Why is it displaying negative value?

Hi friends when i tried to execute the following command
it is displaying the following answer.....
sql> select cos(60) from dual;
what's the reason to display negitive value for cos(60).....

As anish pointed out, most computer languages tend to work in radians rather than degrees....
  2    pi NUMBER(9,7) := 3.1415926;
  3  BEGIN
  4    -- There are 2*PI radians in a circle
  5    -- Therefore 2*PI = 360 degrees
  6    -- Therefore PI = 180 degrees
  7    RETURN (p_degrees/180)*pi;
  8  END;
  9  /
Function created.
SQL> with t as (select rownum-1 as degrees from dual connect by rownum <= 360)
  2  select t.degrees,
  3         round(sin(radians(t.degrees)),6) SIN,
  4         round(cos(radians(t.degrees)),6) COS
  5  from t;
   DEGREES        SIN        COS
         0          0          1
         1    .017452    .999848
         2    .034899    .999391
         3    .052336     .99863
         4    .069756    .997564
         5    .087156    .996195
         6    .104528    .994522
         7    .121869    .992546
         8    .139173    .990268
         9    .156434    .987688
        10    .173648    .984808
        11    .190809    .981627
        12    .207912    .978148
        13    .224951     .97437
        14    .241922    .970296
        15    .258819    .965926
        16    .275637    .961262
        17    .292372    .956305
        18    .309017    .951057
        19    .325568    .945519
        20     .34202    .939693
        21    .358368     .93358
        22    .374607    .927184
        23    .390731    .920505
        24    .406737    .913545
        25    .422618    .906308
        26    .438371    .898794
        27     .45399    .891007
        28    .469472    .882948
        29     .48481     .87462
        30         .5    .866025
        31    .515038    .857167
        32    .529919    .848048
        33    .544639    .838671
        34    .559193    .829038
        35    .573576    .819152
        36    .587785    .809017
        37    .601815    .798636
        38    .615661    .788011
        39     .62932    .777146
        40    .642788    .766044
        41    .656059     .75471
        42    .669131    .743145
        43    .681998    .731354
        44    .694658     .71934
        45    .707107    .707107
        46     .71934    .694658
        47    .731354    .681998
        48    .743145    .669131
        49     .75471    .656059
        50    .766044    .642788
        51    .777146     .62932
        52    .788011    .615661
        53    .798636    .601815
        54    .809017    .587785
        55    .819152    .573576
        56    .829038    .559193
        57    .838671    .544639
        58    .848048    .529919
        59    .857167    .515038
        60    .866025         .5
        61     .87462     .48481
        62    .882948    .469472
        63    .891007    .453991
        64    .898794    .438371
        65    .906308    .422618
        66    .913545    .406737
        67    .920505    .390731
        68    .927184    .374607
        69     .93358    .358368
        70    .939693     .34202
        71    .945519    .325568
        72    .951057    .309017
        73    .956305    .292372
        74    .961262    .275637
        75    .965926    .258819
        76    .970296    .241922
        77     .97437    .224951
        78    .978148    .207912
        79    .981627    .190809
        80    .984808    .173648
        81    .987688    .156434
        82    .990268    .139173
        83    .992546    .121869
        84    .994522    .104528
        85    .996195    .087156
        86    .997564    .069756
        87     .99863    .052336
        88    .999391      .0349
        89    .999848    .017452
        90          1          0
        91    .999848   -.017452
        92    .999391   -.034899
        93     .99863   -.052336
        94    .997564   -.069756
        95    .996195   -.087156
        96    .994522   -.104528
        97    .992546   -.121869
        98    .990268   -.139173
        99    .987688   -.156434
       100    .984808   -.173648
       101    .981627   -.190809
       102    .978148   -.207912
       103     .97437   -.224951
       104    .970296   -.241922
       105    .965926   -.258819
       106    .961262   -.275637
       107    .956305   -.292372
       108    .951057   -.309017
       109    .945519   -.325568
       110    .939693    -.34202
       111     .93358   -.358368
       112    .927184   -.374607
       113    .920505   -.390731
       114    .913545   -.406737
       115    .906308   -.422618
       116    .898794   -.438371
       117    .891007    -.45399
       118    .882948   -.469472
       119     .87462    -.48481
       120    .866025        -.5
       121    .857167   -.515038
       122    .848048   -.529919
       123    .838671   -.544639
       124    .829038   -.559193
       125    .819152   -.573576
       126    .809017   -.587785
       127    .798636   -.601815
       128    .788011   -.615661
       129    .777146    -.62932
       130    .766044   -.642788
       131     .75471   -.656059
       132    .743145   -.669131
       133    .731354   -.681998
       134     .71934   -.694658
       135    .707107   -.707107
       136    .694658    -.71934
       137    .681998   -.731354
       138    .669131   -.743145
       139    .656059    -.75471
       140    .642788   -.766044
       141     .62932   -.777146
       142    .615662   -.788011
       143    .601815   -.798635
       144    .587785   -.809017
       145    .573576   -.819152
       146    .559193   -.829038
       147    .544639   -.838671
       148    .529919   -.848048
       149    .515038   -.857167
       150         .5   -.866025
       151     .48481    -.87462
       152    .469472   -.882948
       153    .453991   -.891007
       154    .438371   -.898794
       155    .422618   -.906308
       156    .406737   -.913545
       157    .390731   -.920505
       158    .374607   -.927184
       159    .358368    -.93358
       160     .34202   -.939693
       161    .325568   -.945519
       162    .309017   -.951057
       163    .292372   -.956305
       164    .275637   -.961262
       165    .258819   -.965926
       166    .241922   -.970296
       167    .224951    -.97437
