1: Dispatch queue: com.apple.libdispatch-manager
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8d0ea kevent + 10
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8d804 dispatch_mgrinvoke + 215
2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8ccc3 dispatch_queueinvoke + 163
3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8ca68 dispatch_workerthread2 + 234
4 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8c4f1 pthreadwqthread + 390
5 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8c336 start_wqthread + 30
Thread 2:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c668da machmsgtrap + 10
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c67047 mach_msg + 68
2 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x9372277f __CFRunLoopRun + 2079
3 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x93721864 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 452
4 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x937277a4 CFRunLoopRun + 84
5 com.apple.DVCPROHDMuxer 0x3995b98f AVS::DestroyAVCDeviceController(AVS::AVCDeviceController*) + 317
6 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c93fbd pthreadstart + 345
7 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c93e42 thread_start + 34
Thread 3:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c85856 select$DARWIN_EXTSN + 10
1 com.apple.CoreFoundation 0x93761ddd __CFSocketManager + 1085
2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c93fbd pthreadstart + 345
3 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c93e42 thread_start + 34
Thread 4:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c94806 _semwaitsignal + 10
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c944c2 pthread_condwait + 1191
2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c96158 pthreadcondwait$UNIX2003 + 73
3 ...le.music.apps.MAAudioEngine 0x02baf5d2 GetCurrentCoreAudioDeviceNameFromUserDefaults(signed char) + 17138
4 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c93fbd pthreadstart + 345
5 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c93e42 thread_start + 34
Thread 5:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c668da machmsgtrap + 10
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c67047 mach_msg + 68
2 com.apple.audio.midi.CoreMIDI 0x012daf31 XServerMachPort::ReceiveMessage(int&, void*, int&) + 155
3 com.apple.audio.midi.CoreMIDI 0x012f98fe MIDIProcess::RunMIDIInThread() + 150
4 com.apple.audio.midi.CoreMIDI 0x012dc149 XThread::RunHelper(void*) + 17
5 com.apple.audio.midi.CoreMIDI 0x012dbb16 CAPThread::Entry(CAPThread*) + 96
6 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c93fbd pthreadstart + 345
7 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c93e42 thread_start + 34
Thread 6:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c6693a semaphoretimedwait_signaltrap + 10
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c94445 pthread_condwait + 1066
2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97cc3028 pthreadcond_timedwait_relativenp + 47
3 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x91484235 TSWaitOnConditionTimedRelative + 242
4 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x91483f73 TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon + 511
5 ...ple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 0x914a816b TimerThread + 97
6 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c93fbd pthreadstart + 345
7 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c93e42 thread_start + 34
Thread 7:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8c182 _workqkernreturn + 10
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8c718 pthreadwqthread + 941
2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8c336 start_wqthread + 30
Thread 8:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8c182 _workqkernreturn + 10
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8c718 pthreadwqthread + 941
2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8c336 start_wqthread + 30
Thread 9:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c94806 _semwaitsignal + 10
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97cc0441 nanosleep$UNIX2003 + 188
2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97cc037f usleep$UNIX2003 + 61
3 com.apple.AppKit 0x98ea11ed -[NSUIHeartBeat _heartBeatThread:] + 2039
4 com.apple.Foundation 0x968208d8 -[NSThread main] + 45
5 com.apple.Foundation 0x96820888 _NSThread__main_ + 1499
6 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c93fbd pthreadstart + 345
7 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c93e42 thread_start + 34
Thread 10:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8c182 _workqkernreturn + 10
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8c718 pthreadwqthread + 941
2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8c336 start_wqthread + 30
Thread 11:
0 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8c182 _workqkernreturn + 10
1 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8c718 pthreadwqthread + 941
2 libSystem.B.dylib 0x97c8c336 start_wqthread + 30
Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (32-bit):
eax: 0x00000000 ebx: 0x97d70969 ecx: 0xbfffe34c edx: 0x97cc7732
edi: 0x00cc5f5c esi: 0x03041b60 ebp: 0xbfffe368 esp: 0xbfffe34c
ss: 0x0000001f efl: 0x00000286 eip: 0x97cc7732 cs: 0x00000007
ds: 0x0000001f es: 0x0000001f fs: 0x00000000 gs: 0x00000037
cr2: 0x3efe3000
Binary Images:
0x1000 - 0xbeefe7 com.apple.logic.pro 9.1.0 (1697.23) <85DA0AD5-C835-CE1A-D767-B8D43A42B404> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/MacOS/Logic Pro
0xe9e000 - 0xecfff7 com.apple.music.apps.MAAudioUnitSupport 9.1.0 (231.17) <6C9B6C40-B84D-7949-A4AD-5E47A8840BA6> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/MAAudioUnitSupport.framework/Versions/A/MAAudioUnit Support
0xee3000 - 0xf14ffb +MAAssetSharing ??? (???) <AF9CDECB-E278-D954-CF3A-6D54B2079842> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/MAAssetSharing.framework/Versions/A/MAAssetSharing
0xf28000 - 0xf86fff com.apple.music.apps.MALoopManagement 9.1.0 (218.10) <4AE7C1E4-0D25-4BBB-1CF2-F1278D8E0005> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/MALoopManagement.framework/Versions/A/MALoopManagem ent
0xfa3000 - 0x1156feb com.apple.prokit 5.0.1 (906) <B5BA53AD-9CB2-8C6B-09D7-A71FEC4C2FEE> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework/Versions/A/ProKit
0x1215000 - 0x1293fef com.apple.music.apps.MACore 9.1.0 (475.14) <58DBBD0B-587E-3706-9F8F-C5F074776C0A> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/MACore.framework/Versions/A/MACore
0x12cb000 - 0x1317fff com.apple.audio.midi.CoreMIDI 1.7 (42) <670CB7F9-AA00-86F3-6623-E1335F7AEA83> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreMIDI.framework/Versions/A/CoreMIDI
0x133c000 - 0x1392fe3 com.apple.music.apps.MAHarmony 9.1.0 (198.10) <77BC4A58-0F43-12D2-30C8-F5AEC9FBF921> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/MAHarmony.framework/Versions/A/MAHarmony
0x13ae000 - 0x17c5fe3 com.apple.music.apps.MAPlugInGUI 9.1.0 (423.12) <1FE3558C-42F7-12B8-7C0A-C200BAA7B34B> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/MAPlugInGUI.framework/Versions/A/MAPlugInGUI
0x1ad3000 - 0x1bb5ff7 com.apple.music.apps.OMF 9.1.0 (108.8) <2D4CCD5D-577B-15AE-9E8D-3733D8FA6CA1> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/OMF.framework/Versions/A/OMF
0x1bcb000 - 0x21edffb com.apple.music.apps.MADSP 9.1.0 (586.16) <F95323D4-B955-58AE-650C-48A93ED782A2> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/MADSP.framework/Versions/A/MADSP
0x2923000 - 0x2944ff7 com.apple.music.apps.LogicFileBrowser 9.1.0 (1697.23) <E30D9732-7FBB-3A50-C4EE-6026865BA597> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/LogicFileBrowser.framework/Versions/A/LogicFileBrow ser
0x2952000 - 0x29cbff7 com.apple.music.apps.LogicLoopBrowser 9.1.0 (1697.23) <C26C2E7E-40F4-CE07-AEA8-F22AE75C6F22> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/LogicLoopBrowser.framework/Versions/A/LogicLoopBrow ser
0x29f1000 - 0x2a12ff7 com.apple.music.apps.MAApogeeSupport 9.1.0 (311.10) <9702526B-218E-713A-8EA0-44AD9B33A042> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/MAApogeeSupport.framework/Versions/A/MAApogeeSuppor t
0x2a1b000 - 0x2a20ff7 com.apple.music.apps.MAResources 9.1.0 (211.7) <8E722402-C439-81FF-7D5E-213A7857FA9E> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/MAResources.framework/Versions/A/MAResources
0x2a24000 - 0x2a4dfef com.apple.audio.CoreAudioKit 1.6.1 (1.6.1) <C5992CBA-0496-9681-A7CA-A932F2BC1CB9> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudioKit.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudioKit
0x2a5e000 - 0x2a66ff7 com.apple.AEProfiling 1.2 (23) <CCCF1C02-C733-DC62-BF59-1611240046C2> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/AEProfiling.framework/Versions/A/AEProfiling
0x2a6f000 - 0x2a7fff7 com.apple.AERegistration 1.2 (77) <AFF6797E-19F9-B119-D37C-013F0351BDCA> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/AERegistration.framework/Versions/A/AERegistration
0x2a93000 - 0x2a9fff3 com.apple.music.apps.MAUnitTest 9.1.0 (95.10) <B8C2C5A7-E6C4-90C8-9623-72B78D24B7B4> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/MAUnitTest.framework/Versions/A/MAUnitTest
0x2aa9000 - 0x2b5fff7 com.apple.music.apps.MAFiles 9.1.0 (143.13) <F52A81C6-21BB-BFF1-9977-18D2353083EF> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/MAFiles.framework/Versions/A/MAFiles
0x2b7f000 - 0x2bf1ffb com.apple.music.apps.MAAudioEngine 9.1.0 (156.18) <F2ADA6C4-4D7B-5773-5E1F-7B997928B3A2> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/MAAudioEngine.framework/Versions/A/MAAudioEngine
0x2c40000 - 0x2c4bff7 com.apple.music.apps.MAToolKit 9.1.0 (357.10) <0FD31DC2-CDA0-9FCD-0908-1ECD97197841> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/MAToolKit.framework/Versions/A/MAToolKit
0x2c51000 - 0x2c6ffef com.apple.XSKey 1.0.0 (52) <71B94F53-15DB-9012-91F2-211F7C2CD790> /Library/Frameworks/XSKey.framework/Versions/A/XSKey
0x2c7e000 - 0x2c91fff com.apple.music.apps.MAVideo 9.1.0 (11.14) <63320C00-1CBF-5036-0622-0379097BB967> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/MAVideo.framework/Versions/A/MAVideo
0x2ca1000 - 0x2ce1ff7 com.apple.vmutils 4.2 (106) <834EA6B0-C91B-4CF1-ED3C-229C26459578> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/vmutils.framework/Versions/A/vmutils
0x2cfa000 - 0x2d96ffc com.apple.MobileMe 9 (1.01) <EBADB981-9ED6-82B0-810F-F1CB05CB5A17> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Frameworks/MobileMe.framework/Versions/A/MobileMe
0x2df3000 - 0x2ea8fe7 libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib ??? (???) <39CDB041-9DF5-01B1-4B33-03EC4CCA40B3> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.7.dylib
0x2f2e000 - 0x2f5cff7 com.apple.prokit.SnowLeopardPanels 5.0.1 (906) <200EE10C-484D-A71C-ADFF-4DCC8411C31D> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ProKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SnowLeo pardPanels.bundle/Contents/MacOS/SnowLeopardPanels
0x3505000 - 0x3509ff3 com.apple.audio.AudioIPCPlugIn 1.1.2 (1.1.2) <C36F9194-6DB6-0AA8-4839-71191EEBAC65> /System/Library/Extensions/AudioIPCDriver.kext/Contents/Resources/AudioIPCPlugI n.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AudioIPCPlugIn
0x350e000 - 0x3514ffb com.apple.audio.AppleHDAHALPlugIn 1.7.9 (1.7.9a4) <A686EC36-C3D5-131F-46D2-F174F5477C77> /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAHALPlugIn.bun dle/Contents/MacOS/AppleHDAHALPlugIn
0x3519000 - 0x3535ff7 +de.access-music.virus_ti.util.hal ??? (2.0.2) <445AEB73-0C93-3404-3B8E-A9B4AA9C8C95> /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/de.access-music.virusti.plugin/Contents/MacOS/de.access-music.virusti
