Why is SAPNW allow_start_program() erroring: Can't locate allow_start.al?

I get the same error with sapnwrfc-0.12 and 0.20.
I have the Java SAP GUI 7.1Rev4 installed and working.
The SAP 7.1 SDK is also installed and I can call many RFC's successfully.
The platform is Perl 5.8.8 RHEL5.
The error is:
"Can't locate auto/SAPNW/Connection/allow_start.al in @INC (@INC contains:..."
The problem is allow_start.al doesn't seem to exist anywhere and I'm doubting that it even should.
Here's the code.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
no warnings 'once';
use Data::Dumper;
use sapnwrfc;
my $CLIENT     = '096';#$self->
my %CONNECTION = ('ashost' => '',
          'sysnr'  => '00',
          'client' => '096',
          'user'   => '',
          'passwd' => '',
          'lcheck' => '1',
          'lang'   => 'EN',
          'trace'  => '0',
          'debug'  => '0',
#print Dumper(%CONNECTION)."\n";
my $conn = undef;
eval { $conn = SAPNW::Rfc->rfc_connect(%CONNECTION) };
if ($@) {
    print STDERR "RFC Connect Failed: $@\n";
#print Dumper($conn);
#These are transport programs for files (required by CHECKOUTVIEWX)

My objective is to download documents from the SAP DMS.
Note that I'm using the RHEL5 & Perl platform, not XP & .NET.
My understanding is that I need to use BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKOUTVIEWX and that that RFC won't work without the sapftp & saphttp transport programs.
So that's why I'm trying to do:
If you've got a better way I'm all ears.
Here's my beta code:
sub get_Bapi_Document_Getobjectdocs {
#PURPOSE:     Fetches the documents associated with a given work order
#ASSUMPTIONS: Both the sapnwrfc shared object libraries are installed and the
#             Perl interface to them (SAPNW::Rfc) are installed and working.
#RETURNS:     $cols:  Reference to List of column names (1D)
#             $rows:  Reference to List of data rows (2D)
#             $names: Reference to Hash of column names (1D)
  my ($opts) = @_;
  #Mandatory Options
  my $cols        = (exists $opts->{'-cols'})?$opts->{'-cols'}:return([],[],{});
  my $rows        = (exists $opts->{'-rows'})?$opts->{'-rows'}:return([],[],{});
  my $names       = (exists $opts->{'-names'})?$opts->{'-names'}:return([],[],{});
  #my $work_order_field = (exists $opts->{'-work_order_field'})?$opts->{'-work_ordert_field'}:'10001931';
  my $text_id     = (exists $opts->{'-text_id'})?$opts->{'-text_id'}:return($cols,$rows,$names);
  my $text_object = (exists $opts->{'-text_object'})?$opts->{'-text_object'}:return($cols,$rows,$names);
  my $text_name_components = (exists $opts->{'-text_name'})?$opts->{'-text_name'}:return($cols,$rows,$names);
  #Optional Options
  my $long_text_field        = (exists $opts->{'-long_text_field'})?$opts->{'-long_text_field'}:'work_instructions';
  my $long_text_exists_field = (exists $opts->{'-long_text_exists_field'})?$opts->{'-long_text_exists_field'}:undef;
  my $debug                  = $opts->{'debug'} || $opts->{'-debug'} || 0;
  #I've got to know where to put the long text in $rows otherwise this sub is pointless
  if(! exists $names->{$long_text_field}){return($cols,$rows,$names)}
   # use test server q0
  my $CLIENT     = '096';#$self->
  my %CONNECTION = (#'ashost' => '',
                    'sysnr'  => '00',
                    'client' => $CLIENT,
                    'user'   => '',
                    'passwd' => '',
                    'lcheck' => '1',
                    'lang'   => 'EN',
                    'trace'  => '0',
                    'debug'  => '0',
  #print Dumper(%CONNECTION)."\n";
  my $conn = undef;
  eval { $conn = SAPNW::Rfc->rfc_connect(%CONNECTION) };
  if ($@) {
    print STDERR "RFC Connect Failed: $@\n";
  #unshift @INC, '/opt/SAPClients/SAPGUI/bin';
  #unshift @INC, '/opt/SAPClients/SAPGUI7.10rev4/bin';
  #unshift @INC, '/usr/sap/rfcsdk';
  #unshift @INC, '/usr/sap/rfcsdk/bin';
  #These are transport programs for files (required by CHECKOUTVIEWX)
  my $rfc_getobjectdocs;
  eval { $rfc_getobjectdocs = $conn->function_lookup('BAPI_DOCUMENT_GETOBJECTDOCS') };
  if ($@) {
    print STDERR "RFC Function Lookup Failed: '$@'\n";
  #$debug && print Dumper($rfc_getobjectdocs);
  my $rfc_getdetail2;
  eval { $rfc_getdetail2 = $conn->function_lookup('BAPI_DOCUMENT_GETDETAIL2') };
  if ($@) {
    print STDERR "RFC Function Lookup Failed: '$@'\n";
  #$debug && print Dumper($rfc_getdetail2);
  my $rfc_checkoutviewx;
  eval { $rfc_checkoutviewx = $conn->function_lookup('BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKOUTVIEWX') };
  if ($@) {
    print STDERR "RFC Function Lookup Failed: '$@'\n";