       168    .207912   -.978148
       169    .190809   -.981627
       170    .173648   -.984808
       171    .156435   -.987688
       172    .139173   -.990268
       173    .121869   -.992546
       174    .104529   -.994522
       175    .087156   -.996195
       176    .069757   -.997564
       177    .052336    -.99863
       178      .0349   -.999391
       179    .017452   -.999848
       180          0         -1
       181   -.017452   -.999848
       182   -.034899   -.999391
       183   -.052336    -.99863
       184   -.069756   -.997564
       185   -.087156   -.996195
       186   -.104528   -.994522
       187   -.121869   -.992546
       188   -.139173   -.990268
       189   -.156434   -.987688
       190   -.173648   -.984808
       191   -.190809   -.981627
       192   -.207912   -.978148
       193   -.224951    -.97437
       194   -.241922   -.970296
       195   -.258819   -.965926
       196   -.275637   -.961262
       197   -.292372   -.956305
       198   -.309017   -.951057
       199   -.325568   -.945519
       200    -.34202   -.939693
       201   -.358368    -.93358
       202   -.374607   -.927184
       203   -.390731   -.920505
       204   -.406737   -.913545
       205   -.422618   -.906308
       206   -.438371   -.898794
       207    -.45399   -.891007
       208   -.469472   -.882948
       209    -.48481    -.87462
       210        -.5   -.866025
       211   -.515038   -.857167
       212   -.529919   -.848048
       213   -.544639   -.838671
       214   -.559193   -.829038
       215   -.573576   -.819152
       216   -.587785   -.809017
       217   -.601815   -.798636
       218   -.615661   -.788011
       219    -.62932   -.777146
       220   -.642788   -.766044
       221   -.656059    -.75471
       222   -.669131   -.743145
       223   -.681998   -.731354
       224   -.694658    -.71934
       225   -.707107   -.707107
       226    -.71934   -.694658
       227   -.731354   -.681998
       228   -.743145   -.669131
       229    -.75471   -.656059
       230   -.766044   -.642788
       231   -.777146    -.62932
       232   -.788011   -.615662
       233   -.798635   -.601815
       234   -.809017   -.587785
       235   -.819152   -.573576
       236   -.829038   -.559193
       237   -.838671   -.544639
       238   -.848048   -.529919
       239   -.857167   -.515038
       240   -.866025        -.5
       241    -.87462    -.48481
       242   -.882948   -.469472
       243   -.891006   -.453991
       244   -.898794   -.438371
       245   -.906308   -.422618
       246   -.913545   -.406737
       247   -.920505   -.390731
       248   -.927184   -.374607
       249    -.93358   -.358368
       250   -.939693    -.34202
       251   -.945519   -.325568
       252   -.951056   -.309017
       253   -.956305   -.292372
       254   -.961262   -.275637
       255   -.965926   -.258819
       256   -.970296   -.241922
       257    -.97437   -.224951
       258   -.978148   -.207912
       259   -.981627   -.190809
       260   -.984808   -.173648
       261   -.987688   -.156435
       262   -.990268   -.139173
       263   -.992546   -.121869
       264   -.994522   -.104529
       265   -.996195   -.087156
       266   -.997564   -.069757
       267    -.99863   -.052336
       268   -.999391     -.0349
       269   -.999848   -.017452
       270         -1          0
       271   -.999848    .017452
       272   -.999391    .034899
       273    -.99863    .052336
       274   -.997564    .069756
       275   -.996195    .087156
       276   -.994522    .104528
       277   -.992546    .121869
       278   -.990268    .139173
       279   -.987688    .156434
       280   -.984808    .173648
       281   -.981627    .190809
       282   -.978148    .207912
       283    -.97437    .224951
       284   -.970296    .241922
       285   -.965926    .258819
       286   -.961262    .275637
       287   -.956305    .292372
       288   -.951057    .309017
       289   -.945519    .325568
       290   -.939693     .34202
       291    -.93358    .358368
       292   -.927184    .374607
       293   -.920505    .390731
       294   -.913545    .406737
       295   -.906308    .422618
       296   -.898794    .438371
       297   -.891007     .45399
       298   -.882948    .469471
       299    -.87462     .48481
       300   -.866025         .5
       301   -.857167    .515038
       302   -.848048    .529919
       303   -.838671    .544639
       304   -.829038    .559193
       305   -.819152    .573576
       306   -.809017    .587785
       307   -.798636    .601815
       308   -.788011    .615661
       309   -.777146     .62932
       310   -.766045    .642788
       311    -.75471    .656059
       312   -.743145    .669131
       313   -.731354    .681998
       314    -.71934    .694658
       315   -.707107    .707107
       316   -.694658     .71934
       317   -.681998    .731354
       318   -.669131    .743145
       319   -.656059     .75471
       320   -.642788    .766044
       321    -.62932    .777146
       322   -.615662    .788011
       323   -.601815    .798635
       324   -.587785    .809017
       325   -.573577    .819152
       326   -.559193    .829038
       327   -.544639    .838671
       328   -.529919    .848048
       329   -.515038    .857167
       330        -.5    .866025
       331    -.48481     .87462
       332   -.469472    .882948
       333   -.453991    .891006
       334   -.438371    .898794
       335   -.422618    .906308
       336   -.406737    .913545
       337   -.390731    .920505
       338   -.374607    .927184
       339   -.358368     .93358
       340    -.34202    .939693
       341   -.325568    .945519
       342   -.309017    .951056
       343   -.292372    .956305
       344   -.275637    .961262
       345   -.258819    .965926
       346   -.241922    .970296
       347   -.224951     .97437
       348   -.207912    .978148
       349   -.190809    .981627
       350   -.173648    .984808
       351   -.156435    .987688
       352   -.139173    .990268
       353   -.121869    .992546
       354   -.104529    .994522
       355   -.087156    .996195
       356   -.069757    .997564
       357   -.052336     .99863
       358     -.0349    .999391
       359   -.017453    .999848
360 rows selected.

