Why has Lightroom 3.6 completely lost contact with my pictures?

Since the latest update, my Lightroom 3 catalog has gone completely blank. Find Missing Pictures comes up empty. The photo files are still on my Drobo and show up on Bridge. Do I have to reimport 1000's of files? Why did this happen?

If it opens, then it has been converted if need be.
Move it to where you normally expect to find it and open it there. Make sure that your Preferences (General page) are set up to always open that catalogue.
You ought to set LR up to take periodic backups on exit. (Catalog Settings, General tab) Then, when it first asks you if you want to backup, click the "Choose..." button and choose a folder on a different physical hard drive from your catalogue.

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    The simple and surefire solution is to restore from back up.
    If files are missing then that's the only solution.
    To rebuild the Library:
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
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    You should see Recover state only if one of the DHCP server actually went down and came back up. In this case the server which comes back up would be in Recover state but will transition to Recover_Wait state and come back to Normal after it syncs it
    leases. This should be relatively quickly. Did your servers continue to remain in the Lost Contact...\Recover state for long.
    Did you see any events in the DHCP Server admin channel
    Microsoft\Windows\DHCP Server\Admin.
    You can also enable AuditLogs (Microsoft\Windows\DHCP
    Server\AuditLogs) which logs all the server to server messages. You can enable the log by right clicking on
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    char  mPkidArr[1000][255];
    char  mDestMdn[1000][255];
    char  mSrcMdn[1000][255];
    int     mDlvyType[1000];
    int     mProcessId[1000];
    int     mPriority[1000];
    char  mDvyTime[1000][255];
    char  mExpTime[1000][255];
    char  mShortCode[1000][255];
    int     mDocAckReq[1000];
    char mSourceAdd[1000][255];
    int mDestSvcId[1000];
    int mOrigSvcId[1000];
    char mCldNum[1000][255];
    int IsDr[1000];
    int UmrMsgId[1000];
    Statement *stmtselectfield = conn->createStatement("SELECT TO_CHAR(SS.Pkid), SM.DestMDN, SS.SrcMDN, SS.DlvyType, SS.SfmProcessId, SS.Priority,
        TO_CHAR(SS.DefDlvyTime), TO_CHAR(SS.ValidityExpiryTime), SS.ShortCode, SS.DeliveryAckReq, SS.SourceAddr,
        SS.DestSvcId, SS.OrigSvcId, SS.CalledNumber, SS.IsDR, SS.UmrMsgId
        FROM SFMSMS_0 SS, SfmMdnData_0 SM
        WHERE SM.DestMdn = 722898018  AND SS.Fk_DestMDN_Id = 2560003
        ORDER BY SS.timeStamp ASC");  //this is the query formed as per the sample test program
       ResultSet *resultSet =  stmtselectfield->getCursor(3);
                                                         while(oracle::occi::ResultSet::DATA_AVAILABLE == resultSet->next(1000) || oracle::occi::ResultSet::STREAM_DATA_AVAILABLE == resultSet->next(1000))
                                                                      for(int i = 0; i < resultSet->getNumArrayRows();i++)
                                                                             //Some app related fields assignment
                                              catch (const SQLException& e)
                                                            printf("exception %s\n",e.what());
                                                            throw DBException(e.what(), e.getErrorCode());
    Any suggestions are most welcome
    Thanks in advance

    953733 wrote:
    Two servers, both with Oracle 32bit client, both with identical sqlnetora, both connecting to same oracle DB using same credentials.
    issue identical SQL from sqlnet client on both machines - one succedes after 60mins with the resultset returned - one errors after around 45mins with ORA-03135: connection lost contact.
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    All are in same data center on similar phisical hardware with same windows OS. Only difference I can see is a folder with instaclient 11 on the machines where it fails.
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    Have you tried resyncing outlook to iCloud?

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