Why is my extension loading into others and not photoshop cc?

I am new to this whole Cloud thing. I downloaded an extension that said it was compatible with CC (Urban Symphony).  I then downloaded Adobe Extension Manager CC. When I go to install the action it's installing into "other" instead of Photoshop CC. Any ideas?

Hi Tami
Here are some of the backgrounds and images you are using on your pages, and their sizes:
http://www.heartdogstudios.com/heartdogstudios/Homefiles/backgroundimage1.png 850K
http://www.heartdogstudios.com/heartdogstudios/About%20Me_files/Biophoto-filtere d.png 446K
http://www.heartdogstudios.com/heartdogstudios/Images/background.gif 319K
http://www.heartdogstudios.com/heartdogstudios/Photographyfiles/backgroundimage1.png 479K
It's these that are causing the problem.
If you've already optimised the images, then once you drag them into iWeb, don't apply any effects within iWeb itself, otherwise you will turn it into a png again upon publish.
iMac 20" Intel Core Duo 2GHz

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    Chris CA,  62,910 points.  Dang...that's a lot of support.  Before I start, let me say Thank You!  You need to answer a lot of people's questions to achieve that.
    1)  You slightly misunderstood my letter through no fault of your own.  It was a generic compilation of information submitted by members of this discussion turned into a letter by me for use on the Apple Feedback site.  I myself did not receive an e-mail.  I actually was prevented from purchasing any more iTunes gift cards at a certain point and was given a cryptic response from the iTunes store that my request could not be processed.  It was only after investigation on my part that I found out the reason was the $100 max per 30 day rule.  I'd try to find where in the Apple's support site I did find that information...but, well, you are just going to have to trust me.  However, others in this discussion stated they received the information in an e-mail.  I used that fact in my letter as it seemed to create a less "cumbersome" feedback submission.
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    Adios amigos!
    Mr. Luigi

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