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    Hi Kishore,
    You can do this method. In the screen , create a text field of CHAR instead fo creating an INT4 field.
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    Hi Navin,
    I hope you are working on BI 7.0. And this is a known issue from SAP and they have some notes to be applied for this to get the new %A functionality. What is happening here is, the denominator negative sign is not working and always it is taking an absolute value, i.e, only 1 in your case.
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    Your requirement ("-$18,970.50") is not so common and may have to do major changes to meet this....I will start using a textField rather than a NumberField and Format using scripting not using out of box functionality. Changing text color to red is easy and can be easily done using scripting again.
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    Hi Mike,
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    Check the Source where data is coming if it is negative value. If source has positive value, in Cube also it should be positive.
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    If you can treat the data shown in the smartform as CHAR, write the number with sign moved to the left.
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    create table Device(Did char(20),Dname char(20),Datetime char(40),Val char(20));
    insert into Device values('1','ABC','06/13/2012 18:00','400');
    insert into Device values('1','abc','06/13/2012 18:05','600');
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    insert into Device values('1','abc','06/13/2012 20:05','-32768');
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    Dname 18:00 19:00 20:00
    abc 400 -32768 -32768
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    SELECT Dname,
    MAX(DECODE ( rn , 1,val )) h1,
    MAX(DECODE ( rn , 2, val )) h2,
    (SELECT Dname,Datetime,row_number() OVER
    (partition by Dname order by datetime asc) rn FROM Device
    where substr(datetime,15,2)='00' group by Dname.
    According to above data expected result is
    Dname 18:00 19:00 20:00
    abc 400 600(or)800 1100
    This means I dont want to display negative values instead of that values i want to show previous or next value.
    Edited by: 913672 on Jul 2, 2012 3:44 AM