0x3543000 - 0x3598fe2 com.apple.DVCPROHDAudio 1.3.2 (1.3.2) <6F4FE6F8-74E2-3901-2D11-8B9F0164F13A> /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/HAL/DVCPROHDAudio.plugin/Contents/MacOS/DVCPROHDAudio
0x36f9000 - 0x3700ff7 com.apple.proapps.mrcheckpro 1.4 (385) <963824DD-2E90-6639-0AAE-3F11EE70118E> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/MRCheckPro.bundle/Contents/MacOS/MRCheckPro
0x3740000 - 0x3742ff3 com.apple.music.apps.anvil.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <4D63C4E3-B330-B671-1B95-85A44C8F3489> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/anvil.res/Contents/MacOS/anvil
0x37f1000 - 0x37f3ff3 com.apple.music.apps.common.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <CC1C9305-A18A-23FC-C8BE-42710949BA2D> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/common.res/Contents/MacOS/common
0x37f8000 - 0x37faff3 com.apple.music.apps.ebp.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <2467C67F-AB24-3C4D-319D-DE59780F85CB> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/ebp.res/Contents/MacOS/ebp
0x39944000 - 0x399a9fe0 com.apple.DVCPROHDMuxer 1.3.2 (1.3.2) <C3983AFC-F21C-36C3-41BB-AA28CEED0AD7> /Library/QuickTime/DVCPROHDMuxer.component/Contents/MacOS/DVCPROHDMuxer
0x39f91000 - 0x39fadff7 GLRendererFloat ??? (???) <8FF7B576-512C-C2F8-4C0C-967FB3D9EEA2> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Resources/GLRendererFloat.bundle/GL RendererFloat
0x39fb5000 - 0x39fb7ff3 com.apple.music.apps.efx.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <015D962D-6F7E-B261-EBF0-573EBBAF76B3> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/efx.res/Contents/MacOS/efx
0x39fbc000 - 0x39fbeff3 com.apple.music.apps.egt.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <D6ABBDAC-A071-CBC8-C9BD-91EA21E91425> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/egt.res/Contents/MacOS/egt
0x39fc3000 - 0x39fc5ff3 com.apple.music.apps.emx.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <0CF5959B-45A1-36BF-BD17-FCC958C110BC> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/emx.res/Contents/MacOS/emx
0x39fca000 - 0x39fccff3 com.apple.music.apps.es1.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <3A4AF377-25E7-DEFD-8B9A-DA9F5180A59B> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/es1.res/Contents/MacOS/es1
0x39fd1000 - 0x39fd3ff3 com.apple.music.apps.es2.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <DC6F8762-E00B-CE6F-2659-75730699D56B> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/es2.res/Contents/MacOS/es2
0x39fd8000 - 0x39fdaff3 com.apple.music.apps.esp.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <43B0216C-1C45-81A4-D6E9-623B3D1A8369> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/esp.res/Contents/MacOS/esp
0x39fdf000 - 0x39fe1ff3 com.apple.music.apps.evb3.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <2237C5A8-922E-9C2A-FFEA-F72A8D402B7A> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/evb3.res/Contents/MacOS/evb3
0x39fe6000 - 0x39fe8ff3 com.apple.music.apps.evd6.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <4758F8E2-E278-78FA-736E-F85EBC91972F> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/evd6.res/Contents/MacOS/evd6
0x39fed000 - 0x39fefff3 com.apple.music.apps.evoc.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <107DC69E-8514-E5C9-874F-0255A13FE360> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/evoc.res/Contents/MacOS/evoc
0x39ff4000 - 0x39ff6ff3 com.apple.music.apps.evp88.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <31B9CB48-C64B-E823-8AC5-B2180034092D> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/evp88.res/Contents/MacOS/evp88
0x3a97b000 - 0x3aaecff7 GLEngine ??? (???) <D336658A-F6DB-6D61-9CA6-04299E7D5420> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Resources/GLEngine.bundle/GLEngine
0x3ab1d000 - 0x3af23fef libclh.dylib ??? (???) <3ACD0D90-B1E9-59DA-729E-7E97092F9A24> /System/Library/Extensions/GeForce8xxxGLDriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/libclh.dyl ib
0x3afe3000 - 0x3afe5ff3 com.apple.music.apps.exs24.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <1AB030B3-D505-F558-5C32-E10121997E58> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/exs24.res/Contents/MacOS/exs24
0x3afea000 - 0x3afecff3 com.apple.music.apps.guitaramp.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <48680FCD-09F0-2D4F-7A6B-961EB86869D1> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/guitaramp.res/Contents/MacOS/guitaramp
0x3aff1000 - 0x3aff3ff3 com.apple.music.apps.guitarcontrols.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <929292A4-C515-1D08-7799-61C83B81790D> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/guitarcontrols.res/Contents/MacOS/guitarcontrols
0x3aff8000 - 0x3affaff3 com.apple.music.apps.mutapdel.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <C280DBEC-EFA0-B35D-DBCA-13B37174804B> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/mutapdel.res/Contents/MacOS/mutapdel
0x3b44d000 - 0x3b44fff3 com.apple.music.apps.pedalboard.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <FDE39F48-8495-2F32-44B5-2AD1E64CCEF1> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/pedalboard.res/Contents/MacOS/pedalboard
0x3b454000 - 0x3b456ff3 com.apple.music.apps.revolver.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <99C8BCA7-3D94-74BD-8FC4-963D4367CE88> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/revolver.res/Contents/MacOS/revolver
0x3b45b000 - 0x3b45dff3 com.apple.music.apps.sphere.resources 9.1.0 (279.7) <EFB59A69-D43A-7983-E65B-2DFDEBEBA4AA> /Applications/Logic Pro.app/Contents/Resources/sphere.res/Contents/MacOS/sphere
0x3b4cd000 - 0x3b4e8ff7 com.apple.OpenTransport 10.6.0 (10.6.0) <ECA6FEC6-5ECD-51BA-162F-CFC43899196A> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/OpenTransport.framework/OpenTransport
0x4347b000 - 0x434dafe1 +se.propellerheads.rewire.library 1.7 (1.7) /Users/markbrady/Library/Application Support/Propellerhead Software/ReWire/ReWire.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ReWire
0x483bf000 - 0x483caff7 com.apple.DVCPROHDVideoOutput 1.3.2 (1.3.2) <0BFC5A21-AD35-20C6-C495-9F91E7B49001> /Library/QuickTime/DVCPROHDVideoOutput.component/Contents/MacOS/DVCPROHDVideoOu tput
0x483d2000 - 0x48413fe3 com.apple.audio.SoundManager.Components 3.9.4 (3.9.4) <AD66647C-03A9-EBAF-6FFC-E5A631F4D6BE> /System/Library/Components/SoundManagerComponents.component/Contents/MacOS/Soun dManagerComponents
0x4841a000 - 0x48456fe3 com.apple.QuickTimeFireWireDV.component 7.6.3 (1591.3) <55A49215-3C98-20A3-02EC-FDBAD3D1A69B> /System/Library/QuickTime/QuickTimeFireWireDV.component/Contents/MacOS/QuickTim eFireWireDV
0x48462000 - 0x4851ffe2 com.apple.DesktopVideoOut 1.2.6 (1.2.6) <F6E99ED1-B9A6-E15C-095C-7B89D8D0B110> /Library/QuickTime/DesktopVideoOut.component/Contents/MacOS/DesktopVideoOut
0x4853e000 - 0x48548ff7 com.apple.IOFWDVComponents 1.9.9 (1.9.9) <5B4E7BD7-EF5A-2F5C-DF8E-3D4A7B59F779> /System/Library/Components/IOFWDVComponents.component/Contents/MacOS/IOFWDVComp onents
0x4b000000 - 0x4b400fe6 +com.reFX.Nexus 2.2.0 (2.2.0) <D20D1993-451E-E41C-99E8-A42A7465BA92> /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Nexus.component/Contents/MacOS/Nexus
0x4b5de000 - 0x4b658ffe +com.eLicenser.POSAccess-DLL ??? ( <2A0C2B05-081C-4620-DBDA-40698FDA23A1> /Library/Application Support/Syncrosoft/pos/Synsoacc.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Synsoacc
0x4be25000 - 0x4be85fe4 +com.ToguAudioLine.audiounit.TAL-U-No-62 1.0 (1.0) <7CB3245D-7B7E-6AA3-6C71-F6E8148830EE> /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/TAL-U-No-62.component/Contents/MacOS/TAL-U-N o-62
0x8f611000 - 0x8fa52fe7 com.apple.GeForce8xxxGLDriver 1.6.6 (6.0.6) <205911D0-3CE3-D53C-289B-319A4E4BA153> /System/Library/Extensions/GeForce8xxxGLDriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/GeForce8xx xGLDriver
0x8fe00000 - 0x8fe4162b dyld 132.1 (???) <211AF0DD-42D9-79C8-BB6A-1F4BEEF4B4AB> /usr/lib/dyld
0x9000e000 - 0x90068ff7 com.apple.framework.IOKit 2.0 (???) <1BE07087-27D5-0E62-F06B-007C2BED4073> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
0x90069000 - 0x902cbfe7 com.apple.security 6.1.1 (37594) <9AA7D9BF-852F-111F-68AD-65DD760D4DF3> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security
0x90315000 - 0x9040bff7 libGLProgrammability.dylib ??? (???) <82D03736-D30C-C013-BBB1-20ED9687D47F> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLProgramma bility.dylib
0x9040c000 - 0x90705ff3 com.apple.RawCamera.bundle 2.3.0 (505) <1C7CEA30-FFE2-B4DE-98CE-D6518DF1E54B> /System/Library/CoreServices/RawCamera.bundle/Contents/MacOS/RawCamera
0x9072b000 - 0x9077bfe7 libGLU.dylib ??? (???) <659ADCA2-10EC-59BD-1B0A-4928A965F1D1> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLU.dylib
0x9077c000 - 0x90789ff7 com.apple.opengl 1.6.5 (1.6.5) <0AE8B897-8A80-2C14-D6FC-DC21AC423234> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL
0x9078a000 - 0x907caff3 com.apple.securityinterface 4.0.1 (37214) <BBC88C96-8827-91DC-0CF6-7CB639183395> /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityInterface.framework/Versions/A/SecurityInter face
0x907cb000 - 0x907cdfe7 com.apple.ExceptionHandling 1.5 (10) <21F37A49-E63B-121E-D406-1BBC94BEC762> /System/Library/Frameworks/ExceptionHandling.framework/Versions/A/ExceptionHand ling
0x907ce000 - 0x90807fe7 com.apple.bom 10.0 (164) <CC61CCD7-F76C-45DD-6666-C0E0D07C7343> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Bom.framework/Versions/A/Bom
0x90808000 - 0x908e3ff7 com.apple.DiscRecording 5.0.3 (5030.4.2) <CC86EBA6-5E48-32C0-77AE-81479DFF6D4A> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiscRecording.framework/Versions/A/DiscRecording
0x908e4000 - 0x90928ff3 com.apple.coreui 2 (113) <D0FA9B36-3708-D5BF-0CC3-6CC1909BC8E6> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Versions/A/CoreUI
0x90934000 - 0x90973ff7 com.apple.ImageCaptureCore 1.0 (1.0) <D8767350-A10D-B6B5-3A8D-05888A7758ED> /System/Library/Frameworks/ImageCaptureCore.framework/Versions/A/ImageCaptureCo re
0x909f0000 - 0x90a70feb com.apple.SearchKit 1.3.0 (1.3.0) <9E18AEA5-F4B4-8BE5-EEA9-818FC4F46FD9> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchK it.framework/Versions/A/SearchKit
0x90a71000 - 0x90b0dfe7 com.apple.ApplicationServices.ATS 4.1 (???) <EA26375D-8276-9671-645D-D28CAEC95292> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/ATS
0x90b15000 - 0x90b8cfe3 com.apple.backup.framework 1.2 (1.2) <411D14B1-0E2D-25FF-F329-CE92C70DDEC3> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Backup.framework/Versions/A/Backup
0x90b8d000 - 0x90bfbff7 com.apple.QuickLookUIFramework 2.1 (327.3) <2F51D9CB-F827-E0AF-F201-5F4244C0D02A> /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuickLookUI.f ramework/Versions/A/QuickLookUI
0x90c4a000 - 0x90c57ff7 com.apple.AppleFSCompression 1.0 (1.0) <DEF0B7B0-993B-F088-8F73-4318C3CA1F64> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleFSCompression.framework/Versions/A/Apple FSCompression
0x90c58000 - 0x90ddafe7 libicucore.A.dylib ??? (???) <2B0182F3-F459-B452-CC34-46FE73ADE348> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
0x90ddb000 - 0x90e94fe7 libsqlite3.dylib ??? (???) <16CEF8E8-8C9A-94CD-EF5D-05477844C005> /usr/lib/libsqlite3.dylib
0x90e95000 - 0x911b8fef com.apple.HIToolbox 1.6.2 (???) <E02640B9-7BC3-A4B4-6202-9E4127DDFDD6> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.fra mework/Versions/A/HIToolbox
0x911b9000 - 0x911ddff7 libJPEG.dylib ??? (???) <649E1974-A527-AC0B-B3F4-B4DC30484070> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJPEG.dylib
0x91238000 - 0x91288ff7 com.apple.framework.familycontrols 2.0 (2.0) <E6CAB425-3E40-65A3-0C23-150C26E9CBBF> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyControls.framework/Versions/A/FamilyCon trols