  #$debug && print Dumper($rfc_getdetail2);
  for my $i (0..$#$rows){
      my $LATEST_VERSION = 'X';
      my $DATE = strftime( '%D', localtime );
      #my $DOCUMENT_PREFIX = '0000000000000000000';
      my $PORDER_PREFIX   = '0000';
      #my $MATERIAL_PREFIX = '00000000000';
      my $WORK_ORDER_OBJECT_PREFIX0 = 'H0001          000000000000';
      my $WORK_ORDER_OBJECT_PREFIX1 = 'H0001          000000000001';
      #my $MATERIAL_KEY              = 'MARA';
      my $WORK_ORDER_KEY            = 'PORDER';
      #Construct the work_order_object_key
      my $object_key = $PORDER_PREFIX . '10001931' . $WORK_ORDER_OBJECT_PREFIX0; 
      #Does need to be in the loop?
      my $fs;
      eval { $fs = $rfc_getobjectdocs->create_function_call };
      if ($@) {
           print STDERR "Create Function Call Failed: $@\n";
      #$debug && print Dumper($fs);
      #$debug && print Dumper($fs);
      # invoke the Function Module and then play with the results
      #my $MESSAGES = $fs->RETURN;
      #$debug && print Dumper($MESSAGES);
      #$debug && print Dumper($DOCUMENTS);
      for my $j (0..$#$DOCUMENTS){
          my $type    = $DOCUMENTS->[$j]->{'DOCUMENTTYPE'};
          my $version = $DOCUMENTS->[$j]->{'DOCUMENTVERSION'};
          my $part    = $DOCUMENTS->[$j]->{'DOCUMENTPART'};
          my $number  = $DOCUMENTS->[$j]->{'DOCUMENTNUMBER'};
          #print "$type,$version,$part,$number\n";
       #Does need to be in the loop?
       my $fs;
       eval { $fs = $rfc_getdetail2->create_function_call };
       if ($@) {
         print STDERR "Create Function Call Failed: $@\n";
       #$debug && print Dumper($fs);
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs);
       # invoke the Function Module and then play with the results
       #my $MESSAGES = $fs->RETURN;
       #$debug && print Dumper($MESSAGES);
       #$debug && print Dumper($DOCUMENTDATA);
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->COMPONENTS());#Output Table
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->CLASSALLOCATIONS());#Output Table
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->DOCUMENTDESCRIPTIONS());#Output Table...what Nick Uses
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->DOCUMENTSTRUCTURE());#Output Table
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->CHARACTERISTICVALUES());#Output Table
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->GETSTATUSLOG());#Output Table
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->OBJECTLINKS());#Output Table
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->DOCUMENTFILES());#Output Table...what Nick Uses
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->LONGTEXTS());#Output Table
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->WHEREUSEDLIST());#Output Table
       #$debug && print Dumper($DOCUMENTFILES);
          for my $k (0..$#$DOCUMENTFILES){
              my $application = $DOCUMENTFILES->[$k]->{'WSAPPLICATION'};
              if($application eq 'EXL'){
            #Does need to be in the loop?
            my $fs;
            eval { $fs = $rfc_checkoutviewx->create_function_call };
            if ($@) {
              print STDERR "Create Function Call Failed: $@\n";
            #$debug && print Dumper($fs);
               #print "$type,$version,$part,$number\n";
               my $ARGUMENTS = [{'DOCUMENTTYPE'    => $type,
                           'DOCUMENTVERSION' => $version,
                           'DOCUMENTPART'    => $part,
                           'DOCUMENTNUMBER'  => $number,
                  $fs->WSAPPLICATION([{'WSAPPLICATION' => $application}]);
                  $debug && print Dumper($fs);
                  # invoke the Function Module and then play with the results
                  #$debug && print Dumper($fs->DOCUMENTFILES_IN());#Output table
                  #$debug && print Dumper($fs->DOCUMENTFILES_OUT());#Output table
                  #$debug && print Dumper($fs->COMPONENTS());#Output table
                  #$debug && print Dumper($fs->WSAPPLICATION());#Output table
                  #Error Messages
                  $debug && print Dumper($fs->RETURN());#Output
           }#if($application eq 'EXL'){
          }#for my $k (0..$#$DOCUMENTFILES){
      }#for my $j (0..$#$DOCUMENTS){
  }#for my $i (0..$#$rows){
#  if($debug){
#    #Column Names
#    foreach(@{$cols}){print "$_\t"}
#    print "\n";
#    #Data
#    foreach my $row ( @{$rows} ){
#      foreach ( @{$row} ){
#     if( defined $_ ){print "$_\t"}else{print "\t"}
#      print "\n";
#  }#if($debug){
  return ($cols,$rows,$names);
}#sub get_Bapi_Document_Getobjectdocs {