    Are you looking for something like this?
    select * from
    select dname,
           lag(val) over (partition by upper(dname) order by datetime) prev_val,
           lead(val) over (partition by upper(dname) order by datetime) next_val,
           case when nvl(val,0)<0  and lag(val) over (partition by upper(dname) order by datetime) >0 then
             lag(val) over (partition by upper(dname) order by datetime)
             lead(val) over (partition by upper(dname) order by datetime)
           end gt0_val
    from device
    order by datetime
    where substr(datetime,15,2)='00';Please take a look at the result_column gt0_val.
    Edited by: hm on 02.07.2012 04:06

  • Conversion error in Table control for Negative values

    hello all,
    Iam using table control with 6 columns and in that columns values are coming from Ztable. and out of that one column is of value which is input/output field and having negative value's also.type of that column is DEC.
    Now when i run the report dump occurs showing error message as COnversion Error.
    I think its because of negative value even the in attributes of that column i had selected With Sign checkbox.
    Now when i run the report then if in Ztable negative value is there then i want to display negative value in table control also.
    Please suggest me...
    Thanking you.
    Edited by: Hemant Baviskar on Sep 10, 2008 3:07 PM
    Edited by: Julius Bussche on Sep 10, 2008 1:13 PM

    Refer to following link:
    Table Control : Conversion error
    Amol Lohade

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    Is it possible to create a stacked verticle bar chart that can display a negative value below the bottom line? Currently, all of my my charts are displaying negative values as if they were positive and the only way to know that the value is negative is to hover over the bar and read the hint.
    Thanks in advance for your help,

    Hi Todd,
    Depending how you look at costs, it's not expensive.
    A single developer license of Anychart 5 costs USD 499.00 - 15% if you use the APEX15 promotion code.
    If you spend a couple of days trying to integrate with something else you easily went over that amount.
    So really, it depends in which perspective you look at it. The workaround with Excel, is that really an option? How long would it take for every person wanting to see that screen? How long would it take before you get to $440?
    Anyway if you wait till next year, Anychart 5 is included in APEX 4.0 and you have it out of the box.
    Just my thoughts,

  • Negative values in bubble chart?

    Is it possible or not? I would like to be able to display negative values in another color than the positive ones... Is there a native way to do so, or should I dirty my hand in another itemRenderer?
    It seems I get an error whenever I try to display negative values...
    Where is that magic property?

    You can use FillFunction for the bubbleSeries. Inside fillFunction, the data value can be accessed and decision on color can be made upon your custom logic of +ve/ -ve values.