0x91289000 - 0x9129dffb com.apple.speech.synthesis.framework 3.10.35 (3.10.35) <57DD5458-4F24-DA7D-0927-C3321A65D743> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ SpeechSynthesis.framework/Versions/A/SpeechSynthesis
0x912d6000 - 0x91350fef com.apple.audio.CoreAudio 3.2.2 (3.2.2) <1F97B48A-327B-89CC-7C01-3865179716E0> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio
0x91351000 - 0x91370fe3 libexpat.1.dylib ??? (???) <82E6F83F-9667-2E39-1D9D-4A49C642527D> /usr/lib/libexpat.1.dylib
0x91371000 - 0x913dbfe7 libstdc++.6.dylib ??? (???) <411D87F4-B7E1-44EB-F201-F8B4F9227213> /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib
0x913dc000 - 0x9143cfe7 com.apple.CoreText 3.1.0 (???) <79FD1B5C-2F93-4C5D-B07B-4DD9088E67DE> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreText.framework/Versions/A/CoreText
0x9143d000 - 0x9175cfe7 com.apple.CoreServices.CarbonCore 861.2 (861.2) <A9077470-3786-09F2-E0C7-F082B7F97838> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonC ore.framework/Versions/A/CarbonCore
0x9175d000 - 0x917a3ff7 libauto.dylib ??? (???) <85670A64-3B67-8162-D441-D8E0BE15CA94> /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
0x917a4000 - 0x917b4ff7 libsasl2.2.dylib ??? (???) <C8744EA3-0AB7-CD03-E639-C4F2B910BE5D> /usr/lib/libsasl2.2.dylib
0x917b5000 - 0x917e5ff7 com.apple.MeshKit 1.0 (49.0) <435718C1-ED40-6BCC-F0D8-67FA05CFFF1E> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MeshKit.framework/Versions/A/MeshKit
0x917e6000 - 0x91804ff7 com.apple.CoreVideo 1.6.0 (43.1) <1FB01BE0-B013-AE86-A063-481BB547D2F5> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreVideo.framework/Versions/A/CoreVideo
0x91847000 - 0x91a22ff3 libType1Scaler.dylib ??? (???) <F9FEA41E-F079-87B8-04A9-7FF3B2931B79> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libType1Scaler.dylib
0x91a23000 - 0x91a5efe7 com.apple.DebugSymbols 1.1 (70) <05013716-CFCF-801E-5535-D0643869BDCD> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DebugSymbols.framework/Versions/A/DebugSymbol s
0x91a5f000 - 0x91a5fff7 com.apple.CoreServices 44 (44) <AC35D112-5FB9-9C8C-6189-5F5945072375> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices
0x91a60000 - 0x91b6dff7 com.apple.MediaToolbox 0.420.18 (420.18) <31935D52-1F8D-4AB2-CCA5-4CF615CBCE24> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MediaToolbox.framework/Versions/A/MediaToolbo x
0x91b81000 - 0x91bb8ff7 com.apple.CoreMedia 0.420.18 (420.18) <43747711-B334-B0C7-4971-15FA586DAFBF> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreMedia.framework/Versions/A/CoreMedia
0x91bb9000 - 0x91fcfff7 libBLAS.dylib ??? (???) <C4FB303A-DB4D-F9E8-181C-129585E59603> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.fr amework/Versions/A/libBLAS.dylib
0x91fd0000 - 0x92019fe7 libTIFF.dylib ??? (???) <5864AE5B-EAEB-F8B6-18FB-3D27B7895A4C> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libTIFF.dylib
0x9201a000 - 0x9208aff3 com.apple.AppleVAFramework 4.7.5 (4.7.5) <464A915D-E670-FA22-7799-454259D42B82> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleVA.framework/Versions/A/AppleVA
0x9208b000 - 0x92384fef com.apple.QuickTime 7.6.3 (1591.3) <803CC5FD-2369-83B5-795D-A8963620EFAC> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/Versions/A/QuickTime
0x92385000 - 0x92438fff libFontParser.dylib ??? (???) <FAD5E96D-CF93-CC86-6B30-A6594B930772> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libFontParser.dylib
0x92439000 - 0x92439ff7 com.apple.quartzframework 1.5 (1.5) <CEB78F00-C5B2-3B3F-BF70-DD6D578719C0> /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Quartz
0x9243a000 - 0x9243bff7 com.apple.MonitorPanelFramework 1.3.0 (1.3.0) <0EC4EEFF-477E-908E-6F21-ED2C973846A4> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MonitorPanel.framework/Versions/A/MonitorPane l
0x9243c000 - 0x92480fe7 com.apple.Metadata 10.6.2 (507.4) <DBCBAE7D-7B34-7806-C0B9-1E6E6D45562F> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadat a.framework/Versions/A/Metadata
0x92489000 - 0x924c0fe7 libssl.0.9.8.dylib ??? (???) <95FE66AC-C850-4AB4-DD3F-7F198A5E1EAC> /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.8.dylib
0x9252d000 - 0x92533ff7 com.apple.DisplayServicesFW 2.2 (2.2) <72C790A9-F4D2-DA92-015B-4CAF478FC0C2> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DisplayServices.framework/Versions/A/DisplayS ervices
0x92534000 - 0x92541ff7 com.apple.NetFS 3.2.1 (3.2.1) <5E61A00B-FA16-9D99-A064-47BDC5BC9A2B> /System/Library/Frameworks/NetFS.framework/Versions/A/NetFS
0x92542000 - 0x92598ff7 com.apple.MeshKitRuntime 1.0 (49.0) <BCB920E3-C567-3F37-D404-F518A256859E> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MeshKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/MeshK itRuntime.framework/Versions/A/MeshKitRuntime
0x925c2000 - 0x925f5ff7 com.apple.AE 496.1 (496.1) <1AC75AE2-AF94-2458-0B94-C3BB0115BA4B> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/AE.fram ework/Versions/A/AE
0x925f6000 - 0x92637ff7 libRIP.A.dylib ??? (???) <9F0ECE75-1F03-60E4-E29C-136A27C13F2E> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRIP.A.dylib
0x92638000 - 0x9263ffff com.apple.print.framework.Print 6.0 (237) <7A06B15C-B835-096E-7D96-C2FE8F0D21E1> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Print.framewo rk/Versions/A/Print
0x92642000 - 0x92648fff com.apple.CommonPanels 1.2.4 (91) <2438AF5D-067B-B9FD-1248-2C9987F360BA> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CommonPanels. framework/Versions/A/CommonPanels
0x92649000 - 0x92683ffb libFontRegistry.dylib ??? (???) <72342297-E8D6-B071-A752-014134129282> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libFontRegistry.dylib
0x926b5000 - 0x927b6fe7 libxml2.2.dylib ??? (???) <B4C5CD68-405D-0F1B-59CA-5193D463D0EF> /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
0x928d2000 - 0x92d80fe7 com.apple.VideoToolbox 0.420.18 (420.18) <CB16BB7D-FBE2-A2AD-490A-18479A8321BA> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/VideoToolbox.framework/Versions/A/VideoToolbo x
0x92db6000 - 0x92eb8fef com.apple.MeshKitIO 1.0 (49.0) <E4436373-BF5D-9644-F8B7-B72762BEC08B> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MeshKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/MeshK itIO.framework/Versions/A/MeshKitIO
0x92ef8000 - 0x92f06fe7 libz.1.dylib ??? (???) <7B7A02AB-DA99-6180-880E-D28E4F9AA8EB> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
0x92fe5000 - 0x92ff2ff7 libbz2.1.0.dylib ??? (???) <495732E1-2AC4-44FC-E633-4CBCC503B924> /usr/lib/libbz2.1.0.dylib
0x92ff3000 - 0x93024ff3 libTrueTypeScaler.dylib ??? (???) <6C8916A2-8F85-98E0-AAD5-0020C39C0FC9> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libTrueTypeScaler.dylib
0x93025000 - 0x93037ff7 com.apple.MultitouchSupport.framework 204.9 (204.9) <B639F02B-33CC-150C-AE8C-1007EA7648F9> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MultitouchSupport.framework/Versions/A/Multit ouchSupport
0x93038000 - 0x9303bff7 libCGXType.A.dylib ??? (???) <483FCF1C-066B-D210-7355-ABC48CA9DB2F> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCGXType.A.dylib
0x9303c000 - 0x930b0fef com.apple.CoreSymbolication 2.0 (23) <8A04EA5F-83F8-5E15-B2E0-8A727C9C4E8B> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSymbolication.framework/Versions/A/CoreSy mbolication
0x930ca000 - 0x930caff7 com.apple.Accelerate.vecLib 3.5 (vecLib 3.5) <3E039E14-2A15-56CC-0074-EE59F9FBB913> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.fr amework/Versions/A/vecLib
0x930cb000 - 0x93107fff com.apple.CoreMediaIOServices 124.0 (850) <5F9B1AA3-8BB3-4E8C-2A31-F8FD5EC3F28A> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreMediaIOServices.framework/Versions/A/Core MediaIOServices
0x93121000 - 0x93132ff7 com.apple.LangAnalysis 1.6.6 (1.6.6) <7A3862F7-3730-8F6E-A5DE-8E2CCEA979EF> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ LangAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/LangAnalysis
0x93133000 - 0x9314ffe3 com.apple.openscripting 1.3.1 (???) <DA16DE48-59F4-C94B-EBE3-7FAF772211A2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OpenScripting .framework/Versions/A/OpenScripting
0x93150000 - 0x93274ff7 com.apple.CoreAUC 5.03.2 (5.03.2) <38C77DF1-6F98-4ABF-BE8F-ADA70E9C622D> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreAUC.framework/Versions/A/CoreAUC
0x93275000 - 0x93297fef com.apple.DirectoryService.Framework 3.6 (621.1) <3ED4949F-9604-C109-6586-5CE5F421182B> /System/Library/Frameworks/DirectoryService.framework/Versions/A/DirectoryServi ce
0x93298000 - 0x9331affb SecurityFoundation ??? (???) <29C27E0E-B2B3-BF6B-B1F8-5783B8B01535> /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Versions/A/SecurityFoun dation
0x9331b000 - 0x93322ff7 com.apple.agl 3.0.12 (AGL-3.0.12) <6BF89127-C18C-27A9-F94A-981836A822FE> /System/Library/Frameworks/AGL.framework/Versions/A/AGL
0x9332b000 - 0x9332fff7 libGIF.dylib ??? (???) <83FB0DCC-355F-A930-E570-0BD95086CC59> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libGIF.dylib
0x93330000 - 0x93333ff7 libCoreVMClient.dylib ??? (???) <A89D7A78-8FB0-2BDF-30DB-A35E04A6186B> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCoreVMClien t.dylib
0x93356000 - 0x93398fe7 libvDSP.dylib ??? (???) <8F8FFFB3-81E3-2969-5688-D5B0979182E6> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.fr amework/Versions/A/libvDSP.dylib
0x93399000 - 0x93399ff7 com.apple.ApplicationServices 38 (38) <8012B504-3D83-BFBB-DA65-065E061CFE03> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Application Services
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0x93a35000 - 0x93ac6fe7 com.apple.print.framework.PrintCore 6.1 (312.3) <6D4322AF-703C-CC19-77B4-53E6D3BB18D4> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ PrintCore.framework/Versions/A/PrintCore
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0x93afd000 - 0x93b15ff7 com.apple.CFOpenDirectory 10.6 (10.6) <1537FB4F-C112-5D12-1E5D-3B1002A4038F> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFOpen Directory.framework/Versions/A/CFOpenDirectory
0x93b16000 - 0x93b16ff7 com.apple.Carbon 150 (152) <608A04AB-F35D-D2EB-6629-16B88FB32074> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon
0x93b17000 - 0x93b20ff7 com.apple.DiskArbitration 2.3 (2.3) <E9C40767-DA6A-6CCB-8B00-2D5706753000> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiskArbitration.framework/Versions/A/DiskArbitration
0x93b21000 - 0x93b59ff7 com.apple.LDAPFramework 2.0 (120.1) <681A0B2E-BCB2-D2BA-3D02-A4989E9C7686> /System/Library/Frameworks/LDAP.framework/Versions/A/LDAP
0x93b5a000 - 0x93b5aff7 com.apple.Accelerate 1.5 (Accelerate 1.5) <F642E7A0-3720-FA19-0190-E6DBD9EF2D9B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Accelerate
0x93b5e000 - 0x93c06ffb com.apple.QD 3.33 (???) <196CDBA6-5B87-2767-DD57-082D71B0A5C7> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ QD.framework/Versions/A/QD
0x93c0f000 - 0x93c35fff com.apple.DictionaryServices 1.1.1 (1.1.1) <02709230-9B37-C743-6E27-3FCFD18211F8> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Diction aryServices.framework/Versions/A/DictionaryServices
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0x93c47000 - 0x93c5cfff com.apple.ImageCapture 6.0 (6.0) <3F31833A-38A9-444E-02B7-17619CA6F2A0> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageCapture. framework/Versions/A/ImageCapture
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0x93c60000 - 0x93cb0ff7 com.apple.Symbolication 1.1 (67) <E0C94D8B-4F12-49E6-BAA5-3B00441A047B> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Symbolication.framework/Versions/A/Symbolicat ion
0x93cb1000 - 0x93d5efe7 libobjc.A.dylib ??? (???) <DF8E4CFA-3719-3415-0BF1-E8C5E561C3B1> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
