Why have App's such as WiFiFoFum been pulled from the AppStore?

Apparently there are reports this is due to the method of interrogation used.  I see a number of blogs mentioning the use of 'private framework' being the reason.
Applications such as WiFiFoFum where really great apps, especially in the IT industry when diagnosing WiFi issues.
With today’s markets and competition, one cannot afford to provide the competitive products with the opportunity to catch up….why is Apple permitting this through such actions.
What is the chance of them returning, as I see they are simply moving over to Cydia, etc.

I'm having the exact same issue - worked fine yesterday, today not so much
I get a "Sign In Required - Tap Continue and sign in to view billing information"
I sign in and it tells me the security code is invalid - which it isn't
No, my address hasnt' changed
No, I haven't changed cards
I've checked the security code multiple times, re-entered the card #, the address is correct
Nothing has changed on my phone since the last time it worked - the ONLY thing I can come up with is something on Apple's end

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    I experienced this issue as well.
    I had opened an ICS attachment for a repeating event on my iPhone, which added the item to my phone's calendar. I did not have the option to delete the calendar entry from my phone, and the item did not appear on the calendar on my Mac. My phone is currently running iOS 7 (but the problem began quite awhile ago; I don't recall which version of iOS was installed when it started).
    Solution (summary):
    Create a new calendar, move the items that you wish to delete to the new calendar, then delete the new calendar
    Solution (detailed steps):
    Create a new calendar
    On your phone, open the calendar app
    Tap the "Calendars" option at the bottom of the screen
    Tap the "Edit" button in the top left corner
    Scroll to the bottom of the list and tap the "Add Calendar..." option
    Give your new calendar a good name, such as "Delete me"
    Tap "Done" in the top right corner to save the new calendar
    Tap "Done" in the top left corner to finish editing the list of calendars
    Tap "Done" to exit the list of calendars
    Assign all calendar entries that you wish to delete to the calendar you created in step 1
    Tap a calendar entry that you wish to delete
    Tap the "Edit" button in the top right corner
    Scroll down until you see the Calendar field (on an iPhone or iPod it's usually just below the bottom of the screen), then tap the Calendar field to bring up the list of available calendars
    Tap the name of the calendar that you created in step 1 (e.g. "Delete me"); the screen should return to the main calendar entry page
    Tap "Done" in the top right corner of the screen. You may need to then tap the "< Day" button on the top left of the screen to return to the main calendar view
    Repeat the instructions in step 2 for each of the calendar entries that you wish to delete
    Delete the calendar that you created in step 2 (this will delete all calendar entries assigned to this calendar)
    From the main screen in the calendar app, tap the "Calendars" option at the bottom of the screen
    Tap the "Edit" button in the top left corner
    Tap the entry for the calendar that you created in step 2 (e.g. "Delete me")
    Scroll to the bottom of the scren and tap the "Delete Calendar" option. You should be prompted with a warning that explains that "All events associated with this calendar will also be deleted."
    If you're sure that the only items on this calendar are items that you wish to delete, tap the "Delete Calendar" button
    Tap "Done" in the top right corner to exit the Edit Calendars screen
    Tap "Done" to exit the list of calendars. You should now be back at the main view of the calendars app
    Rejoice, your pesky repeating calendar events have been deleted
    At this point all of the items that you assigned to the deleted calendar should be gone
    Repeat the steps above for any entries that you missed
    Post another message to this thread if this did not resolve your problem
    minor edit for clarity made by ScottHooley

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    You need to use separate iCloud accounts. This will mean that you can both have your own separate contracts and calendars and put an end to them being deleted by each other.
    Whether or not you have a separate iTunes account, is up to you. If you have a separate iTunes accounts you will not be able to access the music, books, apps that have been purchased by the other. This may be exactly what you want, but it also means that you both may end up purchasing the same item.

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    The owners of the distribution rights of movies/music/etc differ by country.  These distributors decide who can sell their content in that country.
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    In which case, clearly communicating the intent would have been a better solution.  The steps do apply.  A more appropriate response would have been "tried that, no change".
    Regardless of whether they fixed the problem or not, they do apply.
    If English is not your native language, I would strongly encourage you to post in your native language going forward.
    If basic troubleshooting has not resolved the issue, the next step is to take the device to Apple for evaluation.

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    I'm totally at a loss as to what's wrong with my feed. Can anyone help?

    Aha, that's helpful MacMuse!
    However, I'm not too sure about why my feed is utf-8 while the server is ASCII. The college is in charge of the server, I just upload files to it! :P
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    For information about the Other category in the Storage display, see this support article. If the display seems to be inaccurate, try rebuilding the Spotlight index.
    Empty the Trash if you haven't already done so. If you use iPhoto, empty its internal Trash first:
              iPhoto ▹ Empty Trash
    In Photos:
              File ▹ Show Recently Deleted ▹ Delete All
    Do the same in other applications, such as Aperture, that have an internal Trash feature. Then restart the computer. That will temporarily free up some space.
    According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB of available space on the startup volume (as shown in the Finder Info window) for normal operation—not the mythical 10%, 15%, or any other percentage. You also need enough space left over to allow for growth of the data. There is little or no performance advantage to having more available space than the minimum Apple recommends. Available storage space that you'll never use is wasted space.
    When Time Machine backs up a portable Mac, some of the free space will be used to make local snapshots, which are backup copies of recently deleted files. The space occupied by local snapshots is reported as available by the Finder, and should be considered as such. In the Storage display of System Information, local snapshots are shown as  Backups. The snapshots are automatically deleted when they expire or when free space falls below a certain level. You ordinarily don't need to, and should not, delete local snapshots yourself. If you followed bad advice to disable local snapshots by running a shell command, you may have ended up with a lot of data in the Other category. Ask for instructions in that case.
    See this support article for some simple ways to free up storage space.
    You can more effectively use a tool such as OmniDiskSweeper (ODS) or GrandPerspective (GP) to explore the volume and find out what's taking up the space. You can also delete files with it, but don't do that unless you're sure that you know what you're deleting and that all data is safely backed up. That means you have multiple backups, not just one. Note that ODS only works with OS X 10.8 or later. If you're running an older OS version, use GP.
    Deleting files inside a photo or iTunes library will corrupt the library. Changes to such a library must be made from within the application that created it. The same goes for Mail files.
    Proceed further only if the problem isn't solved by the above steps.
    ODS or GP can't see the whole filesystem when you run it just by double-clicking; it only sees files that you have permission to read. To see everything, you have to run it as root.
    Back up all data now.
    Install the app in the Applications folder as usual. Quit it if it's running.
    Triple-click anywhere in the corresponding line of text below on this page to select it, then copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    For ODS:
    security execute-with-privileges /A*/OmniDiskSweeper.app/*/M*/* 2>&-
    For GP:
    security execute-with-privileges /A*/GrandPerspective.app/*/M*/* 2>&-
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad and start typing the name.
    Paste into the Terminal window by pressing command-V. You'll be prompted for your login password.
    The application window will open behind other open windows. When you scan a volume, the window will eventually show all files in all folders, sorted by size. It may take a few minutes for the app to finish scanning.
    I don't recommend that you make a habit of doing this. Don't delete anything as root. If something needs to be deleted, make sure you know what it is and how it got there, and then delete it by other, safer, means. When in doubt, leave it alone or ask for guidance.
    When you're done with the app, quit it and also quit Terminal.

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    The iphone is not a backup/storage device.

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