  • Showing negative values in parentheses

    Hi Gurus,
    As per clients request, I am trying to display negative values in parentheses.
    I have editable input text field showing margin.
    If the margin is negative value, then it is display in parentheses with dollar sign($).
    my code is as below:
    <af:inputText value="#{bindings.margin.inputValue}"
    <af:convertNumber type="currency"/>
    However, margin may be in other currency.
    I want to get rid of the $ sign.
    Please help how to hide $ sign.

    if you know the currency, then you can EL in trinidad-config.xml to switch the currency formatting accordingly.
    Of course, this would not change it on a per row basis in a table.
    Other options are as explained in the convertNumber tag doc
    You could provide a code format pattern in which case the currency icon is not added. Or, you could provide a pattern and have it formatted as a number, not currency

  • Why is zero showing as a negative value?

    Does anyone know why zero is showing as a negative value?

    Hi Neil,
    Not really a bug, just a limitation of the mathematics involved.
    You're entering the numbers as base 10 numerals. Computers work in base 2, so before any calculation is done, each number must be converted to its base 2 representation.
    All of the calculations are done in base 2, then the results are presented as base 10, rounded to whatever precision you have set (or the defaut precision for currency amounts—to the nearer hundredth of the base unit). What you see is a rounded value, but what is actually in the cell is the result of the calculation, including the rounding errors inherent in the process.
    Those errors arise from a simple fact: Not all numbers in base 10 can be expressed exacty in base 2. (Not all numbers can be expressed exactly in base 10 either, but that's a different discussion.) Expression of numbers in the math underlying Numbers is accurate to 15 places (base 10), regardless of which side of the decimal point those places occur.
    Each of the "zeros" in your sums involves several pieces of data in the sum, not all of which can be expressed exactly in base 2. In two of the sums, the errors (if any) cancel out and there is no difference between the sum expressed to two decimal places and the same sum expressed to 15 digits. In the other three, this is not true, as can be seen below.
    The image is of your test table. Columns A, B, and C have been reduced i width, all non-sum rows have been hidden to reduce the image size, and the SUM cells have been set to show 30 places (the maximum permited in Numbers) after the decimal to ensure that all significant places are shown, and that the decimal points are lined up for easy comparison.
    Note that three of the results differ from their displayed (two decimal place) values. The largest difference is in the third value, the smallest in the forth. The absolute difference between expected and actual result in the third of these lies between the other two, but is more noticeable because the result is less than zero and carries the - sign because of that. The minus sign is not "inserted" (randomly) by the software; it's there for the same reason there's a minus sign in the cell containing -103.31 is in that cell: the value in the cell is negative.
    "If I replace the cells containing the duplicates eg. £269.57, £90.11 & £103.31 with numbers manually added together £539.14, £180.22, £206.62. - the software doesn't insert the negative."
    Nor does it "insert the negative" in the first cell displaying a "zero" result, or the cell displaying a 26.04 result. Replacing those six numbers with six (or three) others changes the translation errors for each of these pieces of the sum, and that changes the sum itself. In this case the cumulative error moved the result from being 'smaller' than expected to 'larger' than expected. The result is now slightly larger than zero, so the minus sign is not needed or appropriate.
    Here are two further examples. The sum shown is the one in row 130. The data is the same as in the original table except for rows 126 and 127.
    Original values:
    Two occurrences of -90.11 replaced with a 0 and -180.22 produced this change in the result. Still negative, so the minus sign wi still be there.
    Two occurrences of -90.11 replaced with -90.10 and 90.12:
    A surprise! The actual value is zero (to the limits of precision of the underlying math).
    But that's not (for the usual user) a predictable result.
    Depending what you are doing with the results, you may want to do the rounding proposed by Wayne. This will change the actual vaue in the cell to the displayed value ( 0.00), and will remove the minus sign.
    It's not a bug—Numbers follows ISO standards in its math—but you may wish to Provide Numbers Feedback to Apple regarding your (and others) user expectations. You'll find an item with that name in the Numbers menu in Numbers.

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