0x93d5f000 - 0x93e8bfeb com.apple.audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox 1.6.2 (1.6.2) <9AAFDCBE-C68C-3BB3-8089-83CD2C0B4ED7> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
0x93e8c000 - 0x93f66ff3 com.apple.DesktopServices 1.5.3 (1.5.3) <DA02AC94-7B0C-BD75-2305-C46A307A5FB0> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Versions/A/Desk topServicesPriv
0x93f67000 - 0x93f8fff7 libxslt.1.dylib ??? (???) <769EF4B2-C1AD-73D5-AAAD-1564DAEA77AF> /usr/lib/libxslt.1.dylib
0x93f90000 - 0x93fcdff7 com.apple.SystemConfiguration 1.10.1 (1.10.1) <BA676C76-6AAD-F630-626D-B9248535294D> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfi guration
0x93fce000 - 0x93fd2ff7 libGFXShared.dylib ??? (???) <79F4F60E-0A6D-CE9C-282E-FA85825449E3> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGFXShared.d ylib
0x93fd3000 - 0x93fd3ff7 liblangid.dylib ??? (???) <B99607FC-5646-32C8-2C16-AFB5EA9097C2> /usr/lib/liblangid.dylib
0x93fd4000 - 0x9406cfe7 edu.mit.Kerberos 6.5.9 (6.5.9) <73EC847F-FF44-D542-2AD5-97F6C8D48F0B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Kerberos.framework/Versions/A/Kerberos
0x9406d000 - 0x940abff7 com.apple.QuickLookFramework 2.1 (327.3) <BAF90576-16DF-13E6-9756-31537076E843> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Versions/A/QuickLook
0x940ac000 - 0x944e1ff7 libLAPACK.dylib ??? (???) <5E2D2283-57DE-9A49-1DB0-CD027FEFA6C2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.fr amework/Versions/A/libLAPACK.dylib
0x944e2000 - 0x944e5ffb com.apple.help 1.3.1 (41) <67F1F424-3983-7A2A-EC21-867BE838E90B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Help.framewor k/Versions/A/Help
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0x945f6000 - 0x94737ff7 com.apple.syncservices 5.1 (578) <88BAF2E9-3A67-EEAB-2EBF-4F7D1D28B39E> /System/Library/Frameworks/SyncServices.framework/Versions/A/SyncServices
0x9474e000 - 0x956dcff7 com.apple.QuickTimeComponents.component 7.6.3 (1591.3) /System/Library/QuickTime/QuickTimeComponents.component/Contents/MacOS/QuickTim eComponents
0x956dd000 - 0x957aefe3 ColorSyncDeprecated.dylib ??? (???) <1CEB1F35-EF10-A63D-AD9E-D7BD391D4719> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/ColorSync.f ramework/Versions/A/Resources/ColorSyncDeprecated.dylib
0x957e1000 - 0x958abfef com.apple.CoreServices.OSServices 352 (352) <D9F21CA4-EED0-705F-8F3C-F1322D114B52> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OSServi ces.framework/Versions/A/OSServices
0x96149000 - 0x96153fe7 com.apple.audio.SoundManager 3.9.3 (3.9.3) <5F494955-7290-2D91-DA94-44B590191771> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonSound.f ramework/Versions/A/CarbonSound
0x96154000 - 0x96202ff3 com.apple.ink.framework 1.3.1 (105) <CA3FBDC3-4BBA-7BD9-0777-A7B0751292CD> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Ink.framework /Versions/A/Ink
0x96203000 - 0x96203ff7 com.apple.vecLib 3.5 (vecLib 3.5) <17BEEF92-DF30-CD52-FD65-0B7B43B93617> /System/Library/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Versions/A/vecLib
0x9624b000 - 0x96328ff7 com.apple.vImage 4.0 (4.0) <64597E4B-F144-DBB3-F428-0EC3D9A1219E> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vImage.fr amework/Versions/A/vImage
0x96347000 - 0x963abffb com.apple.htmlrendering 72 (1.1.4) <4D451A35-FAB6-1288-71F6-F24A4B6E2371> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HTMLRendering .framework/Versions/A/HTMLRendering
0x9648b000 - 0x964c0ff7 libGLImage.dylib ??? (???) <A6007BF7-BF3C-96DC-C435-849C6B88C58A> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLImage.dyl ib
0x9680a000 - 0x96a7affb com.apple.Foundation 6.6.1 (751.14) <CD815A50-BB33-5AA1-DD73-A5B07D394DDA> /System/Library/Frameworks/Foundation.framework/Versions/C/Foundation
0x96a80000 - 0x96aa0fe7 com.apple.opencl 12 (12) <2DB56F60-577B-6724-5708-7B082F62CC0F> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Versions/A/OpenCL
0x96aa1000 - 0x96aabffb com.apple.speech.recognition.framework 3.11.1 (3.11.1) <EC0E69C8-A121-70E8-43CF-E6FC4C7779EC> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SpeechRecogni tion.framework/Versions/A/SpeechRecognition
0x96aac000 - 0x96ad3ff7 com.apple.quartzfilters 1.6.0 (1.6.0) <879A3B93-87A6-88FE-305D-DF1EAED04756> /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuartzFilters .framework/Versions/A/QuartzFilters
0x96b43000 - 0x96be0fe3 com.apple.LaunchServices 362 (362) <8BE1C1A1-BF71-CE07-F3FB-6057D47AF461> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchS ervices.framework/Versions/A/LaunchServices
0x96be1000 - 0x96c5aff7 com.apple.PDFKit 2.5 (2.5) <58603BDB-337F-FBE3-EB11-7C31CF261995> /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/PDFKit.framew ork/Versions/A/PDFKit
0x96c5b000 - 0x96d02fe7 com.apple.CFNetwork 454.5 (454.5) <A7E78E62-0C59-CE57-73D2-C4E60527781C> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFNetwo rk.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
0x96d03000 - 0x96d08ff7 com.apple.OpenDirectory 10.6 (10.6) <92582807-E8F3-3DD9-EB42-4195CFB754A1> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/OpenDirectory
0x96d32000 - 0x96f5dff3 com.apple.QuartzComposer 4.1 (156.10) <24293329-50D7-D12F-51B3-57976A4E52B1> /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuartzCompose r.framework/Versions/A/QuartzComposer
0x96f5e000 - 0x9711afef com.apple.ImageIO.framework 3.0.1 (3.0.1) <598CF4F9-7542-E1A7-26D2-584933497A2E> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/ImageIO
0x9711b000 - 0x9711bff7 com.apple.Cocoa 6.6 (???) <EA27B428-5904-B00B-397A-185588698BCC> /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa
0x97127000 - 0x9717ffe7 com.apple.datadetectorscore 2.0 (80.7) <A40AA74A-9D13-2A6C-5440-B50905923251> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DataDetectorsCore.framework/Versions/A/DataDe tectorsCore
0x97180000 - 0x9718bff7 libCSync.A.dylib ??? (???) <9292E6E3-70C1-1DD7-4213-1044F0FA8381> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libCSync.A.dylib
0x9718c000 - 0x97290fe7 libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib ??? (???) <2E58547A-91CC-4C1A-9FCC-DA7515FDB68A> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
0x97291000 - 0x9742efef com.apple.JavaScriptCore 6531.21 (6531.21.9) <C3642BB4-3D06-B371-B4CD-0DF5DA646673> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaScriptCore.framework/Versions/A/JavaScriptCore
0x9742f000 - 0x9744aff7 libPng.dylib ??? (???) <3F8682CD-C05B-607D-96E7-767646C77DB8> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib
0x9744b000 - 0x974bcff7 com.apple.iLifeMediaBrowser 2.1.3 (346.0.3) <C862CAE1-1906-CD45-7D66-F8798483BAA5> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/iLifeMediaBrowser.framework/Versions/A/iLifeM ediaBrowser
0x974bd000 - 0x97824ff7 com.apple.QuartzCore 1.6.1 (227.8) <8B90AB08-46A4-1C5C-4E71-C6AB652477B9> /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore
0x97825000 - 0x97828fe7 libmathCommon.A.dylib ??? (???) <1622A54F-1A98-2CBE-B6A4-2122981A500E> /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib
0x97829000 - 0x97883fe7 com.apple.CorePDF 1.1 (1.1) <8ED0FB5F-D498-D012-DF09-DE5378D40D52> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CorePDF.framework/Versions/A/CorePDF
0x97884000 - 0x97933ff3 com.apple.ColorSync 4.6.2 (4.6.2) <F3F097AC-FDB7-3357-C64F-E28BECF4C15F> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ColorSync.framework/Versions/A/ColorSync
0x97934000 - 0x97a62fe7 com.apple.CoreData 102.1 (250) <F33FF4A1-D7F9-4F6D-3153-E5F2588479EB> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Versions/A/CoreData
0x97a63000 - 0x97c63feb com.apple.AddressBook.framework 5.0.1 (864) <878FE5D9-6C49-000F-D5D1-DF8054BFC0F0> /System/Library/Frameworks/AddressBook.framework/Versions/A/AddressBook
0x97c64000 - 0x97c65ff7 com.apple.audio.units.AudioUnit 1.6.2 (1.6.2) <845D5E0D-870D-B7E8-AAC5-8364AC341AA1> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework/Versions/A/AudioUnit
0x97c66000 - 0x97e0afeb libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <D45B91B2-2B4C-AAC0-8096-1FC48B7E9672> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
0x97f13000 - 0x986f64b7 com.apple.CoreGraphics 1.536.12 (???) <263EB5FC-DEAD-7C5B-C486-EC86C173F952> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ CoreGraphics.framework/Versions/A/CoreGraphics
0x98766000 - 0x987a9ff7 com.apple.NavigationServices 3.5.3 (181) <28CDD978-030E-7D4A-5334-874A8EBE6C29> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/NavigationSer vices.framework/Versions/A/NavigationServices
0x987d5000 - 0x987d6ff7 com.apple.TrustEvaluationAgent 1.1 (1) <6C04C4C5-667E-2EBE-EB96-5B67BD4B2185> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/TrustEvaluationAgent.framework/Versions/A/Tru stEvaluationAgent
0x987d7000 - 0x98846ff7 libvMisc.dylib ??? (???) <59243A8C-2B98-3E71-8032-884D4853E79F> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vecLib.fr amework/Versions/A/libvMisc.dylib
0x98847000 - 0x9885bfe7 libbsm.0.dylib ??? (???) <14CB053A-7C47-96DA-E415-0906BA1B78C9> /usr/lib/libbsm.0.dylib
0x9885c000 - 0x98866ff7 libGL.dylib ??? (???) <76A207FE-889A-CF1B-AF9A-795EEE5A463E> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGL.dylib
0x98867000 - 0x988b4feb com.apple.DirectoryService.PasswordServerFramework 6.0 (6.0) <BF66BA5D-BBC8-78A5-DBE2-F9DE3DD1D775> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PasswordServer.framework/Versions/A/PasswordS erver
0x989cc000 - 0x98baefff com.apple.imageKit 2.0.1 (1.0) <3CD99122-4DC8-00CE-4BD7-E3E1E1C71C30> /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ImageKit.fram ework/Versions/A/ImageKit
0x98baf000 - 0x98ceefe3 com.apple.QTKit 7.6.3 (1591.3) <18F25C19-F0B8-5907-D6D6-65EC53DF0D3B> /System/Library/Frameworks/QTKit.framework/Versions/A/QTKit
0x98cef000 - 0x995cdff7 com.apple.AppKit 6.6.3 (1038.25) <72A9AA47-8DCB-DB07-64F5-F837E98C62D8> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0xffff0000 - 0xffff1fff libSystem.B.dylib ??? (???) <D45B91B2-2B4C-AAC0-8096-1FC48B7E9672> /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
Model: MacPro4,1, BootROM MP41.0081.B07, 8 processors, Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 2.26 GHz, 6 GB, SMC 1.39f5
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 120, NVIDIA GeForce GT 120, PCIe, 512 MB
Memory Module: global_name
Bluetooth: Version 2.2.4f3, 2 service, 1 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
PCI Card: pci-bridge, sppci_pci2pcibridge, Slot-3
PCI Card: pci1057,6, Slot-3@4,0,0
PCI Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 120, Display, Slot-1
PCI Card: Universal Audio UAD-2 Duo, sppci_othermultimedia, Slot-2
Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVD-RW GH41N
Serial ATA Device: WDC WD6400AAKS-41H2B0, 596.17 GB
Serial ATA Device: SAMSUNG HD400LJ, 372.61 GB
Serial ATA Device: SAMSUNG HD400LJ, 372.61 GB
Serial ATA Device: SAMSUNG HD400LJ, 372.61 GB
USB Device: Hub, 0x050d (Belkin Corporation), 0x0415, 0xfa200000
USB Device: Hub, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x911c, 0xfa240000
USB Device: ReMOTE SL Compact, 0x1235, 0x0008, 0xfa241000
USB Device: Keyboard Hub, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x1006, 0xfa243000
USB Device: Apple Keyboard, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x0221, 0xfa243200
USB Device: Apple Cinema HD Display, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x921c, 0xfa242000
USB Device: ProtectExecuter, 0x0819, 0x0101, 0x1d100000
USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub, 0x0a5c (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x5a100000
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac (Apple Inc.), 0x8215, 0x5a110000
FireWire Device: built-in_hub, Up to 800 Mb/sec
FireWire Device: MR816 series, Yamaha, Up to 400 Mb/sec