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    The TechNet Sandbox forum is designed for users to try out the new forums functionality. Please be respectful of others, and do not expect replies to questions asked here.
    As it's off-topic here, I am moving the question to the
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    My Blog: Unlock PowerShell
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    F18Goose wrote:
    > When I updated my DW8 to the lastest update I found that
    I can not enable or
    > installed any extensions. I have also downloaded new
    extensions and tried
    > installing them using the Update Manager v1.7. However,
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    > the process to install an extension I get the error "
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    Thank you.
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    C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\Application
    Data\Macromedia\Dreamweaver 8\Configuration\Menus\menus.xml
    HD:Users:username:Library: Application
    Support:Macromedia:Dreamweaver MX
    So, how to to fix this issue. Sometimes you can uninstall all
    of your extensions and reinstall them one at a time.
    If that doesn't work, then you may be able to get away with
    deleting the Menus.xml file (make sure it is only the one within
    the username folder and not within the program install folder).
    Note: this action will cause any extension that added menu items to
    have those menu items removed. disabling and reenablign the
    extensions shoudl bring them back.
    Failing that, removing the user configuration folder (or even
    renaming it) may help. Note: This will cause all extensions to be
    removed from within Dreamweaver, so you'll have to reinstall.
    If none of that works, then you may have to resort to
    uninstalling DW, removing the user configuration folders, and then
    reinstalling DW.
    Danilo Celic
    | Extending Knowledge Daily :
    | Adobe Community Expert

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    1. Make sure software is up to date
    2. Make sure FaceTime is enabled; Settings>FaceTime
    3. Make sure Date and Time is correctly set; Settings>General>Date and Time>Set Automatically>On
    4. Make sure Push Notification is enabled
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    Siri has been a bit more erratic than usual in the last week or so. Apple has announced a major announcement for 9/12. Conclusions are left to the reader.
    Best of luck.
    (Occasionally from Lower Economy, Colchester County).

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