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  • BT 20MB broadband, -Why did I bother

    The long and short, I had Bulldog 8MB broadband and recieved 7.7MB
    I moved over to BT 20MB as the BT website said I should expect at least 18MB and I am 1.5KM from the exchange (by road / cable, not as the crow flies).
    I now have BT 6,652kbps connection speed and an IP profile of 5500.
    I recently had a line issue and have had the line from pole to shiny new BT master socket replaced, have tried both BT Hub 2 and old netgear router, numerous filters and no other extns of anything else connected.
    Having moved to what I assume to be ADSL2+ I have a slower connection and downloads that my old ADSL 8MB connection.
    I am somewhat confused by what I should expect, despite 15 years in IT and being involved in corporate SDSL, cisco networks etc.
    My stats are
    Connection          6,652kbps / 1,192kbps
    VPI/VCI               0/38         
    Modulation           ITU-T G.992.5      ADSL2+
    Latency               Interleaved
    Noise Margin        13.8dB/5.7dB        Pretty good from what I have seen of other peoples stats
    Line attenuation   25dB/13.1dB        Is this high?
    Output power      0.0dBm/12.5dBm  Not seen anyone else with a 0.0dBm reading?
    If I had an 18MB connection, what would I actually see as a connection speed and what would my IP profile be?
    I understand / believe that ADSL2+ uses multiple carriers to transmit data and therefore should transmit more than 6,552kbps on a 6,552kbps line, but what should I expect to see and get from a data transfer perspective?
    If living 1.5km from the exchange gives a 6mb connection how close do you have to be to get a 20mb connection? next door?
    Personally I think we are all being bandwidth throttled because the exhange is oversubscribed.....
    Anyone have any thoughts? Should I give it up and go over to fibre (which I guess I should have done from the start)?
    Go to Solution.

    Thanks for the replies, makes a little more sense now, (I am on the Chandlers Ford exchange btw).
    I am still a little confused therefore why my download speed is so slow.....
    My router info is as before;
    Connection 6,652kbps
    Type   PPPoA
    Modulation   ITU-T G.992.5
    Latency    Interleaved
    Noise margin 13.5dB
    Line attenuation  25dB
    Output power 0.0dBm
    If i put the downstream attenuation into the calculator on the previous link i get the following;
    Approx line length 1.8km
    dslMAX 8128kbps               IP Profile 7150kbps
    adsl2+ (21CN) 18144kbps   IP profile 15000kbps
    adsl2+ (LLU)  18144kbps    throughput 16057kbps
    This is infering that I am only getting dslMAX connectivity or my adsl2+ connectivity is absolutly pants.....
    I am only getting connection speeds of 6,500kbps and downloads around 5,500kbps consistent with my P Profile.
    Is there anyone from BT with half a brain who can give me a straight answer, because I am cancelling the contract as soon as I can if this isnt resolved.....
    All I get from the Indial call centre is;
    have you connected to the master socket?,..... have you changed the microfilter?,..... are you connected wirelessly?,..... have you got another computer you can connect with?
    or you finally get through to an engineer, who says
    we are really sorry you have this problem,..... we will fix it,..... bear with us,..... we have made some changes to your connection,.... it will all be ok now,.... please wait another 10 days to see the changes come into effect.
    Guess what, after MONTHS and several calls I am STILL getting 6,500kbps and I can walk to the exchange in 3 minutes so its not exactly a long way away, so the other 90% of Chandlers Ford residents mush be getting REALLY POOR connection speed........ unless.......of course........its just me and there really is a problem.........
    Who knows, I don't and certainly BT don't!

  • Re: Infinity, just why did I bother!

    I just had my infinity 2 installed yesterday expecting something close to my estimate of 70-80 but the engineer pointed out that they have connected me at 42
    So I called them up and explained they said leave it and it should automatically adjust if it is stable and the speed would be all over the place for the first couple of weeks well the speed has been hitting my ip profile limit consistently for 36 hours and the profile hasn't adjusted accordingly.
    I rang them up and asked them what is happening and whether the ip profile should go up as it would seem my line can handle more as it is rock solid on the cap but i cant seem to get any information out of them.
    I suppose it is early days but i know a lot of people who recently got infinity 2 and they where connected at maximum speed first then adjusted which makes more sense to me, so i am starting to think mine won't change unless i satrt pestering them.

    The checker now shows connection speed not download speed. https://www.btwholesale.com/includes/adsl/main.html
    The notes explain that download/throughput speeds will be less that connection speed shown
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Why did I download FireFox 11, when none of the add-ons work on it?

    I was using Google Chrome to use on Facebook. I had problems with it and multiple users told me the way to go was to switch to Firefox. I downloaded it and while reviewing the get aquainted information, it seems most of the add-ons say" Not available with Firefox11. Why did I bother if their newest product does not support their own add-ons?

    Why start out as a new Firefox user with a '''''Beta''''' version that is still two weeks away from being released?

  • IOS 5 used to allow Airplay between iPad (WiFi) and Apple TV (Ethernet) as long as they were on the same network. In iOS 6, now both the iPad and the Apple TV have to be on the same network and both have to be connected using WiFi ? Why did they change ?

    iOS 5 used to allow Airplay between iPad (WiFi) and Apple TV (Ethernet) as long as they were on the same network, i.e. connected to the same wired/wireless router. In iOS 6, now both the iPad and the Apple TV have to be on the same network and both have to be connected using WiFi ? Why did they change this ? Means that the iPad and the Apple TV box both have to be in range of the wireless router when this wasn't a restriction before. Apple TV could be anywhere as long as it was connected to the same wireless router via ethernet cable. Seems like an unnecessary thing to restrict.

    I have found with AppleTV that it is the IPV6 on the computer you want to access is the problem.  The issue is that Homegroup on Win 7 or Win 8 requires IPV6 to work, but AppleTV won't work with IPV6.  (So maybe double check you have IPV6 turned off)
    So you have to make a choice - Homegroup or AppleTV.... but you can't have both, until Apple brings ATV up to date. (crazy that it does not recognise IPV6 - c'mon Apple!)
    You can set up sharing individually in Win 7 or 8 and have the ATV access files that way.
    Having said that, there is always the exception.. I have an old HP home server running Win8 and it services ATV - but is part of the Homegroup... have no idea why it works on both, but no other machine on the home network will talk to both ATV and Homegroup at the same time!

  • When I updated to ios 5 I was forced to create a new Apple ID. Now my iTunes sync does not work properly.  Why did it do this and is there a way to fix it?

    I already had an iTunes account when I pushed the iPhone.  After upgrading the OS to 5.0.1, I kept receiving an error message saying that my AppleID was invalid, even though it worked perfectly within iTunes on my PC.  It seemed to want my email address as my "new" AppleID so I entered that, but it created a second ID. It seems my cloud account and the "phone" iTunes is attached to the newer ID and my "PC" iTunes account is attached to the older ID.
    Now, when I try to sync iTunes, I don't see all of the songs I purchased, some sync and others appear to sync but are grayed out with the sync icon next to the title. The songs are still on my phone, but not in my iTunes library. 
    Is there any way to fix this and consolidate the accounts? Also, why did the upgrade force me to create a new AppleID? I haven't upgraded to the 4 or 5 phone because I'm afraid this is going to happen again and I'll have a third AppleID to contend with.

    There is no way to consolidate iTunes accounts.
    Setting up an iPhone has never required creation of a new Apple ID.
    You've apparently purchased content with both Apple ID's.  Sign into the device with the correct Apple ID and sync the content.

  • Why did Oracle get rid of iSQLPlus?

    This is a question for Oracle. Why did you get rid of iSQLPlus without replacing its capbilities? Both SQL Developer and APEX are for developers, but the end user no longer has a web-based method for running SQL queries. What are they to use if they are unable to have the client installed on their server and are not allowed to logon to the Oracle server in order to useSQL Developer's query abilities? How can an administator limit an end-users APEX permissions to query-building only?

    I'm not Oracle, so I won't even give opinions on your question. some advice however - ask your last question on the APEX forum.

  • Why did Windows 7 make the 100MB "System Reserved" partition on my second hard drive instead of the hard drive windows was being installed on?

    I have a Dell laptop with two physical hard drives. When I installed Windows 7, I deleted all the partitions on both physical disks. I installed windows and left the second disk unallocated. So why did the installer decide to place the 100MB System Reserved partition on the disk that wasn't being used?

    I found the solution to the problem I described above. Here was the approach to resolve.
    Install SATA Y-Power cable jumper on one of the SATA connectors. This gives me capability to power 3 SATA SSD drives
    Install the third drive.
    Start Windows and initialize the new drive. Now I have 3 drives.
    Clone Drive C (Drive 0) to the new (third) Hard Drive (call it Drive 2). I used Acronis True Image Home.
    Remove Hard Drives 0 and 1 
    - the current drives required to boot Windows and that have my Images and data
    Install the Cloned Drive as Drive 0  and restart
    Windows should prompt me (hopefully) to repair this drive after the boot error.
    Run Startup Repair on this drive (drive 2) by loading the Windows Media CD and selecting the only drive installed (Drive 2)
    If successful, I would have created a Drive that can boot on its own and has my image and data. If unsuccessful, I put back in Drives 0 and 1 and I am back up and running. I this is a zero risk approach.
    Here are the results:
    I got the power jumper cable in and executed the steps below. The below procedure worked flawlessly. The loading of the Windows CD took me to a Repair option that sensed a problem with Startup. If failed
    to see the Windows installation on the Cloned drive (now drive 0). This was expected. It asked me if I wanted to fix it. I said yes. The system restarted and there was another boot error. I loaded the Windows CD again. This time it saw the Windows 7 Installation
    and told me there were Startup problems that needed to be fixed. I said yes again. The system restarted and Windows came right up!
    So now I can boot from one drive. I am going to run like this for a couple of days just to be sure. Then I am going to reconnect the other two drives as drives 1 and 2 and figure a way to use them effectively.
    Good luck!

  • Camera service has disappeared on my ipad 2, how do I find it and why did it disappear?

    My camera icon is still visible but when I click on it, the service (take pictures) has disappeared, how come? where or how do I find it? why did it disappear?

    It should be 'on' - if it was 'off' then the app woud be hidden and you wouldn't be able to access the app from your homescreen.
    Have you tried closing the Camera app completely and seeing if it works when you re-open it ? From the home screen (i.e. not with Camera 'open' on-screen) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of the Camera app to close it, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
    If that doesn't work then you could try a reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

  • Why did you go into IT?

    Why did you go into IT?
    The reasons I went into IT are as follows:
    1.  I already knew programming before going to College, and thought it would be easy learning computers in College!
    2.  I liked programing and working with computer applications.
    3.  I wanted to travel, working all over the world, and thought that I would be able to get a job in many different countries in IT.
    Al Lal

    I don't know fortunately or Unfortunately, How I found my self in IT!
    Since Childhood I was complete sports person. I represent U-15, U-17,U21 for Rajasthan. I splurged my whole teenage all in Cricket. In My education I had one year Gap only because of we had to visit Sri lanka for couple of matches against Gale Sports Club (Formerly known as President Academy).We were lost with huge margin. I was scattered and complete disappointed, however right after I got selected in National Squad (only for training camp).But still meanwhile I managed myself to get admission into Engineering (Yes on payment seat ). I was below average student in subjects of science but at the same time I was crazy about Maths (Only because I used-to to count Runs and Required Rate all the time ).
    So the year from "99 to "03 was the key for my career (with aspect of sports and education wise both).In First Year of Engineering I through without any Compartment. But In Second Year I got stuck in 2 Subjects But I was least bother about this as my sports career had not been affected. Yes Due to sports my Education career had always been penetrating.Guys believe me in my four year of Engineering life I only wrote one Program from myself which was Swapping the values of A and B without using third variable, that was in C++
    However,Finally by hook or crook I managed my self in 03 in Final Year(Yes Final Semester too, No compartment Had Been carry forward ) In my through Life, I only took myself away from Cricket in Final Semester because now I wanted to Through in my Education. Only because my instincts and somebody says from inside I spend 3 and half year with cricket and Education so I must through when my Ship was almost on the shore.
    Finally I got a chance to work in company where SAP ECC was about to Implement. I donu2019t know from where I got inspiration and courage to work rather than sport but yes I preferred to work there. Since now Iu2019m in SAP and I left a Cricket way back. But yes still I used-to manage to play over the week-ends, only when time allows.
    And now Iu2019m the only SAP person in my project that has handling FI-CO and ABAP stuff, yes sometimes Basis too

  • Why did AAM install 2 Photoshop Versions?

    Two weeks ago, I downloaded and installed Photoshop CC on my Win 7 PRO, PC, desktop with no problems.  Today, I attempted to install Photoshop CC on my W 7 Pro laptop which had the desk version of CS6 loaded.  I did the following:  deactivated CS6; uninstalled CS6 (I had a boxed copy as a backup); logged in to Creative Cloud; Reinstalled Application Manager; downloaded and installed Photoshop CC.
    The above installation installed both the 32bit and 64bit versions on my 64bit laptop. Both versions run and are the 13.1.2 version.  Control panel > uninstall shows only one CS6 icon.  ( I did an uninstall and two icons appeared and uninstalled both versions. I then reinstalled PS CC). The 32bit version is in the program files (x86) directory and the 64bit version is in the program files directory as expected.
    I would appreciate any thoughts on why this happened.  Is it my process, my machine, or an Adobe quirk?
    Can I manually remove the 32bit version without creating further problems?

    Marv I would recommend leaving both applications installed.  Mylenium's response already goes a long way to address why you want both the 32-bit and 64-bit version to be available.  I would also recommend reviewing the following documents for additional details.
    64-bit OS benefits, limitations | Photoshop CS4, CS5, CS6 - http://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/64-bit-os-benefits-limitations.html
    64-bit OS and Adobe application - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/64-bit-os-applications.html

  • Why did 8.0 update delete my photos?

    Why did the new 8.0 software update delete all my phots except the recently added 180 photos and how do i get all my old photos back!?

    Photostream has gone including all photos (875), but the update notes from Apple never said they would go and be deleted.
    Camera Roll - I had photos in there from 2012 and quite a few from 2013. They are not there and the only ones start from February 14 unto present.
    I have restored using a backup from before updating to iOS 8 but they are not there. Not in collections or anything.
    It is frustrating and disappointing. They are in my iPhoto on my Mac but thats not the point.

  • Why did I have to enter IP address manually

    I could use a little help. I have an Airport Extreme 802.11n and a Motorola modem for connecting to Comcast. I also have two Macs and an iPhone.
    All of this was working fine up until very early this morning. And then it just stopped working. After trying everything else I could think of, I finally connected my MacBook Pro directly to the modem using an Ethernet cable. And that worked fine. But I noticed that the "automated" Comcast DHCP information was different than the supposedly automated data on my Airport Extreme.
    So I reconnected my Airport Extreme router and entered the information manually under the "Internet" tab. This information I entered includes:
    - IP Address
    - Subnet Mask
    - Router Address
    - and DNS addresses
    But I'm puzzled. Why did my Airport Extreme not obtain and use the proper Comcast addresses when I had it set to "Configure IPv4: Using DHCP" … even when I powered down both the modem and the router, and restarted???
    Can anyone suggest a fix for my problem?

    Thanks for your interest in this. Here are some more details. When my Internet connection stopped working yesterday I reviewed my Airport Extreme (Gigabit) "Internet" settings using the Airport Utility. Everything looked OK. I was using "Configure IPv4 Using DCHP." The AE had a green light, and the various settings from Comcast were all populated ... and I noticed that all of the Comcast IP addresses (including the router and DNS servers all started with "68."
    Then I disconnected my AE unit from the Motorola modem, and connected my MacBook Pro directly to the modem using Ethernet. And it worked! I could access the Internet. I then looked at my MBP "Internet" settings in the Network section of System Prefs. Again I was using "Configure IPv4 Using DCHP," but I noticed that the IP addresses being served up by Comcast were different. Both my IP address and the Comcast Router address started with "71." (and not "68.").
    So I copied all of the TCP/IP settings from the Network Prefs panel on my MacBook Pro, and entered them manually into my AE. And then my Internet connection worked just fine. It's still working some 20 hours later, and I'm still using the manual TCP/IP setup on my AE.
    But I'm concerned that my AE was not picking up the correct TCP/IP settings from Comcast via DHCP. I would like to go back to using DHCP, but I would like to know what went wrong yesterday before I do.

  • Why did I have to enable Windows File Sharing to share files between two Mavericks iMacs?

    File Sharing failed between my Mavericks iMacs.  The console logs showed that the target iMac saw the ntlmv2 protocol as unknown to the kdc.  I fixed it by enabling Windows File Sharing on the target Mavericks iMac.  I had tried disabling SMB on both iMacs and leaving AFP on, but then nothing happened when I tried to connect.  Why did I have to enable Windows File Sharing to share files between two Mavericks iMacs?

    When you enable file sharing you need to have either SMB (Windows) or AFP (historically Apple-native) file sharing checked. The default in Mavericks is SMB, and not AFP.
    If you uncheck both, then the system will turn off file sharing. Apple supports the use of both SMB and AFP connections in Mavericks, so with only AFP enabled you should have been able to establish a connection, but there could be a small bug or configuration-specific snafu that you're encountering.
    With AFP enabled only, try pressing Command-K in the Finder to open the Connect To Server dialogue, and in here enter the address to the system using afp:// as the protocol, such as the following (the name can be looked up in the Sharing system preferences):

  • Why did i have to buy iPhoto when i realised my daughters macbook had it preinstalled

    why did i have to pay for iphoto when my daughters identical macbook came with it pre-installed??

    Apple is not here. Apple does not answer questions here.
    There are only users here who have no idea the answer to your question whith so little information. What year did you buy your Mac and your daughter's Mac. What MacBook model's are they both? From whom did you buy them, directly from Apple or a 3rd party vender? The more details the better to offer ideas.

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